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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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How would I go about doing SS if I've been lifting for several months now? I fucked up the first time I tried the program by not eating nearly enough, then I did the cut over the summer and followed a basic three-day split just to maintain my strength, but I'm sort of wondering if I go back to SS now during my bulk that maybe I'll see proper gains.

Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently I'm still a novice in every lift but bench press.

Because I'm not a complete beginner, however, I dunno what weights to start with on SS. Should it be a certain percentage from my current 3x5 maxes or what?

Do you guys even recommend I go back to SS? (I'd be doing it right this time.)

Took this from the Starting Strength Wiki

I'm an experienced lifter and I already know my 5RM's in the five lifts. Can I use that?

You can. Just program it so that you hit your former 5RM's in Week 4-6. This means subtracting 60-90 pounds off your Squat and Deadlift and 30-45 pounds off your Bench, Press and Powerclean. It sounds like a lot, I know, but if you add 5 pounds every workout for the squat, bench, press, and powerclean and 10 pounds to every deadlift you will reach your former 5RM in weeks 4-6, and then you will break those records. You will have exactly 6 weeks more longevity on the program if you wait till week 6 to hit your 5RM (especially if you are coming off a layoff) if you can stand to wait 2 more weeks, I'd recommend it.
If you know your 5RM for some of the lifts, but not all of them, follow this scheme for the ones you know and follow the next entry for the lifts you dont


Lack of sleep can absolutely affect your recovery time, muscular development, and so forth. I've never heard of it causing joints to feel more sensitive than usual, but it wouldn't surprise me. How little sleep are you talking? Regardless, for general health purposes 7-9 hours of sleep is the generally recommended amount, although I'd say whatever you need to wake up without an alarm is what you should strive for. I've also read that being somewhat consistent with your sleep schedule, even on weekends, can be very valuable.
the past few nights have been like 6 hours, keep waking up early but unable to get back to sleep for some frustrating reason. going to bed much earlier tonight.

yeah i agree with keeping a sleep schedule.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Breakfast of champions.

Put on jeans yesterday after squatting... and the pant legs are starting to get tight. On one hand it feels good. On the other hand.. tight pants.


the piano man
FE's videos are proof that progress videos are far more exciting than progress pics.

whenever I go for 100 kilograms on Squat with those 4 big 20 kg plates, I'll make a video and share ^_^

How would I go about doing SS if I've been lifting for several months now? I fucked up the first time I tried the program by not eating nearly enough, then I did the cut over the summer and followed a basic three-day split just to maintain my strength, but I'm sort of wondering if I go back to SS now during my bulk that maybe I'll see proper gains.

Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently I'm still a novice in every lift but bench press.

Because I'm not a complete beginner, however, I dunno what weights to start with on SS. Should it be a certain percentage from my current 3x5 maxes or what?

Do you guys even recommend I go back to SS? (I'd be doing it right this time.)

I'd avoid that site for getting an idea on where I you stand regarding my lifts, better use www.strstd.com for that. just input your weight, reps, weight lifted on each separate lift and you get a result.
FE's videos are proof that progress videos are far more exciting than progress pics.

whenever I go for 100 kilograms on Squat with those 4 big 20 kg plates, I'll make a video and share ^_^

I'd avoid that site for getting an idea on where I you stand regarding my lifts, better use www.strstd.com for that. just input your weight, reps, weight lifted on each separate lift and you get a result.

sorry for a stupid question but

the spot where I put how man reps I do; for example I benched 3 X 5 at 180 last time I was there. Do I put 5 reps on that site since that's how much I do in a set or do i put in 15 since thats what I did altogether?


the piano man
sorry for a stupid question but

the spot where I put how man reps I do; for example I benched 3 X 5 at 180 last time I was there. Do I put 5 reps on that site since that's how much I do in a set or do i put in 15 since thats what I did altogether?

only the reps in one set.

you then get a number that is supposed to be your 1RM in a blue bar. The number is shit as it's to high and not very accuratew, in my opinion, but the blue bar tells you how near of a certain level you are.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I know it's Wii Fit, but shit the Luge activity (bobsledding) in the new one is no joke. My abs were burning like hell during those 2 minutes.

I had to move to a new apartment on Friday so I pushed my Friday workout back to Saturday. Felt really weak during my routine. Struggled with 65 pound dumbbell bench press, could barely finish my 235 pound squat set, and was more exhausted after finishing pull-ups then I've been in a long long time. Just a tough day lol. But will I be fine to continue with M/W/F without the the two day break in between? My muscles aren't particularly sore right now.


