Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Thanks Alien!
If you want a real leg workout, try brick training. Bike 20k and then run 5k right after with less than a minute of rest.
No problem, and fuck that.
Thanks Alien!
If you want a real leg workout, try brick training. Bike 20k and then run 5k right after with less than a minute of rest.
I used to do the same thing but replace Bike with Run 2 miles to and from the gym. It was all fine and dandy until one time after my leg workout on the return run home my left leg seized mid stride and I went down face first. The muscle was spasming for a good 5 min before I could walk on it again.
When he's crying and leg pressing I laugh with the guy in the background every time.
Great day on the other end of this computer! I added some muscle ups back to my routine and they were surprisingly easy. I kept it low due to my previous shoulder trouble. Started with 3 and then just did one before my 10 regular pullups. Overall it was a total of 6 and I am pain free! It's a far cry from when I did 25-30 in the past but I honestly don't think I will go back to those days for fear of injuring my shoulder again.
When he's crying and leg pressing I laugh with the guy in the background every time.
I understand what he means about leg day. I usually end the session drenched in sweat from head to toe. I grind through it, and after my shower I feel victorious. Tired, but victorious.
It's the same on deadlift day minus the sweat.
I've been meaning to ask all of Fitness GAF, is anyone here capable of doing a full planche? (click on the word if you don't know what it is)
I've been doing some very preliminary experiments with different positions on the equipment I have available but it seems like a VERY hardcore move, I was wondering if anyone can tell us what moves are good as a preparation to eventually achieve the full planche. Every video showing a Full Planche shows a guy with massive arm/chest/shoulders so I am not going to achieve that anytime soon, but like with any advanced move, it's good to know what will it take down the line.
I know there are youtube tutorial but they are bullshit. The other day when I brought the topic of pistol squats, youtube suggested some "pistol squat tutorial" videos and they are incredibly stupid, like everything amounted to "just go down on your leg and try not to go off balance and just don't fall".. laughable, terrible tutorials.
and I think it's the same with that FP.
anyone there??????
I'd imagine you would do crow stands to get a feel for balancing on your hands but wouldn't know what step would be next.
You're out there stylin like a champion.
I only got 5![]()
Just remember, it's one of the harder lifts to improve bud. That's still good.
Okay I've got a question. Might sound a bit out there but here we go.
Is there a way to increase the size of your hands (fingers and palms) via training them? I've got quite small hands for a man (size 8) and I'd probably be a good piano player had I any music talent. Anyway it's my fear that at some point I get big enough that my smallish hands start to look weird in comparison.
So yes or no? Or do you think that big muscles/small hands don't look funny?
This brings up something I've wondered: do you guys always rerack all your weights? If I'm benching or squatting and when I'm done it's the only rack available, I rerack them all, but if there's multiple free areas, I'll typically leave the 2 45s, making it easier when someone who wants them comes over, at least that's my thought process. Thoughts? Am I doing it wrong?
Any tips on reducing Face Fat??
are there any special exercises for the same?
I've been meaning to ask all of Fitness GAF, is anyone here capable of doing a full planche? (click on the word if you don't know what it is)
Any tips on reducing Face Fat??
are there any special exercises for the same?
Any tips on reducing Face Fat??
are there any special exercises for the same?
If you have face fat you have too much fat everywhere. Lose weight. Lift weights. Etc.
I could be facing a weeks ban from the gym though. As I was finishing with the squat rack, I forgot to put my weights away. Which is subject to a week ban in my gym - one of the staff members actually came onto the floor to put my weights away. Normally, I do put them away, just because I'm not a dick. However, I was distracted by some dude who was squatting, but taking the bar out the opposite way. The pegs were behind him, and watching him trying to put the bar back was painful, because he couldnt fucking see them. Someone actually mentioned to him to squat the other way round, but he didn't take the advice on board, I think everyone was expecting him to seriously hurt himself, I know I was.
Any tips on reducing Face Fat??
are there any special exercises for the same?
A week long ban? Do you work out at the Gulag?
This brings up something I've wondered: do you guys always rerack all your weights? If I'm benching or squatting and when I'm done it's the only rack available, I rerack them all, but if there's multiple free areas, I'll typically leave the 2 45s, making it easier when someone who wants them comes over, at least that's my thought process. Thoughts? Am I doing it wrong?
