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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Was planning on my carb nite being once a week on a workout day, but I need it more often? Hmm. I guess I'll see how the first one goes. Maybe this isn't what I want to do (make my workout program actually add muscles)
Carb Nite isn't for adding muscle. It was designed to maintain as much muscle possible while losing fat. Carb Backloading is to add muscle with gaining as little fat as possible.
Can I just say how much I love guys that stack the squat bar do 1 rep then sit down and read a magazine for 5 min before going for a second set.

True Athletes.

Can I just say I love guys who think every other lifter needs x amount of time to properly recuperate from a set, since, obviously, we're all on the same system with the same goals in mind.
Can I just say I love guys who think every other lifter needs x amount of time to properly recuperate from a set, since, obviously, we're all on the same system with the same goals in mind.

I completely agree and acknowledge that everyone has different Goals and Abilities but its just annoying when your waiting for a rack and you know this guy is going to be there for 30-40min and he doesn't want you to work in because your unloading a substantial amount of weight each time.

I can see how its kind of a dumb pet peeve but it does annoy me.
Right, been playing about with the IF calculator, and think I got a reasonable diet plan compiled.

I'm 23, 179cm, weigh 79.5KG, and got a BF% of 18.8 (+/- whatever). Put myself down as moderately active on the calculator (3 hard workouts at the gym, 1 extra day of cardio plugged in at an appropriate time) - which gave me the BMR of 1,8k calories and TDEE of 2,8k, and the following macros:

Rest days:
205g of Protein (50%)
61.5g of Carb (15%)
63.8g of Fat (35%)
1641 calories (40% under TDEE)

Work-out days:

338.4g of Protein (45%)
263.2g of Carbs (35%)
66.8g of Fat (20%)
3008 calories (10% over TDEE)

If the calculations are correct, that should in 18 weeks time reduce my BF% to around 10, with a minimal loss in my lean body mass (0.87 kg - which I can live with). Then I continue onwards with a lean gain diet (but that's for future me to calculate).

Reason I'm doing a cutting after only two months on my program is that while my lean body mass has increased, so has the amount of body fat - and I'm getting a bit worried about it balloning out of control (former fatty, so I do love #bulking). Any suggestions, advice, changes, recommendations are more than welcome (I am a bit weary about the amount of protein to consume on work-out days for an example - though I have no problems with my liver).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Carb Nite isn't for adding muscle. It was designed to maintain as much muscle possible while losing fat. Carb Backloading is to add muscle with gaining as little fat as possible.

I am still dumping fat via keto. I had been trying to figure if losing muscle is more likely with keto than carb nite - and if so, I wanted to preserve the muscle I do have via carb nite. However if I probably won't put on any massels under carb nite, I guess I could kinda do whichever one I want.

Backloading on the other hand...I think I gotta drop another 10 lbs. Then I'll be set for a backload.
I am still dumping fat via keto. I had been trying to figure if losing muscle is more likely with keto than carb nite - and if so, I wanted to preserve the muscle I do have via carb nite. However if I probably won't put on any massels under carb nite, I guess I could kinda do whichever one I want.

Backloading on the other hand...I think I gotta drop another 10 lbs. Then I'll be set for a backload.

I started to lose strength on keto after a while. But then again, I had been on it for a long ass time. When I switched to carb nite my fat loss accelerated and began to gain strength again. Might not hurt to switch and see how it goes especially if you're getting bored of straight keto.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I started to lose strength on keto after a while. But then again, I had been on it for a long ass time. When I switched to carb nite my fat loss accelerated and began to gain strength again. Might not hurt to switch and see how it goes especially if you're getting bored of straight keto.

I'm at about 3 months of keto. How long did it take until you started to notice your strength was being sapped?
I'm at about 3 months of keto. How long did it take until you started to notice your strength was being sapped?
After around 6 months. I made good gains on it for a long time. I just hit a wall after 6 months or so and started looking into other plans and found carb nite. It's been awesome so far
I completely agree and acknowledge that everyone has different Goals and Abilities but its just annoying when your waiting for a rack and you know this guy is going to be there for 30-40min and he doesn't want you to work in because your unloading a substantial amount of weight each time.

I can see how its kind of a dumb pet peeve but it does annoy me.

Well, they're dicks if they won't let you work in. I ran into a similar douche, and he seemed reluctant to comply, but I removed his plates anyway and told him I'd drop/re-add the weights for him myself when it's my turn. He couldn't say anything.

