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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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J. Bravo

Time to grow a beard.

That's what he do, folks.

Oh for 5/3/1ers, I started doing the heavy sets first and pyramiding down and it's been working well. Something to consider if you're itching to shake things up a bit.

how da fuq do you handle that? I think if I tried to start with 350 today, my spine would explode...

luckily, having holes in your tibia doesn't impede deadlifting by much, so I got 5 reps of it. pretty happy with that effort, next week gotta get 370 for 1...lol


With the Overhead Press, is it still OK if your back starts to bend if the weight feels it's geting too heavy when approaching the last reps of a set?

Weights Update:

3 x 5

Squats: 70kg (went down on the weight after noticing I couldn't get my ass at least parallel to me quads)
Bench Press: 50-55kg
Deadlift: 60-65kg
Overhead Press: 40-45kg
Front Squats: 45-50kg (trainer has me doing this for 4 weeks before going back to Power Cleans)
Bent Over Row: 60-65kg


Negative Pull Ups: 7-10 (Aided Pull Up Machine has been temporarily unusable)

3 x 8

Tricep Pressdown: 12 (the machine doesn't show the weights in kgs or pounds)
BB Bicep Curl: 25kg (the weight is not going up here, not sure what I'm doing wrong)
Would it be ok if one of you could see if I'm doing things right?
With the Overhead Press, is it still OK if your back starts to bend if the weight feels it's geting too heavy when approaching the last reps of a set?

Could you be more precise? As in bending backwards?

It's "okay" if your back starts to bend a little bit. But you have to strive for the barbell to align in a straight vertical line with the rest of your standing posterior/form. Standing up right with your arms stretched straight up, should create a straight vertical line from head to toe in profile view.

Of course nothing is ideal/perfect, but keep that in mind.


Could you be more precise? As in bending backwards?

It's "okay" if your back starts to bend a little bit. But you have to strive for the barbell to align in a straight vertical line with the rest of your standing posterior/form. Standing up right with your arms stretched straight up, should create a straight vertical line from head to toe in profile view.

Of course nothing is ideal/perfect, but keep that in mind.
Yeah my back starts to bend a bit when doing later reps in a set.


Gotta get my head in the game. Skipped Thursday and all I wanna do is play ps4 today.

At least it's deadlift day!!

275 today...let's see how my lower back holds up :)


Tried assisted chin-ups. couldn't do more than 3 (10 lbs) . After 3 weeks, I've just realized that I've done no lifting that targets the back.might explain why my arms are so freaking weak.


I don't seem to be going up on weight with BB Bicep Curls - it's really odd since I'm gaining weight with everything else.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Weighed myself for the first time in maybe 5 months. Now I remember why I tossed out my scale in the beginning. Sitting at 290. 6'7". Could stand to drop 40 more I guess, I feel great and monstrous so I know that thing is psyching me out.

But I keep thinking...
Me about 6 weeks ago

This is me now

1) you look jacked, fucking fantastic man

2) This should be you nowwwwwwwwwwwww

Time to grow a beard.

I wish. Trust me, if I could grow I beard, I would have one a long time ago.

Congrats brah, welcome to the Weight Train, where you Train for Weight.

choo choo

Shoot for 270.

I can't lie, my diet has gone to complete shit the last 2-3 weeks with my ailing shoulders.

I am considering it haha. I've gained a fair amount of fat but also a good amount of muscle as well. This cut will be glorious.

And it happens, no biggie. Just enjoy it for now but be ready to kick it into gear when need be.


Junior Member
10kg plate dropped on my foot while trying to attach plates to my dipping belt (argh)

Foot doesn't hurt at all (can curl my foot, use toes etc) but it's slightly bruised.

How likely is it broken?


Better safe than sorry...but I don't know if you need to wait four WEEKS, there's significantly less going on when lifting vs jogggggging.

