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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I think they think creatine might have an effect on sperm production but I can't find any hard evidence anywhere. My pre-workout has some creatine but my protein powder doesn't. Like I said I don't believe protein powder will have any effect but I have to at least give it a shot

I don't blame you. If it ends up being supplement-related at least you're resolving the issue without anything crazy or expensive. Good luck!


Junior Member
I think they think creatine might have an effect on sperm production but I can't find any hard evidence anywhere. My pre-workout has some creatine but my protein powder doesn't. Like I said I don't believe protein powder will have any effect but I have to at least give it a shot
Creatine alters your DHT levels. It 'might' have an effect.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

I saw the most amazing squats ever today. And by most amazing, I obviously mean worst.

I see this tall thin guy at the squat rack with three plates on each side. I'm like, "Wait, really?" and wait around to see him actually squat that much weight. I didn't believe for a second he was capable of it, but hey, he's loosening up like he's done this before. So this dude lifts the bar and his body begins to wobble; and without even stepping back to clear the two bar racks on the sides, he does less than a quarter squat. More like a dime squat, honestly. He goes down far enough that the bar HITS THE RACKS, and then back up. Stand up, and squat down during a quick two-count. Then back up. That's literally how far down he was going.

I'm just looking at him in complete and utter amazement. Turn to this other guy watching nearby and we both give an acknowledging smirk.


Anyway, I set a new PR on deadlifts today. Thanks Madcow!

220 x 5, and it was easy. I promise you all that I will hit 300 x 1 before the new year. Considering I've only been working the deadlift for a few months I am immensely happy (and a bit surprised) with how quickly my strength in it is going up.

Next week is when I shall hopefully break all my PRs in all lifts, and continue to do so for several weeks thereafter.


I saw the most amazing squats ever today. And by most amazing, I obviously mean worst.

I see this tall thin guy at the squat rack with three plates on each side. I'm like, "Wait, really?" and wait around to see him actually squat that much weight. I didn't believe for a second he was capable of it, but hey, he's loosening up like he's done this before. So this dude lifts the bar and his body begins to wobble; and without even stepping back to clear the two bar racks on the sides, he does less than a quarter squat. More like a dime squat, honestly. He goes down far enough that the bar HITS THE RACKS, and then back up. Stand up, and squat down during a quick two-count. Then back up. That's literally how far down he was going.

I'm just looking at him in complete and utter amazement. Turn to this other guy watching nearby and we both give an acknowledging smirk.


Anyway, I set a new PR on deadlifts today. Thanks Madcow!

220 x 5, and it was easy. I promise you all that I will hit 300 x 1 before the new year. Considering I've only been working the deadlift for a few months I am immensely happy (and a bit surprised) with how quickly my strength in it is going up.

Next week is when I shall hopefully break all my PRs in all lifts, and continue to do so for several weeks thereafter.



Anyway, I need some advice. I’ve been experiencing some groin pain during squats lately, and it’s the biggest reason I failed my last work set yesterday. The pain only occurs during the concentric phase of the squat, and it runs from the left side of my groin to the hip. It doesn’t hurt when walking, running, or deadlifting.

Has anybody ever experienced this? Is my stance too wide or are my knees not sticking out enough? Are there exercises I can do to stretch out my groin muscles? Not sure if I can get a video of myself squatting at the moment, unfortunately.

I’m also thinking of taking two weeks off from weightlifting, resetting the weight and working on form. I’m worried that I’ll actually injure my groin if I keep going. Thoughts on this?
disillusion, I was going to reply to your post around 1:30PM but a few of my classmates suddenly wanted help with their engineering lab :|
Anyway, I know that feeling and I haven't had that for a month or so. I'm not sure if it has to do with the stretches I added, but I do all but one of these stretches in this video (I don't have a foot roller but I can use a lacrosse ball). I also do a hamstring stretch and foam roll my legs before my session. My friend told me that it's fine to be sore around the groin, it'll get stronger over time. Maybe those will help? And I'm curious, do you high-bar or low-bar squat and how wide is your stance? Your knees aren't caving in right?

Lol, I have this.


Bonus: Found the pic.

Hahaha, I love the faces you guys!


Aliens ate my babysitter
I switched to GSLP 3 or 4 weeks ago when my son was born. I figured my sleep would suck, and workout time would be limited for the first few weeks/months, and I needed to try something else after sticking with 5/3/1 for 12 months. I'm liking it so far, hope to run it for 3 or 4 months to really improve my squats.

