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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Up early for the first day of my new job. Boy is getting used to the new schedule going to be rough on me at the gym. I'm used to hitting he gym at noonish and working at 4pm, now up at 6am and all out of whack. Ugh mornings. I assume it gets better?

Wish me luck my Fitgaf brothers! Becoming an "adult" sucks!


It's probably just an inflamed piriformus bud. My right leg was numb as shit and my lower back on the right side ached something serious. My MT took care of it. See a doc and/or a MT.

Also look up piriformus stretches.

It contains the deconstructed components of ephedra, it IS that serious.

No numbness for me yet. Just random discomfort/pain when standing or walking. Not sure if deadlifts caused this or me always carrying my baby on the same side.

Talking myself out of resting this week and next because I'm already feeling guilt, lol.

Lost a solid 2lbs on Leangains this week, so I'm really encouraged and bummed to have hit a road block.


After years of playing rugby I had a bad injury about 2 years ago and never really recovered, got depressed and all that shiz, put on loads of weight and lost all the tone I had, I'm looking to shift about 6 stone now that I'm injury free Wish me luck.


Junior Member
Alien, I see what you mean about LBEB now. Pastor put up a sloppy looking deadlift PR video and he's jumping on anyone that questions his form. He told one guy to get a stronger back, and that guy answered back with a video of himself doing the same weight at 165 pounds with perfect form.

Yeah that LBEB lift was at my gym. I thought those dudes were supposed to be strong?


I survived, Fitgaf. After a huge amount of sushi and an an unknown amount of beer, shots and mixed drinks I feel like death. I need water, stat :p

The best part of last night were the random comments/compliments. First my friend was wearing a cheap suit jacket way too small for him and he tried to flex and rip it. Everyone was like, "have Sean wear it and try!" So yeah it started ripping at the seams Hulk style but left nasty blood blisters on my biceps :p

My one friend who I haven't seen in like 3 years immediately said "dude you got huge"

Some random girl at the the one crowded bar was trying to get out. So I wanted to go outside too so I was like here I'll push through. She grabbed my arm and said "Oh hello muscles"

When we got back to the hotel and I was in an tank top and sweat pants a couple of my friends were like "are you gonna fit in your tux your so much bigger now"
I was like..uhh you get measured for it :p

I don't want to come off as bragging to you guys, especially when a ton of you here are bigger/more cut. It was just really nice to have your progress noticed by a lot of different people when you work your ass off at it. :) I still
Say I'm too small. I can't wait to be Petrie/falling/blackflag/alien/cooter/Darth/Szu/mrtoughpants big

Oh and here's the obligatory sushi dinner picture.

I'm late, but I'm glad you had fun.

Super green with envy about the sushi.

Keep it up, man!!


After years of playing rugby I had a bad injury about 2 years ago and never really recovered, got depressed and all that shiz, put on loads of weight and lost all the tone I had, I'm looking to shift about 6 stone now that I'm injury free Wish me luck.

Good luck!!


She has no forearms...wtf.

This is talking about women are wanting smaller triceps, or less fat in their triceps area. Basically, instead of losing weight and exercising, they're opting for liposuction in the triceps area in order to get smaller arms. So instead of following what Michelle Obama does in eating right and exercising, they're taking a shortcut. The American way.


Gotta say...there's nothing better than seeing a new LOW on the scale the day AFTER you eat 3 bratwursts with rolls, 2 beers, 12oz of bacon wrapped filet mignon, half a french baguette loaded with butter, and 3 scoops of chocolate ice cream.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
After being on keto so long my first carb nite is approaching and I kind of dread it. I'm convinced I will probably feel ill, but I'm making a short list of shit to eat that I miss.

Crunchy Cheetos
Bavarian cream donuts

That's about it, that's all I -really- miss and if I keep thinking about stuff I'll end up with a lot more.
After being on keto so long my first carb nite is approaching and I kind of dread it. I'm convinced I will probably feel ill, but I'm making a short list of shit to eat that I miss.

Crunchy Cheetos
Bavarian cream donuts

That's about it, that's all I -really- miss and if I keep thinking about stuff I'll end up with a lot more.

You're doing carb nite? Like the full-on dangerouslyhardcore one? You'll be fine, just be prepared for some serious night sweats. They say most of the carbs burn off as heat and they ain't kidding.

I did it for a while and am gonna start back on it next week. Visiting the in-laws broke the keto streak, I will need to reorient.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You're doing carb nite? Like the full-on dangerouslyhardcore one? You'll be fine, just be prepared for some serious night sweats. They say most of the carbs burn off as heat and they ain't kidding.

I did it for a while and am gonna start back on it next week. Visiting the in-laws broke the keto streak, I will need to reorient.

