We all lift weights, like to get strong or big. Or maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum. Trying to lose weight, get lean/cut. In the end, we care about our bodies to get out and do something. Hobby, for fun, whatever. It is something we enjoy doing.
So I have a question for you. Have you guys taken a look at the Christina Aguilera thread (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=488912&page=5) and well. Is she fat? Do you consider her to be fat? I don't know, the comments there are annoying to me. I know it is just opinions but I still think she is very pretty. Is she bigger? Sure. But fat and as fat as people are trying to put her as? I don't think so at all.
If bigger is not your thing, then that is fine but I really don't see what the problem is. Maybe just a case of the internet being the internet.
We all lift weights, like to get strong or big. Or maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum. Trying to lose weight, get lean/cut. In the end, we care about our bodies to get out and do something. Hobby, for fun, whatever. It is something we enjoy doing.
So I have a question for you. Have you guys taken a look at the Christina Aguilera thread (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=488912&page=5) and well. Is she fat? Do you consider her to be fat? I don't know, the comments there are annoying to me. I know it is just opinions but I still think she is very pretty. Is she bigger? Sure. But fat and as fat as people are trying to put her as? I don't think so at all.
If bigger is not your thing, then that is fine but I really don't see what the problem is. Maybe just a case of the internet being the internet.
that's fat.
thick is a better word. i don't consider that fat.
would smash with the power of a barbell with 500lbs hitting the gym floor
I went and did a DEXA scan today ($90, BodyScan @ Melbourne AU).
13.1% bodyfat. Losing ~3KG more and I'm officially an athlete. Pretty happy about that.
I have quite higher muscle/lean mass and more dense bones than guys usually in my group.
Here are the scans:
Have you tried the group classes at 24 Hr?
Whats the consensus on BCAAs during workout? I've read that its a good idea but then again, you can't believe everything you read about supplements.
Whats the consensus on BCAAs during workout? I've read that its a good idea but then again, you can't believe everything you read about supplements.
that's fat.
Whats the consensus on BCAAs during workout? I've read that its a good idea but then again, you can't believe everything you read about supplements.
I take BCAA while fasted whether I train or not. 14g when I wake up, 14g 4 hours later, and 14g while I workout. Dunno if they help or not cuz I've been doing it for a year since I started training. Not going to switch now. If money was at all an issue then I'd drop them and I'll definitely drop them when I bulk.
I went and did a DEXA scan today ($90, BodyScan @ Melbourne AU).
13.1% bodyfat. Losing ~3KG more and I'm officially an athlete. Pretty happy about that.
I have quite higher muscle/lean mass and more dense bones than guys usually in my group.
Here are the scans:
This little guy has been taking up all of my time. And I freaking love it!
Training has taken a hit though. I went on a three day trip for work away from the wife and away from a decent gym. Got back and within a short time she went into labor. And even the week before that I had a rough training day where I did my minimum and called it good. Put it all together though and my 5/3/1 cycle went to shit fast. My "on" days were amazing but my "off" days were really off and far too frequent. One day of doing jack shit, one day of shit and a couple days where I had to miss training and I did what any sensible person would do.
On Tuesday I restarted the cycle from day one like nothing ever happened. Ill be home from the hospital tomorrow and I'll be able kick just as much ass as I did yesterday.
So if BCAAs are essentially useless, what is the best thing to take intra-workout?
So if BCAAs are essentially useless, what is the best thing to take intra-workout?
Who says you need intra-workout supplements?
I started doing their suggested routine, so far nothing to report, but I've only been doing it for a little over a week.Has anyone been following that "The Answer for Massive Calves" discussion that was posted here a few weeks ago?
Was just curious if anyone else decided to give it a shot, for the fun of it or whatever.
I started doing their suggested routine, so far nothing to report, but I've only been doing it for a little over a week.
People who are trying to sell supplements. I'm just wondering if its snake oil or actually helpful.
People who are trying to sell supplements. I'm just wondering if its snake oil or actually helpful.
My hams are perpetually sore. :\ Such a new feeling. I am worried my legs are gonna get bigger from all this shit. lol
Congrats, man!This little guy has been taking up all of my time. And I freaking love it!
A ton of squat sets, folowed by 4 sets of SL deads, entire workout was followed with stairs/cycling HIIT.lol. what did you do?
A ton of squat sets, folowed by 4 sets of SL deads, entire workout was followed with stairs/cycling HIIT.
Next day I do HIIT again. Then on Friday even more leg work, including some drop sets of leg curls. Then more HIIT. My legs kinda never get much of a rest until Sunday/Monday.
Also sorry for being a tad vague.
X post from weight loss thread.
Glad I started a strength program before my engagement shoot.
Before strength training
And after
X post from weight loss thread.
Glad I started a strength program before my engagement shoot.
Before strength training
And after
Gotcha. Yeah, my body would be done after that. But hey, you seem to be doing well. Keep it up.
Looking great dood. I remember you posting in another thread about first getting started. I think you wanted to lose fat and we had to convince you to go for strength training. At least, I think it was you. In any case, you look great. Keep it up.
Man, upper back/traps is sore after deads. Plus I did squats so the booty/quads are sore as well. Not a fun way to start your day lol.