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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Sean got himself a heart rate monitor, so he could always try and find that out.

Personally, I just pick generic strength building. Even if it's off by 100 calories that's no biggie, no more inaccurate than assumed activity levels, and encourages work out for those that track calories.


I would exhaust my n00b gains before cutting. What's your bf guesstimate right now?

What's the guesstimation for a squat workout calorie expenditure? Has anyone measured it?

For a squat workout I dunno. But this week I'm going to monitor my heart rate and work efficiently at the gym (no chatting) so I can give you an idea next week on other days what I burn. Not sure how much that will help.


I might just get this


Having the info go right to my phone is really nice.


What's the guesstimation for a squat workout calorie expenditure? Has anyone measured it?

Time how long it takes you to do the full workout. Measure your heart rate right after each set to get an average. Plug those numbers + your weight into here.

Or just get a heart monitor watch set.


Well, I got good results from IF, lost fat this week and still went up on all my lifts- to think that I will be squatting 300 pounds within the month is crazy.

These are my macros for today:

Cals 1973/2500
Carbs 4/31
Fat 137/194
Protein 157/156

So I am yet 57 grams of fat to go today but have eaten all of my protein intake. Is this bad for keto? I am not that hungry since it's been a very lazy Sunday, should I just call it quits on the nomnom's? What can I eat besides an avocado that has a lot of fat?

Time how long it takes you to do the full workout. Measure your heart rate right after each set to get an average

I'll try to to do this, but I am in a financial pinch right now! I'll wait for Sean to get his measuring done


I'll try to to do this, but I am in a financial pinch right now! I'll wait for Sean to get his measuring done

It doesn't take any money to put two fingers on your neck!

Remember that calories burned is dependent on your body and your heart rate, so what Sean burns might not be the same as what you would burn.
It doesn't take any money to put two fingers on your neck!

Remember that calories burned is dependent on your body and your heart rate, so what Sean burns might not be the same as what you would burn.

All right I'll do this tomorrow! Thanks :D



These are my macros for today:

Cals 1973/2500
Carbs 4/31
Fat 137/194
Protein 157/156

So I am yet 57 grams of fat to go today but have eaten all of my protein intake. Is this bad for keto? I am not that hungry since it's been a very lazy Sunday, should I just call it quits on the nomnom's? What can I eat besides an avocado that has a lot of fat?

I'll try to to do this, but I am in a financial pinch right now! I'll wait for Sean to get his measuring done
Made some cookies out of 2 Quest Cookie Dough bars

Do you guys work your biceps and triceps together or do biceps after back and triceps after chest? Seems like im reading you get better stimulation and your elbow flexors aren't exhausted from doing biceps after back.

I wonder why maybe that's why im not seeing any bicep growth.

Hi Fit-GAF,

If my life didn't turn to shit I probably would've been involved here much sooner. Anyway, I'm going on 24 and it's been almost 5 years since I've lifted seriously. I don't want to get into what happened but basically it was a back injury caused by mistreating my funky spine and it's never quite healed. I'm in a pretty good state now though although I still have to remain a bit cautious. I'm hitting the gym again and I'm noticing I'm getting exhausted during my workouts. Like, I start yawning and shit 20 minutes in. This isn't the case when I'm doing cardio, just lifting. I only remember this happening after doing 5 sets of squats I would sometimes start yawning on the leg extension machine. Now it's happening with everything. Should I persist or maybe get my cardio health up before I start a proper routine? I feel like I'm floundering right now and not really making any progress, at the same time, I'm just happy to be active again, it's been a long time since I've been able to do anything. I'm about 230ish right now at 6'3 looking to get back around 200 or so.

Also, I can't do a pullup to save my life anymore. Any strategies I can follow? My lats are practically non-existent.


Do you guys work your biceps and triceps together or do biceps after back and triceps after chest? Seems like im reading you get better stimulation and your elbow flexors aren't exhausted from doing biceps after back.

I wonder why maybe that's why im not seeing any bicep growth.


I do chest/tri and back/bis. I on occassion may do an arm day, but I prefer not to.
I do preacher curls as well as tricep pushdown on Ohp-days Mondays, and then DB Hammer curl along with dips on Fridays.
My biceps are just super stubborn when it comes to growth so I gotta hit em twice.


First morning testing my university's gym facility, then making use of that unlimited meal plan right after. Exciting stuff


Got my Rumble Roller today finally. Here's my collection at the moment, going from 'pussymode' to 'hard core'.


First is the normal foam roller, then my DIY PVC-pipe roller. Last but not least the new extra firm rumble roller. Also tennis ball which I use quite often also.


Got my Rumble Roller today finally. Here's my collection at the moment, going from 'pussymode' to 'hard core'.


First is the normal foam roller, then my DIY PVC-pipe roller. Last but not least the new extra firm rumble roller. Also tennis ball which I use quite often also.

OOOooooo how do you like the extra firm one? I got a bit of upper cross going that I've been working on and I've fell in love with the foam roller at the gym. I was thinking about picking one of those rumbles up.


OOOooooo how do you like the extra firm one? I got a bit of upper cross going that I've been working on and I've fell in love with the foam roller at the gym. I was thinking about picking one of those rumbles up.

It's nice. Not too firm, which I was afraid of, but just right imo. I haven't really used it yet properly but I tried it quickly. Gonna try more tonight.
Starting the second week of the Magnusson/Ortmayer Routine and so far, so good. I'm sure the following weeks will make me cut down the volume on my non-deadlift days but until that time comes, I'm just gonna be doing as much as I can. Continue lifting, continue eating.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Do you guys work your biceps and triceps together or do biceps after back and triceps after chest? Seems like im reading you get better stimulation and your elbow flexors aren't exhausted from doing biceps after back.

