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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brian Burke punched my mom
So...was doing chin ups last night and tried to keep my legs straight to avoid kipping. Now my right side abs is sore...really tender.

What's going on here?

Your abs do get hit a bit with deadhang.

Possibly a weak core or you're just not used to those stabilizers working


Your abs do get hit a bit with deadhang.

Possibly a weak core or you're just not used to those stabilizers working

weak core for sure, just got back into the workout thing after a hiatus resting my piriformis etc.

just hoping i didn't pull something. i do full extension on my chin ups, so i'm sure i engaged my core.
Sup FitGaf bros! Time for some humor pics!








The bicep curls look off. You say dumbbells, but you mean the dumbbells that you hold with one hand, right? You can do bicep curls with 70 lb. dumbbells? Even without the preacher bench? Seems extremely high to me in relation to your other numbers, which look about right.

You are right, I had a brainfart. I edited it. I meant total.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Matrix Diet Bundle: Protein Powder, Creatine or Zepherine, and Shaker for £39 (61% Off)


This just came up on Groupon, is it worth it? I haven't thought about using this stuff but right now I've got a bit of extra cash, so is this shit good guys?

EDIT:Deal expires soon so would appreciate advice asap

Can anybody help seriously? Expires in 8 hours... ;_; I need to know if this is worth it or not also creatine or zepherine tabs?


I didn't know studying for and taking two midterms yesterday would have that big of an impact in my lifting.
On Monday, I got 3x5x110lbs squat but I barely got 2 reps at 115 yesterday. Simiarly, I got 3x4x95 BP last Wednesday but I only got 3x3x95 yesterday. Feels depressing :(
Can anybody help seriously? Expires in 8 hours... ;_; I need to know if this is worth it or not also creatine or zepherine tabs?

Shaker bottles cost 2-3 USD on sale. I can get almost a year supply of creatine powder for 15-20 USD on sale; tablets tend to cost more than the powder, so I'd guess you're overpaying for them. I have no idea what zepherine is. The protein mix you've got there I've never heard of, it's maybe a European brand? Looks like it retails for £59.99 so I guess based on that the Groupon is a good deal, but you might want to look around to see if that brand ever goes on sale for less. The product itself seems OK, but it's hard to tell because I cannot find an ingredient list. The macros (carbs, fat, protein) seem solid as it's basically low-fat and carb-free. Hard to find more info on it though which makes me nervous that it's some no-name brand, but again, I'm just not familiar with European protein powders.


Anyone wondering what Noema and I are talking about, look at this shit. I was about to buy beyond 5/3/1, but now I don't know if i can justify it. Ever since he left EFTS he's been on the wrong track IMO.


Wendler should keep in mind that once you lose peoples respect it's damn hard to get it back. Dude knows his shit but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed.
Hello familiar faces.

Strength is down since I went 5/3/1. I'm confident I'm doing it wrong then. I went back to a SS-esque workout one night and my heavy lifts were nearly impossibly heavy. I don't think I'm eating enough and maybe it was just a bad day. Urgh urgh.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Double chocolate chunk quest bar is the truth! Good stuff.

My training is kind of boring right now with all this marriage stuff on my mind. I'm not missing days but my intensity isn't the greatest. :-/


Hello familiar faces.

Strength is down since I went 5/3/1. I'm confident I'm doing it wrong then. I went back to a SS-esque workout one night and my heavy lifts were nearly impossibly heavy. I don't think I'm eating enough and maybe it was just a bad day. Urgh urgh.

I like 531 but I feel that it doesn't have enough squat volume to drive progress. When I started doing it I was actually gettin weaker on squats so I sort of had to patch it up a bit. At the beginning I was doing BBB sets as assistance but those failed to make me stronger. They only gave me joint pain.

What I do now is that I have a heavy squats day (Monday) in which I follow standard 5/3/1 programming with Good Mornings and RDLs as assistance, and I have a volume day (Wednesday) where I do 3 sets of 5 across with about 80% of my training max.

So it's sort of like the Texas Method, except the intensity day is spread out across the cycle. So far it's been working out for me. I'm getting stronger and I have gone 10 cycles without having to do any deloads.

I also added more volume for bench, so I do 5/3/1 bench on Tuesdays and I do 5x5 across close grip bench on Fridays with about 70% of my training max.


Damn it. Fit-Gaf ghost got me. Pretty sure I injured my rotator cuffs doing squats (which kinda perplexes me... guess I have bad flexibility). Could not bench that heavy or do a single chin-up. Wish these injuries would happen after having finished SS.
Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.


Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.

Put me down for my herniated disk.

Nothing hurts as much as losing sunflower. I miss all dem little faces.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Okay, I need some help. Essentially, I can't put on weight no matter how much I work out, I just stay perpetually skinny. I've come to the realization my diet is probably what's going wrong, but I don't really know where to get started in fixing it. Does anyone have some really good blogs/sites dealing with nutrition and meal planning?