My workouts have been something like this:

Bench: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
EZ Bar Curls: 3x12
Squat: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
V-handle pulldowns: 3x8
Weighted Dips: 3x8

Military Press: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
Chin-ups: 3x8 bodyweight
Deadlifts: 1xAMRAP
Barbell Row: 3x8
Weight Dips: 2x8

Rotating Bench and Military every other session. Squatting on Tuesday and Saturday, Dead-lifting on Thursday.

Short-term goals to hit before the end of the year, 3x5 squats with 315#, 3x5 bench with 240#, and 3x5 military with 150/155. Bodyweight 195#.

Congrats on your son, friend! :)


the piano man
I saw the most amazing squats ever today. And by most amazing, I obviously mean worst.

I see this tall thin guy at the squat rack with three plates on each side. I'm like, "Wait, really?" and wait around to see him actually squat that much weight. I didn't believe for a second he was capable of it, but hey, he's loosening up like he's done this before. So this dude lifts the bar and his body begins to wobble; and without even stepping back to clear the two bar racks on the sides, he does less than a quarter squat. More like a dime squat, honestly. He goes down far enough that the bar HITS THE RACKS, and then back up. Stand up, and squat down during a quick two-count. Then back up. That's literally how far down he was going.

I'm just looking at him in complete and utter amazement. Turn to this other guy watching nearby and we both give an acknowledging smirk.

something similar happened to me yesterday... one of the guys in the gym I look up to was there in the squat rack. He is tall and strong and the other day he was benching some impressive numbers. The Barbell was fully loaded with a weight that would crush and kill anyone underneath.

yesterday he was squatting... omg... what a disappointment, shit form, fast tempo reps without hitting parallel... I was like "what the fuck, man, you are doing this for years.. that's awful"... weird leg position, and for his height and strength, misserable weight, like 100 lbs, maybe.... bad on all accounts...

this is a lesson all lurkers and guys afraid of free weights should learn: EVERYBODY there has something to learn or improve on. Don't go with the line of thought "They are flawless pros, I am a complete moron, I am intimiated", fuck that, just go there.
disillusion, I was going to reply to your post around 1:30PM but a few of my classmates suddenly wanted help with their engineering lab :|
Anyway, I know that feeling and I haven't had that for a month or so. I'm not sure if it has to do with the stretches I added, but I do all but one of these stretches in this video (I don't have a foot roller but I can use a lacrosse ball). I also do a hamstring stretch and foam roll my legs before my session. My friend told me that it's fine to be sore around the groin, it'll get stronger over time. Maybe those will help? And I'm curious, do you high-bar or low-bar squat and how wide is your stance? Your knees aren't caving in right?

Thanks for the video! I'll try these stretches out. The thing is, it doesn't feel like regular soreness. The groin only hurts when I come up from the squat. That's the only movement that causes the pain. What's weird too is that I feel pain on a specific muscle running down the left side of the groin to the inside of the leg.

I do low-bar squats, and my stance is shoulder-width with toes pointing out around 30 degrees. Not sure if my knees are caving in, to be honest.


I'd love to hear some opinions on weight lifthing belts. Who uses them, who doesn't and why?

I've always had lower back problems, I've recorded my lifts, shared them and get positive feedback on my technique but my lower back tends to bother me a bit still. I'm about 6'3 180-85lbs and have a fairly thin frame.

I started using a belt a week or so ago. I tend to notch it fairly loosely, expand my abdomen, hold and squat/deadlift. I've noticed that my back problems seem to have been significantly reduced and almost gone away completely. My lighter lifts I do without the belt but I put it on when I start getting around 60% of my 1rm max.

I know that people are concerned that your lower back becomes weaker when using assistance. I'm of the opinion that I'd rather have my lower back feel good...any thoughts?


Thanks for the video! I'll try these stretches out. The thing is, it doesn't feel like regular soreness. The groin only hurts when I come up from the squat. That's the only movement that causes the pain. What's weird too is that I feel pain on a specific muscle running down the left side of the groin to the inside of the leg.

I do low-bar squats, and my stance is shoulder-width with toes pointing out around 30 degrees. Not sure if my knees are caving in, to be honest.
I hear ya. The stretches should see if your left side of the groin is really tight or not. It could be a form problem if they aren't helping. I high-bar squat so I can't help with form. Would you consider uploading a form check video for others to see?
Edit: I double checked your original post and I see. If you can't get a form check video, I guess take things one at a time.