Well shit, when I went to pick up my inserts, the person told me I really shouldn't be walking barefoot anymore. Don't really want to do heavy squats on squishy shoes :\
Hey fitness gaffers,
I am 14 stone, and wanting to lose weight and gain some muscle.

Going to the gym 2 times a week (unfortunately due to commitments and a 6 month old) for 2-3 hours a time and want to get the most out of it.

Want to have goals and Id like to lose the flab around my stomach and reduce the man boobs first of all before I get in to the muscle aide seriously.

What would gaffers recommended I do at the gym? What would the best machines be and with weights is it better to struggle with a higher weight or should i go for a lighter weight and work out that way?
Clueless with this!
Back feels fine and Deads went right up. Sitting here debating if I wanna do 2 more sets

Just out of interest on starting strength are you ever supposed to to deadlifts for more than 1 set or is that only for when we move onto more advanced programs? I don't mind just doing the 1 set it's just something i'm thinking about.
Hey fitness gaffers,
I am 14 stone, and wanting to lose weight and gain some muscle.

Going to the gym 2 times a week (unfortunately due to commitments and a 6 month old) for 2-3 hours a time and want to get the most out of it.

Want to have goals and Id like to lose the flab around my stomach and reduce the man boobs first of all before I get in to the muscle aide seriously.

What would gaffers recommended I do at the gym? What would the best machines be and with weights is it better to struggle with a higher weight or should i go for a lighter weight and work out that way?
Clueless with this!
If you can only go in 2 times a week, you could probably do a variation of any of the programs in the OP - but just with more volume (and vanity accessories - e.g. biceps and triceps).

For example:

Workout A
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Bent Rows - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 sets of 5
Dips - 3 sets of 10
20 minutes HIIT Cardio

Workout B
Squats - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5
BB-row - 3 sets of 5
Curls - 3 sets of 10
Ab-work (No cardio on squat day)

If you're unsure about any of the listed movements above, there are very in-depth tutorials to each one of them in the OP (I believe it's post 3).
Just out of interest on starting strength are you ever supposed to to deadlifts for more than 1 set or is that only for when we move onto more advanced programs? I don't mind just doing the 1 set it's just something i'm thinking about.
By the book its one heavy set but u damn sure better be doing warmups to it


If you're unsure about any of the listed movements above, there are very in-depth tutorials to each one of them in the OP (I believe it's post 3).

Just an FYI Squiddy, the videos for squats, DL, BP, OHP, and PC in the OP gives "This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account."


Been lifting for a solid year. Now weighing 197lbs at 5'7", did my first meet a few weeks ago and went 9/9. Something like 315 squat and 350 dead. Happy with strength gains, but I sorta want to cut down body fat a bit. But I don't want to be 185lbs! That sounds so light to me.. Somedays I feel light, other days I feel bloated and fat as hell..


Just out of interest on starting strength are you ever supposed to to deadlifts for more than 1 set or is that only for when we move onto more advanced programs? I don't mind just doing the 1 set it's just something i'm thinking about.

nah stick to your warmups and one working set.

I'm working through an injury so I'm kind of doing something a little different.
Monday: Chest/Biceps
4 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press, 8-10 reps
3 sets of Bench Press, 8-10 reps
3 sets of Incline Flies, 8-10 reps
3 sets of Chest Dips until failure
3 sets of Barbell Curls, 8-10 reps
3 sets of Preacher Curls, 8-10 reps, then drop the weight to half, and push out another 8

Tuesday: Legs/Calves
4 sets of Squats 8-10 reps
3 sets of Lunges 8-10 reps
3 sets of Leg Press 8-10 reps
3 sets of Leg Extensions till failure
3 sets of Leg Curls 8-10 reps
3 sets of Caves Raises til failure

Wednesday: Back

3 sets of Lat Pulldowns 8-10 reps
4 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps
3 sets of Bent Over Rows 8-10 reps
3 sets of Dumbell Rows 8-10 reps
3 sets of Hyperextensions 8-10 reps