Okay, I need some help. Essentially, I can't put on weight no matter how much I work out, I just stay perpetually skinny. I've come to the realization my diet is probably what's going wrong, but I don't really know where to get started in fixing it. Does anyone have some really good blogs/sites dealing with nutrition and meal planning?

Just do the see food diet.


Okay, I need some help. Essentially, I can't put on weight no matter how much I work out, I just stay perpetually skinny. I've come to the realization my diet is probably what's going wrong, but I don't really know where to get started in fixing it. Does anyone have some really good blogs/sites dealing with nutrition and meal planning?
I'm no expert, just a formerly very skinny dude, but here's my speech:

Don't exercise too much.
I've gone from 48 to 60 kg since January this year (With a 2 month break during summer), and I've always had tons of trouble packing on weight. I can't handle big meals, and instead I've had to plan many snack sessions during each day.

Three days a week, full body sessions. And eat/have a gainer immediately after lifting, even before showering.

I'm sure you could gain weight faster than I have though, since I live at home and therefore I'm having what the family's having for dinner, which is very hit or miss.


Okay, I need some help. Essentially, I can't put on weight no matter how much I work out, I just stay perpetually skinny. I've come to the realization my diet is probably what's going wrong, but I don't really know where to get started in fixing it. Does anyone have some really good blogs/sites dealing with nutrition and meal planning?

Use the calculator in OP to get an estimate on how many calories you need to put on weight.

Start counting calories to make sure you reach your caloric needs.

Find foods that are easy enough for you to eat and give you your daily needed calories/protein.

For example I almost never eat eggs, I don't drink milk, I don't eat cottage cheese and I still manage to put on weight by finding alternative sources for my calories/protein.

Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.

Think I hurt my left shoulder somehow. Don't think it's even the rotator cuff but the lower side part of the shoulder. Only hurts when I do the side laterial raises. Think I'm just gonna skip those and I should be fine.

That arm has always been problematic for me, had triceps issues before on the same arm and before that elbow issues. Hasn't completely hidered me from going to the gym though.


Not enough worth in teh bodybuilding community is given to the bioavailability of protein.

Just as we know meats and dairy due to their amino makeup are more easily absorbed proteins, having an adequate supply of the alkaline minerals and glycogen-along with not being hypothyroid- allows for more of the protein to be used for muscle building/repair,not properly digested, etc. then used for something like making energy as one would while low carb, as an example.
I think that's one of the reasons why I had issue gaining muscle while low carb.

So, from a biologist with a PHD, not me, when you eat a few eggs, drink a glass of milk and some OJ to access all that protein from the egg. With meat have a sweet coffee maybe,etc or some coke and milk again for calcium, the coffee also helps prevent absorption of iron from red meat, and I think the iron problem is the real reason whymeat eaters suffer cardiovascular issues as there is much more proper science detailing the negatives of too much iron .


Anybody here learned how to do power cleans alone? How did it go? I want to do them, but not sure how to start since I don't have bumper plates available. I feel like until I can lift with 45lb plates, it's going to be awkward since I can't start with the bar at the proper height.

Nelo Ice

I like 531 but I feel that it doesn't have enough squat volume to drive progress. When I started doing it I was actually gettin weaker on squats so I sort of had to patch it up a bit. At the beginning I was doing BBB sets as assistance but those failed to make me stronger. They only gave me joint pain.

What I do now is that I have a heavy squats day (Monday) in which I follow standard 5/3/1 programming with Good Mornings and RDLs as assistance, and I have a volume day (Wednesday) where I do 3 sets of 5 across with about 80% of my training max.

So it's sort of like the Texas Method, except the intensity day is spread out across the cycle. So far it's been working out for me. I'm getting stronger and I have gone 10 cycles without having to do any deloads.

I also added more volume for bench, so I do 5/3/1 bench on Tuesdays and I do 5x5 across close grip bench on Fridays with about 70% of my training max.

Hmm, now I feel like I'm gonna need to tweak the 5/3/1 routine Im doing. Basically doing the default BBB routine since I've no clue what to add or sub as far as assistance exercises go. Would suck if my squats went down as well since that's probably my best exercise. On another note, yay fitocracy is working again so I added 3 days worth of workouts.


Neo Member
Just giving a progress update at 6' and 193lbs. I started the 5/3/1 Triumvirate program earlier today. I felt like I had exhausted everything I could get out of the upper/lower body split program. All maxes are 5RM. Squat had stalled at 280 max, but everything else went up significantly during my training. Bench went from 170 to 195, OHP went from 115 to 130 max, and deadlift got up to 320. Started with the OHP workout today and I'm really enjoying the accessory work, I haven't done dips for volume in a while. I had trouble hitting 10 chinups, but I've been bad at those forever so I'm not shocked. But overall I like the idea of the program on my first day, even if I have to hog the squat rack for 30 mins to do OHP.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Fucked my fingers up after falling down the stairs post work-out in August. Add me to the list.

