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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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When you guys take time off, do things sometimes hurt more?

The center of my back felt like something was off so I decided to truly take a break, but my shoulder that had felt a bit off feels like it hurts far worse each morning. I'm thinking it's part of the heading process, but I'm not really sure. Would appreciate any input.

I'm not physician, but I've never experienced anything like that. I can say I feel more sluggish/lethargic if I miss work outs.


I'm not physician, but I've never experienced anything like that. I can say I feel more sluggish/lethargic if I miss work outs.

I think my body just needs the break I keep refusing to give it. I'm just going to enjoy a week or 2 off playing Pokemon and other games with only some light cardio/walking.

No need to rush things, right?
I think my body just needs the break I keep refusing to give it. I'm just going to enjoy a week or 2 off playing Pokemon and other games with only some light cardio/walking.

No need to rush things, right?

for every minute you are not working out or have a pump, you lose 10 gainz
When you guys take time off, do things sometimes hurt more?

The center of my back felt like something was off so I decided to truly take a break, but my shoulder that had felt a bit off feels like it hurts far worse each morning. I'm thinking it's part of the heading process, but I'm not really sure. Would appreciate any input.

You're describing me now.
Had pains in my shoulder and lowerback, decided to take last week off, in a couple of days in it felt worse if anything.

Now though, it's feeling a lot better, so I'll start off at a lower weight to get some blood into the potentially damaged areas to speed up the healing process.


You're describing me now.
Had pains in my shoulder and lowerback, decided to take last week off, in a couple of days in it felt worse if anything.

Now though, it's feeling a lot better, so I'll start off at a lower weight to get some blood into the potentially damaged areas to speed up the healing process.

Glad to hear it isn't just me! I'm definitely resting this week if not a bit longer, then I'll have a few light days at the gym to get back into the swing of things.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also while I was out, Fit-GAF Ghost got me. Rotator cuff. Unsure how bad...Dr appt sometime, whenever I pick up the phone and get up off my ass. Dreading it :/
I swear, I'm doing bench or various chest exercises wrong. My development in chest is pathetic. As soon as I hit 315 lbs for bench, I'm just gonna focus on looking big and developed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I swear, I'm doing bench or various chest exercises wrong. My development in chest is pathetic. As soon as I hit 315 lbs for bench, I'm just gonna focus on looking big and developed.

Your numbers say you're not doing them wrong. Are you talking looks?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
When you guys take time off, do things sometimes hurt more?

The center of my back felt like something was off so I decided to truly take a break, but my shoulder that had felt a bit off feels like it hurts far worse each morning. I'm thinking it's part of the heading process, but I'm not really sure. Would appreciate any input.

Yep, it's pretty common I do believe. Any time I take off I'll get aches, nothing serious, just stuff coming out of no where. Not a big deal IMO. Just be sure you're getting work done by a LMT routinely and you're rolling on a lacrosse ball or some other thing.

Someone else. :/

Welcome back.

Also while I was out, Fit-GAF Ghost got me. Rotator cuff. Unsure how bad...Dr appt sometime, whenever I pick up the phone and get up off my ass. Dreading it :/

This is why I preach and do the hell out of band pull aparts, external rotations and face pulls. And a shitload of back work.

Do you think DB flyes might be better at contracting the pecs than regular bench press?

If you're gonna do flyes do decline.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is why I preach and do the hell out of band pull aparts, external rotations and face pulls. And a shitload of back work.

I should have listened more! I had some heavy DBs up above my shoulder and all of a sudden, shit just WASN'T RIGHT. By that time the damage was done. Fucking irritating. At least I can leg press for years. I guess. Arr who am I kidding, it sucks.


Do you think DB flyes might be better at contracting the pecs than regular bench press?

imo, yes since you're more or less forced to squeeze at the top and you're using less triceps, it's an isolation movement. It should be accessory work anyways, typically you want to start off your workouts with your big compound movements, pre-exhaust yourself and go into your less difficult/isolation movements. I'm also a fan of pec deck and cable crossovers.


My very limited set of weights at home is getting old, time to find a gym (used to have a home gym but sold most of it during a move). 14 day trial at Anytime Fitness, go. Let's see how long I can make it on trials at various gyms. :p
Your numbers say you're not doing them wrong. Are you talking looks?

