Maybe someone in this thread can answer this for me. A few people at my job keep harassing me about Body By Vi like this shit is the only workout/diet routine that works. One guy in particular claims he lost 20 pounds but looks exactly how he always looks. Seems like a scam. If this stuff legit? I was actually looking to get into some core training and toning workouts (I'm skinny) but they are even telling me I need to drink these shakes. They just seem like low cal meal replacements. Shouldn't I drink high protein shakes ? My diet is pretty healthy consisting of a lot of chicken, brown rice, fruits and veggies, my only weakness is froyo but my goal is to tone not loose weight.
I have a client's office in Vegas that all do these shakes and every single one of them always try and pressure me into buying some. Ironically, they are all incredibly unhealthy middle aged women. I am a young, fit, healthy male with vascular arms and <4% body fat, yet every time I make the trip up there to see them, they look exactly the same and continue to tell me how I need to buy some "for my health".
Note that this is a tiered business model (pyramid scheme) so they get a commission check of sorts if they sell it to you. Don't buy into the bullshit. I'm sitting at my desk right now and looking at the back of one of the sample packets they gave me. It's just a hodgepodge of soy/whey protein, some vitamins, some aminos, maltodextrin, etc. It's a glorified protein shake like Muscle Milk. Just buy a Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard tub of whey if you want the protein.
As someone who used to be 6'2" and 119lb >17% body fat with some serious metabolic issues, if you're at all interested in getting yourself into fighting shape with the least amount of effort, the easiest way to do it is to monitor your macros with, lift HARD 2-3x a week for 30m, and ease into a modified paleo diet while making dietary adjustments as needed. You'll see results in <2 weeks and look like a different person in <3 months.
Cliffs: Body by Vi can suck it.