Hey guys, what 4 day body building splits do yo guys like? Currently on a 3x/week full body routine and thinking about moving over to a 4 day split in a month or so.

Milk that shit for as much as you can.

I prefer full body because you hit each muscle group at least twice a week, which is great for naturals.

If I were to get tired of full body, I'd do 5/3/1-4 day split for body building.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
After taking a week off from chest/shoulders/back I'm ready to hit the gym hard this upcoming week. I will be planning on hitting a 525 DL Tuesday and I should be down to 183-184lbs. I will of course document it for the good of the thread! ;)
Quick question, I was finally able to hit a 400 DL, but I felt a sharp pain between my shoulder blades. I believe my form was good, is it just a matter of lifting more than my shoulder muscles are able to withstand?
Would focusing on my lat exercises be beneficently?


let Drake be a lesson fellas.

lol. I probably have bad form. Negative of working out alone I guess. and being weak as fuck :/
On the plus side Ive lost about 10 pounds since 2 weeks so back to 138 and my biceps are starting to be able to lift more weights.
Nothing beats the feeling of being able to grab the 'tire' (fat) around your midsection and notice that when you squeeze it, it's become significantly smaller compared to months ago.

Upon that, I'm eating like a horse, eating tons of healthy fat and foods, lifting heavy shit and still losing fat despite that calorie consumption.

Feels good man.


OHP is such a demoralizing exercise across the SS routine. Blah. At the very least, strstd.com says I'm already an intermediate with that exercise, though I know that doesn't mean much.

Nothing beats the feeling of being able to grab the 'tire' (fat) around your midsection and notice that when you squeeze it, it's become significantly smaller compared to months ago.

Hell yeah dude! We're tightly secured on the swole train.

Also, just saw someone at my gym doing these, without the falling part. It looked painful as fuck, and I kept wondering "why?"



Also, just saw someone at my gym doing these, without the falling part. It looked painful as fuck, and I kept wondering "why?"


They are called Zercher Squats.

They were created by Ed Zercher.

This is Ed Zercher:


Ed Zercher was insane.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
They are called Zercher Squats.

They were created by Ed Zercher.

This is Ed Zercher:


Ed Zercher was insane.
Laughed my arse off at this.

Confession: I sometimes (very rarely) do zerchers as assistance. The lower weight can be good if your legs are too fatigued for front squats. They're fun if you're not doing something completely stupid with them, like going a fucking 1RM.


Faaack. Was my BDAY weekend and I just went ham on shit food. Cakes, steaks house creamed spinach, Carby sandwiches.

Urghhhh. Time to get back on the horse.


I'm seriously considering taking a thermogenic, will I die? Be honest.

You'll probably be fine unless you have health issues, but don't expect it to burn a lot of calories. I remember reading a study showing the average thermogenic burned about 70 calories a day. Does help with energy and appetite suppression, since it's basically a fairly strong stimulant.


3's week done, 3rd month in. New pr's when i go later to finish my 1's. Also, ive been in the kitchen cooking food for the past 8 hours, made all types of breads, blondie deserts, some sugar free mint and chip ice cream, low carb pizza and more. Keto 4 lyfe.


Finally able to go back to the gym after a week break.
Off-topic: CBE process design exam, CBE Dynamics and Control exam, today's process design tutorial presentation all got rekt.
On-topic: during that week, I felt like crap. Felt weak and had muscle aches all over the place. SS session #22 today, I assume I decrease the weight a bit from my last session and continue from there? I doubt my strength stayed the same during the week.


Finally hit 225 on the DL this morning.

Squat is next.
Feels good!

(thanks to this thread and the reminder to stick with SS)


I'm seriously considering taking a thermogenic, will I die? Be honest.

Depends. If you're talking about something you'd find in your vitamin shop you'd be alright. If you're talking something like DNP, then you'll die of hyperthermia. You'll boil to death in your own body. youarealreadydead.png

J. Bravo

Finally able to go back to the gym after a week break.
Off-topic: CBE process design exam, CBE Dynamics and Control exam, today's process design tutorial presentation all got rekt.
On-topic: during that week, I felt like crap. Felt weak and had muscle aches all over the place. SS session #22 today, I assume I decrease the weight a bit from my last session and continue from there? I doubt my strength stayed the same during the week.