Demon Ice

125 sounds like a good first time. I'm on my second week of SS and did a 5,5,4 last workout at 85 pounds. :(

Squats are easily the weakest part of my routine right now, and my plan is to de-load to make sure that my form is immaculate. Hoping that helps, but if it doesn't I don't know what I'll do.

Thanks! Although it was just my first time squatting I had been doing leg presses for a month prior. I'm sure if I had just gone straight into squatting my lifts would have been much lower.

Definitely take the time to get the form right, I can imagine some serious injuries happening with the heavier lifts if your form is off.


the piano man
can somebody explain me... this link www.strstd.com.. when you give your infos, is the complete blue bar the actual level you are currently at or is it just a reference for the 1RM? or are those two things one and the same?

what confuses me is the numbers under the levels. what are those for? are those also for a 1RM? sorry, :/ I know this is probably a very stupid question but I just don't understand it, hopefully someone can explain it.

Demon Ice

can somebody explain me... this link www.strstd.com.. when you give your infos, is the complete blue bar the actual level you are currently at or is it just a reference for the 1RM? or are those two things one and the same?

what confuses me is the numbers under the levels. what are those for? are those also for a 1RM? sorry, :/ I know this is probably a very stupid question but I just don't understand it, hopefully someone can explain it.

It looks like it just estimates what your 1RM will be based on your lifts. And then it ranks you based on your weight. So for example, for a body weight of 175 lbs, a novice bench presser has a 1RM of 159 lbs while an Intermediate has 196 lbs. And it estimated my 1 RM to be 170 lbs based on my input of 3 reps at 150 lbs. And it looks like it will calculate a 5/3/1 routine for you based on your lifts.

Edit: This site is interesting. I like the look of the BBB and Dave Tate routines, will start using one of those once I get my lifts past the Intermediate levels.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sad day for me regarding Quest bars. :( My 3 GNCs are no longer accepting the coupon. Said you can only use them once. Apparently I was quite infamous at all three stores! Haha!

They are still 22 bucks at least. Not too bad.


Hi Fitness-GAF,

When do you do your stretching exercises? I have the tendency to do them at the end of my session, after my abs exercices, but I wonder if I should do some before using some machines or lifting some weights. Your thoughts?


Hi Fitness-GAF,

When do you do your stretching exercises? I have the tendency to do them at the end of my session, after my abs exercices, but I wonder if I should do some before using some machines or lifting some weights. Your thoughts?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sad day for me regarding Quest bars. :( My 3 GNCs are no longer accepting the coupon. Said you can only use them once. Apparently I was quite infamous at all three stores! Haha!

They are still 22 bucks at least. Not too bad.

That's like the time the woman in the Arby's drive-thru recognized me. I said "no more" and I stopped going.

Man, it's been ages since I had one of those delicious beef n cheddars...
Sad day for me regarding Quest bars. :( My 3 GNCs are no longer accepting the coupon. Said you can only use them once. Apparently I was quite infamous at all three stores! Haha!

They are still 22 bucks at least. Not too bad.

Ha thats hilarious Cooter. They probably have your photo up on the wall like my Uncle Randy at the pharmacy expect he is trying to score Oxy.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ha thats hilarious Cooter. They probably have your photo up on the wall like my Uncle Randy at the pharmacy expect he is trying to score Oxy.

Manager told me he put out a memo about me cleaning out all the stores of the bars!


So... is simple carbs the way to go for carbing up? That seems counter-intuitive, to me. Then again I'm diabetic. Just reading what some are stocking up on in here... I wouldn't really think loading up on carbs means loading up on junkfood/processed/simple carbs... I would be looking towards complex carbs, myself.

Or is the whole point of loading using nothing but simple carbs? Honestly curious since what I've been reading here made my eyes pop a bit... o_O


So... is simple carbs the way to go for carbing up? That seems counter-intuitive, to me. Then again I'm diabetic. Just reading what some are stocking up on in here... I wouldn't really think loading up on carbs means loading up on junkfood/processed/simple carbs... I would be looking towards complex carbs, myself.

Or is the whole point of loading using nothing but simple carbs? Honestly curious since what I've been reading here made my eyes pop a bit... o_O

Typically it is the way to go because if you are truely glycogen depleted, it doesn't matter if it is simple or complex, none of it gets stored as fat. You can totally do it with complex it will just be a slower and less tasty process.

It absolutely doesn't matter for most people. Since you are diabetic....then yeah it probably matters.


