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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Nelo Ice

Every time I try to teach ppl proper programming no one listens sigh...
And now my untrained friend is starting deadlifts with terrible form at 135 lbs.
First day Texas Method kicked my fucking ass to the curb.

Loved it though. I didn't even complete my 3100 calories today! I am going to pace myself, I was eating 1800cal, will try to go up progressively


Every time I try to teach ppl proper programming no one listens sigh...
And now my untrained friend is starting deadlifts with terrible form at 135 lbs.

That's unfortunate. At least he's willing to learn deadlifts. Some of my friends believe isolation exercises across circuits is the way to go, despite me directing them to the SS book. Though that's probably better than rounded-back deadlifts.


First day Texas Method kicked my fucking ass to the curb.

Loved it though. I didn't even complete my 3100 calories today! I am going to pace myself, I was eating 1800cal, will try to go up progressively

Nice job! I'm planning on switching to the Texas Method after finishing SS, and boy, volume day looks a tad terrifying. How long did your workout take you?

Nelo Ice

Just finished my first 5/3/1 workout and damn my shoulders and arms are dead. Did OHP just fine but couldn't do the 5x10 chins normally. Did the first 2 sets to 10 then after I only got to 7 took a quick rest then did the last 3. Also subbed in 2 sets of pull ups and only got to 8 also had to take a short rest for those to finish.

That's unfortunate. At least he's willing to learn deadlifts. Some of my friends believe isolation exercises across circuits is the way to go, despite me directing them to the SS book. Though that's probably better than rounded-back deadlifts.
He's not even willing to learn just jumping into it. And now he's just doing random iso machines. Also here with another friend and I swear I have no credibility over any friend that's bigger and has worked out for a few years. Everyone listens to my friends with random routines and they hate or outright avoid at least 1 major compound. Kinda ranting but its so frustrating when no one listens or even gives my advice an actual try.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So what do you think of this Texas Method program? I am coming back with an intermediate program:

Back Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Dynamic Effort Deadlift 8x1

Front Squat 3x3
Overhead Press 3x3
Back Extensions

Back Squat 5RM
Bench Press 5RM
Deadlift 5RM

Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Power Cleans 8x3

Front Squat 3x3
Bench Press3x3
Back Extensions
Pull Ups

Back Squat 5RM
Overhead Press 5RM
Power Clean 5 heavy singles

I am starting today :D
Did you get this from somewhere or design it yourself? Looks good, the only thing I'd be wary about is deadlifting/cleaning 2x a week. TM is very squat focussed, and deadlifts suck hard after squats on volume day (they aren't great on intensity day either ;p). I'd consider doing Mon - Cleans 8x3, Fri - DL 1x5, Mon - DE DL 1x8, Fri - Cleans 5x1, that way you don't go a whole week without either movement whilst also somewhat reducing workload, then again you also lose some of the priming that the monday workout would give for friday, though cleans and deads have good carry-over to each other. Obviously these are just my opinions, you know your own body and strengths/weaknesses much better. Good luck!


Right an update on things since I last posted here. Below is the amount I can carry when doing the Full Body Beginner's programme:

Squats - 55kg (originally 40ish)
Bench Press - 30kg (originally 15-20ish)
Deadlifts - 35kg (originally 20ish)
Overhead Press - 15kg (originally 7.5ish)
Power Cleans - 20kg (originally 10ish)
Bent Over Row - 30kg (believe it was 20ish initially)
(All of the above don't include the extra weight of Olympic Barbells - as far as I am aware they're at least 15kg by themselves)

BB Bicep Curls - 20kg

I found myself over the past few weeks only being able to do 1 pull up, so started doing assisted ones yesterday at a weight of 25 (kg - not sure since it didn't specify on them what they were), although I find I can only do 7 reps.
Is it OK if you're just 1 rep under?

I feel like everytime I go to the gym there's always a mistake made by myself in some form making me believe I'll never achieve my goal of getting bigger. One day it's the Power Cleans where I can't get my elbows pointed towards the wall when the weight is immediately above my chest while another day it's either wondering whether I'm getting the weights close enough to my chest during a bench press or messing up with pull ups.