Yeah, purely from looks. I have a gut, which is fine but my lack of chest makes me just look awkward. I'm like the fat girl with no titties.

Ain't nobody want that man ;_;

For aesthetics/muscle contraction dumbbell bench>>>barbell bench

I'm going to start doing more of these after these two cycles of smolov.

And I will try go get a vid of the 500 deadlift. Think I will be a bit conservative and try for 505 as my 1RM this weekend.


Yeah, purely from looks. I have a gut, which is fine but my lack of chest makes me just look awkward. I'm like the fat girl with no titties.

Ain't nobody want that man ;_;

I'm going to start doing more of these after these two cycles of smolov.

And I will try go get a vid of the 500 deadlift. Think I will be a bit conservative and try for 505 as my 1RM this weekend.

Good luck and remember....

"you can’t be a mental midget when you’re deadlifting. You have to be 100% sure about your intention to destroy the lift, as well as the lift’s parents, children, and extended family."
Good luck and remember....

"you can’t be a mental midget when you’re deadlifting. You have to be 100% sure about your intention to destroy the lift, as well as the lift’s parents, children, and extended family."

rofl will do!

I was able to get 500 lbs easy. It felt heavy but it wasn't heavy, ya know? I think I just took too long between my sets. I was hyped that I got 500 lbs so then I wanted to try for 510 and then... I don't know. I'm anxious to try again that's for sure.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I got an answer from JL Holdsworth in regard to my deadlift. It was on EFTS here.


Here's the quote and answer without having to click.

Mr. Holdsworth,

After watching your Deadlift tip, I've been trying to get it down and I'm having difficulty. I just don't feel strong in that position and it feels awkward. I'm also more worried about a bicep tear due to pulling myself into position before initiating the lift. I'm wondering if maybe that type of setup may not be good for me, or if I should keep hammering away at it. The way I was pulling before I've hit 600lbs raw with only approximately 2 years of training deadlift at all. Here are some videos of me pulling over the months the angles aren't the best but I really want your opinion on if I should continue how I'm going or keep hammering away at the position you showed.

Thank you very much for your time sir.





1. the metal deadlift socks are so sweet, I'm getting a pair today. 2. Watch the deadlift video again. You should not ever pull with your arms. Your arms attach you to the bar but when I say create tension that happens with your hamstrings, low back and abs, not your arms. You should never pull on the bar with your arms

3. Your deadlift looks solid but from that angle it is hard to coach. side views are much better for seeing what is going on in the deadlift. But my opinion is if you didn't jerk on the bar heavier weights would stay in the groove better for you.

4. You need more upper back work. I say this based on the fact that you don't have a big yolk and big yolks = big deadlifts.

5. Looks like you just need more time training and to get stronger, no glaring issues with these pulls.

Damn at his comment about my Yolk, I thought it was coming along nicely, but I'm still a little man! lol.

I'll keep hammering at his tip and I probably just need time more than anything to build that yolk.

Here's the tip video again for anyone curious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlBMGsRly1c

rofl will do!

I was able to get 500 lbs easy. It felt heavy but it wasn't heavy, ya know? I think I just took too long between my sets. I was hyped that I got 500 lbs so then I wanted to try for 510 and then... I don't know. I'm anxious to try again that's for sure.

For me working on speed helped a lot. If you move fast it feels light.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Also I feel I need to emphasize breaking the slack at anything over 500

For me slack wasn't an issue for hitting 600 it was moving the bar as fast as possible. Now I need to go back and work this new way, then add speed back in.

One thing I've noticed doing or trying to do what he outlines in his video is my hamstrings definitely "feel it" more the next day.

I asked him for some good upper back builders. I think I do enough already, I've just not had enough time to get that crazy yolk, but can't hurt to pick his brain.
For me slack wasn't an issue for hitting 600 it was moving the bar as fast as possible. Now I need to go back and work this new way, then add speed back in.

One thing I've noticed doing or trying to do what he outlines in his video is my hamstrings definitely "feel it" more the next day.

I asked him for some good upper back builders. I think I do enough already, I've just not had enough time to get that crazy yolk, but can't hurt to pick his brain.

please post em up if he responds, I'm all about a wide and big upper back.

Also I feel I need to emphasize breaking the slack at anything over 500

breaking the slack?

