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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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So damn good.

got one of these today because i needed a snack after i gave plasma (28 mile bike ride there and back, and giving plasma takes a lot out of you). pretty tasty. stuffed me too.

i have yet to get quest bars but i will try them soon. once i get my gym membership. i basically had to take the summer off due to living situations but i'm back in austin now, so time to get working and make up lost time.
What shoes is everyone here wearing to the gym?.

Adidas Sambas are my low budget alternatives for squatting days until I can afford proper weightlifting shoes. Otherwise I wear Reebok RealFlex shoes when a stable stance isn't that important. I once tried my Reeboks for squatting and immediately felt wobblier. Come to think of it, I should probably try Sambas for overhead press too since I was having balance problems yesterday when doing OHP.
got one of these today because i needed a snack after i gave plasma (28 mile bike ride there and back, and giving plasma takes a lot out of you). pretty tasty. stuffed me too.

i have yet to get quest bars but i will try them soon. once i get my gym membership. i basically had to take the summer off due to living situations but i'm back in austin now, so time to get working and make up lost time.

My favorite part of donating whole blood cells is that I demolish their snack area afterwards. Nom nom nom.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
So my GF has been coming with me to the gym for months now, doing 5/3/1, but she still can't perform a back squat with good form. Her main problem is that her upper torso sinks at the bottom and her back rounds. We've been trying to fix it but we are pretty much at our wits end. She knows how to do it in theory but for some reason she can't perform it in real life. And I can't coach her any better. I've told her every cue etc. I know. She is extremely frustrated with the whole exercise because she can't perform it with confidence and she's still stuck with low weights.

I think we are going for one more deload to try to get the form right but if it doesn't work, I'm not sure what will. If it comes to that, is there any alternative exercises we could use? Preferably free weight of course. I'm mainly worried in the health of her back if she keeps on pushing with back squats. I guess goblet squats could be one substitute but I don't think she has the strength to hold a heavy enough dumbbell long enough. As a last resort, would it be an entirely ridiculous idea to use Leg Press/Hack Squat machine and then do some free weight "isolation" for the butt with for example Hip Thrusts?
First, you are right to be worried!!! Loading up a rounded back with weight is terribly simple to end up with a herniated disc or worse!!

Rounding back at the bottom is mobility and flexibility mostly. Can she sit at a 90° angle, legs flat, maintaining a lumbar curve in her back? If not she probably has some hamstrings mobility issues. A good exercise/check for hip mobility is to lay with your back flat on the ground, butt touching the wall, and now working on your feet in a squat position on the wall. Start with feet high and slowly lower into a normal squat stance.

The good thing about hip mobility, if that's the case, is that while there definitely is some flexibility in there to work on, it's largely strength also (heh, easier than flexibility). Look up wall squats, or maybe called wall facing squats. The idea is you stand with your feet a few inches from the wall, arms raised, and you squat. When her butt winks and she's all the way to the ground it should cause her back and shoulders to round which then causes her hands to touch the wall. So the goal is to do the exercise at a distance where she doesn't touch. When she gets a few sets of 10 reps out, she steps an inch or so closer to the wall. With perfect form, a trainer should be able to stand toes to wall and so a body weight ass to grass squat without their knees or hands touching the wall.

These are just some examples. But yeah, check her hamstring and hip mobility and flexibility. And yes, she can still do squats in the meantime but have her STOP the split second her butt winks. That's her current limit, and any further with loaded weight (even lighter weight) and you are risking injury.


Gold Member
The good thing about hip mobility, if that's the case, is that while there definitely is some flexibility in there to work on, it's largely strength also (heh, easier than flexibility). Look up wall squats, or maybe called wall facing squats. The idea is you stand with your feet a few inches from the wall, arms raised, and you squat. When her butt winks and she's all the way to the ground it should cause her back and shoulders to round which then causes her hands to touch the wall. So the goal is to do the exercise at a distance where she doesn't touch. When she gets a few sets of 10 reps out, she steps an inch or so closer to the wall. With perfect form, a trainer should be able to stand toes to wall and so a body weight ass to grass squat without their knees or hands touching the wall.

