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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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So I just started SS last week, things are going mostly well (was dying after day 1 but doing fine now), but the biggest issue is pull ups. I just can't do more tham 3-4 max a set. I don't see how I'm going to make progress there. Any suggestions/alt workouts to move up to it?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I just started SS last week, things are going mostly well (was dying after day 1 but doing fine now), but the biggest issue is pull ups. I just can't do more tham 3-4 max a set. I don't see how I'm going to make progress there. Any suggestions/alt workouts to move up to it?

Lat pulldowns? Got those? If not keep working it, as you lose weight and build muscle they'll get easier.


so I was talking about lifting with this friend of mine and he says

" my muscles get used to every exercise incredibly fast, every 2 or 3 weeks I have to change and do something else, thank god my PT knows a wide variety of them".

I answered "yeah, that's pretty cool"

I am sorry, Fitgaf, I can't be reponsible for the world's problems

and yep Brad Pitt in Fight Club also made an appearance in our conversation....

Tell him it's pretty hard to get used to an exercise if you keep adding weight to it everytime you do it ;)

So I just started SS last week, things are going mostly well (was dying after day 1 but doing fine now), but the biggest issue is pull ups. I just can't do more tham 3-4 max a set. I don't see how I'm going to make progress there. Any suggestions/alt workouts to move up to it?

If you can do at least 1, then you are in the clear. Problem is going from no pullups to 1 pullup.

First, do chinups instead of pullups. If you are unsure of the difference, chinups are done with palms facing you (supinated); pullups with palms facing away from you (pronated). Chinups are a bit easier and you'll be able to progress faster.

Second, if you can only do 3 or 4 per set then increase the number of sets. Try doing 5 sets of 3.
FE I highly recommend getting bands or chains to help work speed. This will help you hit 600 quicker.

Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Speed is definitely something I am lacking when it comes to the DL. I also need to get up off my ass and invest in a belt and proper shoes.
Lat pulldowns? Got those? If not keep working it, as you lose weight and build muscle they'll get easier.

The private gym I have access to has everything and is always empty, it does have a pulldown machine. I guess I'll alternate that with what pullups I can do and see if I can make progress?

Should I stick to the same 3x5 for pulldowns or more since its assisted?


The private gym I have access to has everything and is always empty, it does have a pulldown machine. I guess I'll alternate that with what pullups I can do and see if I can make progress?

Should I stick to the same 3x5 for pulldowns or more since its assisted?

Read my post above. If you can already do at least a couple of pullups, don't bother with the lat-pulldowns / assisted machine.


Only a week? Nah I bet you can hit the same numbers u left off with. Try it. If not, then I was wrong, and you should try remove a few pounds. but a week off is almost always good.

Thanks for your opinion :) I decided to go a bit lighter just to be safe. Feels good to be in the gym again; felt so alive after finishing. Looking forward to DLs this Wednesday! Lastly, I remember how much I hate chin-ups :(

WORLD RECORD SQUAT DANILOV 326.5 @ 66 KG (11/4/2013)

EDIT: Noema, got your computer fixed? :D
Read my post above. If you can already do at least a couple of pullups, don't bother with the lat-pulldowns / assisted machine.

Didn't see your edit. Thanks for the reply man I'll keep at it.

I can generally do more chin ups (palms facing me) than I can pull ups. Kind of makes me want to work on pulls more.


Didn't see your edit. Thanks for the reply man I'll keep at it.

I can generally do more chin ups (palms facing me) than I can pull ups. Kind of makes me want to work on pulls more.

Sure, but chinups will lead to pullups.

I'd try to get to 3 sets of 8 chinups. Once you get that it won't take you long to transition to 3 sets of 8 pullups. Once you can do 3 sets of 8 pullups you can begin adding weight to them, in a linear progression (maybe 5lb a week).
Arnold and Franco in the off season.


perfect imo
Hi Fitness people. I'm a newcomer to the thread.

I just wanted to express some happiness. Three weeks ago I decided to start working out in a gym for the first time ever. I got a Y membership and bought four sessions with a personal trainer.

In that three week period, I lost 4 pounds (going from 188 down to 184) and have decreased my body fat percentage from 16.5 to 15.1! I am incredibly stoked about this and am eager to improve even more going forward.

The only thing is that today was my last session with the trainer (I can't afford anymore), so it'll be marginally harder to get the motivation, but I can do it! My goal is to have people start noticing my sleeker, more muscular form somewhere around the 3 month mark.

Happy exercising, guys!
What's a good alternative to supported pull ups? Went to do them today but the support was broken and have been told the pull up machines are being replaced by more modern ones (hope sooner than later :/ )

What is the best way to tell if you're putting on mass and strength? Simply being a case of being able to lift more weight next time you do a particular exercise?

You can do them in your Power rack/squat rack if its equipped with handle bars up top.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So I just started SS last week, things are going mostly well (was dying after day 1 but doing fine now), but the biggest issue is pull ups. I just can't do more tham 3-4 max a set. I don't see how I'm going to make progress there. Any suggestions/alt workouts to move up to it?

