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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I go to the gym and make a confession to the squat rack. "Forgive me father for It has been a week since my last workout. I went full retard on my bulk and I did cardio once in place of weight training over the weekend also I have set only 1 pr since july despite having gained weight since then"

"Squat 410lbs for 10 reps and say 7 hail rippetoes and all is forgiven. "

And a PR was set that day. 410lbs squat for 10 reps. I recorded it as well.


I was doing mixed grip 385 x5 deadlifts and for maybe four of the reps I think I felt a tingling sensation around my right bicep/ the tendon area. This was the pronated hand so I shouldn't be worried about bicep tears I think. Any idea what it could be though?



I was doing mixed grip 385 x5 deadlifts and for maybe four of the reps I think I felt a tingling sensation around my right bicep/ the tendon area. This was the pronated hand so I shouldn't be worried about bicep tears I think. Any idea what it could be though?

Tendonitis maybe, a minor tear or strain. A bicep tear is usually the supinated arm like you're saying.


Tendonitis maybe, a minor tear or strain. A bicep tear is usually the supinated arm like you're saying.

Dang. I was probably going to ignore it assuming I didn't start having weird pains in the next couple of days.... or would it be a good idea to cool it off for a few weeks regardless?
I go to the gym and make a confession to the squat rack. "Forgive me father for It has been a week since my last workout. I went full retard on my bulk and I did cardio once in place of weight training over the weekend also I have set only 1 pr since july despite having gained weight since then"

"Squat 410lbs for 10 reps and say 7 hail rippetoes and all is forgiven. "

And a PR was set that day. 410lbs squat for 10 reps. I recorded it as well.

I demand to see the evidence!


Hey everyone, I made a squat form check video [link] however it is longer than usual (3:23) because I recorded all three sets and I did my best to edit it together. You can skip through the video or just watch a set or two instead of sitting through the whole thing. It would be great if you guys can leave criticism!

I definitely could have went through the sets faster and I dunno if that's lower back rounding or pelvic tilting when I'm down in the hole. CanditoTrainingHQ said pelvic tilting is pretty unavoidable when going below parallel but lower back rounded is not good and is preventable.

Quoting for the new page, I hope it is ok to do. I appreciate the comment Daniel; I wish I knew your GAF username haha.

Today's session #26 went better than I expected. I only slept about 5.5H due to process design HW. On Monday I got 110x3x5 squats and today I successfully got 115x3x5. I was close in my OHP @ 75lbs, got 5/4/4. Lastly I got 110x1x5 DL. You may notice the DL weight is lower than the squat, it kind of fell behind due to adjusting the form, not using the SS warm-up set calculator, and having to cut DL out last Wednesday due to time wasted dealing with an acquaintance critiquing my squat form (hence the form check video).
Man I'd kill to be able to squat heavy. I was dying trying to do my 225 last time I was at the gym, it was obvious I looked like I was struggling since a trainer came up to me and asked if I needed a spot


Lifted heavy today after another short break, my chest feels like it just had a great tuneup, was firing on all cylinders there. My shoulders are eh, but I'm all about maintenance with them now and didn't go higher than 60lbs for DBs and 3 plates on the hammer strength machine.

Outside of the small discomfort I felt really good, got 375x3 on bench, I think I can hit 405 right now but I'll keep on working up to it slowly.
I found my people! What's up guys! I started weight lifting for the first time in my life last December. Actually it was my Dad who challenged me, because he was planning to get back into lifting. I was heavy (is 165 considered fat?) and it wasn't something I was really excited about. But what the hell, I gave it a try...and I loved it. We keep logs, and there's something about seeing and feeling your progress increase and just the visuals satisfication of upping the weights.

We started with Rippetoe's 5x5 routine fora few months before switching to Wendler's 5-3-1, which I'm still doing today. I work four days a week. Four main primary exercises (overhead press, squat, bench, deadlift) with assistance exercises that complement each (so close grip bench, Romanian deadlifts, front squats, rows, pull-ups, etc.)

I had a relapse for a month or so, but I'm back on the weightlifting wagon, building back up to my prior top weights. I'm down to 135lbs, and the progress is something else. When I started, I could barely bench press the bar (45lb); at my best before the relapse, I could press 140, squat 195, deadlift 170, overhead 105

I agree with your comment that a few of them aren't quite as low as the others, but shit is still awesome man. Way beyond where I'm at.