Thursday: Shoulders/Triceps
4 sets of Shoulder Press, alternate with Barbell & Dumbell every week 8-10 reps
3 sets of Upright Rows supersetted with Lateral Raises 8-10 reps
3 sets of front raises 8-10 reps
3 sets of Lying Rear Delt Raises 8-10 reps
3 sets of Close-Grip Bench Press 8-10 reps
4 sets of Pulldowns 8-10 reps
3 sets of Skullcrushers 8-10 reps

Saturday: Full Body
3 sets of Deadlifts 8-10 reps
3 sets of Squats 8-10 reps
3 sets of Clean and Jerk 8-10 reps
3 sets of Weighted Pull ups 8-10 reps


My working DL sets are generally 80-90kg. For warm-ups I start on 60-70kg.

Too high for warm-ups?
I don't think there's any problem with that, it's such a strong movement. I haven't DL'd any less than 60kg once I was able to lift that much comfortably; gym didn't have lighter than 20kg full-size plates so 60kg was the minimum weight to get the bar to correct height.


Hey Fit-GAF... I've historically never been a "morning person," but I'd like to start doing my exercise in the morning before work. Any of you have any tips/tricks to making the adjustment to morning workouts?
Hey Fit-GAF... I've historically never been a "morning person," but I'd like to start doing my exercise in the morning before work. Any of you have any tips/tricks to making the adjustment to morning workouts?

go to sleep at earlier hours?

Drink a cup of coffee in the morning?

Besides this there's discilpline. But that result is all you and your absolute and collective mental power combined.


Hey Fit-GAF... I've historically never been a "morning person," but I'd like to start doing my exercise in the morning before work. Any of you have any tips/tricks to making the adjustment to morning workouts?
I would assume it'll be a long process: This is based on a YouTube video I watched a few months ago. You wake up 15 minutes (arbitrary amount) earlier than you normally would for a week or so (arbitrary length) and you wake up 15 minutes earlier from that. You continuously do that until you wake up at your desired time to work out.

Or you can just have an alarm set for your desired time and sleep earlier.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Since I've moved to the GAF fitness beginner workout routine (two months ago), I've gained two pounds (currently 209). I've also gotten a lot stronger in all my sets, and I feel like I look much better now. But I was wanting to get down below 200 before 2014 (weighed 260 at the beginning of the year). Should I just not worry about it for now (the OP recommends to not try "cutting" until 6 months in) and be happy in the muscle gain? Or should I cut down on what I'm eating? But would that effect my energy/muscle recovery for weight lifting?
Since I've moved to the GAF fitness beginner workout routine (two months ago), I've gained two pounds (currently 209). I've also gotten a lot stronger in all my sets, and I feel like I look much better now. But I was wanting to get down below 200 before 2014 (weighed 260 at the beginning of the year). Should I just not worry about it for now (the OP recommends to not try "cutting" until 6 months in) and be happy in the muscle gain? Or should I cut down on what I'm eating? But would that effect my energy/muscle recovery for weight lifting?

I would start cutting, but continue lifting like you are now. That's what I did when I was fat. If you're a newbie you will still get stronger and lose fat... get cut down to a desired weight and then do a slow gradual bulk.
Since I've moved to the GAF fitness beginner workout routine (two months ago), I've gained two pounds (currently 209). I've also gotten a lot stronger in all my sets, and I feel like I look much better now. But I was wanting to get down below 200 before 2014 (weighed 260 at the beginning of the year). Should I just not worry about it for now (the OP recommends to not try "cutting" until 6 months in) and be happy in the muscle gain? Or should I cut down on what I'm eating? But would that effect my energy/muscle recovery for weight lifting?

Don't worry about it for now would be my suggestion.

For now concentrate on getting stronger and building muscles. A rookie mistake that most do is getting into the cutting phase far too early in the program thus losing alot of mass and capacity for muscles developement.

A participant on the SS program is recomended to stick to it for approx. 3~9 months. But of course once you've personally evaluted your progress to be satisfactionary you can, shift to a more intermediate routine program.

