I ate substantially today, and it definitely wasn't mental. I was pushing myself like crazy, just couldn't get anywhere.
Hey guys. Do you ever have days where you're significantly weaker than normal, for no apparent reason? Today was an absolute shocker.
The Rule of Five
I have a little formula concerning workouts which I call the "Rule of Five."
In a group of five workouts, I tend to have one great workout: the kind of workout that makes me think that in just a few weeks I could be an Olympic champion and Mr. Olympia. Then, I have one workout that's so awful that the mere fact I continue to exist as a somewhat higher form of life is a miracle. Then, the other three workouts are the "punch the clock" workouts: I go in, work out, and walk out. Most people experience this.
Squatted 100kg 3x5 yesterday!
It has only been 5 months since I ever started squatting at 40kg, the last month was slow increments of 1kg a session, and it just happened that my last session before travelling for vacation was finally 3 digits! (posting from the airport actually)
And I felt strong doing it, even did a sixth rep in the last set, I know I will be able to keep putting weights on next fall.
Joe Rogan (UFC commentator) recommends kettle bell workouts a lot, saying as they're full body they really help with BJJ and also with grip. Also bodyweight hindu squats (200 a set!), sometimes people forget how useful bodyweight workouts can be, especially for martial arts.Hi guys. Anyone have any suggestions on good regimes to support BJJ training? I'm currently doing two, two hour BJJ sessions a week that leave me pretty wrecked the next day. Then I'm doing Stronglifts, but typically only do two sessions per week, as opposed to the three they recommend. Then I go running at the weekends.
I've kind of plateaued on my squats, deadlifts and bench unless I start cheating on form. My numbers for 5x5:
Squat: 92.5kg
Bench: 90kg
DL: 135kg
I'm 6'5", 86kg. I probably don't eat enough protein if I'm being honest with myself. Any advice welcome!
Would Insanity Workout be suitable for someone used to exercising, but not being a veteran? I do pilates 4-5 times a week for one hour, most of the time I have slight difficulties finishing the sets. However I am not overweight, rather skinny. Would like to build up my muscles and belly abs.
I'm currently 1.72m, weight is 71-72kg.
The problem I am having is simply pilates are turning out to be too boring. I cannot exercise more than one hour, and I need to do it mostly at 6am. So I was looking for something to get me "pumped up" for the day. Hope it helps.
I don't really think Insanity or P90X are meant to put on muscle. They're meant to burn a lot of calories. You might gain a bit of strength with them, but I think if you want to put on some muscle, the advice in this thread will be to join a gym and look at the Starting Strength routine in the OP. Those lifts will build up your core (abs) more than anything, I think.
Thanks for the advice. The problem is I do not have time for the gym. I work 9am-5:30pm, then I'm off to language class, back home at 10pm. That's on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday I go to see my GF for the weekend, she lives in another city. Going to the gym for one day a week makes little sense and is a waste of money.
Because of that I am limited to what I can do at home, let's say 6am-7:15am, 10pm-11pm.
Thanks for the advice. The problem is I do not have time for the gym. I work 9am-5:30pm, then I'm off to language class, back home at 10pm. That's on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday I go to see my GF for the weekend, she lives in another city. Going to the gym for one day a week makes little sense and is a waste of money.
Because of that I am limited to what I can do at home, let's say 6am-7:15am, 10pm-11pm.
Well just by leaning up and doing Insanity, you'll be showing a lot more muscle. If you want that 6 pack though, it's going to be diet more than anything.
Just go before work.
Eh, that what I was afraid of. I do not have much time to make food + am not that good at cooking + a lot of the products you guys mention are simply not available in Germany. I will try though, if you want to change you need to put an effort.
Has anyone ever made Spaghetti Squash before? I'm excited to try it.
Living off carbs is BS. Chicken can be bought some places for $2 a pound, even as low as $1 with a coupon. George Foreman that shit and you've got meals for days. Add in some veggies and you're golden.
Chicken breast is normally $9/lb where I am. $4.99 when it's on sale.
I eat lots of meat...I can afford it. But hey, it costs me about $3-5 a meal. If I were living off carbs and instant food, I could spend well under $1 a meal.
If you don't have time to cook, get yourself a grill and grill a bunch of chicken days ahead of time.
If budget is a concern and you're essentially living off carbs (bread, pasta, rice), then it's going to be tough to put on any muscle, really. You need protein.
Living off carbs is BS. Chicken can be bought some places for $2 a pound, even as low as $1 with a coupon. George Foreman that shit and you've got meals for days. Add in some veggies and you're golden.
What the fuck? You live in Canada right? That's absurd.
Yesterday was day two of having a burning sensation in region of my left groin while doing squats. My fear is that it's beginnings of a hernia.
The first time it happened I was squatting 188 LBs (my body weight) and then I made it to 193 next session with the same issue. The positive is that I scaled back down to 188 and had no problems. It seems I might have to decrease the weight slightly and just go for more reps for now before testing the waters again in a few weeks.
Anyone else have this issue?
Has anyone ever made Spaghetti Squash before? I'm excited to try it.
Living off carbs is BS. Chicken can be bought some places for $2 a pound, even as low as $1 with a coupon. George Foreman that shit and you've got meals for days. Add in some veggies and you're golden.
Yep. In the capital no less. Prices for meat here are absurd. Boneless skinless chicken breast is $8.99/lb. Rib eye steak is $32.99/lb (though thankfully, I was able to find a Middle East butchery that sells theirs for $19.99/lb). Lean ground beef is usually about $4.99/lb - $5.99/lb.
