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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I cringe at the ever present thought of people thinking weight training is somehow more dangerous than say playing ball, soccer, jogging, biking, etc. I have yet to seen a properly done study that proves it, it's all old wive's tales with no evidence.

Yeah my mom was like "after your back gets better maybe you should give the gym a rest"

I then reminded her every sport has injuries and she took it back.

At least my dad is really into it, which is kind of cool because we rarely connect on things. He HATES videogames and has always been pretty vocal about how they're wasteful time sinks. He thinks weight lifting is cool though.


Oh snap. The most aesthetic mind in youtube fitness, Frank yang, is being coached by the Gawd, John Otis Hollywood. I dunno if that means he plans on doing a bodybuilding show, but this should make his youtube channel especially interesting, considering how very strange his channel already is..


Oh snap. The most aesthetic mind in youtube fitness, Frank yang, is being coached by the Gawd, John Otis Hollywood. I dunno if that means he plans on doing a bodybuilding show, but this should make his youtube channel especially interesting, considering how very strange his channel already is..

That dude is entirely too weird for me to watch.


Did my power day and it went great, I was a little down on strength on the DB bench but I haven't done it heavy in 2 weeks so I sort of expected that. Incline bench I went up to 335x4, shoulders I scaled back a bit (Used 90# DBs) since I did so much volume with them this week I don't want to push my luck. My right shoulder is much better but 17-20 sets in a week is a bit much for it. Deadlift & pendlay row were pretty much the same and squat was up by 5#.

Pretty much all of my other lifts were the same or went up very slightly which is really encouraging, and when I first got in the gym I felt like a damn spartan. I can't stress it enough, this diet is awesome, today I woke up looking lean and felt like a monster. Also, some kid waited for me to finish my set on bench to ask me the proper form on DB shrugs, the feels man the feels.

For next weeks carb load I'm going to take some creatine, I've never used it for more than 2 days before but only using it for a carb load makes sense to me.

How much weight did you gain the past few days? About 5-8 lbs. probably, right?
Everyday for the past week I've had someone remark on my physique. Feels good, i dont usually grt that kind of attention. Yesterday postworkout, I hit up a grocery store to get some yogurt and this big dude asked if I train. He seemed serious so I didnt reply with 'I do yoga' and just said yea. He asked how much I charge. I guess I misunderstood and told him as much. Then he lamented on missing his bus which he had no intention of trying to catch despite not being far off. It got me kind of wondering what it would be like as a trainer and trying to get someone from shit to fit. I honestly think it would be a shit job. That is if the clientele isn't willing to put in the work.

Anyways I think the attention is from v-necks.

One day I will man up and buy a scoop neck.
I missed leg day last week (camping trip) and got back to the regular schedule this week. The doms i've been having for the entirety of this week are debilitating! This is my first missed workout in like 8 months, had to reset that clock. Never again.


His obsession with bbc is a little disconcerting to say the least but he's made some nice gains both in strength and mental disorders.

Yeah man, I saw a video where he had his girl or something doing some weird shit and had to close it. He's strong but that was a bit much for me.
He needs to be a tiny bit less aggressive outside of this thread :p
Treat beginners with a gentle touch, so they don't feel like they're being put on the spot (no one likes that).


Yeah man, I saw a video where he had his girl or something doing some weird shit and had to close it. He's strong but that was a bit much for me.

He had a video of him fucking his girl in broad daylight in taiwan. The one that tripped me out is where he would go to random gyms and attatch a black dildo to the top of a pull up bar and suck it on every rep. He got kicked out of every gym.

He needs to be a tiny bit less aggressive outside of this thread :p
Treat beginners with a gentle touch, so they don't feel like they're being put on the spot (no one likes that).

our sense of strength is skewed heavily towards beginner males to brolic males. I saw a female trainer at my gym struggle to rack up a 60ish lb ez barbell at about shoulder height. It's all relative. That's why I marvel at 130lb guys deadlifting 600 lbs.

Nelo Ice

He had a video of him fucking his girl in broad daylight in taiwan. The one that tripped me out is where he would go to random gyms and attatch a black dildo to the top of a pull up bar and suck it on every rep. He got kicked out of every gym.

Wait what? And here I was thinking that bulking video I saw was nuts on top of him snorting creatine. I also clicked the link in the description of the vid about junk food and how he cleans it...by literally dumping it in the bathtub with him.