However despite this I still find I'm urging myself to keep going back and continue so I can do my best to meet my desires. I feel proud for that.


oh man. What a difference a woman's gym is different is different from the unisex one. I didn't know what to do in the weight area. Those dudes were doing some major pumps. I didn't want to look like a fool so I left. :/

lol I need a pic guide please


oh man. What a difference a woman's gym is different is different from the unisex one. I didn't know what to do in the weight area. Those dudes were doing some major pumps. I didn't want to look like a fool so I left. :/

lol I need a pic guide please

What are your goals?
What is the best form of cardio that has the lowest impact on joints?

Swimming. Second to that, either biking or walking. Rowing machines can be relatively low impact as well.

There are instructional videos for every exercise on youtube.

Or find someone who has been going to the gym and have them show you the form and make sure you're doing it right.

Heck, there are videos linked in one of the first few posts in this thread for most of the major barbell lifts.
I'm sick and it's pissing me off. Haven't been able to eat anything due to food poisoning. Urgh.

Had a terrible workout session yesterday too :-(


I know this thread is mostly bodybuilders, but I wanted to post about one thing I've been getting a little more into recently; indoor rowing! Using the ergometer has been a total blast thus far, and I find after a few weeks of hard training I'm starting to really transform. My cardio is dramatically improved, i don't really get 'tired' anymore at the end of the day, and I have way more energy. I feel a lot more 'fit' in a way that pure strength training has never done. It's caused some physical changes too; I'm developing muscles in places I didn't know had muscles.

I'm considering competing at some point; the competition for ergometers is really intense, but it could be a lot of fun to see how fast I can get my 2k time. I might graduate from FitnessGAF to AthleteGAF!

Does anyone else here do a lot of training-type activities for sports and competition, or focus on non-strength activities? I've been a weights guy for a long time but this is kind of fun.
Does anyone else here do a lot of training-type activities for sports and competition, or focus on non-strength activities? I've been a weights guy for a long time but this is kind of fun.

Yeah, I do C2 rowing once a week for conditioning and if I had a big apartment I would probably buy one for myself since my gym has only one of them and it's taken way too often. Anyway, I usually row for 20 minutes: five minutes with a slower pace to warm up, then 10 minutes of interval rowing and after that a five minute cool down to finish the session. I still haven't tested my 2k time though since I know it will be a suck fest, hehe.

And fuck yeah. My bench is still going up... today I hit 5/4/4 x 253,5 lb which is a new PR. I'm a bit tempted to try my max next week, hoping to do 275-285 lb.

J. Bravo

Man, I think I need to start having someone record my final heavy set for deadlifts. Right after I finished the set, I forgot how many reps I did. I know it was 2 or 3, and am probably going to use 3 to calculate my next cycle lol.

Also, how can I improve my 1st rep? Once I get that rep off the ground, the next few are much easier. Do deficit deadlifts help?

edit: oh and sidenote, one of the trainers was deadlifting after me. he was using straps and a mixed grip while deadlifting 225 for 8-10 reps. I honestly cannot think of a reason to do that, especially when a guy like me who is much smaller than him, can double overhand 315 for 5...which still isn't that great.


Just back from NYC. One of my goals with the trip was to visit a "real" gym, so I went to Steel Gym, which seemed to be regarded as the best one. Wasn't that much different compared to my own gym, except that they had more racks, less stationary bikes, all-metal weight plates instead of rubberized ones, and a lot of absolutely ripped 50 and 60 year olds. Cool place, but maybe a bit too hot and humid. I think my maxes went up at least 10% by breathing in that air.


Man, I think I need to start having someone record my final heavy set for deadlifts. Right after I finished the set, I forgot how many reps I did. I know it was 2 or 3, and am probably going to use 3 to calculate my next cycle lol.

Also, how can I improve my 1st rep? Once I get that rep off the ground, the next few are much easier. Do deficit deadlifts help?

edit: oh and sidenote, one of the trainers was deadlifting after me. he was using straps and a mixed grip while deadlifting 225 for 8-10 reps. I honestly cannot think of a reason to do that, especially when a guy like me who is much smaller than him, can double overhand 315 for 5...which still isn't that great.