I'd recommend you just do more sets. Another good idea might be to get a door frame pull-up bar solution for your home. Whenever you walk by it, do as many as you can.


Hi Fitness people. I'm a newcomer to the thread.

I just wanted to express some happiness. Three weeks ago I decided to start working out in a gym for the first time ever. I got a Y membership and bought four sessions with a personal trainer.

In that three week period, I lost 4 pounds (going from 188 down to 184) and have decreased my body fat percentage from 16.5 to 15.1! I am incredibly stoked about this and am eager to improve even more going forward.

The only thing is that today was my last session with the trainer (I can't afford anymore), so it'll be marginally harder to get the motivation, but I can do it! My goal is to have people start noticing my sleeker, more muscular form somewhere around the 3 month mark.

Happy exercising, guys!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Crazy busy at the gym tonight. There was this strong ass old dude there who kept pushing bigger and bigger weight than I could. Seeing him do that really brought out my BuRNInG SPIRIT and I hit 2 new PRs. Love seeing strong old dudes.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks man, I'll definitely need it, my shoulders are rapidly falling apart lol.
You can easily cut down and keep most of your mass by dropping the weight and save your shoulders? Just a thought... You'd still be plenty strong based on the numbers you're moving now.


Gaf I just set a new squat pb (95kg for 8) was so happy then the gym trainer near me just benched like 120kg. Am cry :-(


Dat feel when you go to a get together, and all the girls tell you how good you look, and all the guys ask you how much you lift, then add 5lbs and say thats what they do.


I was sure my upper back would get better if I just rested it, but that doesn't seem to be happening. It only really hurts if my arms are up and in the position they'd be say at the top of a dumbbell fly, but something just remains off almost like I need to pop it back in.

Will keep resting and losing gainz for another week, then seek professional help. Fuck me.


i actually hear the "it's important to switch up your routine frequently as your muscles get used to certain movements and stop responding as much" quite a lot.

any truth to it, or is it just broscience bullshit?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
i actually hear the "it's important to switch up your routine frequently as your muscles get used to certain movements and stop responding as much" quite a lot.

any truth to it, or is it just broscience bullshit?


J. Bravo

I was sure my upper back would get better if I just rested it, but that doesn't seem to be happening. It only really hurts if my arms are up and in the position they'd be say at the top of a dumbbell fly, but something just remains off almost like I need to pop it back in.

Will keep resting and losing gainz for another week, then seek professional help. Fuck me.

Which reminds me. I need to set up an appointment with mine.


i actually hear the "it's important to switch up your routine frequently as your muscles get used to certain movements and stop responding as much" quite a lot.

any truth to it, or is it just broscience bullshit?

Utter Horseshit.

See how well you get used to squats if you add 5lb every time you do it.
i actually hear the "it's important to switch up your routine frequently as your muscles get used to certain movements and stop responding as much" quite a lot.

any truth to it, or is it just broscience bullshit?


What you do need is to change your weight, so you're not stuck on the same weight weeks at a time.
Damn... them gainz disappear quickly when you don't train and eat!.. Had a 10 day break from the training and ate like 1000-1500 calories a day and now my bench and squat are both down ca 10 lb. Shiiiit. Well, at least my knees and elbows feel better now..

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
i actually hear the "it's important to switch up your routine frequently as your muscles get used to certain movements and stop responding as much" quite a lot.

any truth to it, or is it just broscience bullshit?

I can't even imagine where that idea came from. What does "getting used to certain movements" even mean and why would that stall progress?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I can't even imagine where that idea came from. What does "getting used to certain movements" even mean and why would that stall progress?
Muscle confusion! I think P90X started this whole movement but I could be wrong.
I can't even imagine where that idea came from. What does "getting used to certain movements" even mean and why would that stall progress?

This whole dumb this is often advertised as "muscle confusion." The only grain of truth I could ever get out of it is that 3, 6, 12, or however many months after someone first starts training a specific lift (such as a squat) they tend to have a reduction in the rate of their progress; that is, you can probably put on 5 or 10 lbs every session for those first few months, but after that the gains taper off and you have to lift smarter/harder to continue to grow at any appreciable rate. This has hardly anything to do with a muscle "getting used" to a movement, so I have no idea what that's about. I've never seen "muscle confusion" really reference beginner vs non-beginner gains specifically, but playing devil's advocate here, that's the only small bit of truth I could ever see associated with "muscle confusion"... and even that is stretching it.

So, in that context "muscle confusion" fails once they get onto the suggestion of telling you to throw out your old training routine for a new one, especially when it goes as far as to tell you to stop doing a movement all together.

J. Bravo

If I was to do smolov for my squat, how would I do the other compounds? Last time I tried it, I was way too tired to do anything else after squatting. Just wondering if now that I've gotten stronger if it would be any different.

Nelo Ice

3rd week of my first BBB 5/3/1 cycle and damn deadlift day is owning me. Struggled to complete my 3rd set of 10 DLs at 130 lbs. Well 2 more to go.
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