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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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That does beg the question, what would his weight be if he had fully functional legs.

I think that the brain rewires itself so that he gets greater control of his upper body than he would with functional legs, therefore can express his strength better.

Hence how blind people can learn to hear better, those without hands learn to express a great deal of dexterity in the feet and so on.
So, no roids? lol

For how long do you use the preworkout and fatburners before taking a break? Or you have always consumed that all year long?
No roids, lol.

And I don't really pay attention to preworkout cycles either. If I start to not feel it for very long I'll change brands or just come off it for a month maybe.
I think that the brain rewires itself so that he gets greater control of his upper body than he would with functional legs, therefore can express his strength better.

Hence how blind people can learn to hear better, those without hands learn to express a great deal of dexterity in the feet and so on.

That's probably partially it, but also, he would weigh more if his legs were stronger. They're practically muscle-free legs since he cannot use them. Legs generally make up about 10% of total body weight (for each leg, so 20% total). Since his aren't amputated, they probably still have 30-50% of the weight of an average person's legs. Just my best guess.

So, he would probably weigh closer to 160-165 lbs given regular-sized legs. Even more if his legs were not only functional but also had strength proportionate to his upper body strength.

Regardless, that's an insane bench, especially without basically any leg function to give a small boost/stability.
went and finally saw a physical therapist about my hip flexor muscle pains. Told me no ass to grass squats for at least the next 6 weeks. I guess I can still do all my other exercises without much problem so I'll work on trying to increase my deadlift. I know you can't replace squats but is there any other exercises I can do so I don't look like I skip leg day??
Guys, I have been following the routine outlined in the OP for 5 months now. I have not missed one day, and I have been eating fairly well too, but I woke up this morning and I just dont feel like going to the gym today. Im still motivated, but I'm very tired for some reason. Is it ok if I skip one day?


Guys, I have been following the routine outlined in the OP for 5 months now. I have not missed one day, and I have been eating fairly well too, but I woke up this morning and I just dont feel like going to the gym today. Im still motivated, but I'm very tired for some reason. Is it ok if I skip one day?

having a week off every now and then is fairly common

eat awesome and sleep well


Hoping this isn't too douchey for this type of thread, but wanted to share my 5 month journey (1 month, 3 month and 5th month respectively). This was my lean down earlier this year. Now I am in bulking up phase. This is the first year I have taken health, nutrition and gyming seriously and consistently.



the piano man
Hoping this isn't too douchey for this type of thread, but wanted to share my 5 month journey (1 month, 3 month and 5th month respectively). This was my lean down earlier this year. Now I am in bulking up phase. This is the first year I have taken health, nutrition and gyming seriously and consistently.

congrats for your progress! it really pays off to stick to a plan :)

regarding being douchy and stuff, I'll try to explain something to guys making an entrance with pics...

it happens all the time that guys new to the thread come here showing pics, some more impressive, some less impressive but all of them seem to be looking for quick compliments to elevate their egos..., they have no intention of being part of the community.

While there's nothing bad about sharing progress pics (in fact I love when regulars share their pics and I also share mine, perhaps a bit too often lol), it's a bit douchey to get into a community thread, throw some pics to show off only to disappear thereafter....

I know you guys don't mean it that way... but considering many of the regulars here (that you probably haven't seen by the way) look really spectacular, you aren't producing the effect you are expecting making an entrance with pics.....people here care for dedication, discipline, hard work, and yes, camaraderie too.

by the way, this post is an invitation to all of you new guys to the thread to stick around!

that's my personal opinion, sorry if I am saying anything wrong here.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Late getting to the gym today. I'll blame that on the greatness of Super Mario 3d World! Shoulder us bugging me again. Looks like I'll be skipping heavy weighted pull ups. :-(
Just my opinion but you should probably change how your wrist position. You created a lever arm between your wrist and the hand/bar. You won't efficiently drive the force into the bar to push up and at heavier weights, your wrist will be put under a lot more stress (at least from my understanding, someone can go ahead and correct me). I found this video to be helpful, maybe you will too. Keep working at it :)

I've been working on the technical aspect of my press as I'm slowly working towards one plate and I found this video really helpful. The wrist position in particular. It feels odd when unracking, but when in position it feels completely different from pressing with the bar farther in the hand.


