Snap city is a reference to going to heavy and snapping something off. It's a joke, but basically don't go too heavy.I have been going to the gym for about a month buddy showed me the routine he used when he first started and I'm starting to want to branch out a bit.
Beginner Routines
Full Body
I recommend this one to all beginners, but furthermore, I recommend purchasing Starting Strength (listed in the links and referenced throughout this OP). It is one of the single greatest training resources out today. It combines science AND practice, and uses concepts that have been put into work with athletes since the 70's to help novices gained muscular bodyweight and increase strength. Get your copy!
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Abdominal work
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5
Bent Over Rows - 3 set of 5
Arm work, if desired
I want to try this thing out, but I'm more comfortable with dumbbells. Is this possible or will have to use bar and weights?
edit: doing some research on this...but wtf does 'snap city' mean? lol
Any beginner linear progression program worth a damn will have you using a barbell. You cannot make progressive gains without gradually loading more and more weight, thereby introducing more stress to your system causing adaptation, if you do not use a barbell. Dumbbells don't come in small enough increments and, even then, don't allow you to do program properly. Even if you're wanting to do curls, barbell curls (pronated and supinated grip) are great for increasing bicep strength and hypertrophy.