Having some trouble with my squats.
I've been doing the Starting Strength program over the last two plus weeks. As Rip suggests, I've added 10 pounds to my squat every workout session. I'm now up to 215 from a modest starting point of 155. The past two sessions, I've had difficulty 1) getting proper hip drive without getting my back all messed up (it seems like I am putting a lot of stress on my back when I am coming back up) and 2) my legs/knees have been sliding in under my torso from the 30-degree outward position when I push the weight back up. They sort of go in, then up.
Any tips to remedy this?
Also, what is a reasonable expectation as to when the 10 pound addition will prove to be too much? I feel like I'm close to the point where another 10 pounds is going to be too much, but Rippetoe seems to suggest that the 10 pound increase should last more than two or three weeks.
I wish it was that cheap in England. It costs me the equivalent of $4/lb here, and I buy my chicken in massive 20kg bulk packs. It'd cost much more if I bought chicken in smaller quantities. It really sucks.
Where do you buy from? I bought a kilo of minced beef for £7 from Mozzers the other day. Made up a batch of Silver Hydra's meat slop and that's dinner sorted for the week for about ten quid.
Petrie's idea worked!
Yesterday I stopped at a Wawa and got 2 protein plus bars. They were buy 1 get 1, so that was an extra 600 calories, 60g of carbs that I don't normally have. This morning? 3 pounds lighter. Back to being clean, let's see if this sparks my weight loss.
Thanks for the advice. The problem is I do not have time for the gym. I work 9am-5:30pm, then I'm off to language class, back home at 10pm. That's on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday I go to see my GF for the weekend, she lives in another city. Going to the gym for one day a week makes little sense and is a waste of money.
Because of that I am limited to what I can do at home, let's say 6am-7:15am, 10pm-11pm.
I'm thinking of picking up some BCAA powder to help with my workout recovery. Good idea? My friend swears it helps his recovery quite a bit, so I'm curious to try it for myself.
Has anyone ever made Spaghetti Squash before? I'm excited to try it.
Living off carbs is BS. Chicken can be bought some places for $2 a pound, even as low as $1 with a coupon. George Foreman that shit and you've got meals for days. Add in some veggies and you're golden.
I have no idea if I want to buy chicken that is $1 a pound lol.
My new love is lean Italian Seasoned Ground Turkey. Made me some spaghetti last night and it is amazing.
Gotta eat big to get big. LET'S GO!
Costco is where it's at for buying food.
I'm about to get iForce Protean Vanilla Mint flavor. I've heard amazing things. Also I just started IF like 3 weeks ago and now it's integrated seamlessly into my lifestyle. I've been doing around 19 hours of fasting and 5 of eating and it's going great. How is it going for you guys? Any good results?
Thanks for the advice. The problem is I do not have time for the gym. I work 9am-5:30pm, then I'm off to language class, back home at 10pm. That's on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday I go to see my GF for the weekend, she lives in another city. Going to the gym for one day a week makes little sense and is a waste of money.
Because of that I am limited to what I can do at home, let's say 6am-7:15am, 10pm-11pm.
Unfortunately many of us don't have them around.
I found protean overrated. It is a super thin consistency which I don't link. The mint is pretty good though, much better than the red velvet cake.
I prefer Trutein. It is kinda expensive butit is the best protein I've ever had. It is thick how I like it and I don't get hungry for a while after I take 2 scoops.
Can't go wrong with really any of their favors. They have a limited edition mint coming out next month. I think the best is cinnaBun.
It's great to cook with too. I made trutein waffles last night. 397 calls 41g protein, 40 g carb, 9g sugar, 9 g fat for 5 squares. I made it with banana cream trutein and they were delicious.
1/2 cup oats ground in blender.
1 scoop trutein
1 whole egg or 2 egg whites
5 oz skim milk.
Blend and grill in waffle iron
You're missing out man, although I like Wegmans too.
Stuff like a 5lb rotisserie chicken for 5.00, 10 pounds of tenders for 20.00, 5 pounds of green beans for 3.00, 12 turkey burgers for 11.00, 100 eggs for 8.00...I could go on. Most recently I got a huge bag of frozen wild blueberries. Fucking delicious stuff.
I'd write to your councilmen and demand a CostCo![]()
Wait, your Costco charges more for a rotisserie chicken?
2lbs of this, $20 at target. Lasts two 1-scoop shakes per day for about two or three weeks. Tastes freaking great with skim milk, shaken and poured over ice. I eat a banana at the same time. So good.
warning: has sucralose.
2lbs of this, $20 at target. Lasts two 1-scoop shakes per day for about two or three weeks. Tastes freaking great with skim milk, shaken and poured over ice. I eat a banana at the same time. So good.
warning: has sucralose.
If your protein powder is super thick doesn't that just imply it's a weight gainer (carbs in it as well), not a simple protein shake?
*note, I don't know anything about Trutein and can't access the site from work atm.
wtf...a 2lb rotisserie chicken costs $9.99 here. ;_;
Costco's a bit better with a 2.5lb rotisserie chicken for $7, but it's still not great.
All this protein seems like such a ripoff after making the initial investment in 50 lbs of the true nutrition recession whey online. I paid less than $8 a lb shipped for stuff with no added sweetners or anything. If you're serious at all, it's worth the initial investment.
Coupon codes easily found online to drop the price a bit more. If you're going to use it anyways, the overall cost is cheap.
So you you have to add flavor or something? Whats it taste like if I just throw it in a shaker right after my workout?