Late getting to the gym today. I'll blame that on the greatness of Super Mario 3d World! Shoulder us bugging me again. Looks like I'll be skipping heavy weighted pull ups. :-(

Man, the son of a bitch that is shoulder issues got you too?


congrats for your progress! it really pays off to stick to a plan :)

regarding being douchy and stuff, I'll try to explain something to guys making an entrance with pics...

it happens all the time that guys new to the thread come here showing pics, some more impressive, some less impressive but all of them seem to be looking for quick compliments to elevate their egos..., they have no intention of being part of the community.

While there's nothing bad about sharing progress pics (in fact I love when regulars share their pics and I also share mine, perhaps a bit too often lol), it's a bit douchey to get into a community thread, throw some pics to show off only to disappear thereafter....

I know you guys don't mean it that way... but considering many of the regulars here (that you probably haven't seen by the way) look really spectacular, you aren't producing the effect you are expecting making an entrance with pics.....people here care for dedication, discipline, hard work, and yes, camaraderie too.

by the way, this post is an invitation to all of you new guys to the thread to stick around!

that's my personal opinion, sorry if I am saying anything wrong here.

Hey thanks for the advice and weighing in with your thoughts. Appreciate it.

Health is my lifestyle now so I would like to stick around for awhile and learn / grow and contribute however I can. I think most peeps in the health conscious community want to help each other out. I know I didn't get here today without lots of help myself.

My current goal is bulking up as much as possible before leaning down again early next spring. Since summer, I've gained about 8lbs through increased food intake and reduced cardio. I am doing a clean bulk to keep fat gain to a minimum. I am missing my abs but that is price to pay. :)

It is extremely hard for me to gain weight. In high school for example I was 105lbs, college maybe 130lbs. When I leaned out early in this year, I was 145ish. Today I am 153ish. I will try to hit 158 before the lean down.



Late getting to the gym today. I'll blame that on the greatness of Super Mario 3d World! Shoulder us bugging me again. Looks like I'll be skipping heavy weighted pull ups. :-(

That game looks incredible. Its awesomeness and the fact that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive really make me want that system.


the piano man
Hey thanks for the advice and weighing in with your thoughts. Appreciate it.

Health is my lifestyle now so I would like to stick around for awhile and learn / grow and contribute however I can. I think most peeps in the health conscious community want to help each other out. I know I didn't get here today without lots of help myself.


I am glad you didn't take it the wrong way :)

Welcome and let's get swole together!

I think I need to put my scale in the garbage. the hell do I have to do?

Yea, don't put too much weight on what the scale says. Mirror plus scale though keeps you honest. And of course it's kinda important to measure yourself at the same times of the day/be consistent. There is bound to be some fluctuation throughout the day.

But in your case...those are muscle gains girl!


Fat loss and gain of muscle.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man, the son of a bitch that is shoulder issues got you too?
Yeah. It's a pain in the front of my delt when I raise my arm forward. It comes and goes. Pisses me off every time it decides to appear. I'm bulking now and I'll be damned if I let it stop these upcoming gains!

Also, Super Mario 3d World is magical Noema. If you have the means you owe it to yourself to pick it up!


Hi FitGAF!

I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask, but I figure I might as well write a little about myself and my current status as a newbie weight lifter.

I've always been one of those small and skinny guys, even when I was doing sports in my teens. I'm 28 years old, ~5'8 and never had much muscle to speak of. I've also always had a pretty poor self esteem and feeling small and weak has obviously contributed to that. I've been to the gym a few times over the past 10 years or so, but I never really enjoyed it and thus never kept at it.

Over the winter and spring I had some perceived issues with my health which, along with a very stressful time at work, resulted in quite a bit of problems with my stomach. Thus I tried doing a variety of things with my diet, one of which was passing on milk and eating barely any carbs. I also got myself a gym card in february and actually started going two-three times a week for a little while, but due to a two week vacation abroad over easter combined with a six week long cold when I got home I stopped going unfortunately. Also turns out that the preceived health issues were just that, perceived, and not real issues, phew!