Are you coming to full stop? That could make it easier.

There is no reason at all to do that. imo double overhand as much as you can then alternate grip. Or if you want to use straps just double overhand with straps. alternating with straps is silliness.

J. Bravo

Are you coming to full stop? That could make it easier.

There is no reason at all to do that. imo double overhand as much as you can then alternate grip. Or if you want to use straps just double overhand with straps. alternating with straps is silliness.

I'm not bouncing it, if that's what you mean. I pause for a split second and make sure my back is tight again, but that's it. I don't think I'd get anything done if I paused for longer than that.

At least I don't think I'm bouncing it.


the piano man
We barely have any bodybuilders here....

first thing that came to mind when I read that, lol

no offense to anyone, as I don't follow everybody's posts that closely but judging by eating and training behaviour, I'd hesitate to call anyone here besides Darth and Immortal a bodybuilder, amateur or otherwise.

this is very much a "strength" thread.


Just got told I couldn't do cleans at my gym today.

Would something like dumbbell snatches (which I could do at home) be a reasonable substitute?


Weird day at the gym. Still doing SS.

Progress 5 lbs to 250 lb squat for 3 x 5
Progressed 2.5 lbs to 117.5 lb press for 3 x 5

But, deadlift would not go up, at all, at 295 lbs. Oddly enough, I was able to get 5 reps on the deadlift at 290 lbs last time. That weight wouldn't go up either this time. Anyone with similar experience? Try again next time or deload? Maybe I injured my lower back and don't know it... it sometimes feel a tad weird after squats, but nothing serious.

Deadlift progression today was:
135 lbs x 5
185 lbs x 1
225 lbs x 1
265 lbs x 1
295 lbs complete stall

Deadlift progression today was:
135 lbs x 5
185 lbs x 1
225 lbs x 1
265 lbs x 1
295 lbs complete stall


is it normal to do x1's for warmup sets? for a 5 rep set at the end? i always do 3 - 5 reps on my warmup sets, am i wasting energy/should i just be doing 1?

Nelo Ice

So I fail and completely disregarded the 5x10 for my last compound. For some reason only did 1 set of 10 at the end of my OHP yesterday and deadlifts today. Anyway should I just get back on course and do the 5x10 for my bench and squat Thurs/Friday or just wait till next week to redeem myself?.

J. Bravo

So I fail and completely disregarded the 5x10 for my last compound. For some reason only did 1 set of 10 at the end of my OHP yesterday and deadlifts today. Anyway should I just get back on course and do the 5x10 for my bench and squat Thurs/Friday or just wait till next week to redeem myself?.

yes do 5x10 on bench and squat. and next week don't forget the last 4 sets.

Nelo Ice

yes do 5x10 on bench and squat. and next week don't forget the last 4 sets.

Alright, not sure why I did not notice the 5x10 till today!? ><. Now I'm hitting myself for missing something so simple. Also do you guys pyramid down or just do the same weight each time?. Also I tried following the regular boring but big template and I basically had no grip strength left for hanging leg raises, had to sub in something similar on the ab chair thing.
OH MAN! My sister was in the States this weekend and I asked her to go to GNC and see about getting some quest bars on the cheap using the 10$ off coupon. She got 4 boxes for about $15 each. Also, using my gold card, 2 of the boxes came out to $12!

- cookie dough
- white chocolate raspberry
- apple pie
- vanilla almond

Gotta get back to the gym. Been so busy literally havent gone in 2 weeks. Feels bad

J. Bravo

Alright, not sure why I did not notice the 5x10 till today!? ><. Now I'm hitting myself for missing something so simple. Also do you guys pyramid down or just do the same weight each time?. Also I tried following the regular boring but big template and I basically had no grip strength left for hanging leg raises, had to sub in something similar on the ab chair thing.

I do the same weight for all 5 sets. Like today my deadlift was 5x10 @ 185.
As for hanging leg raises, use the thing where you have back support and have arm rests with grips at the end.