J. Bravo

I'd love to hear some opinions on weight lifthing belts. Who uses them, who doesn't and why?

I've always had lower back problems, I've recorded my lifts, shared them and get positive feedback on my technique but my lower back tends to bother me a bit still. I'm about 6'3 180-85lbs and have a fairly thin frame.

I started using a belt a week or so ago. I tend to notch it fairly loosely, expand my abdomen, hold and squat/deadlift. I've noticed that my back problems seem to have been significantly reduced and almost gone away completely. My lighter lifts I do without the belt but I put it on when I start getting around 60% of my 1rm max.

I know that people are concerned that your lower back becomes weaker when using assistance. I'm of the opinion that I'd rather have my lower back feel good...any thoughts?

I don't use them, because I haven't felt I needed one, yet.

If anything, they strengthen your core because the belt gives your core something to flex against.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is it a bad idea to lift with Achilles tendinitis? Forgot to ask the doctor.

From what I know, anything that puts stress on it is a no-no. If you don't mind bench and pullups, go buck wild, but don't hurt dem feets.


I finally tried out dip-belt squats. I've been without a leg press for over a year now so I've just squat every different way I can squat, but I still miss that quad pump. These work quite well in their place.

The Ironmind dip belt is quite comfortable for this, a dip belt with a chain is less so. Notice the woman in the photo even has padding under her belt. A chain on the top of the thighs will dig into your legs and you'll end up with small welts or bruises if you do enough reps this way.

It won't replace the squat but the variety will be most welcomed. I hope it pans out in the long term as a good assistance movement.


It was a legit diagnosis, yes? Is it one of those "be good to it and it'll go away" things or is something happening with it?

Well he specifically told me no more jogging for 4 weeks and then if things are looking better I can start going on walks and ease my way back in using the proper shoes this time.
I hear ya. The stretches should see if your left side of the groin is really tight or not. It could be a form problem if they aren't helping. I high-bar squat so I can't help with form. Would you consider uploading a form check video for others to see?
Edit: I double checked your original post and I see. If you can't get a form check video, I guess take things one at a time.

Could just be tightness. It's still odd that I'm not feeling it on the right side. Either way, I might take a full week or two off for now. Start back up again. Thanks for all the help.
Benched 3x5 75 kg / 165 lbs today! SO close to my goal of 80kg! I might potentially reach 90 kg / 200 lbs by the end of the year :)

Also got my squat up to 110 kg / 243 lbs!

Good times fit bros... cutting season is almost just around the corner.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well he specifically told me no more jogging for 4 weeks and then if things are looking better I can start going on walks and ease my way back in using the proper shoes this time.

Better safe than sorry...but I don't know if you need to wait four WEEKS, there's significantly less going on when lifting vs jogggggging.


With the Overhead Press, is it still OK if your back starts to bend if the weight feels it's geting too heavy when approaching the last reps of a set?

Weights Update:

3 x 5

Squats: 70kg (went down on the weight after noticing I couldn't get my ass at least parallel to me quads)
Bench Press: 50-55kg
Deadlift: 60-65kg
Overhead Press: 40-45kg
Front Squats: 45-50kg (trainer has me doing this for 4 weeks before going back to Power Cleans)
Bent Over Row: 60-65kg


Negative Pull Ups: 7-10 (Aided Pull Up Machine has been temporarily unusable)

3 x 8

Tricep Pressdown: 12 (the machine doesn't show the weights in kgs or pounds)
BB Bicep Curl: 25kg (the weight is not going up here, not sure what I'm doing wrong)


the piano man
so what's everybody's opinion on weighted vests??

I was fooling around in a fitness store and they had plates,dumd/barbells and equipment in general and there was this 12 lbs 5 kgs vest that really seemed like a good idea.

I didn't try it but it seems to adapt to the body nicely and considering I have several bodyweight moves, I thought it would dramatically improve my strength if I used one.

Pushups, pullups, dips, handstand pushups, pistol squats... hell even jogging....

anyone here uses or owns one???


