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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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J. Bravo

I'm going through a fitness valley right now FitGaf. Everything is boring. Unless I commit to putting on some mass I'm pretty much maxed out for a 185lb guy. They only goal I have in the coming months is a 3x bw deadlift and I'm pretty sure I can do that relatively soon. It may have something to do with my marital problems and the uncertainty of the future but motivation is hard to find at the moment. Or maybe it's because my Niners are horse shit now! Ha

*End of rant

start researching steroids. it will give you something to do, and if you ever decide you do want to put on that mass, you could.
find better partners brah.


I just met a cute chick that is competing this spring and wants to "train" with me. We shall see how this goes. Its pretty hard to find/meet attractive fit chicks in NYC since most of the cute chicks are always just doing classes or on cardio equipment. Rarely do I see any in the weight lifting section. But I also like to train in the morning because I have no patience lifting in a Manhattan gym in the 5-8 pm time frame. Did that once and its a disaster. Never again


the piano man
I've seen girls squat and even deadlift but never, not once, have I seen a girl on bench press.

I wonder if the reason for that is physical or cultural.


1) There are a few girls that bench and squat in the university gym but they're all in some athletic team in the university.

2) Would be interesting to have a Fit-GAF meeting in NYC but I would be the weakest one there :lol

3) I bought a pair of Chuck Taylors! It's weird that they use a different scale or something. Is there a way you guys break into the shoes faster? The toe knuckle area is a bit tight and I assumed it'll get looser and more comfortable as I break into them.


There's this woman who looks like she's in her late 30's/early 40's at my gym who squats three plates. Never seen her bench, but I've heard from my friend that she hits two plates x4 on there.
Reposting from a previous page, really looking for feedback:

Would you guys mind critiquing my muscle up?

I'm not sure how to progress with this. Should I work to keep my legs straight without swinging? Should I try to crank them out in multiple reps (I can get about 7 without super strict form).

Also, at least you guys aren't Chargers fans :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Reposting from a previous page, really looking for feedback:

Also, at least you guys aren't Chargers fans :(

Looks good to me. Maybe add weight to them? I cap my sets at 5 because my shoulder starts working too much with anything over.


kevo_huevo, I haven't done a muscle up but I've seen people do muscle ups in person and on YouTube videos so FWIW: They look fine to me.
What do you mean keeping your legs straight without swinging? During the dead hang?
And I assume you can do them like any other exercise; do a set of multiple reps, rest, and repeat.
Looks good to me. Maybe add weight to them? I cap my sets at 5 because my shoulder starts working too much with anything over.
thanks. I think I'll look into a dip belt, but the problem with my gym is that there's only 1 pull-up station that doesn't have anything obstructing you, and it's part of the power cage. Also, due to my height, the handles for pull-ups would take a great deal of effort to do a standing vertical jump with a plate attached to me. Quite an inconvenience.

kevo_huevo, I haven't done a muscle up but I've seen people do muscle ups in person and on YouTube videos so FWIW: They look fine to me.
What do you mean keeping your legs straight without swinging? During the dead hang?
And I assume you can do them like any other exercise; do a set of multiple reps, rest, and repeat.

Yeah, when I get to the top of the pull-up, my knees are brought up basically to a 90 degree angle. I assume keeping my lower body rigid or in an l-sit position would make the muscle up more difficult?
guys plz




Yeah, when I get to the top of the pull-up, my knees are brought up basically to a 90 degree angle. I assume keeping my lower body rigid or in an l-sit position would make the muscle up more difficult?

Oh then yes, it'll be much more difficult. I think the leg portion is an important part to get yourself over the bar unless you're strong enough to do it with minimal leg movement. You could always slowly decrease the amount your leg is raised; 90° to 85° to 80° etc. But maybe that's for down the line; your muscle up looks fine to me as it is.
So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.
Everyone has their own personal issues darth. Hang in there and you'll overcome it. :)


Reposting from a previous page, really looking for feedback:

Also, at least you guys aren't Chargers fans :(

Good muscle up, looks nice and controlled. Now, here are a coupe of tips if you want to improve a little bit more (I'm not sure if some of these points will be redundant since you already know how to do a muscle up):

You understandably use quite a bit of momentum to perform the muscle up. To avoid the kipping movement you could train on doing even more explosive pull-ups with straight form. The problem with that is that the real issue isn't addressed, it would still be an explosive muscle up and not really a "stronger" one pre se. The problem lies in the transition. You use a lot of momentum not only because the transition is the heaviest part, but also because you have to change grip. During a slow and strong muscle up, it's actually impossible to change the grip during the transition. That means that you'll have to start with more of a false grip instead of a standard pull up grip. Some of the "secret" for a good muscle up actually lies in forearm and wrist strength :)

Other than that, just continue doing muscle ups for reps, pull ups with weights etc.