Eh in Petries defense, according to strength calculators, an untrained novice of that size should be able to squat the bar.


Wait what? And here I was thinking that bulking video I saw was nuts on top of him snorting creatine. I also clicked the link in the description of the vid about junk food and how he cleans it...by literally dumping it in the bathtub with him.

Never saw the tub, his bulk was nuts even though I'm sure he did it for the views/trolling.

Eh in Petries defense, according to strength calculators, an untrained novice of that size should be able to squat the bar.

I thought the issue was not necessarily squatting it but probably lifting up the bar and racking it. The bar is half her weight so I can understand their being a little difficulty. That said, I think she might not be asserting herself to the best of her ability or maybe a little apprehensive about asking for help, who knows.

I am next

Nah, you'll be fine.


Eh in Petries defense, according to strength calculators, an untrained novice of that size should be able to squat the bar.

Yeah, but he sometimes needs to be a little more tactful with his delivery. We're online so context and tone are hard to discern. He's a cool dude, but can come off as rough around the edges with beginners lol.

Nelo Ice

Eh in Petries defense, according to strength calculators, an untrained novice of that size should be able to squat the bar.

Speaking of which most people should be able to squat the bar right? Curious since I tried helping a friend once and she could not squat the bar and gave up almost instantly lol.


Never saw the tub, his bulk was nuts even though I'm sure he did it for the views/trolling.

I thought the issue was not necessarily squatting it but probably lifting up the bar and racking it. The bar is half her weight so I can understand their being a little difficulty. That said, I think she might not be asserting herself to the best of her ability or maybe a little apprehensive about asking for help, who knows.

That's what I thought at first, but she was saying she couldn't squat it.

No doubt, but there are gentler ways of pointing that out.

Yeah, but he sometimes needs to be a little more tactful with his delivery. We're online so context and tone are hard to discern. He's a cool dude, but can come off as rough around the edges with beginners lol.

I agree, but probably not ban worthy. He messages me on Facebook to let you guys know he'll miss all of you.

Speaking of which most people should be able to squat the bar right? Curious since I tried helping a friend once and she could not squat the bar and gave up almost instantly lol.

From a technically standpoint yes. But it's not impossible she can't.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
There, I did my first legit 3x5 bench press today after work.

Also tried my first Quest Bar: surprisingly decent.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have any experience giving advice to people with hypermobile joints or have them yourself? It's been years since I've seriously exercised, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Used to do the adjusted Starting Strength program without the power cleans, but since a physician noticed my hypermobility most of the medical professionals I've seen since highly suggested it's safer for me to lift less weight and do more reps. So right now I've been doing 3x10 except for deadlifts, as I would like to avoid injury as much as I can but I don't know if this is really the optimal way to do that.


Gold Member
It's easy to forget that untrained people often have so weak glutes and hamstrings that they find even bodyweight squat to proper depth heavy to impossible, let alone doing it with a barbell. That was me a year ago, and I am a guy. Doing bodyweight squats is where I started and it sent my HR racing at a good 170-180.
Speaking of which most people should be able to squat the bar right? Curious since I tried helping a friend once and she could not squat the bar and gave up almost instantly lol.

Correct, although I could see a girl so untrained that she can't squat the barbell. Some people are just afraid of anything too big in the gym. Trying easing her into it using the curl bar and then adding weight seems to be the best option. If she can't squat just the curl bar, then leg pressing is on the horizon

I agree, but probably not ban worthy. He messages me on Facebook to let you guys know he'll miss all of you.
I will dedicate today's quest bar to him

There, I did my first legit 3x5 bench press today after work.
Also tried my first Quest Bar: surprisingly decent.
Score man! You are already on the swole-road!

Does anyone have any experience giving advice to people with hypermobile joints or have them yourself? It's been years since I've seriously exercised, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Used to do the adjusted Starting Strength program without the power cleans, but since a physician noticed my hypermobility most of the medical professionals I've seen since highly suggested it's safer for me to lift less weight and do more reps. So right now I've been doing 3x10 except for deadlifts, as I would like to avoid injury as much as I can but I don't know if this is really the optimal way to do that.

I honestly don't see how higher repsxlower weight could help with hypermobile joints. I had a friend with that condition and he wouldn't lift for his life no matter how hard I could encourage him.

