Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
If you have those interlocking plates it's not TOO bad
I'd just find a crossfitter and stand on him. Now that's functional strength!
If you have those interlocking plates it's not TOO bad
I'd just find a crossfitter and stand on him. Now that's functional strength!
nice plates
damn that all looks so good!
Yup, once I got a grill, I started buying meats all the time (from Costco). A little more expensive but worth it.
Tonight I'm making chicken, mixed with a horseradish, sriracha and ketchup sauce.
Alien, in the post pics of yourself thread you mentioned you're dropping weight, but doing conditioning work and maintaining your lifts. Are you referring to your cardio program when you say conditioning work?
I'd just find a crossfitter and stand on him. Now that's functional strength!
every time I think Crossfit is the dumbest thing in the world, there's always something that gives me pause
every time I think Crossfit is the dumbest thing in the world, there's always something that gives me pause
Back with another Protein deal for you cheap fucks!
5lbs of When for only $25 seems solid. I have my 50lbs so I don't know what shipping is, but a decent deal to be had!
Cod SITUP10 for an extra 10% off!
Thanks! Maybe I'm blind but where do you enter the coupon code?Back with another Protein deal for you cheap fucks!
5lbs of When for only $25 seems solid. I have my 50lbs so I don't know what shipping is, but a decent deal to be had!
Cod SITUP10 for an extra 10% off!
Lol, it actually comes with free " Build N.O. Lemon Lime, 10 Servings."I wonder if it comes with a free side of dianabol.
Thanks! Maybe I'm blind but where do you enter the coupon code?
I got to the credit card info part and the next step is Submit Order. Didn't see it. I'll try again later, gotta get back to work.It won't show up till you're in the checkout process I believe.
Yup. Shogun wins.
Still, cheap protein.
The most daunting thing about fitness regimes is trying to make sense of the nutritional guide. I'm the type of person that never reads the back of packaging
The most daunting thing about fitness regimes is trying to make sense of the nutritional guide. I'm the type of person that never reads the back of packaging
Definitely see a doctor dude...I had almost exactly the same symptoms as you are describing a few years back and it was a partially torn meniscus. If you catch it in time, you can rest and rehab.
Goddamn dude. All those things in it, I'm surprised it doesn't taste like dogshit.Since purchasing a Vitamix (best thing ever) i have been dialing in my morning and after workout shakes. My morning one is freakin amazing.
Whole Banana
Whole Apple
1 cup Dried Cranberries
1/4 cup Oatmeal
1/4 cup Fage Greek Yogurt
Big handful of Spinach
Decent Handful of Wheat Grass
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1 egg
Best breakfast smoothie I have ever had in my life.
Regarding deadlifts.
I cant believe I have not been doing these. I actually feel like such a moron.
Now, incorporating it into my weekly routine just in the past 5 weeks my overall strength for every exercise has increased substantially. Absolutely amazing.
Coconut oil. The lauric acid is anti-fungal (and anti-bacterial).
Is jogging first thing in the morning (before breakfast) advisable? I'm just trying to keep healthy and i don't have a particular goal. Actually i'm really skinny so i'd rather not lose weight.
Oh, i'm 21 if that's relevant.
I toyed with the idea of just randomly yelling "CROSSFIT" when I bench or something but I don't want to troll so hard I make people think I'm into that stupid ass shit.
Back with another Protein deal for you cheap fucks!
5lbs of When for only $25 seems solid. I have my 50lbs so I don't know what shipping is, but a decent deal to be had!
Cod SITUP10 for an extra 10% off!
On that note, I'm trying to get my supplements in order. I'm curious about BCAA, what's the deal with powder vs capsules? I hear powder doesn't mix well, but is it processed well if I mix it in a shake anyways? Just looking for more info.
Otherwise, for someone who eats tilapia and salmon 3-4 times a week, is fish oil still recommended?
Anything else I should be taking? I've been off creatine for a bit, I can tell the difference, will likely pick some up.
This just goes along with trying to get my diet even more in order, and I'm looking for guidance on what is good vs. snake oil. Thanks kids.
Looks like the 5 lb ones are gone now. Earlier it had both 2 lbs and 5 lbs. The 2 lbs looks just about as good though, depending on shipping.did they sell out or I am just missing the add it to the cart button?
I toyed with the idea of just randomly yelling "CROSSFIT" when I bench or something but I don't want to troll so hard I make people think I'm into that stupid ass shit.
Wait, what is wrong with crossfit?
every time I think Crossfit is the dumbest thing in the world, there's always something that gives me pause
Search "crossfit fail compilation" on Google.
At least thats what I think he means..
Oh, I see. A bunch of idiots with bad form and an unrealistic promotion of the concept gave CrossFit a bad image, basically?
Probably has too do with all the crazy random exercises with poor attention to form more than anything. That being said i am a runner and they have free classes where i work and it has defintely improved my stamina and endurance. The instructors always make stress the importance of proper form and technique to prevent injuries.I'm not an expert since Crossfit isn't a thing here in Finland.
But I'm guessing it also has something to do with charging ridiculous membership prices and I've heard that there's not really any proper programming.
But someone else probably can explain the hate better than me..
Squats in the morning suck. I don't see how people do this. I prefer to be awake for several hours before going to the gym but I had no choice today.
Accidentally put 360 on the bar instead of 370, so had to repeat my set. Should've drank some coffee
Search "crossfit fail compilation" on Google.
At least thats what I think he means..
I toyed with the idea of just randomly yelling "CROSSFIT" when I bench or something but I don't want to troll so hard I make people think I'm into that stupid ass shit.
I toyed with the idea of just randomly yelling "CROSSFIT" when I bench or something but I don't want to troll so hard I make people think I'm into that stupid ass shit.
Probably has too do with all the crazy random exercises with poor attention to form more than anything. That being said i am a runner and they have free classes where i work and it has defintely improved my stamina and endurance. The instructors always make stress the importance of proper form and technique to prevent injuries.
Posted in the P90X thread, but fielding opinions on fat burner supplements. I'm expecting mostly negative responses saying they're a waste of money, but curious if anyone has used them (in addition to working hard and eating right) and found them to be a useful addition. Likely staying clear myself but am curious what fitness-GAF thinks.
Posted in the P90X thread, but fielding opinions on fat burner supplements. I'm expecting mostly negative responses saying they're a waste of money, but curious if anyone has used them (in addition to working hard and eating right) and found them to be a useful addition. Likely staying clear myself but am curious what fitness-GAF thinks.
Kinda bummed about my workout this morning. Was looking forward to squat day...foolishly didn't warm up. My left knee seems a little tight/strained now when bending back up. It's like my patellar tendon is getting stretched or caught on something.
Is this from too much weight/not going down far enough? What's the remedy here? Just take a week or two off from squats?
Thanks, do I just rub it on?
Devo is a she.
I feel like thats contradictory based on Crossfit programming. Form breakdown is inevitable, no matter how conditioned or strong you are, when you are doing the kind of high volume work that Crossfit prescribes. I personally have not done Crossfit but from an outside observers perspective, there seems to be smarter ways to program strength and conditioning routines.
The Crossfit model seems like it would work better for movements and exercises that don't involve the main barbell lifts at heavy weights, IMO.