I found my people! What's up guys! I started weight lifting for the first time in my life last December. Actually it was my Dad who challenged me, because he was planning to get back into lifting. I was heavy (is 165 considered fat?) and it wasn't something I was really excited about. But what the hell, I gave it a try...and I loved it. We keep logs, and there's something about seeing and feeling your progress increase and just the visuals satisfication of upping the weights.

We started with Rippetoe's 5x5 routine fora few months before switching to Wendler's 5-3-1, which I'm still doing today. I work four days a week. Four main primary exercises (overhead press, squat, bench, deadlift) with assistance exercises that complement each (so close grip bench, Romanian deadlifts, front squats, rows, pull-ups, etc.)

I had a relapse for a month or so, but I'm back on the weightlifting wagon, building back up to my prior top weights. I'm down to 135lbs, and the progress is something else. When I started, I could barely bench press the bar (45lb); at my best before the relapse, I could press 140, squat 195, deadlift 170, overhead 105

165 lbs (or do you mean kg?) could be considered fat depending on your body fat percentage, height, etc. I'm 5'9", 180 lbs with around 17-18% body fat and I'd say I'd prefer to lower my body fat down to something closer to 15%, but for now I'm focusing on strength gains. I don't think anyone that sees me considers me fat though.

I'm following 5/3/1 as well. I'm about half-way through my 3rd cycle. Glad to have another Gaffer on board.

Overhead press: failed.
Power cleans: failed.

I got a crick in my neck and it's supremely pisssing me off. Every time I turn my head to the right it stings in pain.

I only managed to complete squats and weighted sit ups tonight...

I've gotten that in knot my neck while pressing heavy as well. Usually goes away in 3-4 days depending on how bad it was.

Wait. Those clips are 2.5lbs each?

i done goofed up and tweaked my back deadlifting 280 yesterday. did 3 reps with no problem then on the 4th, i reset a little bit and didn't go up proper. was hoping to go past 300, maybe 315 by the new year but that's not gonna happen now. this whomps, back feels exactly how it did when i threw it out in january while moving my apartment.

I did the same thing while deadlifting 275 at the beginning of August. I was so frustrated with myself because it shouldn't have even that much of a struggle.


Yeah I'm wondering about the clips weight too. The ones at my gym are pretty light. I never factor them into the weight if I add them on. Should I be?
Yeah I'm wondering about the clips weight too. The ones at my gym are pretty light. I never factor them into the weight if I add them on. Should I be?

A pair of clips at my gym weigh not even 1 lbs. I personally don't count them when tallying up weight. If your gym has some crazy heavy ones then it'd probably be good to add them, but I've never seen any adding up to 2.5 lbs each. I wish we had some clips like that though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Massive wrist sprain has been keeping me out of action and I feel my gains disappearing. It's VERY HARD to get weights happening with a bum hand.
Stop breaking gym partners.
Alright, I guess I'll take the suit of fnext time. :(



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haha! You're awesome Darth.

And that was mighty impressive Imm0rt4l. I was out of breath watching that. Nice work!


Alright, I guess I'll take the suit of fnext time. :(

Heh, awesome. Interesting enough, I took a pic about 4 months ago where I did almost the same exact pose with some noticeable differences.

I had no shirt on.
I look tiny compared to Darth.
Replace video game posters with Disney stuffed animals.
FitGAF! I used to frequent this thread a long time ago, but now just lurk.

I’ve been doing SS on and off the past few years, following the SS Wiki. I start, hit some PRs, get sick, then stop, rinse and repeat. I started again in October, and actually bought the book this time. Damn my form has been terrible on a lot of the lifts, and I have been working to fix them based on Rippetoe’s detailed info.

