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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Well, I've legitimately completed 5 months of SS according to my statistics!

22 weeks total!

Every major exercise in the SS program has meet a steady progress ( from day 1 to present):

Squat: 52,5 kg / 115 lbs -> 105 kg / 230 lbs
Bench press: 32,5 kg / 71 lbs -> 72,5 kg / 160 lbs
Deadlift: 62,5 kg / 135 lbs -> 112,5 kg -> 248 lbs
Overhead press: 25 kg / 55 lbs -> 50 kg / 110 lbs
Bent rows: 40 kg / 88 lbs - > 62,5 kg / 137 lbs
Power cleans: 27,5 kg / 60 lbs -> 50 kg / 110 lbs

I still can't believe I can bench 72,5 kg. I think I'm gonna go extactic when I reach 80 kg. That will be momumental.

100 kg bench press seems so close yet so far.

One-rep max or work-set?


the piano man
It'll come back, and relatively fast. The neuromuscular adaptation is strong in you. Believe.

cool :) yeah, I I think It'll come back.

the strange thing is that all other lifts were only 2 or 2 increments (decrements?) below compared to my last workouts, pre-illness. Squat is like... 10 increments down.... crazy.

I still can't believe I can bench 72,5 kg. I think I'm gonna go extactic when I reach 80 kg. That will be momumental.

curious, how near is 72.5 kg from your bodyweight?

Yep, name got changed. vince.gif forever now

is it the same profile or did the "sunflower" one get deleted?


the piano man
Approximately 10~12 kg. Its a good thing you reminded me about this. Haven't weighed myself in a while.

anyone who benches above bodyweight is doing good things and gets my respect. congrats.

another thing that I noted with the squat beside the lack of strength is that it makes my traps explode.

can it be that holding all that weight there is the best way to get bigger traps? better than isolated upper back moves?

I am rarely happy with any bodypart of mine but traps have definitely grown... and I don't think I've done much else to get there beside putting loads of weight on there with the squat...
What is more effective for fat burning? Short, intense cardio sessions, or longer endurance sessions?

Right now on the treadmill I do about two miles straight at around 8.5 minutes a mile. Would it be better for me to go for three at that pace, or just up the intensity if I am trying to burn fat? I throw in similarly paced stretches on the bikes and elliptical as well.
What is more effective for fat burning? Short, intense cardio sessions, or longer endurance sessions?

Right now on the treadmill I do about two miles straight at around 8.5 minutes a mile. Would it be better for me to go for three at that pace, or just up the intensity if I am trying to burn fat? I throw in similarly paced stretches on the bikes and elliptical as well.

HIIT is what you want.
Short, intense bursts of 30-60 seconds to get your BPM to the max, in-between 90-120 seconds of low intensity to get your BPM as close as possible to resting rate.

Repeat for about 15 minutes, and it'll be about as effective as 1hour of a longer session.

Saves you time, and gives you more useful conditioning (unless you're planning to do marathons).
HIIT is what you want.
Short, intense bursts of 30-60 seconds to get your BPM to the max, in-between 90-120 seconds of low intensity to get your BPM as close as possible to resting rate.

Repeat for about 15 minutes, and it'll be about as effective as 1hour of a longer session.

Saves you time, and gives you more useful conditioning (unless you're planning to do marathons).

Thanks man, no marathons here lol. Mainly play basketball or tennis for athletics, so Im sure the more intense cardio sessions will be better for that anyway.


What is more effective for fat burning? Short, intense cardio sessions, or longer endurance sessions?

Right now on the treadmill I do about two miles straight at around 8.5 minutes a mile. Would it be better for me to go for three at that pace, or just up the intensity if I am trying to burn fat? I throw in similarly paced stretches on the bikes and elliptical as well.

That wouldn't be enough to be considered long endurance. You have to be going for close to an hour to really get anything out of it.
Got through my 5/3/1 day of deadlifts, front squat, leg press. I've occasionally (over the past few years of lifting) felt a small amount of discomfort on the right side of my groin (where my leg attaches to my abdomen). I'd never say it's pain, just a bit "off" feeling. Only happens occasionally. Today I noticed it a bit more than I'm used to when finishing my last set of front squats and when I felt it with my fingers it felt very slightly like it was protruding, aka, I think I have a small hernia in my groin on the right side. But, as I pressed it lightly with my fingers it went back in instantly; it was only a very faint feeling of protrusion, I'm not even sure it was a real feeling or just something I imagined it was so minor.