For me working on speed helped a lot. If you move fast it feels light.

Makes sense, I will see what I can do. A few of the deadlift programs I saw mentioned doing something like a set of 3 as fast and as explosive as you can.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
please post em up if he responds, I'm all about a wide and big upper back.

breaking the slack?

Makes sense, I will see what I can do. A few of the deadlift programs I saw mentioned doing something like a set of 3 as fast and as explosive as you can.

Well off the top of my head here's some I know work.

Farmer carries, pendlay rows, DB rows, face pulls, shrugs, deadlifts, snatch grip deads/highpulls, Power cleans and any shoulder work. I really think my issue is time. I've just not been training that long. Shit, my back/upper back is MUCH bigger than it was a year ago.

Also, this. http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most.../building_a_bigger_yoke

And this.


Breaking the slack is taking the slack out of the bar, watch that vid I posted.

And using bands increased my deadlift speed.


Decided I'm taking this week off from the gym, my shoulders and knees haven't felt very good and I think the volume has gotten to them. I may just go in and do arms and some pullups though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
For aesthetics/muscle contraction dumbbell bench>>>barbell bench

What advantage do barbells have, do you think?

I've been considering switching to dumbbells, just because I'm kind of scared about upping the weight with a barbell and no spotter.


So it's been about 6 months since I've had access to weights, first thing I did after stepping into the gym is go to the bench, put on too many weights, and awkwardly lost balance and dropped them on myself. Lol. Guess I have a lot of work to make back up.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What advantage do barbells have, do you think?

I've been considering switching to dumbbells, just because I'm kind of scared about upping the weight with a barbell and no spotter.

Don't let fear enter your mind. I go without a spotter 99% of the time. Barbell should be the main thing you do IMO even for body building. DBs to follow up. Unless of course we are talking rehab.


What advantage do barbells have, do you think?

I've been considering switching to dumbbells, just because I'm kind of scared about upping the weight with a barbell and no spotter.

Probably just strength, you typically can barbell bench more than you can db bench. Also barbell also utilizes more triceps.

Maybe try and experiment with some safety bars/squat rack. If I wanted to go especially heavy, I'd do that or just ask for a spot, but I usually just go solo as I very rarely try and press more than 3 plates, which is something I should change.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Don't let fear enter your mind. I go without a spotter 99% of the time. Barbell should be the main thing you do IMO even for body building. DBs to follow up. Unless of course we are talking rehab.

Probably just strength, you typically can barbell bench more than you can db bench. Also barbell also utilizes more triceps.

Maybe try and experiment with some safety bars/squat rack. If I wanted to go especially heavy, I'd do that or just ask for a spot, but I usually just go solo as I very rarely try and press more than 3 plates, which is something I should change.

Thanks for the replies! I'll keep working with the barbell and taking the necessary safety precautions. I do think I will give dumbbells a try the next time I go. I've only ever used them for simple bicep curls up until now.


My right arm is killing me. I must have over stressed it. Fuck

Pretty sure it's distal bicep tendentious. Fuck.

Also while I was out, Fit-GAF Ghost got me. Rotator cuff. Unsure how bad...Dr appt sometime, whenever I pick up the phone and get up off my ass. Dreading it :/

Almost fainted walking. God fuck all

Decided I'm taking this week off from the gym, my shoulders and knees haven't felt very good and I think the volume has gotten to them. I may just go in and do arms and some pullups though.

So it's been about 6 months since I've had access to weights, first thing I did after stepping into the gym is go to the bench, put on too many weights, and awkwardly lost balance and dropped them on myself. Lol. Guess I have a lot of work to make back up.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm scared to go to the gym now. Halloween approaches - maybe after the Devil's Holiday the Ghost will fade?


Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180 lbs
Goal: 160 lbs
Current Training Schedule:

Day 1: Back, Tricep, Jog (2 miles max)
Day 2: Shoulders, Legs, Forearms
Day 3: Chest, Biceps, Dips, Jog (2 miles max)
Day 4: Break

Current Training Equipment Available: None

Just started a low-carb diet last Thursday. Currently avoiding all rice, potatoes, bread. I'm trying to cut down 20 lbs and include more core workouts in my routine. I need a good guide on what I should be eating to lose weight and everyone has a different opinion so I never formulated my own. My current diet (may vary depending on supplies):

- 1 Scrabbled Egg
- 1 Cup of Coffee

- Chicken Cesear Salad
- 1 Strawberry Greek Yogurt

- Grilled chicken, fish, or oven roasted chicken
- Spinach salad

- Sargento String Cheese
- Handful of baby carrots
- Handful of pistachio/almonds

What should I change? include?
I admit it. The ghost is my work. I've been using it to absorb all your gains. It explains why I'm at my heaviest and am setting PRs in every lift I've been doing.