As we approached summer, my stomach started to get better again, and I decided to try to get more active. I got myself a bike and started biking to work every day, and also started playing tennis once a week. I was still on a low carb diet though, and when I got on a scale sometime in late august I was down to 58 kg (128 lbs). A big hit on my self esteem since I felt great, but I was down to the lowest I had weighed for quite a few years, and the only time I've been so low previously has been when I've been particularly inactive and didn't feel too good mentally.

This finally gave me the motivation I needed to decide I had to start working out seriously and consistently, as well as putting on a whole lot of weight. I started going to the gym three times a week and eat a lot more than I've done before, especially incorporating a bunch of carbs and milk again. Before long I reached the point where I actually started enjoying working out! So now I've been doing that since september (bar a 2 week forced break due to a cold) and I'm super happy about my gains so far. I'm now at about 65 kg (143 lbs) and while I'm sure a good portion of that is fat, I've certainly gained muscle as well, especially on my upper body and arms. I've even had friends and family asking if I've started to work out, which has been a huge confidence boost :)

So far I've had a routine I've followed fairly loosely that my dad helped put together as a sort of light intro routine back in february. It consists of:
- sitting bench press (was supposed to do the regular bench, but I didn't have the confidence to do it when training by myself...)
- dumbbell bicep curls
- tricep pushdowns
- pull downs
- leg extensions
- leg curls
- a little bit of deadlifting

The initial plan was to do upper body twice a week and legs and deadlift once a week. Eventually I ended up doing arms every day, alternating between chest and back every day and legs every second. I didn't do as much deadlifting as I should since I wasn't sure on my technique - I've also been a little intimidated by barbell excercises... Since I've gotten stronger though, I've felt that I need to change it up a bit, so I've decided to try out the starting strength routine detailed in the OP instead. On thursday I worked out with my dad and had him check on my technique for deadlifts, squats, bench press and overhead press (he's been working out his whole life pretty much; competed in deadlift and bench at one point). He thought it looked good so I did day one of SS, and will do day two tomorrow. My results for day one were as follows: (ramping up since it was my first time doing squats and bench press and my first time doing supervised deadlifts since february, and I didn't want to risk getting too sore :) )

Squat: 60kg 5x1, 70kg 5x1, 80kg 5x1 (can probably increase that to 90kg 5x3)
Bench: 40kg 5x1, 45kg 5x1, 50kg 5x1 (50kg was easy so I think I can increase that to 60-70kg 5x3)
Deadlift: 60kg 5x1, 80kg 5x1 (doing just one set I can probably do 90kg next time)
Pullups: 5x3

Unfortunately my dad didn't have any experience with the power clean, so I was thinking that I might want to exchange that for something else. It seems like an excersise that is easy to fuck up without proper instructions, no? I also don't think it's popular to drop the barbell to the floor a bunch of times where I'm working out, not that kind of gym unfortunately... Any thoughts on what I could do instead?

I was also planning to keep doing dumbbell bicep curls and tricep pushdowns for day three of the routine, would that be a good idea? Wouldn't mind doing them even more honestly, since they are definitely my favorite excersises so far, but that might not be a good idea? Currently doing 14 kg 8x3 for biceps and 21 kg 8x3 for triceps.

Whew, that took longer to write than I had planned. Sorry if it's a bit on the long side and hard to read, I'm not great at articulating myself in english. But yeah, I'm really happy with my gains so far and I'll keep at it and get stronger! :)


Hi FitGAF!

I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask, but I figure I might as well write a little about myself and my current status as a newbie weight lifter.

I've always been one of those small and skinny guys, even when I was doing sports in my teens. I'm 28 years old, ~5'8 and never had much muscle to speak of. I've also always had a pretty poor self esteem and feeling small and weak has obviously contributed to that. I've been to the gym a few times over the past 10 years or so, but I never really enjoyed it and thus never kept at it.