But, I'm slightly concerned. I certainly don't want a full blown hernia to occur. I only ever noticed this feeling when on a heavy set of squats and now front squats I guess. It has been an hour since my work out and the spot feels 100% OK. What does FitGAF think? I'm considering heading to my campus sports medicine clinic to ask for their opinion, but I'd suspect they'll just tell me it looks OK and to give it time before lifting again. Still might be worth while to have it checked out. Just wondering if you guys have any thoughts.


Got through my 5/3/1 day of deadlifts, front squat, leg press. I've occasionally (over the past few years of lifting) felt a small amount of discomfort on the right side of my groin (where my leg attaches to my abdomen). I'd never say it's pain, just a bit "off" feeling. Only happens occasionally. Today I noticed it a bit more than I'm used to when finishing my last set of front squats and when I felt it with my fingers it felt very slightly like it was protruding, aka, I think I have a small hernia in my groin on the right side. But, as I pressed it lightly with my fingers it went back in instantly; it was only a very faint feeling of protrusion, I'm not even sure it was a real feeling or just something I imagined it was so minor.

But, I'm slightly concerned. I certainly don't want a full blown hernia to occur. I only ever noticed this feeling when on a heavy set of squats and now front squats I guess. It has been an hour since my work out and the spot feels 100% OK. What does FitGAF think? I'm considering heading to my campus sports medicine clinic to ask for their opinion, but I'd suspect they'll just tell me it looks OK and to give it time before lifting again. Still might be worth while to have it checked out. Just wondering if you guys have any thoughts.

Holy jesus the exact same thing's been going on with me this past week. I'm not sure if it's just an overtaxed hip flexor/groin muscle or the beginnings of a hernia but I think it's the former. My brother had one last year and he basically said, "no bulge, no hernia". But, there are many different kinds, so if in doubt, check with the doc.

I'm due for a routine physical anyways so I'm going next week and I'll be telling him about it then.


can it be that holding all that weight there is the best way to get bigger traps? better than isolated upper back moves?

I'm not sure about "best" way, but I kind of had the same theory recently about squats causing them to grow. Mine started developing before I really added in OHP or power cleans, but I was doing squats almost every session, so it led me to believe that squats might have had something to do with it.

Just tried some HIIT today. I think I'm going to put this into the schedule, once a week. Man, it's been a long time (probably since HS football), that I've had to sprint for extended periods of time, and it shows.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Swollen Edge

Nice job!

Major fucking IBS had diarrhea before front squat workout... now mid sets it hits again urgh. Nothing worse than feeling like you're gonna assplode on the way back up...



Hey guys,

I've been doing SS for about five months now and while it's been going pretty well, it's become apparent that I really need to start focusing on my nutrition a lot more. Looking for some info/feedback here as this whole thing is kinda doing my head in a bit:

First off, here are my current stats:

Age: 30
Height: 6'7
Weight: 222 lbs

Lifts (work weight):

Squat: 245
DL: 270
BP: 200
OHP: 120
PC: 130

At this point I want to be in the lean mass phase and from what I've read so far and after using the calculator Squiddy linked in the OP, I think I want roughly these daily macros/calories:

Calories: 3800 (roughly 500 above my TDEE)
Protein: 394g
Carbs: 296g
Fat: 131g

So if I understood what I read correctly, I'd want to be weighing myself regularly and be aiming to gain about .5-1.0 lbs per week. If I'm gaining more than that for several weeks in a row, I'd want to look into rolling back the number of carbs and fat I'm intaking. Does that sound correct?

I'm going to aim to have the vast majority of my carbs come from oats and brown rice, with sweet potatoes every now and then. Protein will be coming mainly from salmon, chicken breasts, eggs and ground beef and supplemented quite a bit with whey protein powder (probably ~120-150g a day). Fats I'm hoping will just kinda take care of themselves, but I'll figure that one out as I go.

One other big question I had as someone doing Starting Strength is eating on rest days vs workout days. In the OP it looks like it's recommended to reduce calories on rest days, but a lot of the stuff I've read appears to recommend keeping the food intake at a constant. I realize that different programs probably have different nutritional requirements, but what is it for a novice doing SS?

So what do you guys think? My diet is definitely my biggest hurdle at this point, so I'd really like to nail it down. Just bought myself a kitchen scale from Amazon, so I'm ready to do this! Any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
I say better safe than sorry.

Holy jesus the exact same thing's been going on with me this past week. I'm not sure if it's just an overtaxed hip flexor/groin muscle or the beginnings of a hernia but I think it's the former. My brother had one last year and he basically said, "no bulge, no hernia". But, there are many different kinds, so if in doubt, check with the doc.

I'm due for a routine physical anyways so I'm going next week and I'll be telling him about it then.