Doing a google search in the starting strength forum drew some light on the issue:

Rippetoe about hypermobility:

"You don't have to leave anything out, although situps and back extensions may be aggravating the situation. But you must be very careful to not produce a lumbar hyperlordosis when you squat and pull, and this requires a high degree of positional awareness. Staying TIGHT should be your Number 1 concern."

I guess it's just an issue of just learning how your body moves with experience. Progressively barbell loading should give you the time you need to develop such knowledge.



Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I guess it's just an issue of just learning how your body moves with experience. Progressively barbell loading should give you the time you need to develop such knowledge.

Thanks for the answer. The extent of the condition isn't the worst thankfully in that I have no real tissue disease, but I easily sprain my ankles and such and working out is hopefully a way to prevent stuff like that. My lower back does seem to be a delicate point, so I'll keep that in mind. When I squat I sometimes feel the weight shifting to it a bit too much, so I will need to address that.

At the same time though, I am liking the 3x10 workouts so far, so I'm wondering if there's any harm in continuing the way I am.


I asked her to clarify. She hasn't tried to squat it because she can't bench the bar.

Interest piqued

Not being able to bench the bar is understandable at that height and weight. It took my wife awhile to work up to the bar. Now I think she reps 80+lbs

And yeah. It was incredible. I'm gonna see if bed bath and beyond has it in store because we have gift cards there.
At the same time though, I am liking the 3x10 workouts so far, so I'm wondering if there's any harm in continuing the way I am.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, but the 10rep scheme sacrifices strength and power development for size:


4-7 rep is the sweetspot for developing a whole bunch of athletic capabilities.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Nothing inherently wrong with that, but the 10rep scheme sacrifices strength and power development for size:

4-7 rep is the sweetspot for developing a whole bunch of athletic capabilities.

Alright, thanks again for the answer.


People need calories to stay alive, even the laziest couch potato does. The barest minimum of calories that you need to stay alive—without any exertion whatsoever—is called your BMR.

Now, if you exercise, you need to take in more calories than your BMR, of course. How much more? That depends upon the amount of calories burned, e. g. your activity levels. Add together that amount, with the BMR, and a couple of other things that burn your calories, and you get the so-called TDEE - which is your total daily energy expenditure.

How do I calculate all then?

There are numerous complicated calculations out there, but really no one needs to manually calculate anything when there are sites that calculates everything for you:


Input height, weight, age, activity level, gender, and (optional, but helpful) bodyfat percentage (BF%) and/or waist. The calculator will give you both the BMR, TDEE, as well as an estimation of your muscle/fat mass.

Remember that all of this is blanket estimation of exacting processes going on in your body - incorrect estimations can be corrected, but the important thing is that you are consistent in your measurement and approach so you are always moving towards your goals.
Hey all. So I inputed my info into this caloric calculator and the results were pretty shocking to me. My TDEE is apparently about 2400 calories. I tried the myfitnesspal app as well and it says the same thing.

Age: 25
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Goal: 175+
Current Training Schedule: 3x a week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

Before I started working out this month, I was consuming less than 2k calories and maintained my weight pretty well. I'm worried that adding even more calories to my daily schedule, especially on days I don't work out, will add more body fat. Should I be worried about this? The only real body fat I have is a bit of flab on my waist that I want to lose. Otherwise, I want to gain muscle mass almost everywhere.



You might be overestimating your activity levels. See my post on the last page.

I think I'll actually turn Petrie's idea into FitGAF canon.
If I put in sedentary, I get a TDEE of of 2129. If I put in lightly active, I get 2440. On days I'm not working out (sedentary), should I be maintaing 2129?


Does anyone have any experience giving advice to people with hypermobile joints or have them yourself? It's been years since I've seriously exercised, but I'm slowly getting back into it. Used to do the adjusted Starting Strength program without the power cleans, but since a physician noticed my hypermobility most of the medical professionals I've seen since highly suggested it's safer for me to lift less weight and do more reps. So right now I've been doing 3x10 except for deadlifts, as I would like to avoid injury as much as I can but I don't know if this is really the optimal way to do that.

Please note that I'm not a medical professional; neither am I a certified strength coach.

I'm just a dude on the Internet (TM). So let this serve as a disclaimer that what I'm about to say is just my personal opinion.

