I take full credit for the beard revolution sweeping fitgaf.
I think if I can cut down to his bf%, that would be perfect. He looks to be what? 13/14%? Maybe a bit less? A bit lean but still look strong and built which is what I want to do.
And dood, you look great. I am jealous of your physique.
Following the 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass ratio requires tons of protein. Anyone else having trouble getting that in. Not in terms of availability, but in terms of hunger. Eating that much protein leaves me really full.
Muscle Maker Grill in New Jersey (of course we'd invent this chain) was great post-workout food, especially if there was a special deal on just getting wraps for like $4-5. Wish I had one near me in NYC, though I do get to eat it for lunch at work everyday.
Found it, and it's much cheaper too.
Well, this is how I've been organizing my protein intake. Please note that this is a rough estimate of my daily intake during my workout days.
8 am - 9 am: Breakfast consisting of at least 4 egg whites. Each egg white is about 3.5-4 grams of protein. Let's say 3.5 for the low ball figure. I also occasionally have some turkey sausage, which has more protein, but I'll leave that figure out for now.
Total = 3.5 * 4 = 14
12 pm: Lunch consisting of at least chicken breast. Four oz. chicken breast has about 30 grams of protein. I usually eat the chicken as a sandwich or a salad.
Total = 30
3 pm - 4 pm: Pre-workout protein shake. Two scoops of Whey at 25 grams each.
Total = 2 * 25 = 50
6:30 pm: Post-workout protein shake. Same two scoops.
Total = 2 *25 = 50
9 pm: Light dinner consisting of mainly chicken and sometimes fish. I'll assume the same amount of protein as lunch.
Total: 30
11 pm - 12 pm: One scoop of Casein at 24 grams.
Total: 24
Grand Total: 198
I currently weight about 190.
So in other news I've been contemplating about going back to GSLP from RPT for the last stretch of my cut. I switched to RPT in hopes of it being a better cutting program but I've just managed to lose strength for the last month even though I've been eating way more. Everything went pretty awesomely with GSLP 5x,5+ rep scheme for weeks and took a turn for worse when I switched programs.
If I were to go back to GSLP would the two set rep scheme be enough to spare lean mass while training twice a week?
Bench 5x, 5+
Deadlift 5+
Press 5x, 5+
Squat 5x, 5+
Any thoughts? Doing the third set isn't a problem if it's not too much volume..
Does anyone have any idea about how bad BCAA is for your teeth? Is it acidic enough to be concerned about like it is with soda?
I'd be interested to try it as a PWO instead of whey but if it is a risk for my teeth I'll skip.
HA! I just watched his match with Davey Richards the other day.
He's higher than that. Probably 15-17%. My friend has the same physique and I'm trying to get close to that too. When we stand on a scale that says body fat % it says 20%. Getting that physique though means not caring about physique, it's more about getting strong having a strong back and you will look close to that.
Hate to repost but since my questions got left few pages back already I'll do it. Anyone got some advice?
All day every day.
Ah. If a only owned a car. I live in New York, so no need to and prohibitively expensive. Garage fees are around 3-400 bucks a months.
I do Trader Joes/Whole Foods, so my shopping is twice a week.
Those Tyson pre-grilled chicken strips are really good, and convenient, but they cost like 3 times as much as the raw chicken breasts....
All day every day.
Oh how I'd kill for a Costco.
BJ's it is. Need to take a drive soon, the closest one closed up shop unfortunately.
Have access to an extra freezer now so the temptation to stockpile is great.
My hands after Deadlifting 395lbx6:
Calluses are perfectly manageable if you grip the bar correctly.
Back from grocery shopping
nice. Whats a nice max to shoot for? Last year i hit 2x bodyweight on 1 rep (165lbs for 335lb lift)
Oh how I'd kill for a Costco.
BJ's it is. Need to take a drive soon, the closest one closed up shop unfortunately.
Have access to an extra freezer now so the temptation to stockpile is great.
What's the quality of their meat, poultry and fish like (fresh and/or frozen)? Do they have organic/free-range/grass-fed/etc options?
Buying huge bags of stuff and freezing most of it for later just seems so convenient...