Over the winter and spring I had some perceived issues with my health which, along with a very stressful time at work, resulted in quite a bit of problems with my stomach. Thus I tried doing a variety of things with my diet, one of which was passing on milk and eating barely any carbs. I also got myself a gym card in february and actually started going two-three times a week for a little while, but due to a two week vacation abroad over easter combined with a six week long cold when I got home I stopped going unfortunately. Also turns out that the preceived health issues were just that, perceived, and not real issues, phew!

As we approached summer, my stomach started to get better again, and I decided to try to get more active. I got myself a bike and started biking to work every day, and also started playing tennis once a week. I was still on a low carb diet though, and when I got on a scale sometime in late august I was down to 58 kg (128 lbs). A big hit on my self esteem since I felt great, but I was down to the lowest I had weighed for quite a few years, and the only time I've been so low previously has been when I've been particularly inactive and didn't feel too good mentally.

This finally gave me the motivation I needed to decide I had to start working out seriously and consistently, as well as putting on a whole lot of weight. I started going to the gym three times a week and eat a lot more than I've done before, especially incorporating a bunch of carbs and milk again. Before long I reached the point where I actually started enjoying working out! So now I've been doing that since september (bar a 2 week forced break due to a cold) and I'm super happy about my gains so far. I'm now at about 65 kg (143 lbs) and while I'm sure a good portion of that is fat, I've certainly gained muscle as well, especially on my upper body and arms. I've even had friends and family asking if I've started to work out, which has been a huge confidence boost :)

So far I've had a routine I've followed fairly loosely that my dad helped put together as a sort of light intro routine back in february. It consists of:
- sitting bench press (was supposed to do the regular bench, but I didn't have the confidence to do it when training by myself...)
- dumbbell bicep curls
- tricep pushdowns
- pull downs
- leg extensions
- leg curls
- a little bit of deadlifting

The initial plan was to do upper body twice a week and legs and deadlift once a week. Eventually I ended up doing arms every day, alternating between chest and back every day and legs every second. I didn't do as much deadlifting as I should since I wasn't sure on my technique - I've also been a little intimidated by barbell excercises... Since I've gotten stronger though, I've felt that I need to change it up a bit, so I've decided to try out the starting strength routine detailed in the OP instead. On thursday I worked out with my dad and had him check on my technique for deadlifts, squats, bench press and overhead press (he's been working out his whole life pretty much; competed in deadlift and bench at one point). He thought it looked good so I did day one of SS, and will do day two tomorrow. My results for day one were as follows: (ramping up since it was my first time doing squats and bench press and my first time doing supervised deadlifts since february, and I didn't want to risk getting too sore :) )

Squat: 60kg 5x1, 70kg 5x1, 80kg 5x1 (can probably increase that to 90kg 5x3)
Bench: 40kg 5x1, 45kg 5x1, 50kg 5x1 (50kg was easy so I think I can increase that to 60-70kg 5x3)
Deadlift: 60kg 5x1, 80kg 5x1 (doing just one set I can probably do 90kg next time)
Pullups: 5x3

Unfortunately my dad didn't have any experience with the power clean, so I was thinking that I might want to exchange that for something else. It seems like an excersise that is easy to fuck up without proper instructions, no? I also don't think it's popular to drop the barbell to the floor a bunch of times where I'm working out, not that kind of gym unfortunately... Any thoughts on what I could do instead?

I was also planning to keep doing dumbbell bicep curls and tricep pushdowns for day three of the routine, would that be a good idea? Wouldn't mind doing them even more honestly, since they are definitely my favorite excersises so far, but that might not be a good idea? Currently doing 14 kg 8x3 for biceps and 21 kg 8x3 for triceps.

Whew, that took longer to write than I had planned. Sorry if it's a bit on the long side and hard to read, I'm not great at articulating myself in english. But yeah, I'm really happy with my gains so far and I'll keep at it and get stronger! :)

Hi there, I am not a pro by any stretch (I am also a thin guy) but if you want to gain mass/weight, you need to eat carbs (pref complex carbs). Cutting carbs will lean you out and not give you the energy you need to lift heavy which gives you mass/strength.