This. Wall squats for life.

Her problems are exactly the same as mine, and they all are addressed with wall squats. Wall squats force the knees to stay back enough, forces hip/glutes activation, stretches the right places and keeps her upright. It forces the weight on the heels. It will be really hard and feel alien at first, because probably like me, she isn't used to using those muscles when getting close to the ground.

Wall squats are the single most important move that have helped to get me a bit closer to understanding how to squat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What a magnificent cap to such a shitty week in the gym, every number was down today which was supposed to be my power day. I lost some strength in the last two weeks, and while I look better this is completely unacceptable.

You'll bounce back. Don't sweat it. You had a lot on your mind.

The Fit-GAF Ghost is also fucking with people psychologically.

It will be conquered. This is our endgame.
definitely need these two days off. Body is wrecked. I think I'm going to cut out squats for the next 2-3 weeks while I prep for this 500 lb deadlift.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I wonder if some of you would benefit from lifting only 3 times a week. Since I switched to that I've been doing great, and it's been the better part of a year. No deloads, only the occasional breaks, etc.


I wonder if some of you would benefit from lifting only 3 times a week. Since I switched to that I've been doing great, and it's been the better part of a year. No deloads, only the occasional breaks, etc.

Not a bad idea...my issue would be that Saturday and Sunday are my "lock" days. Easiest days to get to the gym. I can't imagine back to back day would be recommended on a 3 day schedule, right?


What shoes is everyone here wearing to the gym?

I'm looking for some new shoes but the assortment here in the stores is rather poor and looks do matter to me. I imagine weightlifting shoes would be rather bad for cardio/jogging too.

Should just go for some general workout shoes and then just do squats barefoot...

Good enough for squatting and deadlifting

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not a bad idea...my issue would be that Saturday and Sunday are my "lock" days. Easiest days to get to the gym. I can't imagine back to back day would be recommended on a 3 day schedule, right?

I don't see why not. My 3 day is the same layout as a 4 day except the "4th day" carries over into the next week. Only thing I wouldn't like with 2 back to back is that leaves a lot of days together of not lifting. But it would hardly be a deal breaker.

Pete Rock

Vibram FiveFingers (some model that has laces instead of velcro). It's about the closest you can get to being barefoot without being barefoot.
Yup, although I just use their cheapest model with the velcro and love 'em. Great for everything, highly recommended. There is a tiny layer of liner inside but other than that it's just the rubber outer, so as close as you could get to barefoot, assuming you skip the crazy toe socks and wear them solo. Go to a local retailer where you can try them on to get the right size though, as they run euro and you might be surprised if you blindly order online.


I don't see why not. My 3 day is the same layout as a 4 day except the "4th day" carries over into the next week. Only thing I wouldn't like with 2 back to back is that leaves a lot of days together of not lifting. But it would hardly be a deal breaker.


If I'm ever feeling best up on a constant basis I'll definitely consider it.

Since my squats and Deads are still light weight baby wooooo I'm feeling pretty good :)


what is y'alls preworkout recommendation? about to run out of c4. worked pretty well. used to use acg3 and really liked that.

i know its not necessary, i just really enjoy the energy boost.
What shoes is everyone here wearing to the gym?

I'm looking for some new shoes but the assortment here in the stores is rather poor and looks do matter to me. I imagine weightlifting shoes would be rather bad for cardio/jogging too.

Should just go for some general workout shoes and then just do squats barefoot...

Classic Vans flat heel slip-ons. They provide a pretty good flat base to support a stable balance when lifting.

They're good looking mofos too.


