Skin is funny. it's one, big, giant organ that surrounds your entire body. It's weird that you can get big in one spot, properly adjust, and then a slight increase in another location can cause issues.
If you don't mind using tanning beds, some lotion and a few shades of darkness can cover it up. Keeping it moisturized can repair some of the damage. Besides that, all you've got is surgery or the body healing itself (if you're lucky it can actually go away completely).
Blackflag, there's two options that I know of. One that is near the strip and one that is "near" the strip. The first is Las Vegas Athletic Club, however I don't know about it's squatting situation and it has a bit of a rep around here as a spot where less that desirable (prostitutes) work out. Last time I checked it out a few months ago it was pretty fucking filthy. However, if you can drive just a bit, there's a Gold's near Stephanie street down on 215 where I work out. Really clean, two Squat Racks, one cage, and you can use chalk if you don't make a huge mess. I love the place. Plus, tanning! Even at it's busiest, I've never seen all the racks/the cage full and people there seem to be in the mode to kick ass and leave.
Stay out of the heat. It's fucking hot out here.