Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Is there any way to prevent callus formation due to dead lifting?
It's not that big of a deal, just peel/cut them off when they get bigger. I regularly pull heavy weight and have yet to have an issue.
Is there any way to prevent callus formation due to dead lifting?
I went from 165 to 150 since summer break started. I've been working out daily but I only have so much food at home and most of it isn't particularly healthy, makes it hard to build up muscle... :/
Though I'm back up to 156 now.
You got one of those blenders that can tear up anything? I think my blender motor would melt. It's pretty thick.Imma throw that shit in my blender and make some protein bars. I forgot all about this.
You got one of those blenders that can tear up anything? I think my blender motor would melt. It's pretty thick.
you dont need healthy food to build up muscle lol. just protein and calories.
thats my theory anyways.
hmm i will be playing basketball 1-2 times a week at a high intensity two days in a row as well as HIIT on saturdays. this should be interesting.
Reminds me of Track practice in high school, 100 degrees+ a lot of the time...holy shit my Gold's has the worst AC system on the planet. Was about 90 degrees today in the gym. Quickly went from "haha I'm a badass other pussies can't lift in this heat" to "oh my god I'm going to faint and I have a headache fuck me".
Still did my 5/3/1 + BBB though. The girl in the yoga pants next to me mentally pushed me through. I gain a lot of intensity on my lifts when there's a hot chick in the area because I don't want to look like a wuss lol
New leg press record of 695! And that was after squats (PR!) and deadlifts!
Plus, my weight is right where I want it to be at 199!
Oh yeahhhhh.
Yo folks, What do you guys drink after a workout, vanilla whey protein + water is kinda terrible tasting. I've usually had the protein mixed in a smoothie for breakfast but I wanna change it up to a post-workout thing.
I can substitute the water for skim milk right?
Yo folks, What do you guys drink after a workout, vanilla whey protein + water is kinda terrible tasting. I've usually had the protein mixed in a smoothie for breakfast but I wanna change it up to a post-workout thing.
I can substitute the water for skim milk right?
Thanks guys, we're cool.
Two other things for the experts:
1. I love my whey/skim shakes with a banana on the side, but would like to switch it up once in a while with a good protein bar. I used to have this amazing chocolate/icing thing (30G protein) but I'm pretty sure it was really fuckin carby (41G) and high on the fat (12G):
Any recs? Is that kinda bar better before or after a workout? If I'm trying to lean up would that bar over a whey shake be a bad choice? I'm just trying very hard to have a super-clean diet because I'm decently close to my goal already, and because I can adjust my diet pretty easily because I still have decent metabolism, considering.
2. I saw a thing to try Cassein protein shakes before bed (instead of something like cottage cheese). Why would that be better than whey, and what's the difference? guys,
In the old thread someone posted a website where you can keep track of your workouts.
I forgot to bookmark it and can't find the website anymore. Anyone have any idea of what it was? It wasn't myfitnesspal...
Benched 335 x 4 tonight!
So I'm 6'2, a big guy and my weight is 264 pounds. I want to lose 60 pounds at least, teach me GAF, how can I do this? I eat mainly 2 meals a day most of the time, breakfast 4 slices of bread with mostly cheese only every single day and we Puerto Ricans eat rice almost every single day for dinner with different combinations (beans, chicken, steak etc.) What exercises can I do to lose weight the easiest and what do I keep from my lame meals and which do I add? (I hate vegetables btw). Thanks GAF, I really want to lose the weight for my health and most importantly my self esteem.
Hate to break it to you, but 330x5 isn't that strong on the squat. It's achievable within a year, maybe less depending on the person. Good luck with your diet though.
This 14 year old kid was able to work up to a 300 pound squat. Its pretty good for a 14 year old, but I certainly wouldnt call it amazing. For a grown-ass-man, its not a big deal. People have been accidentally squatting 300 for 50+ years. Every man can squat 405.
Anyone ever have their locker broken into at the gym and you discover your pants are missing. Then after 10 minutes of searching you find them in the trash with your phone and wallet missing? Cause that happened to me yesterday.
=(, did you use a lock?
Anyone ever have their locker broken into at the gym and you discover your pants are missing. Then after 10 minutes of searching you find them in the trash with your phone and wallet missing? Cause that happened to me yesterday.