Essentially it all depends on your choice.

Some would even account it as a blessing that you've started out with that kind of weight (mass).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Fit-GAF... I've historically never been a "morning person," but I'd like to start doing my exercise in the morning before work. Any of you have any tips/tricks to making the adjustment to morning workouts?

Stupid as it fucking sounds, you gotta want it. If you want it, you will do it.


I had a dream where I claimed I deadlifted 760lbs. To Vince McMahon himself. Taking another week off. Hoping my lower back will be at 80-90% by then.

Anyways, a request: One of you kind folks please post that photo of "Lift, Eat, Eat, Eat, etc."

Need it for Facebooking purposes.


I had a dream where I claimed I deadlifted 760lbs. To Vince McMahon himself. Taking another week off. Hoping my lower back will be at 80-90% by then.

Anyways, a request: One of you kind folks please post that photo of "Lift, Eat, Eat, Eat, etc."

Need it for Facebooking purposes.

I actually looked for those a few weeks ago and put them into a Dropbox folder: link
The one you're looking for should be the first picture.


I took some time of from biking as was suggested to me in here. However, I've had a nagging shoulder blade pain that has progressed to pain up and down my whole arm from shoulder to fingers with some chest tightness that has becoming pretty painful in my days off. I thought the pain probably came from bad posture on the bike since my seat isn't high enough, but it has become significantly worse in the past week to the point where I've had an ice pack or heating pad on my arm more or less most of the day for the past week.

I did dislocate my shoulder years ago putting on a shirt. It just popped out one day. Since then, it grinds and pops loudly. I'm afraid it might be the start of arthritis of some kind as my mom and both maternal grandparents have pretty severe arthritis.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Glad the discussion went in this direction. I posted a few pages back about stalling on the bench press and overhead press, and I suspected it was my weak triceps that were causing it. I'm definitely going to give lying tricep extensions, hanging dips, and close grip bench presses a try to see if they can't help me build some strength there.

Wow, so I think this really helped. After a few sessions of doing lying tricep extensions (just the twisty bar thing with 4x 10 lb. weights), I went back and tried doing bench presses after not having done them for a week (then again, maybe just the break from the exercise helped). Where I previously got stuck at 4 reps max at 125 lbs. I was easily able to push out 5. It was surprisingly easy so I put the weight up to 130 lbs. and nailed 5 reps on that, too, without even really struggling much. Very pleased!

I'm going to keep mixing in the lying tricep extensions, and maybe I'll finally get to 1 plate on bench presses before the end of the month.

I also tried doing deadlifts again for the first time in around a week or two and was able to easily to 190 lbs. (previous max was 180 lbs.) I feel like I have it in me to do another 10 - 20 lbs. without too much trouble, but I'm still afraid I'll pull a muscle in my lower back like I did when I first started, so I think I'll continue to take it slowly.
some dude at the gym was doing super sloppy bicep curls with 100 pound dumbbells, is that shit even beneficial for you ? He was also wearing one of those elevation training mask things so he breathed and talked like Bane


...hate me...
some dude at the gym was doing super sloppy bicep curls with 100 pound dumbbells, is that shit even beneficial for you ? He was also wearing one of those elevation training mask things so he breathed and talked like Bane
Sloppy form is best form. Also I never heard of those and now thanks to you I found a pic of this hot fit woman.

some dude at the gym was doing super sloppy bicep curls with 100 pound dumbbells, is that shit even beneficial for you ? He was also wearing one of those elevation training mask things so he breathed and talked like Bane

It's not super effective to building the bicep, but it's beneficial because the weight is still being moved. Swings Curls uses Legs, Shoulders, Back, and Bicep to move the weight. I don't do it, but I also don't judge 'em.

It's like the guy who swing while doing pull-ups. It's not as effective as proper pull-up, but they are still working out. Cross-Fits (HIIT) actually encourages this extra movement while doing pull-ups.

*Shrug* to each their own... I guess.
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