Nelo Ice

Finally got some new lifting shoes. My store didn't have chucks in my size but I got Levis which seem to be exactly the same as chucks just diff brand.
Good morning workout; today was 1s day for overhead press on my 5/3/1 program and it went very well, put up 10 reps on my final set. Wrapped up the lifting, then went for an hour bike ride around town. Got home and pulled out my brand new jump rope and played with that for another 15 minutes... jumping rope is much more taxing than I remember it being as a little kid. Looking forward to adding it as a form of condition to my routine.
Been having a sore elbow(s - one more noticeable than the other) for a few weeks, assuming it relates to being chained to the desk most of the time, but just in case - is there any movements I should avoid? I'm guessing I should be mostly concerned about movements locking out overhead (e.g. snatch) and stuff like curls, right?


Been having a sore elbow(s - one more noticeable than the other) for a few weeks, assuming it relates to being chained to the desk most of the time, but just in case - is there any movements I should avoid? I'm guessing I should be mostly concerned about movements locking out overhead (e.g. snatch) and stuff like curls, right?

I got some elbow discomfort/pain with tricep exercises. I think it was mainly because I was kinda "throwing" the weight rather than doing a controlled steady movement. Especially skullcrushers, dips and overhead tricep cable pulls. Took easy on the tricep exercises and it's all better now.

Did 171 lbs 5/5/4 bench press today, somewhat happy with the outcome as the previous time I attempted this I only managed to do 4/3/2 and that too with somewhat bad form, this time around the first time I felt like I could have done more than 5. Will repeat 171 next time around and then bump up the weight. Progress!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Deadlift is gonna be just fine. Did 535 for 10 singles today. Also biggest bodybuilder at the gym (and has won awards) assumed I did roids and tried to have a conversation with me about some new blend. Felt good and awkward at the same time as I had to explain I don't do that shit lol. Also people have started introducing themselves to me in the gym. Not sure what's going on. Could be that 600lb deadlift post I put in the gyms page. Also immediately recognized as a "power lifter" at the gym now.

Right in the feels.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Deadlift is gonna be just fine. Did 535 for 10 singles today. Also biggest bodybuilder at the gym (and has won awards) assumed I did roids and tried to have a conversation with me about some new blend. Felt good and awkward at the same time as I had to explain I don't do that shit lol. Also people have started introducing themselves to me in the gym. Not sure what's going on. Could be that 600lb deadlift post I put in the gyms page. Also immediately recognized as a "power lifter" at the gym now.

Right in the feels.

Awesome, dude. Don't you love that, when others take notice of your hard work?

Had a party last night and I had several people mention to me that I'm looking jacked. Of course, I don't see it yet because I'm nowhere near my goals, but it's a really great reminder sometimes when we can't judge ourselves objectively.


Junior Member
What shoes is everyone here wearing to the gym?

I'm looking for some new shoes but the assortment here in the stores is rather poor and looks do matter to me. I imagine weightlifting shoes would be rather bad for cardio/jogging too.

Should just go for some general workout shoes and then just do squats barefoot...

Speaking of shoes, how are Converse for squats/lifting etc? My mum said she was bringing me back a pair from the States and I figured I could use them for that, considering they have a flat sole.
Right now I have a couple of Nike running shoes that I take off when I do lifting stuff, but considering that's pretty much all I do, there's no real reason for me to use them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Deadlift is gonna be just fine. Did 535 for 10 singles today. Also biggest bodybuilder at the gym (and has won awards) assumed I did roids and tried to have a conversation with me about some new blend. Felt good and awkward at the same time as I had to explain I don't do that shit lol. Also people have started introducing themselves to me in the gym. Not sure what's going on. Could be that 600lb deadlift post I put in the gyms page. Also immediately recognized as a "power lifter" at the gym now.

Right in the feels.



Deadlift is gonna be just fine. Did 535 for 10 singles today. Also biggest bodybuilder at the gym (and has won awards) assumed I did roids and tried to have a conversation with me about some new blend. Felt good and awkward at the same time as I had to explain I don't do that shit lol. Also people have started introducing themselves to me in the gym. Not sure what's going on. Could be that 600lb deadlift post I put in the gyms page. Also immediately recognized as a "power lifter" at the gym now.