Yes. The lock was gone. Happened to two other guys too. One guy just lost the lock and nothing else, the other lost his car keys. I was the only one to have his pants thrown in the trash and lost my wallet and phone.
Worst part is I never activated the find my phone feature on my iphone. I thought I did when I activated icloud but I guess I never went in and hit that button. I did it for my iPad but not my phone.
Actually that was probably the second worst thing. I happened to have my social security card in my wallet yesterday. That was probably the worst.
Anyone ever have their locker broken into at the gym and you discover your pants are missing. Then after 10 minutes of searching you find them in the trash with your phone and wallet missing? Cause that happened to me yesterday.
Fuck that sucks.Anyone ever have their locker broken into at the gym and you discover your pants are missing. Then after 10 minutes of searching you find them in the trash with your phone and wallet missing? Cause that happened to me yesterday.
Yeah I bring my shit with me. I understand that you probably just went to straight to the gym from work?.....anyways sucks for you.
Did you tell the gym management? Just because they have signs up doesn't mean it absolve them from liability.
Brutal. I keep my wallet in my car and phone and keys on me. Since the gym is literally across the street, I never shower/change there.
Benched 335 x 4 tonight!
Yes. The lock was gone. Happened to two other guys too. One guy just lost the lock and nothing else, the other lost his car keys. I was the only one to have his pants thrown in the trash and lost my wallet and phone.
Worst part is I never activated the find my phone feature on my iphone. I thought I did when I activated icloud but I guess I never went in and hit that button. I did it for my iPad but not my phone.
Actually that was probably the second worst thing. I happened to have my social security card in my wallet yesterday. That was probably the worst.
Fuck that sucks.
Did you have a pin on your phone?
That really really does suck, don't even know how I'd feel if I were you.
And you're 100% sure find my phone wasn't activated??
Sucks man, sorry to hear that. At least you found your pants though.
Yes. The lock was gone. Happened to two other guys too. One guy just lost the lock and nothing else, the other lost his car keys. I was the only one to have his pants thrown in the trash and lost my wallet and phone.
Worst part is I never activated the find my phone feature on my iphone. I thought I did when I activated icloud but I guess I never went in and hit that button. I did it for my iPad but not my phone.
Actually that was probably the second worst thing. I happened to have my social security card in my wallet yesterday. That was probably the worst.
Yo folks, What do you guys drink after a workout, vanilla whey protein + water is kinda terrible tasting. I've usually had the protein mixed in a smoothie for breakfast but I wanna change it up to a post-workout thing.
I can substitute the water for skim milk right?
Are you exercising the same muscles two days in a row or something?So I really want to hit the gym again tomorrow for my goal of 3x per week, but my biceps/back/quad muscles are extremely tight and sore. Feels like they are locked in place. Anyone have any remedies for shizz like this?
I'm going to buy a new barbell but I am concerned that I am not buying a quality item. Do you think Dick's Sporting Goods fitness gear brand is good enough?
I already have an olympic set, this would be an alternatie set to use.
Yes. The lock was gone. Happened to two other guys too. One guy just lost the lock and nothing else, the other lost his car keys. I was the only one to have his pants thrown in the trash and lost my wallet and phone.
Worst part is I never activated the find my phone feature on my iphone. I thought I did when I activated icloud but I guess I never went in and hit that button. I did it for my iPad but not my phone.
Actually that was probably the second worst thing. I happened to have my social security card in my wallet yesterday. That was probably the worst.
So my belt came yesterday, got the one Shogun recommended from EliteFTS. Now I'm curious which lifts I should be using it for. For big lifts I do Squats, Deads, OHP, Bench, laying tricep extentions (I know rip considers them the 4th big lift), and power cleans. I assume squats and deads, but I've heard talk of the other lifts as well.
So my belt came yesterday, got the one Shogun recommended from EliteFTS. Now I'm curious which lifts I should be using it for. For big lifts I do Squats, Deads, OHP, Bench, laying tricep extentions (I know rip considers them the 4th big lift), and power cleans. I assume squats and deads, but I've heard talk of the other lifts as well.
I use mine for OHP/Military press, Bench, Squad and Dead. (so all the main lifts.)
Also, take a week or so breaking that thing in.