Sorry to hear that. :/

Still recovering from pulling my lower back. Been out of the gym for a week now. Gonna rest it up a few more days and get back in there Monday.

Figure a week and a half of rest is a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. I feel a lot more lethargic without exercise. Guess it's because I'm still eating excess calories, although I'm not using them like I was at the gym.


35pounds SQUATS and lunges.
Not much but damn. my form....so proud.
Saw what the squat rack is for. Tomorrow Ill approach the weight section a with more confidence.

Nelo Ice

So tomorrow leg curls are listed as squat assitance for 5/3/1 but I'm considering subbing it for something else. Any suggestions? Off the top of my head I'm thinking I should just do good mornings instead. Have never done them before though. Also if I start with good mornings, I'm also unsure about the weight so I'm thinking just the bar or maybe add a 5 or 10 lbs.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Not sure if I'm happy with switching how I deadlift. My other way felt stronger, but I guess that's to be expected when switching shit up initially.

I'll give this a bit more go and record some to check, but I might be going back to my older style of lifting. Gotta remember you don't ALWAYS need to do what the big name lifters tell you to. Sometimes if it works, you should just keep doing it, and I think a 600lb raw pull (after only 2 actual years of training deadlift) is pretty good.


Left shoulder has been feeling a bit weird lately, but had a really good day at the gym, strength is back and the adjustment of adding more fat to my diet has paid off.


Not sure if I'm happy with switching how I deadlift. My other way felt stronger, but I guess that's to be expected when switching shit up initially.

I'll give this a bit more go and record some to check, but I might be going back to my older style of lifting. Gotta remember you don't ALWAYS need to do what the big name lifters tell you to. Sometimes if it works, you should just keep doing it, and I think a 600lb raw pull (after only 2 actual years of training deadlift) is pretty good.

600lb deadlift in two years.. that's some Viking shit right there.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Not sure if I'm happy with switching how I deadlift. My other way felt stronger, but I guess that's to be expected when switching shit up initially.

I'll give this a bit more go and record some to check, but I might be going back to my older style of lifting. Gotta remember you don't ALWAYS need to do what the big name lifters tell you to. Sometimes if it works, you should just keep doing it, and I think a 600lb raw pull (after only 2 actual years of training deadlift) is pretty good.

"pretty good," he says.


Anybody here learned how to do power cleans alone? How did it go? I want to do them, but not sure how to start since I don't have bumper plates available. I feel like until I can lift with 45lb plates, it's going to be awkward since I can't start with the bar at the proper height.

They aren't that hard. I learned them on my own and I guess most did as well. Just read SS, watch some videos and videotape yourself like usual. Stack some shit under the plates if the plates are too small.



the piano man
40/30/30 is prot/fat/carbs on calories right? Cause that gives me 310/103/233 which is... kind of hard, especially the protein part

I got the same results some weeks back and I realized that was completely absurd and potentially dangerous. So, like despire said, I decided to give the 40% to carbs and get lower on protein. I suppose 40% on protein is when on a cut/calorific deficit, probably, the number is insane, either way.

I didn't know studying for and taking two midterms yesterday would have that big of an impact in my lifting.
On Monday, I got 3x5x110lbs squat but I barely got 2 reps at 115 yesterday. Simiarly, I got 3x4x95 BP last Wednesday but I only got 3x3x95 yesterday. Feels depressing :(

I've been through that the last weeks, after big work stress and an illness that knocked me out of the gym.

I try to turn off my brain and just go and do what I can, we know better days will come if we stick to it...until then, don't give it much thought, just go and do your best.

Double chocolate chunk quest bar is the truth! Good stuff.

My training is kind of boring right now with all this marriage stuff on my mind. I'm not missing days but my intensity isn't the greatest. :-/

respect to you, man.

Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.

I think in my case I think the fit-ghost had little (nothing) to do with my illness. I had some work to do, was on a very tight schedule and got REALLY stressed. regardless, it's awful.
I've been slowly working dips into my routine near the end of my bench press day. Triceps are kind of shot by then, but I'm pulling out 3x10 with just my body weight and I suspect I could throw some weight on there and still achieve that volume. They feel great.


Hello FitGAF

Dem curls. Nice man.
Does anyone ever suffer neck/shoulder strains? About 6 weeks or so ago, I suffered a bad migrane that also left a very stiff neck and pain down the back of my head down the right hand side to the top of my shoulder. A few days later after doing some face pulls, it just 'went' and I had to leave the gym early. I've still got the stiffness there today but it seems to be affecting my OHP and strangely, dumbell curls.

Not been to the doctor about it yet as I just don't want to be told to stop training for a while, but is it possible to get whiplash like injury from lifting?
Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.

strained my hip flexor muscles >:-(


I wonder if Rippetoe has kids - I would hate to hear some of the shit they get if they do something wrong lol.

My gym has one power rack. Last night this girl stacks up a bunch of steps right in the opening and then uses the frame to steady herself while she does unweighted calf raises. Serenity now!

I'd bet money a trainer showed her that.
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