So for the last 2 months I've been on a linear progression after deloading a bit of weight on all of my main lifts. I still haven't failed a set, though it is definitely getting tough now.

This weeks lifts so far:

Bench Press: 3x5 225lbs
Squat: 3x5 265lbs

I definitely feel like I'm stronger by doing this, so thanks to everyone who suggested it! It feels a lot better than trying to up the same weight every session and trying to get one more rep with the same weight. Feeling a lot more confident about all of my lifts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I admit it. The ghost is my work. I've been using it to absorb all your gains. It explains why I'm at my heaviest and am setting PRs in every lift I've been doing.

You did this...I cannot forgive.
You did this...I cannot forgive.



Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180 lbs
Goal: 160 lbs
Current Training Schedule:

Day 1: Back, Tricep, Jog (2 miles max)
Day 2: Shoulders, Legs, Forearms
Day 3: Chest, Biceps, Dips, Jog (2 miles max)
Day 4: Break

Current Training Equipment Available: None

Just started a low-carb diet last Thursday. Currently avoiding all rice, potatoes, bread. I'm trying to cut down 20 lbs and include more core workouts in my routine. I need a good guide on what I should be eating to lose weight and everyone has a different opinion so I never formulated my own. My current diet (may vary depending on supplies):

- 1 Scrabbled Egg
- 1 Cup of Coffee

- Chicken Cesear Salad
- 1 Strawberry Greek Yogurt

- Grilled chicken, fish, or oven roasted chicken
- Spinach salad

- Sargento String Cheese
- Handful of baby carrots
- Handful of pistachio/almonds

What should I change? include?

You're severely under eating. Your metabolism is going to jump up now that you're active. So you'll need more food.

Add more eggs, man! LOL.

And as a beginner, try a beginner program. Splits are for more advanced lifters. There is a beginner program in the OP. Do your jogging in between your lifting days.

Nelo Ice

So after work went to the gym and damn week 2 of 5/3/1 Deadlift BBB owned me. So freaking exhausted right now. Those 130 lb deadlift sets of 5x10 were brutal. Was surprised I even had the grip strength to finish all of them properly.


You're severely under eating. Your metabolism is going to jump up now that you're active. So you'll need more food.

Add more eggs, man! LOL.

And as a beginner, try a beginner program. Splits are for more advanced lifters. There is a beginner program in the OP. Do your jogging in between your lifting days.

Well I'm not really a beginner :p I've been lifting for a little over a year but have felt that I wasn't losing the weight due to my diet so I cut off mainly carbs and lowered my consumption per day. It might be too low like you said.

I kinda felt like I'm under eating but I want to put off the weight soon and I'm going by myfitnesspal's recommended calorie consumption per day. I probably should add in some more veggies and instead of one egg, two ;)

As for running and lifting, I think I'm fine with it for now but I will look into changing my schedule around a bit and see what's more effective for me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well I'm not really a beginner :p I've been lifting for a little over a year but have felt that I wasn't losing the weight due to my diet so I cut off mainly carbs and lowered my consumption per day. It might be too low like you said.

I kinda felt like I'm under eating but I want to put off the weight soon and I'm going by myfitnesspal's recommended calorie consumption per day. I probably should add in some more veggies and instead of one egg, two ;)

As for running and lifting, I think I'm fine with it for now but I will look into changing my schedule around a bit and see what's more effective for me.
You're a beginner. Get it out of you're head you're anything but a beginner and you will do yourself a huge favor.


You're a beginner. Get it out of you're head you're anything but a beginner and you will do yourself a huge favor.

How so? You mean just start over and follow the guideline posted? I'm considering it but the gym I go to is shit so it might not have all the necessary equipment I need to perform some of the recommended exercises. I'm almost sure there's no equipment for a dead lift.
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