How hypermobile are you? Are you particularly tall and lanky? Do you have myopia and flat feet? There's a possibility you might have Marfan's syndrome, in which case you should stay away from weight training.

If not, then my opinion is that you should do SS as is and just get strong. It'll actually strengthen your joints and make it less likely for you to get injured. Just be extra careful on form.

At the same time though, I am liking the 3x10 workouts so far, so I'm wondering if there's any harm in continuing the way I am.

Like Bronzewolf said, 3x10 is not very conductive to getting strong.


Not being able to bench the bar is understandable at that height and weight. It took my wife awhile to work up to the bar. Now I think she reps 80+lbs

It seems weird to me to not be able to do just the bar in anything. I guess Body Pump really does build strength!

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Please note that I'm not a medical professional; neither am I a certified strength coach.

I'm just a dude on the Internet (TM). So let this serve as a disclaimer that what I'm about to say is just my personal opinion.

How hypermobile are you? Are you particularly tall and lanky? Do you have myopia and flat feet? There's a possibility you might have Marfan's syndrome, in which case you should stay away from weight training.

Luckily enough, I don't have a severe case. I'm not tall or lanky. No Marfan, no Ehler-Danloss, no weird skin things or vision problems. I've had it tested quite thoroughly. I do have flat feet and some overly lax joints, but not all. Like I mentioned I easily sprain my ankles when walking on uneven surfaces.


Hey all. So I inputed my info into this caloric calculator and the results were pretty shocking to me. My TDEE is apparently about 2400 calories. I tried the myfitnesspal app as well and it says the same thing.

Age: 25
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Goal: 175+
Current Training Schedule: 3x a week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

Before I started working out this month, I was consuming less than 2k calories and maintained my weight pretty well. I'm worried that adding even more calories to my daily schedule, especially on days I don't work out, will add more body fat. Should I be worried about this? The only real body fat I have is a bit of flab on my waist that I want to lose. Otherwise, I want to gain muscle mass almost everywhere.


Seems you have some conflicting goals here.

You want to lose fat, but also gain muscle. You need a caloric surplus to gain muscle. If you're a new trainee you can eek out some beginner gains on maintenance and even a below.

But if you want pack on some quality muscle you need to get on a caloric surplus.

Think about it. If you add 10 pounds of muscle, heck even 20 pounds of muscle, which is common for male beginners, you will look very different, for the better even if you're carrying some fat. You can always cut later. I'm not talking about just go nuts and eat like shit, but a 500 calories surplus while staying away from stuff like HFCS and eating enough protein will pack some nice muscle, especially if you're doing one of the beginner programs.

If you really want to lose that flab, you can do that as well, but I would alter your goals to focus more on fat loss than muscle gain.
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team has an entire boss line-up of beefy gym warriors.

"You guys don't look so tough! I bet you even eat carbs!"
Hey all. So I inputed my info into this caloric calculator and the results were pretty shocking to me. My TDEE is apparently about 2400 calories. I tried the myfitnesspal app as well and it says the same thing.

Age: 25
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Goal: 175+
Current Training Schedule: 3x a week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

Before I started working out this month, I was consuming less than 2k calories and maintained my weight pretty well. I'm worried that adding even more calories to my daily schedule, especially on days I don't work out, will add more body fat. Should I be worried about this? The only real body fat I have is a bit of flab on my waist that I want to lose. Otherwise, I want to gain muscle mass almost everywhere.


Can't really add muscle and lose fat at the same time unless you're a completely untrained beginner. Building muscle needs food. You'll be happier in the long run if you don't stress out about the bit of flab at first and add some muscle, probably.
Hey all. So I inputed my info into this caloric calculator and the results were pretty shocking to me. My TDEE is apparently about 2400 calories. I tried the myfitnesspal app as well and it says the same thing.

Age: 25
Height: 6'
Weight: 165
Goal: 175+
Current Training Schedule: 3x a week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

Before I started working out this month, I was consuming less than 2k calories and maintained my weight pretty well. I'm worried that adding even more calories to my daily schedule, especially on days I don't work out, will add more body fat. Should I be worried about this? The only real body fat I have is a bit of flab on my waist that I want to lose. Otherwise, I want to gain muscle mass almost everywhere.


What they said, I wouldn't worry with cutting until you got to the 200+ pound mark, but that's my personal choice. I would even GOMAD for the first 15 pounds. Lose the fat later
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