That's my plan. I'll be ready for an insane amount of heat then, especially with good weather coming. :|

I'm currently at about 3 months all keto, no cheats, so this is going to be a big shock to the system. I envision myself ordering and buying all this bad food, and barely eating any of it because I get full as hell real quick, and then having a ton of delicious food laying around that I can't touch. So I guess I'll feed my roommate, she won't mind :p
I survived, Fitgaf. After a huge amount of sushi and an an unknown amount of beer, shots and mixed drinks I feel like death. I need water, stat :p

The best part of last night were the random comments/compliments. First my friend was wearing a cheap suit jacket way too small for him and he tried to flex and rip it. Everyone was like, "have Sean wear it and try!" So yeah it started ripping at the seams Hulk style but left nasty blood blisters on my biceps :p

My one friend who I haven't seen in like 3 years immediately said "dude you got huge"

Some random girl at the the one crowded bar was trying to get out. So I wanted to go outside too so I was like here I'll push through. She grabbed my arm and said "Oh hello muscles"

When we got back to the hotel and I was in an tank top and sweat pants a couple of my friends were like "are you gonna fit in your tux your so much bigger now"
I was like..uhh you get measured for it :p

I don't want to come off as bragging to you guys, especially when a ton of you here are bigger/more cut. It was just really nice to have your progress noticed by a lot of different people when you work your ass off at it. :) I still
Say I'm too small. I can't wait to be Petrie/falling/blackflag/alien/cooter/Darth/Szu/mrtoughpants big

Oh and here's the obligatory sushi dinner picture.


Totally missed this post. Glad you had fun and isn't it great getting those comments? Makes me want to hit the gym and do more. I still remember when you first posted about losing weight and wondering if you really should do SS as you weren't sure if it was enough volume. It took a bit to convince you to get bigger and stronger but I am glad that you did. Welcome to the club. The big club.


So want to do a bit of a summary with regards to the end of my first month on a cut.

April 1, 2013
front pic
back pic
bad leg pic

April 19, 2013
front pic

April 29, 2013
full body

Current lifts
OHP - 7 x 165 lbs
Decline Bench - 8 x 250 lbs
Deadlifts - 6 x 355 lbs
Squats - 6 x 350 lbs

All those were from my 1+ week this month. For squats and deadlifts, I knew I could have gotten a few more reps, but my form started to suffer and with squats in particular, I started with leg press as my first lift. Definitely impacted my stamina/strength when doing squats. In any case, I feel good but I feel like that I could be doing much more/better. That being said, when in July of 2012, my max OHP was 165, it makes me smile to see how far I have progressed.

When I take into consideration that it hasn't even really been 2 years since I started lifting proper,I feel better but there is still so much more work to be done. I want to invest in proper lifting shoes and a belt, but that will be for later this year. Definitely want to focus more on my back. Find some sort of specialized program for the back. Do it for a month and then transition back to legs. Then full body. I really want to hit 245 lbs next year @ ~12%.

Diet has been pretty much on point. Been a bit lax this week though. Ate a bit more calories and took it easy at the gym. Took Sat-Mon off. All you can eat sushi on Saturday. Went crazy with Taco Bell on Sunday. Feel lazy and sluggish today but oh well lol. Clean things up for tomorrow.

And that's that. Let's do this GAF.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You do any bent over rows at all FE? I find those get my lower back in a good spot. Unless of course I'm doing them wrong, then I REALLY feel it :p
After being on keto so long my first carb nite is approaching and I kind of dread it. I'm convinced I will probably feel ill, but I'm making a short list of shit to eat that I miss.

Crunchy Cheetos
Bavarian cream donuts

That's about it, that's all I -really- miss and if I keep thinking about stuff I'll end up with a lot more.

Like I said, I just did my first carb nite after being on keto long term, it really wasn't bad at all the next day. Didn't get night sweats or anything, all told I ate:

4 poptarts
2 Snickers
5-6 slices of pizza
8-10 little garlic dough balls

It's two days later and I still feel good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Like I said, I just did my first carb nite after being on keto long term, it really wasn't bad at all the next day. Didn't get night sweats or anything, all told I ate:

4 poptarts
2 Snickers
5-6 slices of pizza
8-10 little garlic dough balls

It's two days later and I still feel good.

Sounds tasty. Maybe I need some Reese's Cups... ah shit and also something mint, like a mint chocolate chip shake.

I'm a whore for peanut butter and mind. Never together, but awesome. Also gonna do pizza and whole milk. What a great combination - pizza and milk is food of the gods.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
For those on the keto diet, are you seeing muscle gains with the small amounts of carbs your eating?

I'm not, but that's why I'm changing over to carb nite. I also knew I wouldn't get much gain if any at all on keto. But I will say it appears I'm not LOSING much if any muscle so I'm pleased by that aspect.

Demon Ice

So, tried out squatting for the first time as I said, made it up to 4x125, could not complete the 5th rep so I ended up having to drop the weight and slipped backwards with it, which was pretty embarrassing but there weren't that many people there. Oh well.

I made sure to keep my knees out, back and stomach tight, weight centered over midfoot, feet completely flat, and no swaying back and forward movement, just straight up and down. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to go slightly below parallel. These were high bar squats.

My total squats today were

10x45 to practice the form

Happy to report no ankle or knee pain.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Can someone explain this carb nite thing or post a link to whatever it's referencing?


