About a year now but a few months went with dieting so I didn't really advance. I've been also benching a year.
Numbers at pretty pathetic 72,5kg / 160 lbs x 5.
I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time with pressing movements. My form was pretty bad for a long time (not enough arch and to steady enough) but I've finally fixed it I think. Summer was also pretty tough because I had a physical work and couldn't really eat as much as I would've hoped. My arms and chest have always been very weak due to lack of exercise so there's also that.
But the good news is that I've finally been making some progress with the bench during these last few months (after switching to Greyskull LP).
And I don't need any bitching from anyone about how my bench should be way higher after a year of training. I know that and I'm ashamed

But I guess slow progress is better than no progress..