Right in the feels.
Wow that's awesome



I use those shoes for lifting, cheap, very high quality, and work great. I wear chucks daily and they're very similar in feel.

So i finally hit size 36 pants. In march 2012, when i started lifting, i was a size 48 and 337.5lbs, couldnt lift a 5lb dumbbell due to having 0 muscle anywhere on my body. Now i'm lifting heavy + down to a size 36 and 264lbs. My goal was either 220lbs or size 36, whichever came first. Now that i've reached my goal, i am now going to go to the gym 4 days a week instead of the 2 i was doing. I was doing the 4-day 5/3/1 split, but did 2 compounds a day. The reason i did this, is it really slowed down my weight loss when i was working out too much. I know a lot of people do otherwise, but i tried all different ways, and for me, the less days i worked out, the quicker i lost fat.

Next 5/3/1 weights are going to be:

OHP - 165
Bench - 220
Squat - 345
Deadlift - 355

Very hyped to put more at the gym and again, wanted to thank everyone here for all the help everyone has given. Fitgaf introduced me to compounds, proper form, macros and ketosis. Wouldn't be anywhere without all the advice given here.

Nelo Ice

So met with my friend last night and talked about fitness stuff. This is the guy who was basically had no direction to a routine and kinda just made it up on the spot. I worked out with him for about a month and realized I was going nowhere. So anyway was talking and he asked how my lifting was going. Showed him my numbers on fitocracy and he was in shock. Was impressed at how strong I was and mentioned I may be stronger than he ever was(he's been kinda training for 2 years).

Before here all I heard was doing the compounds suck, no legs, iso, go for size ,doing high reps calisthenics just because etc etc. Felt so good to see that the advice and stuff I learned here was justified.


Ugh. It is such a challenge to eat enough food while doing SS. I should really switch back to whole milk from fat free. I've been worried about the cancer link to dairy fat. Someone please tell me I'm being stupid.


Speaking of shoes, how are Converse for squats/lifting etc? My mum said she was bringing me back a pair from the States and I figured I could use them for that, considering they have a flat sole.
Right now I have a couple of Nike running shoes that I take off when I do lifting stuff, but considering that's pretty much all I do, there's no real reason for me to use them.

If they're flat then they shouldn't be a problem. A lot of people use Chuck Taylors and those are Converse.
Watched some indy wrestling here in Colorado this weekend. Other than the "huge fat" guys, I was bigger than any of the other guys on the roster.

Feels good man.


Watched some indy wrestling here in Colorado this weekend. Other than the "huge fat" guys, I was bigger than any of the other guys on the roster.

Feels good man.

I was once at a quinceanera that was being held in a location next to an indy wrestling event. A bunch of the guys just left the party and went to go watch the wrestling instead. It's irrelevant, but I just thought having those two events in neighboring rooms was kinda funny.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Awesome, dude. Don't you love that, when others take notice of your hard work?

Had a party last night and I had several people mention to me that I'm looking jacked. Of course, I don't see it yet because I'm nowhere near my goals, but it's a really great reminder sometimes when we can't judge ourselves objectively.

Hell yeah it is and yeah, we are always (and should be) our own worst critics.



how do you keep your lower back tight during heavy deadlifts?

Arch the shit out of it during setup, also, some rounding is likely to happen near max.

Back to the gym.

Jacked to the brim.

Did dips for the first time, after cgbp, got up to 96x5 and now my triceps are fried.

You, jacked? The hell you say!

Hows that back feeling?
Shooting for 70 KG bench and 102,5 KG squat today! Feeling mad P-U-M-P-E-D!

those do look nice, i'd probably feel bad about ruining them at the gym. :p

Well if it was up to me I'd be wearing chucks like the rest of the GAF crew. But those things are luxury commodity over here. Shit ain't cheap brew.

I ain't complaining though. Them Vans do the works.
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