Also here's the video of my training today in case anyone was interested.
That's good shit man. I'm afraid of those lifts, mostly the snatch clean and jerk. Scared I'm gonna wreck myself lol.Anterior pelvic tilt. Something plenty of people deal with. Just need to work on flexibility by doing more squats with perfect form.
Also here's the video of my training today in case anyone was interested.
The machine I miss most from a commercial gym is the leg press. While the Order of the Free Weights is probably happy that I'm squatting more, I miss the quad pump I'd get with sets of 20 reps on that sled.I dream of the day I get my own power rack, flat bench, barbell and plates so that I'm able to train at home.
But if there's one thing I'd miss from my gym is the preacher curls machine. God I love that fucking thing. I get the most fucking intense pump out of it.
It's the most satisfying feeling you can get at the gym. Blood is flowing through your muscles and your skin feels really tight, like someone vas blowing hot aihr on youh skihn.
It's like the feeling of...of...coming.
Be elite, ya plebeian.
I bet you don't even drop the weights from overhead with every rep of every exercise you do.
The machine I miss most from a commercial gym is the leg press. While the Order of the Free Weights is probably happy that I'm squatting more, I miss the quad pump I'd get with sets of 20 reps on that sled.
The machine I miss most from a commercial gym is the leg press. While the Order of the Free Weights is probably happy that I'm squatting more, I miss the quad pump I'd get with sets of 20 reps on that sled.
I´ve been meaning to ask...
of all exercises, moves, etc, you guys do in your workouts, which one would be the most satisfying and which one the least satisfying (not related to bad form, but to the nature of the exercise)?
In my case
Most satisfying: high bar Squat, easily. To feel all that weight on my back/traps before going down, makes me feel very powerful, no other move gives me that feeling and going back up feels like a triumph
Least satisfying: Leg Extensions machine... man, I am screaming like a little girl inside of my head, during and after that exercise, it burns so bad -_-
Anterior pelvic tilt. Something plenty of people deal with. Just need to work on flexibility by doing more squats with perfect form.
Also here's the video of my training today in case anyone was interested.
They'll call it the "abuC".
Deadlifts 225lb 300 reps
Fran: 5 minutes
abuC: 135lb 5 minutes
I shop at fuckin Costco. Oneill shirts and cargo shorts forever. Lol maybe I need to upgrade.
My legs have been too muscular for normal shorts for close to 20 years now.
R dips good chest exercise? or Bench still king
Bench is king for chest. Dips are mostly tri but they do hit your chest. Like Rando said, do both.R dips good chest exercise? or Bench still king
Don't give up on those cargo shorts man. You can be a confident man without having your quads visible.
My legs have been too muscular for normal shorts for close to 20 years now. If it wasn't for cargo shorts I would have to carry a "murse" or a satchel like Indiana Jones just for my wallet.
I'm jelly, you must be huge brah. Arnold pulled of wearing regular ol' shots, polos and sperrys when he was still swole as fuck.
I tend to wear similar style shorts (along with polos and sperrys). Wish I could look half as good as he did though.
Ha yeah it's just that mostly I'd get looked at funny if I wore a polo and short shorts. I'm 38 and been dressing like a skater/surfer my whole life. Wouldn't mind some attention on my quads from the ladies though. My ex seems to like them.
I'm a different kind of huge right now. But at what I would call my "peak" I had 28-30" quads (and wore 32-34" waist jeans).
I've always had bigger legs. When I was in high school the jeans that were cool were Levi 501's which fit me horribly. I had a 30" waist and had to buy 34" jeans just so I could get my legs into them. And they were uncomfortably tight in rear. It wasn't until the gangsta style of clothes started gaining popularity that I could find jeans that fit.
Big ass and big legs. It wasn't until my late teens when I started lifting weights and balancing my body out a bit that I started feeling confident about my lower body. I used to get mocked by other guys in school cause my jeans were so tight on my ass. Haha. Then years later they were asking me how I developed my legs.
Brag moment: many times I have had some massive bodybuilder come up to me and ask what I do for my legs and especially my calves. I did concentrate on them for sure but I have my grandpa to thank as well.