Went to my physician today to get my shoulders check, since I had been having excruciating pain doing low bar squats. He does some tests on me, and tells me that I've no shoulder injury. Instead, my flexibility is bad, and remarks that "my muscles have grown faster than my flexibility." SCORE! Not really, but made me feel good. He suggests rotator cuff exercises and yoga. I am totally down for yoga. Guess I'll transition to high bar squats for the time being.


Went to my physician today to get my shoulders check, since I had been having excruciating pain doing low bar squats. He does some tests on me, and tells me that I've no shoulder injury. Instead, my flexibility is bad, and remarks that "my muscles have grown faster than my flexibility." SCORE! Not really, but made me feel good. He suggests rotator cuff exercises and yoga. I am totally down for yoga. Guess I'll transition to high bar squats for the time being.

Shoulder flexibility? Do you do (would you consider doing) shoulder dislocations with a resistance band, dowel rod, or PVC pipe? I do them every gym session.


Shoulder flexibility? Do you do (would you consider doing) shoulder dislocations with a resistance band, dowel rod, or PVC pipe? I do them every gym session.

I haven't tried that. I'll give it a shot! Did it take you a while before you had no pain? It's been terribly excruciating.

Same question directed at Tawney. I wanna do my low bar squats. :'(

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Went to my physician today to get my shoulders check, since I had been having excruciating pain doing low bar squats. He does some tests on me, and tells me that I've no shoulder injury. Instead, my flexibility is bad, and remarks that "my muscles have grown faster than my flexibility." SCORE! Not really, but made me feel good. He suggests rotator cuff exercises and yoga. I am totally down for yoga. Guess I'll transition to high bar squats for the time being.
- Broomstick shoulder dislocations
- Broomstick Infraspinatus Stretch
- Broomstick Subscapularis Stretch
- Thumbless grip for squats if you don't already use it
- Slightly wider grip for squats

Just what's helped for myself and others in my experience. Keep up the good work!
I haven't tried that. I'll give it a shot! Did it take you a while before you had no pain? It's been terribly excruciating.

Same question directed at Tawney. I wanna do my low bar squats. :'(
I stopped squatting for a week and was able to resume after that without pain. I'd suggest rotator cuff exercises too, just to be safe.

Hope you're able to get back to them ASAP.


Saw these stats of Arnold on reddit:

Arnold 's PRs said:
Bench: 518 (500 in competition) Deadlift: 710 Squat: 540

I started out Olympic lifting. These numbers are from when I was 17:

Clean and jerk: 245
Press(which they don;t do any more): 210 Snatch: 200

Those stats at 17....fml.


Ah alrighty. Thanks Bird! Progress has been good indeed!

Maybe I'll take a week off like you suggested Tawney. Shoulder dislocations everyday then. Nothing stops this train!

Some week old donuts, grilled cheese and some egg in there somewhere with whey

Dear. God.


I haven't tried that. I'll give it a shot! Did it take you a while before you had no pain? It's been terribly excruciating.

Same question directed at Tawney. I wanna do my low bar squats. :'(

Well I did them ever since I began going to the gym in early August so I haven't experienced any shoulder pain yet therefore I'm unable to answer you question. I would suggest you starting off with the resistance band because it'll stretch apart as you bring it overhead so it won't be that bad. Hold it by the ends at first; you can hold it further away from the ends when your flexibility increases. Good luck TopDreg :)


the piano man
Meanwhile I find it hard to get down to and maintain 190. Currently rocking lovehandles of peace.

me too :( I can't wear compression shirts anymore, the curves slightly above the waist drive me nuts...sad, I think I'd look pretty good if I could get rid of those but I it's hard to stop this ever-bulking train...

and I just confirmed the new scale in my gym is full of shit, yesterday I was 18.2% BF, today I was 13.1%...and I received a ":D" smiley because today all of a sudden I am full of muscles... hahahaha, I laughed as I received the ticket, it's like a casino machine, you never know what you are gonna get, awesome.


me too :( I can't wear compression shirts anymore, the curves slightly above the waist drive me nuts...sad, I think I'd look pretty good if I could get rid of those but I it's hard to stop this ever-bulking train...

and I just confirmed the new scale in my gym is full of shit, yesterday I was 18.2% BF, today I was 13.1%...and I received a ":D" smiley because today all of a sudden I am full of muscles... hahahaha, I laughed as I received the ticket, it's like a casino machine, you never know what you are gonna get, awesome.
My gym only has the handheld electric impedance tests. I don't trust em.
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