So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.

you will make it dude

and just look at the gifs in this thread


long as you're not doing those movements I think you have nothing to worry about :p


So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.

Hey man, I don't really know you and I don't post much in this thread, but I remember you because you seem like a FitGAF God and an inspiration. So, yeah, just wanted to say hang in there and I hope you'll figure it out :)

Pete Rock

Get some silkies and that way you don't have to worry about everyone looking at you, because you know they already will be. All of the time. OWN IT.
So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.

Just wanted to say you're one of the regulars who continue to inspire me to work hard at the gym.


I'm going through a fitness valley right now FitGaf. Everything is boring. Unless I commit to putting on some mass I'm pretty much maxed out for a 185lb guy. They only goal I have in the coming months is a 3x bw deadlift and I'm pretty sure I can do that relatively soon. It may have something to do with my marital problems and the uncertainty of the future but motivation is hard to find at the moment. Or maybe it's because my Niners are horse shit now! Ha

*End of rant

How about competing at a powerlifting meet just for the hell of it? You can probably total close to 1500lb or more, which is pretty awesome at 185lb.

Or learning the olympic lifts?


I'm using about all the willpower I have not to eat this 3rd slice of deep dish all meat pizza. My boy is in a food coma on my couch right now after eating his 3rd. I'm convinced that this third slice is me crossing over into full retard bulk.

guys plz


Thank God it's not just me

So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.
You can do it man. I don't know.....for me, I feel like the gym is my home, it's my sanctuary. Even if I don't feel like going one particular day and go anyways, I'm glad that I did. Granted I don't go to interact with people or socialize, I'm usually my best self when I'm in the gym. I don't see why that can't be you since you have a great physique, I'm sure even when you're not at your peak.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So, fitnessgaf, good news!

I've reached another milestone. Since August, with my new diet and trips to the gym, I've now gained 20 lbs. I figure that, 19 lbs. out of that might be muscle. (Conservative estimate)

I now weight more than I have at any point in my life. Still got a good ways to go though. I need another 10 lbs. just to achieve the lower end of my appropriate BMI.

And can I just say that eating is just as much of a fricken workout as lifting weights is? You gotta be disciplined for that shit, son!


You can do it man. I don't know.....for me, I feel like the gym is my home, it's my sanctuary. Even if I don't feel like going one particular day and go anyways, I'm glad that I did. Granted I don't go to interact with people or socialize, I'm usually my best self when I'm in the gym. I don't see why that can't be you since you have a great physique, I'm sure even when you're not at your peak.

Same here, the gym has been my temple the last 3 years, would have gone mad without it.
I've been going to the gym for about two weeks. Gained about 15-20 pounds in the over two years I was going out with someone. Now it's time to get back in the game.

This isn't my first time losing weight. When I was a freshman in college I dropped about 65 pounds in a year. I wasn't really working out then...mostly just a broke college student. Didn't really drink that first year, I was determined to go from 230 to 180. I hit that in about 4 months and it just kept dropping.

But now I'm not in school anymore, and I don't really wanna get all anorexic so I asked my very muscular friend to help me out. This is the routine he's given me:

Day one: Cardio and abs
Mile run
Stairmaster for at least 20 minutes
Roman chair knee raises
Decline sit-ups
Wall sits (minimum 60 sec intervals)
Minute planks

Day two: Chest and triceps
Decline bench
Incline bench
Cable chest flys
Triceps dips
Overhead triceps extensions

Day three: Back and biceps
Wide grip pull-ups
Seated middle back rows
Lat pullovers
Bent-legged deadlifts
Seated bicep curls
Hammer curls

Day four: Legs
Deep squats
Calf raises
Hamstring curls
Walkback sprints

Day five: Shoulders and triceps
Seated military shoulder press
Front lateral raises
Side lateral raises
Back flys
Triceps extensions

I'm also eating a lot better. Veggies and chicken breast. We'll see if this routine works out.

How much time do you guys rest between reps?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I assume you mean sets... rest as much as you need between sets in order to accomplish the next set.

I also think you're going to get some comments about that training menu after saying you've been going to the gym for two weeks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How about competing at a powerlifting meet just for the hell of it? You can probably total close to 1500lb or more, which is pretty awesome at 185lb.

Or learning the olympic lifts?

I've thought about it. I'd be lucky to get 1,400.

As of tonight I am 60/40 in favor of starting a 7 week bulk. The goal is to put on 3 or 4 pounds of muscle. Adding a few bowls of cereal and more peanuts and raisins should be more than enough calories to accomplish this. It will be interesting bulking while fasting most of the day. I believe my body will respond very well. We'll see if I can pull the trigger. I'm setting 200 as a tipping point which would begin an immediate reduction in calories.