I appreciate the comments. I will get checked out. My fiancee says inguinal hernia repair is very common and relatively not very invasive or dangerous, plus is a near permanent repair so this isn't terrible if it turns out to be a hernia. Feels totally fine still. Such a weird ''injury''.


sheesh, lifted for an hour then did a 30 mile bike ride (not ideal timing but had no choice today). so pooped. i hope its ok to scarf down an entire pizza now, cuz that's what i just did. :p


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
How would I go about doing SS if I've been lifting for several months now? I fucked up the first time I tried the program by not eating nearly enough, then I did the cut over the summer and followed a basic three-day split just to maintain my strength, but I'm sort of wondering if I go back to SS now during my bulk that maybe I'll see proper gains.

Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently I'm still a novice in every lift but bench press.

Because I'm not a complete beginner, however, I dunno what weights to start with on SS. Should it be a certain percentage from my current 3x5 maxes or what?

Do you guys even recommend I go back to SS? (I'd be doing it right this time.)

J. Bravo

How would I go about doing SS if I've been lifting for several months now? I fucked up the first time I tried the program by not eating nearly enough, then I did the cut over the summer and followed a basic three-day split just to maintain my strength, but I'm sort of wondering if I go back to SS now during my bulk that maybe I'll see proper gains.

Not sure how accurate this is, but apparently I'm still a novice in every lift but bench press.

Because I'm not a complete beginner, however, I dunno what weights to start with on SS. Should it be a certain percentage from my current 3x5 maxes or what?

Do you guys even recommend I go back to SS? (I'd be doing it right this time.)

Yeah. I was doing 5/3/1, then I had a compound fracture on my leg, couldn't lift for 6 weeks. When I came back, I did SS for 2 months and got back to 5/3/1 mid July. I just started at 135 for bench, 185 for squat, 225 for deadlift, and 95 for OHP. Worked out pretty well.

Your case is a little different because you aren't injured; I'd recommend completely restarting, and taking a day or two to figure out what your 5 rep max is, and use that.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Yeah. I was doing 5/3/1, then I had a compound fracture on my leg, couldn't lift for 6 weeks. When I came back, I did SS for 2 months and got back to 5/3/1 mid July. I just started at 135 for bench, 185 for squat, 225 for deadlift, and 95 for OHP. Worked out pretty well.

Your case is a little different because you aren't injured; I'd recommend completely restarting, and taking a day or two to figure out what your 5 rep max is, and use that.

I already know my 5-rep max in each lift, but how exactly would I use that?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
See if you can do it for 3 sets. Or drop it 15-30 pounds depending on the lift and go from there. That way you will stall pretty fast, and can quickly move on to a more advanced program.

Well, I don't want to stall fast... I'd like to make as much gains on SS as I possibly can.

Also, can I high-bar squat on SS or should I stick to low-bar like Rippetoe recommends?


How much does lack of sleep affect your workout? I went to do my squats the other day, put on an extra bit of weight on them as I would always but I had a really hard time doing even 3 reps and the joints in the groinal area felt they were going to rip. Was in absolute pain, waited a while then tried a weaker weight but my legs felt too sore so felt it was best to avoid doing any exercises where my legs would be involved that day. Only did arm work.

I know exhaustion is partially to blame but would my leg positions be the other reason for my joints to be sore?

Btw love doing bicep curls and tricep push downs, the feeling I get in the muscles afterwards is satisfying.
How much does lack of sleep affect your workout? I went to do my squats the other day, put on an extra bit of weight on them as I would always but I had a really hard time doing even 3 reps and the joints in the groinal area felt they were going to rip. Was in absolute pain, waited a while then tried a weaker weight but my legs felt too sore so felt it was best to avoid doing any exercises where my legs would be involved that day. Only did arm work.

I know exhaustion is partially to blame but would my leg positions be the other reason for my joints to be sore?

Btw love doing bicep curls and tricep push downs, the feeling I get in the muscles afterwards is satisfying.

Lack of sleep can absolutely affect your recovery time, muscular development, and so forth. I've never heard of it causing joints to feel more sensitive than usual, but it wouldn't surprise me. How little sleep are you talking? Regardless, for general health purposes 7-9 hours of sleep is the generally recommended amount, although I'd say whatever you need to wake up without an alarm is what you should strive for. I've also read that being somewhat consistent with your sleep schedule, even on weekends, can be very valuable.

Probably been asked a million times but are you supposed to count the bar weight with SS?

Yes, absolutely. That's not fake weight, 45 lbs is 45 lbs!

ACE 1991

Hey guys, what 4 day body building splits do yo guys like? Currently on a 3x/week full body routine and thinking about moving over to a 4 day split in a month or so.
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