Only a week? Nah I bet you can hit the same numbers u left off with. Try it. If not, then I was wrong, and you should try remove a few pounds. but a week off is almost always good.


What's a good alternative to supported pull ups? Went to do them today but the support was broken and have been told the pull up machines are being replaced by more modern ones (hope sooner than later :/ )

What is the best way to tell if you're putting on mass and strength? Simply being a case of being able to lift more weight next time you do a particular exercise?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
What's a good alternative to supported pull ups? Went to do them today but the support was broken and have been told the pull up machines are being replaced by more modern ones (hope sooner than later :/ )

What is the best way to tell if you're putting on mass and strength? Simply being a case of being able to lift more weight next time you do a particular exercise?
I usually judge strength gains by the number of DB curls I can do in the squat rack! ;) But seriously, it's all about lifting more weight. If you're doing that then you're getting stronger. Pretty simple.


the piano man
so I was talking about lifting with this friend of mine and he says

" my muscles get used to every exercise incredibly fast, every 2 or 3 weeks I have to change and do something else, thank god my PT knows a wide variety of them".

I answered "yeah, that's pretty cool"

I am sorry, Fitgaf, I can't be reponsible for the world's problems

and yep Brad Pitt in Fight Club also made an appearance in our conversation....


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
so I was talking about lifting with this friend of mine and he says

" my muscles get used to every exercise incredibly fast, every 2 or 3 weeks I have to change and do something else, thank good my PT knows a wide variety of them".

I answered "yeah, that's pretty cool"

I am sorry, Fitgaf, I can be reponsible for the world's problems

and yep Brad Pitt in Fight Club also made an appearance in our conversation....

I would answer with, good for you. I've been doing the same exercises for 2 plus years. I guess my muscles never get used to an exercise...


the piano man
I would answer with, good for you. I've been doing the same exercises for 2 plus years. I guess my muscles never get used to an exercise...

the thing is, how come people don't realize there are no results there? I've seen him without a shirt and he's been lifting for 2 years, most likely much more... there is no brad pitt FC in the making there, not in the least.

even if you want to have the BP figure, which is a great fitness goal (all sarcasm aside), if your body is absolutely nowhere near that... well, something's gotta be wrong.

and I am far from being a fitness Guru but I listen to everything and everyone and try to learn from all sources and reach conclusions that make sense but this guy is convinced like the sky is blue that what he is doing is fine but he's isn't getting stronger with all the machine shuffling and he doesn't even look like he hits the gym... :-/ he's really a nice guy, I feel bad.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
the thing is, how come people don't realize there are no results there? I've seen him without a shirt and he's been lifting for 2 years, most likely much more... there is no brad pitt FC in the making there, not in the least.

even if you want to have the BP figure, which is a great fitness goal (all sarcasm aside), if your body is absolutely nowhere near that... well, something's gotta be wrong.

and I am far from being a fitness Guru but I listen to everything and everyone and try to learn from all sources and reach conclusions that make sense but this guy is convinced like the sky is blue that what he is doing is fine but he's isn't getting stronger with all the machine shuffling and he doesn't even look like he hits the gym... :-/ he's really a nice guy, I feel bad.

Because no one wants to admit they are wrong and everyone thinks they are special. Similar guy at my gym who has had a trainer for at least 3 years. He asked me one day when his trainer wasn't around how much I weigh and a few questions because I was his ideal goal. I was flattered and tried to be honest but after 2 years he looks the same and isn't any closer to getting a muscle up as when he initially asked. Meanwhile him and his trainer pound bosu ball DB chest press and various ab exercises every time I'm there!


the piano man
Because no one wants to admit they are wrong and everyone thinks they are special. Similar guy at my gym who has had a trainer for at least 3 years. He asked me one day when his trainer wasn't around how much I weigh and a few questions because I was his ideal goal. I was flattered and tried to be honest but after 2 years he looks the same and isn't any closer to getting a muscle up as when he initially asked. Meanwhile him and his trainer pound bosu ball DB chest press and various ab exercises every time I'm there!

if I ever had the balls to approach a guy with my ideal goal to steal his gym time and ask him things, someone who I've seen lift impressive numbers and dominate the barbell, who also looks like he lifts, with the respective gains, I'd record what he said with my smarthphone and listen to it several times, and search for confirmation and further explanation of his comments everywhere and come up with a plan and fire the fucking PT if I had one.


Even after a week off, my shoulders still have aches, guess this is just how it's going to be from now on.

I'll get an MRI done eventually.
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