I made sure to keep my knees out, back and stomach tight, weight centered over midfoot, feet completely flat, and no swaying back and forward movement, just straight up and down. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to go slightly below parallel. These were high bar squats.

My total squats today were

10x45 to practice the form

Happy to report no ankle or knee pain.

Make sure when you say knees out that your knees are comfortably out. Everyone's body is a little different. Don't flare your toes out at crazy angles if it doesn't feel right. Congrats on the lifts.
Can someone explain this carb nite thing or post a link to whatever it's referencing?

The short of it is you eat keto for 10 days (keto is sub 20-30g carbs A DAY, plus high fat/protein) then after 5pm on the 10th day you go HAM on carbs. After that you build in a "carb nite" each week (at least 4 days after the last one) where you eat a shit ton of carbs after 4-5 pm. The idea is that it keeps your metabolism from stalling on a standard keto diet while also allowing you to keep (gain??) more muscle mass than a standard keto diet.

This is a diet recommended for folks that are lifting and also have a lot of BF to lose. Once you get lower (12-14% range) you switch to either back loading, or add in an additional carb nite each week.


The short of it is you eat keto for 10 days (keto is sub 20-30g carbs A DAY, plus high fat/protein) then after 5pm on the 10th day you go HAM on carbs. After that you build in a "carb nite" each week (at least 4 days after the last one) where you eat a shit ton of carbs after 4-5 pm. The idea is that it keeps your metabolism from stalling on a straight keto diet while also allowing you keep more muscle mass that a standard keto diet.

Okay so real talk-
What would you suggest between that, and what I've been doing, which is this:

Intermittent fasting (12-8, etc, etc), the only difference is that I eat a carby meal right after I lift, and then no more carbs, so I end up prob sub-100 carbs on the day. Slight calorie deficit.

Demon Ice

Make sure when you say knees out that your knees are comfortably out. Everyone's body is a little different. Don't flare your toes out at crazy angles if it doesn't feel right. Congrats on the lifts.

Thanks! Yeah my toes were still out at the 15-20 degree angle so it was comfortable, stance was just a bit wider than shoulder width.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Was planning on my carb nite being once a week on a workout day, but I need it more often? Hmm. I guess I'll see how the first one goes. Maybe this isn't what I want to do (make my workout program actually add muscles)
Okay so real talk-
What would you suggest between that, and what I've been doing, which is this:

Intermittent fasting (12-8, etc, etc), the only difference is that I eat a carby meal right after I lift, and then no more carbs, so I end up prob sub-100 carbs on the day. Slight calorie deficit.

I'm no expert but it depends on your goals. If you need to cut a lot of fat I'd go carb lite as I described or even full keto.

I do IF with carb lite btw, as IF is just an eating strategy and not a "diet" per se.
Was planning on my carb nite being once a week on a workout day, but I need it more often? Hmm. I guess I'll see how the first one goes. Maybe this isn't what I want to do (make my workout program actually add muscles)

Sounds like you are looking for something more like carb backloading.


So, tried out squatting for the first time as I said, made it up to 4x125, could not complete the 5th rep so I ended up having to drop the weight and slipped backwards with it, which was pretty embarrassing but there weren't that many people there. Oh well.

I made sure to keep my knees out, back and stomach tight, weight centered over midfoot, feet completely flat, and no swaying back and forward movement, just straight up and down. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to go slightly below parallel. These were high bar squats.

My total squats today were

10x45 to practice the form

Happy to report no ankle or knee pain.

125 sounds like a good first time. I'm on my second week of SS and did a 5,5,4 last workout at 85 pounds. :(

Squats are easily the weakest part of my routine right now, and my plan is to de-load to make sure that my form is immaculate. Hoping that helps, but if it doesn't I don't know what I'll do.


Steroid Distributor
This is talking about women are wanting smaller triceps, or less fat in their triceps area. Basically, instead of losing weight and exercising, they're opting for liposuction in the triceps area in order to get smaller arms. So instead of following what Michelle Obama does in eating right and exercising, they're taking a shortcut. The American way.

And being left with a long scar too. Ridiculous.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
After doing some reading on backloading vs carb nite I think I'll go with carb nite initially, and when I feel like I need to crank it up then I'll transition to backloading.

Pretty hyped for some donuts.
Can I just say how much I love guys that stack the squat bar do 1 rep then sit down and read a magazine for 5 min before going for a second set.

True Athletes.


Can I just say how much I love guys that stack the squat bar do 1 rep then sit down and read a magazine for 5 min before going for a second set.

True Athletes.

If we are talking about heavy sets here long rest periods (5-10 minutes) are not only justified; they are almost a necessity.

If they are just fucking around on the other hand then fuck them.


They should rename my Gym to Half-ROM Barbell.

Holy fucking shit what a clusterfuck of mediocrity.

So many people need to check their bench ego at the door. I constantly see guys walk up, forgo warming up, throw a bunch of weight on and go to town with terrible form.

The best was a guy who went up to the squat rack, put 315 on immediately, half repped it 5 times then left all the weight.
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