Sad day for me regarding Quest bars. :( My 3 GNCs are no longer accepting the coupon. Said you can only use them once. Apparently I was quite infamous at all three stores! Haha!

They are still 22 bucks at least. Not too bad.

I only hit them up twice so far. I am wondering if they are gonna just pull the coupon altogether. Everyone I seen using it is getting quest bars since it's about the only thing useful to get there.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I only hit them up twice so far. I am wondering if they are gonna just pull the coupon altogether. Everyone I seen using it is getting quest bars since it's about the only thing useful to get there.
I know. I scored 72 for about $90


Hi Fitness-GAF,

When do you do your stretching exercises? I have the tendency to do them at the end of my session, after my abs exercices, but I wonder if I should do some before using some machines or lifting some weights. Your thoughts?
Only dynamic stretching and mobility work before working sets. Save static stretches for after workout.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
1RPM is a 5-10 minute rest period?

I bet you looked good doing it though

Absolutely when I was doing my 1RM checks I took at least 5 min in between working sets.

I completely agree and acknowledge that everyone has different Goals and Abilities but its just annoying when your waiting for a rack and you know this guy is going to be there for 30-40min and he doesn't want you to work in because your unloading a substantial amount of weight each time.

I can see how its kind of a dumb pet peeve but it does annoy me.

You'd really hate me in squat day and deadlift day then. Everything I program including assistance work keeps me mostly in the same spot on the same piece of equipment for 40 min or more.

It's normal for me to be in the squat rack for an hour or more.
Absolutely when I was doing my 1RM checks I took at least 5 min in between working sets.

You'd really hate me in squat day and deadlift day then. Everything I program including assistance work keeps me mostly in the same spot on the same piece of equipment for 40 min or more.

It's normal for me to be in the squat rack for an hour or more.

How many racks are there?

5 min seems so long. Even when I was in HS our Football WTC had us on two minute timers for 1RM days and 30sec timers for Rep days.


Does Carb backloading work or is it pseudo science? It makes sense to me and it's kind of what I've done by accident, and I did lose weight doing it, but if I adhere to it strictly...

I'm scared because I lost a lot of weight last year and put it back on recently because of circumstances. Now I'm back in the gym going hard and really watching my diet but like everyone, wishing for a diet that makes the promises carb backloading does.


Does Carb backloading work or is it pseudo science? It makes sense to me and it's kind of what I've done by accident, and I did lose weight doing it, but if I adhere to it strictly...

I'm scared because I lost a lot of weight last year and put it back on recently because of circumstances. Now I'm back in the gym going hard and really watching my diet but like everyone, wishing for a diet that makes the promises carb backloading does.

All the bigwigs in nutrition say it is pseudo science. Normally I trust these guys.

Layne Norton
Alan Aragon

But I have tried it and it seems to work for me, so I dunno. It also makes logical sense to me.


Your right leg is broken while doing these?!
I mean, technically, it is. I broke it kevin ware style playing basketball about 2 months ago. but really the biggest issue is ankle flexibility. the bone at the break is not fully repaired but I have a metal rod in my tibia providing stability.
WTF balddemon you're not even bald!

My whole life is a lie

lulz. you should have seen my hair a week ago. even more of a lie. was a freaking mop.
Full blown deload, I had a terrible week in the gym last week, pretty much everything I did felt like it was too much.

When was the last time you did a deload? Or even taken a week off?

If anything, I would just take a week off and recover. Then come back in the following week ready to go.


When was the last time you did a deload? Or even taken a week off?

If anything, I would just take a week off and recover. Then come back in the following week ready to go.

Never done a deload, and I went almost 3 months without lifting weights but doing weighted pullups/pushups while my shoulder healed. Since then I've been in the gym 6 days a week and going really hard to make up for those 3 months.
Never done a deload, and I went almost 3 months without lifting weights but doing weighted pullups/pushups while my shoulder healed. Since then I've been in the gym 6 days a week and going really hard to make up for those 3 months.

Yeah dood, I would eventually just take a week off and relax. Let you body recover and then reevaluate how you feel. In the end, only you know your limits and what you are capable of. Sometimes that rest is what you need more than anything.


Yeah dood, I would eventually just take a week off and relax. Let you body recover and then assess how you feel.

I'm taking two. My piriformis/sciatica is destroying me. Need a full mental and physical shutdown. First week off in two months. Examining my legs today I definitely gained mass there. I'm happy.

Just need to keep my diet in check.
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