It's tough to get in a bulking mentality when you've spent the past two years walking the fine line of maintenance. End result would lead to a mean 190 hovering between 10-12% bf.


the piano man
So, fitnessgaf, good news!

I've reached another milestone. Since August, with my new diet and trips to the gym, I've now gained 20 lbs. I figure that, 19 lbs. out of that might be muscle. (Conservative estimate)

I now weight more than I have at any point in my life. Still got a good ways to go though. I need another 10 lbs. just to achieve the lower end of my appropriate BMI.

And can I just say that eating is just as much of a fricken workout as lifting weights is? You gotta be disciplined for that shit, son!

how did you come to that conclusion? when you gain weight, a bigger % than 95 is fat, always.

20 lbs in 3 months is way to fast or it to be muscle. Muscle takes time to form, a lot of time, 20 lbs of pure muscle is like a 1 year's hard work, maybe even more.

sorry to sound negative :-/

regardless, if you like the way you look that's what matters :)

Pete Rock

Muscle takes time to form, a lot of time, 20 lbs of pure muscle is like a 1 year's hard work, maybe even more.
Not negative, just realistic. How you "feel" about your gains and your body fat percentage is generally nonsense. Truthspeaking.

“Under the best possible circumstances (perfect diet, training, supplementation, and recovery strategies) the average male body can manufacture between 0.25 and 0.5 pounds of dry muscle tissue per week. That is the amount your natural body chemistry will allow you to build. So we're talking about around one or two pounds per month. It may not sound like much, but that can add up to twelve to twenty pounds over one year of training.”
I assume you mean sets... rest as much as you need between sets in order to accomplish the next set.

I also think you're going to get some comments about that training menu after saying you've been going to the gym for two weeks.

Right, sets! I was pretty tired when I wrote that :p

I asked my friend cause he goes to the gym a lot. He's definitely the most muscular/gym guy I know...

Plus, I signed up for Planet Fitness. I kind of regret it cause they don't have much equipment...


Right, sets! I was pretty tired when I wrote that :p

I asked my friend cause he goes to the gym a lot. He's definitely the most muscular/gym guy I know...

Plus, I signed up for Planet Fitness. I kind of regret it cause they don't have much equipment...

Yeah, there are better options than Planet Fitness, but make the most of it.

Set off the Lunk Alarm for us.
Is there anyway to prevent old man boobs? Iv'e noticed even in guys that lift that once they hit a certain age their chest starts to droop. Is the reason for this past steroid usage? or just genetics?




I've been going to the gym for about two weeks. Gained about 15-20 pounds in the over two years I was going out with someone. Now it's time to get back in the game.

This isn't my first time losing weight. When I was a freshman in college I dropped about 65 pounds in a year. I wasn't really working out then...mostly just a broke college student. Didn't really drink that first year, I was determined to go from 230 to 180. I hit that in about 4 months and it just kept dropping.

But now I'm not in school anymore, and I don't really wanna get all anorexic so I asked my very muscular friend to help me out. This is the routine he's given me:

Day one: Cardio and abs
Mile run
Stairmaster for at least 20 minutes
Roman chair knee raises
Decline sit-ups
Wall sits (minimum 60 sec intervals)
Minute planks

Day two: Chest and triceps
Decline bench
Incline bench
Cable chest flys
Triceps dips
Overhead triceps extensions

Day three: Back and biceps
Wide grip pull-ups
Seated middle back rows
Lat pullovers
Bent-legged deadlifts
Seated bicep curls
Hammer curls

Day four: Legs
Deep squats
Calf raises
Hamstring curls
Walkback sprints

Day five: Shoulders and triceps
Seated military shoulder press
Front lateral raises
Side lateral raises
Back flys
Triceps extensions

I'm also eating a lot better. Veggies and chicken breast. We'll see if this routine works out.

How much time do you guys rest between reps?

This is way too much volume and very inefficient especially for a beginner; sounds like your standard bodybuilding/men's health routine. I would recommend you doing a routine from the OP.

A neophyte like yourself would obviously see gains with this routine because you haven't been lifting long, but you're not going to be very strong or able to progress as you would with a Starting Strength routine. But ymmv different fitness goals and the like.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is there anyway to prevent old man boobs? Iv'e noticed even in guys that lift that once they hit a certain age their chest starts to droop. Is the reason for this past steroid usage? or just genetics?

could always get a boob job for dudes.
So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.