Here are my stats:

5’8” 183 lbs
Squat – 240 (Tried 245 but only managed three reps on the third set. More on this in a bit.)
Bench – 160
DL – 275 (Can’t get past this, and I take way too long in between reps)
Press – 95 (Keep trying and failing at 100 on the 4th and 5th reps of the last set)
Power Clean – 135 (After reading the book, I realized I’m using more of my arms during the pull)

Anyway, I need some advice. I’ve been experiencing some groin pain during squats lately, and it’s the biggest reason I failed my last work set yesterday. The pain only occurs during the concentric phase of the squat, and it runs from the left side of my groin to the hip. It doesn’t hurt when walking, running, or deadlifting.

Has anybody ever experienced this? Is my stance too wide or are my knees not sticking out enough? Are there exercises I can do to stretch out my groin muscles? Not sure if I can get a video of myself squatting at the moment, unfortunately.

I’m also thinking of taking two weeks off from weightlifting, resetting the weight and working on form. I’m worried that I’ll actually injure my groin if I keep going. Thoughts on this?
Decided to switch up my pre workout as I just want to see what else is out there. Now started to take 1MR. This is my second time taking it and so far I like Jack3d much better. I felt "dirty" seemed more stim heavy as it would kill my stomach and didn't feel as focused. Might just return it and get my Jack3d or try C4 out.

I am also thinking about getting on some fat burners. I am currently at 10% and having a very difficult time trying to shed the last few lbs. Been eating clean, doing HIIT 5-6 days a week and avoiding cheat meals and drinking once every other week. I'm lean but for some reason I have a little pudge on my love handles that wont burn off. Its just ridiculously stubborn.

Every time in the past that I went sub 10% I always used ripped fuel or other burners that would shed me down a few extra lbs. My leanest was 5-6% and I loved it. Its just so frustrating working so hard, avoiding nights out and cheat meals and not seeing fast progress.

BTW I went as Zyzz for halloween. Nobody knew who I was
That's a great picture DarthWufei :) will we get a pic with it off?
Lol, I have this.

Heh, awesome. Interesting enough, I took a pic about 4 months ago where I did almost the same exact pose with some noticeable differences.

I had no shirt on.
I look tiny compared to Darth.
Replace video game posters with Disney stuffed animals.
Haha. I'll trade the posters. ;)

You're a beast!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You want to walk around at 5 or 6% Samurai? That sounds miserable and unhealthy for extended periods of time. Are you sure you're 10 now? Ten is pretty damn lean and you shouldn't have a pouch.
You want to walk around at 5 or 6% Samurai? That sounds miserable and unhealthy for extended periods of time. Are you sure you're 10 now? Ten is pretty damn lean and you shouldn't have a pouch.

I have only been able to maintain it for about 2 weeks. Would like to get like that for a vacation. Would like to walk around at 7-8% full time.

The pouch is on the sides when I grip it. Like more on my lower back. My I got a visible 4 pack, but not happy with it as I have been leaner with an 8 and adonis belt. That was when I was in my early 20's. Im 30 now and just seems so much harder to get to that level now. I see how I was and want that back my any means...but cell tech


I switched to GSLP 3 or 4 weeks ago when my son was born. I figured my sleep would suck, and workout time would be limited for the first few weeks/months, and I needed to try something else after sticking with 5/3/1 for 12 months. I'm liking it so far, hope to run it for 3 or 4 months to really improve my squats.

My workouts have been something like this:

Bench: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
EZ Bar Curls: 3x12
Squat: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
V-handle pulldowns: 3x8
Weighted Dips: 3x8

Military Press: 2x5, 1xAMRAP
Chin-ups: 3x8 bodyweight
Deadlifts: 1xAMRAP
Barbell Row: 3x8
Weight Dips: 2x8

Rotating Bench and Military every other session. Squatting on Tuesday and Saturday, Dead-lifting on Thursday.

Short-term goals to hit before the end of the year, 3x5 squats with 315#, 3x5 bench with 240#, and 3x5 military with 150/155. Bodyweight 195#.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I have only been able to maintain it for about 2 weeks. Would like to get like that for a vacation. Would like to walk around at 7-8% full time.