Nelo Ice

I do the same weight for all 5 sets. Like today my deadlift was 5x10 @ 185.
As for hanging leg raises, use the thing where you have back support and have arm rests with grips at the end.

Yeah that's what I ended up doing. And thanks for the help. I nearly wanted to go back and do my last 4 sets of deadlifts and even OHP today after looking at the paper again and seeing the 5x10 lol.
I've been doing warm-up sets, then 3x5 for bench and squat. Warm-ups and then 1x5 for deadlift.

I see you guys talking about 5x10.... any reason to do that vs 3x5?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I've been doing warm-up sets, then 3x5 for bench and squat. Warm-ups and then 1x5 for deadlift.

I see you guys talking about 5x10.... any reason to do that vs 3x5?
That's assistance for an intermediate routine called 5/3/1. Stick with your current program.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Looks like Wendler is helping t nation sell their biotest shit. Not sure that "feels ok" something about that seems hypocritical to me. But I guess the dude has to eat.

Nose to the floor = full ROM. Also, no butts way up in the air.

Arms at 90 degrees out to full extension is full rom actually. Also full body should be in line. Has nothing to do with nose.
What makes you think DB-press would be better for your shoulder impingement?

Whenever the shoulder has actually improved, I won't do any shoulder-stressing movements for a week or two just to be on the safe side. Though I will have to dig up whatever article I thought I read that DB-shoulder press is better than BB.

Or perhaps a knowledgable fitgaffer can drop some truths?


first thing that came to mind when I read that, lol

no offense to anyone, as I don't follow everybody's posts that closely but judging by eating and training behaviour, I'd hesitate to call anyone here besides Darth and Immortal a bodybuilder, amateur or otherwise.

this is very much a "strength" thread.

It's possible I misjudged. I was flipping through this thread and just saw a lot of people talking about the size of their muscles and bulking/cutting cycles, pictures of themselves and generally how they looked. Thinking a little more, it's not really a black and white issue; people can be genuinely interested in getting stronger and still be mindful of how they look naked.

Either way, I actually get a lot out of these threads. Back when ot2 started I got introduced to starting strength, which got me into powerlifting movements. Otherwise I'd probably just be doing bicep curls in the squat rack like everyone else.
Did you get this from somewhere or design it yourself? Looks good, the only thing I'd be wary about is deadlifting/cleaning 2x a week. TM is very squat focussed, and deadlifts suck hard after squats on volume day (they aren't great on intensity day either ;p). I'd consider doing Mon - Cleans 8x3, Fri - DL 1x5, Mon - DE DL 1x8, Fri - Cleans 5x1, that way you don't go a whole week without either movement whilst also somewhat reducing workload, then again you also lose some of the priming that the monday workout would give for friday, though cleans and deads have good carry-over to each other. Obviously these are just my opinions, you know your own body and strengths/weaknesses much better. Good luck!

I mixed and matched between the templates on the SS wiki. Your suggestions are great! I will implement them.

In other news, going from 1800 calories to 3100 calories is no walk in the park. So much to eat


Ugh, shoulder impingement.
Damn you fit-Ghost.

Might have to switch over to DB-press, but I love the BB-press.

Welcome to the horrible club of Impingement, our membership is growing by the week.

What makes you think DB-press would be better for your shoulder impingement?

I had/have shoulder impingement, and what got me back to pressing heavyweights was using a neutral grip on DB press.

I still have some aches and small twinges of pain here and there, but it's manageable and I can lift very heavy if I need to.


So on Monday I saw a group of guys doing some form of assymetrical squats. They would purposely put one foot a little bit more forward than the other and then do like a half squat. Then they'd switch feet and do it again a few times. I've never seen something like that. I don't know if it's some weird mixture of a squat and a lunge.

I had/have shoulder impingement, and what got me back to pressing heavyweights was using a neutral grip on DB press.

I still have some aches and small twinges of pain here and there, but it's manageable and I can lift very heavy if I need to.

I never thought about trying out neutral grip. Sounds cool.
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