Are you rich? A home gym may be the answer. Don't be ashamed of therapy though if that's what you need. Think of it as getting proper workout programming advice... For your MIND :O

I'm going through a fitness valley right now FitGaf. Everything is boring. Unless I commit to putting on some mass I'm pretty much maxed out for a 185lb guy. They only goal I have in the coming months is a 3x bw deadlift and I'm pretty sure I can do that relatively soon. It may have something to do with my marital problems and the uncertainty of the future but motivation is hard to find at the moment. Or maybe it's because my Niners are horse shit now! Ha

*End of rant

Giants fan, no sympathy here. Maybe you're looking at things the wrong way though. If your training and diet are dialed in perfectly and you like how you look, doesn't that free up a lot of time and mental processing capacity? Coast for a while and use that freedom while you get your life in order. When you're done you'll still be fit and looking good whenever you decide to start seeing people again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I have something kind of hard to say to everyone. My posts have been really vague around here, and some of you may or may not know I've been struggling in the gym lately. Turns out I may have social anxiety, perhaps severely. I haven't been to the gym in a month for various reasons.

I'm actually considering finding a new gym because of it. I really don't know what else to do. I was actually planning on going tonight but I got messaged by a gym buddy on Facebook joking about me not working out and it bugged the heck out of me.

What's weird is I know that if I just go and lift, it'll be fine, but I can't even get the nerve to go.

I know this all may sound really dumb, but I'm trying to work through it. The gym is sort of what saved me from it before.

I don't know if a new gym will fix it. I have social anxiety too, not the "oh you're just quirky!" bullshit you see on TV, I really just psych myself out. Once I get there I'm fine. You just gotta power through it. I don't think there's any way to fix it. You are just how you are.

I guess the real workaround is to build a home gym if you can, but that's not feasible for a lot of people. But it sounds like the key to happiness.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mind is made up. Let the acquiring of muscle begin!

5'10, 190 at 10% by March.

Numbers by March-

Squat- 480

Here we go!
I don't know if a new gym will fix it. I have social anxiety too, not the "oh you're just quirky!" bullshit you see on TV, I really just psych myself out. Once I get there I'm fine. You just gotta power through it. I don't think there's any way to fix it. You are just how you are.

I guess the real workaround is to build a home gym if you can, but that's not feasible for a lot of people. But it sounds like the key to happiness.
Yeah, you're right and it's the same for me really. When I'm in my head like this, once I'm there I'm usually fine. I'm just in a crazy rut at the moment. I just gotta get over the hurdle.

What happens in my head: I plan to go, and as the time comes closer and closer to gym time I get more and more nervous. I start to think about the people I know there and how I haven't seen them in a month. I think about how much body has changed and how they'll notice it, then judge me. Even if they don't I still feel like they will.

The same is also happening to my school/social/work life. I'm gonna have to go through therapy, but I'm still gonna get myself back in the gym however I can, it helps.

Appreciate the support though guys! You guys are my motivation and inspiration now. So go get swole please.


Yeah, you're right and it's the same for me really. When I'm in my head like this, once I'm there I'm usually fine. I'm just in a crazy rut at the moment. I just gotta get over the hurdle.

What happens in my head: I plan to go, and as the time comes closer and closer to gym time I get more and more nervous. I start to think about the people I know there and how I haven't seen them in a month. I think about how much body has changed and how they'll notice it, then judge me. Even if they don't I still feel like they will.

The same is also happening to my school/social/work life. I'm gonna have to go through therapy, but I'm still gonna get myself back in the gym however I can, it helps.

Appreciate the support though guys! You guys are my motivation and inspiration now. So go get swole please.

Here, we all lift....each other up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, you're right and it's the same for me really. When I'm in my head like this, once I'm there I'm usually fine. I'm just in a crazy rut at the moment. I just gotta get over the hurdle.

What happens in my head: I plan to go, and as the time comes closer and closer to gym time I get more and more nervous. I start to think about the people I know there and how I haven't seen them in a month. I think about how much body has changed and how they'll notice it, then judge me. Even if they don't I still feel like they will.

The same is also happening to my school/social/work life. I'm gonna have to go through therapy, but I'm still gonna get myself back in the gym however I can, it helps.

Appreciate the support though guys! You guys are my motivation and inspiration now. So go get swole please.

Therapy can help. I've never decided to seek it out because it still feels manageable, but I will have HUGE issues doing things I feel I want to do - like see someone from out of town that I genuinely miss, for instance, but I'll just psych myself out and make up a bullshit reason not to. And it fucking sucks, because it's not fair to them and it's all in my head. I really hate it.

I pass on a lot of events and gatherings because I simply enjoy being on my own more, because I don't stress out about anything. I could have a weekend full of friends and fun but it wouldn't feel like a weekend on my terms, and I'd hate it after the fact and feel like I got no time off. I wish I didn't feel like that.

Fuck, maybe I should look into therapy.
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