The pouch is on the sides when I grip it. Like more on my lower back. My I got a visible 4 pack, but not happy with it as I have been leaner with an 8 and adonis belt. That was when I was in my early 20's. Im 30 now and just seems so much harder to get to that level now. I see how I was and want that back my any means...but cell tech

That makes sense. I never know what bf% I am. How do you measure? I thought I was 9 or 10 a year or so ago because I had visible abs and the Adonis belt but when I posted a pic most people here said I was around twelve. Who knows?! If you have a cheap way to get an accurate estimation I'd be interested in using it.
That makes sense. I never know what bf% I am. How do you measure? I thought I was 9 or 10 a year or so ago because I had visible abs and the Adonis belt but when I posted a pic most people here said I was around twelve. Who knows?! If you have a cheap way to get an accurate estimation I'd be interested in using it.

I use 2 things. The scale at the gym (might not be super accurate but I use what I got) and I look at this chart and compare it to myself. My abs are much more in line with the 10-12% pictures and having a difficult time breaking into the single digits for my abs to pop out without flexing. Sorry for such a big pic



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Gotcha. Thanks. Yeah, I just go by the mirror. Right now I'm somewhere between 10 and 30. Haha! It may be time for some more progress pics because I think I may have gained some mass. The last two times I've weighed myself I've been about 187-188 and I don't see much of and increase in fat. Couple that with people telling me lately I look bigger and my lifts increasing slightly and I may have added a pound or 2 of muscle???

EDIT: Oh, and based on your pic I can confidently say a 25% bf woman is my type! Yum

Pete Rock

Obviously it is great to look stylish and show off your figure with appropriately fitted clothing, but I am having a problem finding the right cut or style of jeans to not completely ruin my life when I am sitting down in them - ie driving to wherever I am going to dance or hang out, generally standing up. It's like they destroy my outer hips and pelvis and pull on my knees and oh my god I can't wait to get the fuck out of these things!

Fitted shirts a size smaller than recommended based on measurements are a good counter example, they look fantastic and do not really bother me in terms of mobility. Last winter I picked up flannel lined jeans for work when it is cold and I had to get a 34 x 36 and wear them with a belt - I am like a 30 x 34 at most. They are comfy when seated and definitely warm, but they make me look like a farmer with a big boxy ass, so I can't really "dress up" in them. I suppose this question also applies to slacks or dress pants.

Any recommendations from those who have been xl-skinny and socially active for a while? This is all new to me! I searched the thread but did not find much on this topic. I thought about asking in the Men's Fashion thread but uhh, they don't seem to have this problem, based on what I can see.
Gotcha. Thanks. Yeah, I just go by the mirror. Right now I'm somewhere between 10 and 30. Haha! It may be time for some more progress pics because I think I may have gained some mass. The last two times I've weighed myself I've been about 187-188 and I don't see much of and increase in fat. Couple that with people telling me lately I look bigger and my lifts increasing slightly and I may have added a pound or 2 of muscle???

EDIT: Oh, and based on your pic I can confidently say a 25% bf woman is my type! Yum

Im a 15-17% kinda guy when it comes to the ladies.

J. Bravo

based on that pic, I'm 10-15. Probably closer to 15 actually. oh well. and I like the ladies from 15-30% lol.

also, this procedure just to take screws out of my leg screwed me up more than I thought. Probably not doing legs for at least a week :(
Went to the doctor today because me and my wife are dealing with infertility problems due to my low sperm count. Told me to quit all my protein powder and pre-workout. Probably won't make a difference but I have to give it a shot. Guess I'll have to start buying even more chicken
Went to the doctor today because me and my wife are dealing with infertility problems due to my low sperm count. Told me to quit all my protein powder and pre-workout. Probably won't make a difference but I have to give it a shot. Guess I'll have to start buying even more chicken

Did they explain why? I'm just curious what the link between protein powder and sperm count is.

J. Bravo

Went to the doctor today because me and my wife are dealing with infertility problems due to my low sperm count. Told me to quit all my protein powder and pre-workout. Probably won't make a difference but I have to give it a shot. Guess I'll have to start buying even more chicken

pre workout sure. protein powder, lol. I'm not going to be mad at you for trying it, but I think it's a load. good luck though man! I really hope you can have a swole baby.
Did they explain why? I'm just curious what the link between protein powder and sperm count is.

I think they think creatine might have an effect on sperm production but I can't find any hard evidence anywhere. My pre-workout has some creatine but my protein powder doesn't. Like I said I don't believe protein powder will have any effect but I have to at least give it a shot
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