Thanks for all the fantastic feedback guys. I was worried the diet and workout would be ripped to shreds.
Good luck with your mission! I have a couple of comments if that's okay.
1. You're really pushing the gym time. Will this be sustainable for the rest of your life? You may want to find alternatives, since I'm sure time is limited with two kids. 3-4x a week would do it.
2. You're probably going to need access to better equipment. While there are ways of getting some muscle without a lot of resistance as in you use your body, it's a lot harder.
3. The food you're eating seems very bland. Again, can you keep this diet up forever to some degree? If not, experiment with spices. Use cinnamon to make the oatmeal a little better. You don't need to eat like this to lose the fat.
4. If you end up at 160lbs at 6 ft, you'll probably look very skinny even with low body fat. A better goal might be 170 with 9-10 percent body fat and a little more muscle.
5. Be wary and understand that carrying around body fat in the single digits is tough. You may crave food constantly, hormonal changes can happen too (would not be surprised if brad pitt had issues with erections at his lowest body fat in fight club) and there's often a feeling of tiredness and coldness. I wouldn't go below 9 as it gets hard to sustain and at 9 you'll look ripped.
6. Caffeine won't hurt. Be sure to get some sleep though if you can.
1. Gym Time: Good call. I'm actually spending less than 30 minutes of isolated routines per day. Works up a good sweat and I can really feel it the next day. Someone mentioned earlier that I'm doing a lot of cardio, but it's really some pretty light-but-brisk walking during the week, with a couple of more intense stuff at the end of the week.
2. Better equipment: oh, definitely agreed. I'm saving up for a bench so I can at least do some better deadlifts, squats, and presses. Until then, I'm looking for a good pullup bar.
3. Bland food: I left out that I was seasoning everything, which is why I asked about the Oatmeal and not the Tuna, Chicken, or Fish. I use Otts Buffalo Wing sauce which has just a few calories (25?) a gram of fat, and a couple carbs per TBSP. That and a little mustard with some onions makes those Tuna Wraps freaking sublime. Then I have some really great salmon seasoning to give the fish a lot of really great, succulent flavor. The worst part is the oatmeal and the cottage cheese -- but now I have some ideas.
3A. Bland food II: The question of whether or not I can sustain this is a good one, but I'm being sensible. Cheat days, occasional dates with the wife, and a beer or several on the weekends will keep me sane. I had gotten into such bad habits (not eating in the morning, hot pocket for lunch, giant pops all day, and gorging for dinner) that it's really good for me to get back into a good way. I suspect I'll move into more of a sustaining diet with a lot more flexibility when I hit my target.
4/5. Height/Weight/Goals: Well, I fibbed a little. I'm really just a hair over 5'-11". I like your thoughts about getting that skinny, though, and they're noted. FWIW, my natural weight is 165 and I looked great. I just wanted to build up a bit more lean muscle and look really cut. The BF isn't
that much of a concern, I just want to look really, really fuckable, and less dad-like.
6. Caffeine/Sleep: yep, that's my problem. Getting about 5-6 hrs per night though. Not too bad.
Again, thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll try this for a few more weeks, will add some cinnamon and maybe some raisins to my oatmeal, will take it easy on the cardio, and will look for at least a bench and a pull-up bar. I don't
really want to look like Tyler Durden, but I do think there's something ideal about just being extremely lean and strong.