Yeah, I think they're like 15.00, while the raw ones are 20.00 for ten pounds. But you can't beat that convienence factor. I usually throw them in the microwave while I'm cooking breakfast.
That tyson stuff is kind of bleghhkdfjgdg . I mean no disrespect what so ever, but I assure you that you will notice the difference if you eat healthy animals. And from a culinary standpoint, do you really want some dip shit from tyson cooking your food? Proper chicken is only like 1 to 2 dollars more per pound, are you not worth the extra few dollars?
But hey you cant beat the convenience
Making those sweet potato hash browns tonight. Let's hope I don't fuck it up.
Are those the sweet potato hash brown Justin from 70sbig cooks?
They are fucking delicious.
Muscle Maker Grill in New Jersey (of course we'd invent this chain) was great post-workout food, especially if there was a special deal on just getting wraps for like $4-5. Wish I had one near me in NYC, though I do get to eat it for lunch at work everyday.
Why does everyone have to talk about food? Just listening to it makes me gain weight. That is how bad my metabolism is. I workout like a freaking crazy guy(crazy cardio and weights), and eat under maintenance and still gain weight. I guess my diet is just that messed up. Sucks I am taking a break from lifting to let some nagging injuries hopefully heal but I am still stretching and lifting body parts that are fine.
There's one 5 mins from my gym, never would have known....50g of protein in their Chicken Sandwich? Will be going there soon.
Where in NYC are you?
Yeah just watch your depth, that second video the last few looked high to me. First one too you seem to get higher as the reps go on. Overall looked fine to me though. Get some shoes and just keep hitting it and trying to improve.
I don't think it's that bad here, might just be a little flexibility issue. Just pointed it out so you could watch out if it gets worse when the weights get heavier. Searched on youtube and found this video about the issue:
Re-do the the bench video, can't see the position of your hands or arms. Can't see anything really.
Personally, I think you should squat a little lower, but thats just me, ass to grass.
What exactly about Cardio is bad for lifting? Berkhan advises against it, which goes against just about everything else I've ever heard / read about losing weight.
I don't exactly have a choice in the matter (have to get better mile times) so it's moot for me,
I just don't see how running on my off days will kill Leangains.
The one thing that bothers me is my "gut". I may not have one but when I eat a lot, I bloat out hard and it is quite evident. At the same time, when I am just sitting, it just pours over. I'm sure the amount of carbs I am eating is attributing to that and when I cut it out and increase the fats, I will feel better. If that makes any sense.
What exactly about Cardio is bad for lifting? Berkhan advises against it, which goes against just about everything else I've ever heard / read about losing weight.
I don't exactly have a choice in the matter (have to get better mile times) so it's moot for me,
I just don't see how running on my off days will kill Leangains.
What exactly about Cardio is bad for lifting? Berkhan advises against it, which goes against just about everything else I've ever heard / read about losing weight.
I don't exactly have a choice in the matter (have to get better mile times) so it's moot for me,
I just don't see how running on my off days will kill Leangains.
What exactly about Cardio is bad for lifting? Berkhan advises against it, which goes against just about everything else I've ever heard / read about losing weight.
I don't exactly have a choice in the matter (have to get better mile times) so it's moot for me,
I just don't see how running on my off days will kill Leangains.
Just do both, there are too many competing ideas out there on everything in the lifting community. The NFL and NBA exist, so lifting and cardio can't be all that bad, and a lot of sprinters lift as well.
Making those sweet potato hash browns tonight. Let's hope I don't fuck it up.
Did I miss the post with the recipe? Can you point me to a link? Sounds delicious.
Noema, in your link he says it should take a few months to squat 1.75x your body weight and DL 2x. A few months??? Really knocked me down a few pegs :'(
Remember to use generous amounts of cinnamon and butter.![]()
Cardio can definitely kill your gains if you're going balls to the wall in terms of intensity and on several days of the week. I think its all about moderation and defining your goals. If you're trying to increase strength, then its probably best kept to a minimum. If you do insanity your endurance may go up but you'll get weaker in the long run albeit more leaner. Opportunity cost.
Noema, in your link he says it should take a few months to squat 1.75x your body weight and DL 2x. A few months??? Really knocked me down a few pegs :'(
Just stay consistent and keep progressing