Last night I started reading Starting strength (edition 2, dont judge), no the wiki but the actual book. Managed to read through the squatting section, upon reading it, I thought that even after getting better I was still doing it wrong. Even though I had always been going parallel/below parallel, the book mentioned the position of your back. Something I had never paid attention to, after reading about it, I was like "fuck my back has such a high angle", so in the gym today I tried doing it like to book and ended up trying to lean really forward during my squats which fucked me the fuck up. My squats were so bad today. I got home to practice my form in the mirror, I did it my normal way at first, well holy fucking shit, my back was at a really good angle doing it the way I was used to, I just had never seen myself from the side angle, so I had no idea. Second guessing myself really fucked me over.
I feel that maybe I have the bar too high though on my back, currently resting it just below the big ball at the top of my spine. Some dude in the gym actually mentioned to me about bringing it a little lower, I just don't have the flexibility at the minute though. Hands too, I normally had my hands positioned like I would on the bench (big middle finger on the ring), apparently thats a really wide grip, so I'm trying to bring it in a little more, starting by pinky finger on the ring.
Overall, even as I start to grow in confidence at the gym, I still feel new and I learn something, every session. I don't feel like such a dick when I fuck up, because at least I know i'll get better from it.
I could be facing a weeks ban from the gym though. As I was finishing with the squat rack, I forgot to put my weights away. Which is subject to a week ban in my gym - one of the staff members actually came onto the floor to put my weights away. Normally, I do put them away, just because I'm not a dick. However, I was distracted by some dude who was squatting, but taking the bar out the opposite way. The pegs were behind him, and watching him trying to put the bar back was painful, because he couldnt fucking see them. Someone actually mentioned to him to squat the other way round, but he didn't take the advice on board, I think everyone was expecting him to seriously hurt himself, I know I was.
This brings up something I've wondered: do you guys always rerack all your weights? If I'm benching or squatting and when I'm done it's the only rack available, I rerack them all, but if there's multiple free areas, I'll typically leave the 2 45s, making it easier when someone who wants them comes over, at least that's my thought process. Thoughts? Am I doing it wrong?
Good and bad workout at the gym this morning. The good was that I did 100x5 on OHP, the bad was that I couldn't squat 135. Might just reset the weight depending on how my next workout goes. It's frustrating having to lower the weight but I know that in the long run it's the right thing to do.
That is a large discrepancy.Good and bad workout at the gym this morning. The good was that I did 100x5 on OHP, the bad was that I couldn't squat 135. Might just reset the weight depending on how my next workout goes. It's frustrating having to lower the weight but I know that in the long run it's the right thing to do.
That is a large discrepancy.
Lets just say I ignored my legs all throughout high school, which was the last time I lifted somewhat seriously. I have a strong feeling that I started SS with my squats a little too high and didn't get a chance to get the technique and form down.
Lets just say I ignored my legs all throughout high school, which was the last time I lifted somewhat seriously. I have a strong feeling that I started SS with my squats a little too high and didn't get a chance to get the technique and form down.
Make sure your hips and butt extending backward is the first thing happening in your squats. And that when you get to the bottom you should "explode" from the hips. Like 80% of people who try to do squats do them wrong, so don't feel like you're "weak" for working on form and technique vs heavier weight.
Watch any of Mark Rippetoe's videos on proper squat technique if you need further explanation.
I honestly reccomend just practicing squats without the weight in your house, focusing on balance and getting your hips extended. When you get to the bottom of your squat position hold it for a few seconds to see if you can maintain balance. Your weight should be on your heals a bit, not on your toes/knees.
Your method seems sound. I only rerack all of the weights at my gym because only a handful of guys lift with anything resembling real weight. I'm talking grown men benching 65 lbs on the bench press.
I remember my freshman year of high school in gym class having a day on weight training. My friend who was considerably not-jocky was lifting with me and repped out 95 lbs like nothing. I couldn't even do the bar.hey come on, we all gotta start somewhere!
I remember my freshman year of high school in gym class having a day on weight training. My friend who was considerably not-jocky was lifting with me and repped out 95 lbs like nothing. I couldn't even do the bar.
I told him that lifting was dumb and I don't see myself ever using a gym.
....and my lower back just locked up in a set of deadlifts. fun times. fuck. hope i didn't hurt it.
You need to chill for a bit. Sounds like you're getting overuse injuries.
When's the last time you took a week off?I think you are right. taking off tomorrow for sure. maybe friday too.
The problem isn't that people are starting out IMO. I see way too many people at the gym not pushing themselves. I rarely see anyone struggle. People using way too much assistance on assisted pullups. If I'm spending an hour in the gym then I'm going to make it worth my time.hey come on, we all gotta start somewhere!
I remember my freshman year of high school in gym class having a day on weight training. My friend who was considerably not-jocky was lifting with me and repped out 95 lbs like nothing. I couldn't even do the bar.
I told him that lifting was dumb and I don't see myself ever using a gym.