Whats the beef with gloves? I always use gloves when working out.
I think gloves are fine for push exercises. For pull exercises they're more of a hindrance than anything.
Whats the beef with gloves? I always use gloves when working out.
Whats the beef with gloves? I always use gloves when working out.
Whats the beef with gloves? I always use gloves when working out.
Can anyone tell me how does weight lifting and Carb Nite fit together? Should I have the Carb Nite after weight training only or can I have it any day I want? For example if I lift sunday, tuesday and thursday, should I have the Carb Nite on saturday or sunday?
Also can I train fasted etc?
300 workout? 50 deads?
Do you mean a 5x10 or a 1x50?
No, just ditch the gloves. Seriously.
I think the only one here who ever got the pass was Sphinx because he plays the piano for his job.
I thought lifting with gloves doesn't actually help your grip strength at all (if that is your goal for that lift anyway).
I bring these along if I know I'm going to be doing a heavy day of deadlifts or seated cable pulls.
They are cheap, work great and dont feel too clunky.
I like these myself:
I thought lifting with gloves doesn't actually help your grip strength at all (if that is your goal for that lift anyway).
the bows got me....lol
high rep talk? time for my favorite high rep vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbFGdpQD_O0
high rep talk? time for my favorite high rep vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbFGdpQD_O0
I bring these along if I know I'm going to be doing a heavy day of deadlifts or seated cable pulls.
They are cheap, work great and dont feel too clunky.
I have the $1 version of those, only thing I hate is how much my hands sweat.
Am I being punked? ...I thought it was a joke.
You guys aren't honestly wearing gardening gloves to the gym are you?
LOL, I'll take a pic of mine, the hardware store is 3 shops down from my gym. Everybody and their momma walks around with the gloves I have, seems to be pretty common in NY to see people wearing work gloves as gym gloves.
haha i gotta see it. PLEASE post pics.
new back exercise called "pulling the weeds"
If we're talking high reps, I have to post this one.
Yeah, I was in the middle of something at work and was trying to figure out why it wasn't working. Thanks
For those on a cut, what multivitamin are you taking? I need to re-up and I'm considering some changes.
Are you a hand model?
I bring these along if I know I'm going to be doing a heavy day of deadlifts or seated cable pulls.
They are cheap, work great and dont feel too clunky.
I've actually seen these before in the gym. At least mine are work out gloves.
I thought for sure you guys were joking.
You guys all are on the east coast huh
I have girlie hands, so I need to wear gloves.
I have girlie hands, so I need to wear gloves.
Got creatine again for the first time in like 2 years, I actually did get a little bloaty the last time I used it, so I'm cutting/creatining this time.
Whats the best way to dose? 5g immediately after the lift?
Got creatine again for the first time in like 2 years, I actually did get a little bloaty the last time I used it, so I'm cutting/creatining this time.
Whats the best way to dose? 5g immediately after the lift?
5g everyday. On lifting days yeah post workout.
You experience any bloating? I know its not supposed to really happen, but I actually did experience a good bit when I was taking it.
I've been consistently taking it for almost a year now so it's hard for me to say. I don't feel bloated but I'm sure I'm retaining some water. Then again I'm not exactly the thinnest guy so I dunno.
black dude in the back is like "what the fuck..."
Just got back from an Xray and found out I broke both my ankle and some fractures in my foot. (Was playing lacrosse and my foot completely got stuck in the turf when I hit someone.)
AKA going to be in a god damn cast for like 2 months.
Any cardio ideas so I don't become a fat ass or have to eat like my girlfriend for half the summer?
Going to continue to lift upper body/core etc whatever doesn't require both feet.
Doesn't matter when you take it during the day. Some people think that if you take it when insulin levels are a bit higher it absorbs faster, but I never found any difference at all. My trick:
Get some hot water in a mug. Dump in creatine, stir it for ~30 seconds until the water is clear. Add a squeeze of lemon, and enjoy soothing hot lemon water (or gulp it). I found that it worked very quickly doing this before bed, a lot faster than when I added the powder cold to a protein shake, and after the first 1-3 days with zero queasiness.