I wonder why maybe that's why im not seeing any bicep growth.


Chest/bi days and shoulder/tri days FTW!


Brian Burke punched my mom
I've trained broceps once this year, last week, gotta get on that shit and balance things out. I feel my arms are big enough already though it would be nice to put some size back on them. Triceps are way too dominant.
any of you guys ever had a really clean bulk where you didn't feel the need to cut afterwards and just went straight to maintenance?

My cut is ending out and I'd rather not start putting on much, if any fat on again if I can avoid it...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Back to keto. Got sloppy, enjoyed myself the past couple days. Time to rebuild.


the piano man
any of you guys ever had a really clean bulk where you didn't feel the need to cut afterwards and just went straight to maintenance?

My cut is ending out and I'd rather not start putting on much, if any fat on again if I can avoid it...

are you crazy? Bigorexia is all the rage these days.

lol, in all seriousness, in a way I am happy I am new to this because I still have a very long way to go. I will not be happy if a day ever arrives in which I look at a mirror and say, "you may still want more, but that really is enough..." I hope is in many many years.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
any of you guys ever had a really clean bulk where you didn't feel the need to cut afterwards and just went straight to maintenance?

My cut is ending out and I'd rather not start putting on much, if any fat on again if I can avoid it...

I started a clean bulk after my huge cut two weeks ago. I've been eating 700 more calories/day and the only difference I've noticed is that my muscles have started popping way more while I've retained pretty much the same amount of definition. It's awesome.

Currently lean bulking at 2750 calories. I love it as I get to really be creative with the crap I eat. If I can fit ice cream into my daily calories/macros, then ice cream here I come. Or pop tarts, etc. Of course, I still eat healthy 95% of the time, but even on a "lean bulk" if you're smart about your food you can really eat anything you'd like.

But anyway, yeah, eat at a conservative 200-250 calories above your maintenance and you should be alright.
I've trained broceps once this year, last week, gotta get on that shit and balance things out.

I'm on the same boat.. been doing 5/3/1 all year but have trained my biceps maybe 2-3 times or so. I think my biceps should be a tad bigger to look a bit more even with the rest of my upper body. Gotta start hitting them once a week from now on...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also I just wanted to say Blackflag has pretty much the ideal look I want.

I'm envious Blackflag - luckily you don't have to give it up to share it with me.


Do triceps generally take longer to recover? Want to start hitting them twice a week as I do biceps, as I haven't seen much growth over the last few months.
Do triceps generally take longer to recover? Want to start hitting them twice a week as I do biceps, as I haven't seen much growth over the last few months.

Your triceps are used in so many more movements than your biceps, so over the week they take a harder hit than the latter.



These are my macros for today:

Cals 1973/2500
Carbs 4/31
Fat 137/194
Protein 157/156

So I am yet 57 grams of fat to go today but have eaten all of my protein intake. Is this bad for keto? I am not that hungry since it's been a very lazy Sunday, should I just call it quits on the nomnom's? What can I eat besides an avocado that has a lot of fat?

Butter. Just eat a stick of butter :p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

These are my macros for today:

Cals 1973/2500
Carbs 4/31
Fat 137/194
Protein 157/156

So I am yet 57 grams of fat to go today but have eaten all of my protein intake. Is this bad for keto? I am not that hungry since it's been a very lazy Sunday, should I just call it quits on the nomnom's? What can I eat besides an avocado that has a lot of fat?

Delicious Cashews!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pretty solid cheat birthday weekend. Some good and some bad but definitely an increase in calories. Back to a disciplined week of eating.

Going to see how many reps of 225 I can crank out tonight thanks to immortal inspiring me with his 23 last week. I'll be thrilled if I get 20!


Got 4 reps of 255 for my deadlift today and then my forearms and grip said fuck this, we're done...

sooo close arghh. I was just spent after that. Had to go all the way back down to 225 to get a successful last rep in. Damn farmer's carries from yesterday did me in. Got to space that out better next time. And rest, definitely better rest. I could tell a big difference today as I got semi-shitty sleep last night. Hitting the sack early tonight.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Would you guys say that achieving a pump for both the biceps and triceps (lighter weight, way more reps) is the way to go for making your arms bigger or treating them as you would a main/assistance lift?
Would you guys say that achieving a pump for both the biceps and triceps (lighter weight, way more reps) is the way to go for making your arms bigger or treating them as you would a main/assistance lift?

Bigger - more reps, lighter weight
Stronger - fewer reps, higher weight

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy-This is an increase in the sarcoplasm in the muscle. Sarcoplasm is NON-CONTRACTILE TISSUE, but accounts for roughly 30% of the size of the muscle. In increasing sarcoplasm, you are actually DECREASING the muscle's contractile fiber density, resulting in less power/strength output across the muscle area. As you can see from the chart, from 10-12 reps and up is when sarcoplasmic hypertrophy comes into play


Today was "5-3-1" day for deadlifts and my last full effort squat assistance workout on the BBB challenge. I got 2 more reps than last time so felt good about that, but phew is that tough - went 10,10,10,8,7.

I had some Optum Nutrition "Pre-" pre workout stuff and it was alright. Got the typical skin crawling sensation that Jack3d used to give me - not sure what it is that gives that sensation. Not sure if it helped or not, either.

Looking forward to getting started on a more strength-oriented 5/3/1 than the hypertrophic BBB challenge. Bought Beyond 5/3/1 a while back and will be transitioning to the Strength Challenge next. Should be fun.
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