I also had a pro basketball player tell me to always flex my calves when I walked. Always push with your toes to fully flex your calves. He said chicks love it. Haha.
But I have never liked shorter shorts. I am a basketball guy. My shorts come to my knees or lower. It's my style and I'm cool with it. I could never rock shorts like Arnold.
gdamn man mirin quad stats
and yeah I <3 basketball shorts. they are comfortable as fuck. but if you wanna make chicks happy, try some shorter shorts that show off dem legs![]()
But I have never liked shorter shorts. I am a basketball guy. My shorts come to my knees or lower. It's my style and I'm cool with it. I could never rock shorts like Arnold.
Serious question, where do you measure quads at? Like midway between nuts and knees or what?
I've been intermittent fasting for so long now and I've seen great results with it in terms of getting my fat % lower and maintaining it but its getting old and I'm afraid if I transition back into eating whenever I'm gonna get fat or idk just be negatively effected in some way
what have i done![]()
y u fastin' brah?
u making sure you are satisfying your macro requirements?
there is a middle ground between fasting and "eating whenever"
Online calorie counters are pretty awesome for that. I'd probably use a smart phone if I had a phone that was smart.
When I used to monitor my food intake, I used
Forgot to mention a funny scene at the gym today, some guy didn't unrack his weights on the hack squat machine. So some lady comes up and starts taking all the 45s off and just throwing them on the ground, literally dropping them from like 3 feet up. The guy who didn't unrack the weight was nearby watching, everyone is watching her as she's throwing weight after weight onto the unpadded ground. Once she was done he finally came back over and started picking the weights up off the ground (8 total) and re-racking them, all the while she was cursing at him in Portuguese, she was saying it nicely but the words were harsh and he was apologizing not knowing she was cursing him the hell out.
I was dying at the whole situation and him shamefully picking up the weights.
Forgot to mention a funny scene at the gym today, some guy didn't unrack his weights on the hack squat machine. So some lady comes up and starts taking all the 45s off and just throwing them on the ground, literally dropping them from like 3 feet up. The guy who didn't unrack the weight was nearby watching, everyone is watching her as she's throwing weight after weight onto the unpadded ground. Once she was done he finally came back over and started picking the weights up off the ground (8 total) and re-racking them, all the while she was cursing at him in Portuguese, she was saying it nicely but the words were harsh and he was apologizing not knowing she was cursing him the hell out.
I was dying at the whole situation and him shamefully picking up the weights.
Do people at your gym unrack the machines? People at mine never seem to, particularly the leg machines.
I usually unrack down to a 45 on each side.
EDIT: Also stop posting videos/back/chest pictures. I'm demanding you guys post some freaking leg shots. I've done it.
Legs? Legs.
where do you lift?
I'd give my left nut for a room that size where I can lift while being foreveralone.jpeg
So for the last two weeks I've been on this loop of
Day 1 - Back, biceps, shoulder
Day 2 - Chest, triceps
Day 3 - Squats and some cardio
Rinse and repeat 5 days a week. I've been going to the gym for 2 months and have yet to drink any sort of proteins or have any bars or anything, but two guys I usually do training with, suggested me to have some because it helps a lot..
I live in Japan so the stuff being sold here is most likely Japanese brands and a couple foreign brands I've seen around on the gym's store (going to a Konami Sports Club). What kind of protein drinks should I look for? I know it's a difficult question...
Protein Requirements
As a general rule for athletes and those involved with strength training, 1-1.5g per pound of bodyweight is required for those wishing to maximize strength and size gains. Competitive bodybuilders and elite level athletes may get as much as 2g per pound of bodyweight, but that is extreme.
In my opinion, I think its a good idea to consume as much excess protein as you desire to gain in bodyweight. It has already been shown that as much as 1.4g/lb of bodyweight is not harmful and may be helpful, so having this "surplus" of protein is useful.
Example: We have a 160 lb individual who would like to be 180 lbs. Ignoring everything but protein, we can safely conclude he should eat at least 160g (1x) of protein a day, would do well to consume 180g of protein (a bit of surplus), and can safely and effectively consume up to 224g of protein a day (1.4x, with plenty of surplus).
I'm up 3lbs. this week. Fuck everything.
I'm injured and gaining weight. Feels great.