I am bulking up now and upping my calories, carbs, protein intake while keeping fat/sugar to near 0 as much as possible. I eat 5 large meals a day and 2-3 snacks in between. 100-150g of good carbs, 200g of protein and 2500-3000 calories. I've gained 8lbs in half a year which I though was impossible for me.

I also lift heavy, chest twice a week, legs twice a week, arms twice, and back/shoulders/abs once a week. Zero cardio during this time.

Keep up the motivation and most importantly, do not give up... it'll come just with time! \m/


Hit 500 on deadlift for 3 triples. Feels good. Although i did feel a pull around my clavicle. While it doesn't hurt it made me a little apprehensive about lifting more. Hopefully i dont wakeup tomorrow in snap city.

8 x 4 @ 255 lbs for bench. 10 x 3 @ 265 lbs tomorrow then going for 1 rep @ 315. Yeah buddy.
You got this


Late getting to the gym today. I'll blame that on the greatness of Super Mario 3d World! Shoulder us bugging me again. Looks like I'll be skipping heavy weighted pull ups. :-(

Damn it. I so want a Wii U now. UGH! I dunno if I can justify spending $300 on it though.

J. Bravo

Great week for prs.
405x1 for deadlift on monday
150x1 for ohp on wednesday
225x2 (today) for bench today

gonna squat tomorrow or Monday and go for 300x1+ which is not a pr. 5/3/1 says do 300 but I might go for 315. Was only supposed to hit 220 today but got 225 instead.


I've been working on the technical aspect of my press as I'm slowly working towards one plate and I found this video really helpful. The wrist position in particular. It feels odd when unracking, but when in position it feels completely different from pressing with the bar farther in the hand.

I'm glad to hear the video was helpful! :)

Maybe some of you will find this useful: ever since I got into fitness back in May '13, I watched a lot of YouTube videos, took notes, and made an Evernote note. I will continue to add stuff as time goes on.
The beginning section is more general stuff, middle section is lifting tutorials and tips, and the last section are a few stretches.


Man some of you guys are beasts!

On bench I can only do 225lb x 2 or 3 max. 205lb x 7 or 8 is usually my norm (unassisted).

Keep up good work all!


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hi there, I am not a pro by any stretch (I am also a thin guy) but if you want to gain mass/weight, you need to eat carbs (pref complex carbs). Cutting carbs will lean you out and not give you the energy you need to lift heavy which gives you mass/strength.

This is not true. You can lift heavy and put on muscle just fine without going heavy on the carbs. Is it optimal? That depends on the person and their program. Will you gain weight faster and be able to lift more faster with lots of carbs? Quite possibly, but what's the rush?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, I think I'm back in depressed/panic mode now. D:

Up until recently, I was only familiar with 3 body types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. I belonged to the ectomorph set, and as such I was fully focused on trying to gain mass/weight.

But today I learned there's another body type out there. Not sure what the scientific name is, but they're known as "skinny fat" types, and I think I've become one of those.

As some of you might remember, just the other day I was stoked about gaining 20 lbs. in around 4 months or so. I didn't really notice much change in my body aside from not being able to see my ribs anymore. Earlier today, I took a good long look in the mirror and it seemed like I developed a gut. Now it appears I've got the worst of both worlds. Skinny arms and legs with a slight pot belly.

My diet has been relatively healthy in the sense that I've got down dramatically on the junk food/fast food. I've been getting between 2,500 - 3,000 calories per day, and every so often even going from 3,500 - 4,000 (but it's mostly the former).

So my question now is, what the hell do I do? Should I continue trying to bulk up and burn this fat off later? Or should I start burning this fat now? Since there's no such thing as spot training, the latter will no doubt make me even skinnier than I already am.

Help me, fitness-gaf. You're my only hope. D:


Hi there, I am not a pro by any stretch (I am also a thin guy) but if you want to gain mass/weight, you need to eat carbs (pref complex carbs). Cutting carbs will lean you out and not give you the energy you need to lift heavy which gives you mass/strength.

I am bulking up now and upping my calories, carbs, protein intake while keeping fat/sugar to near 0 as much as possible. I eat 5 large meals a day and 2-3 snacks in between. 100-150g of good carbs, 200g of protein and 2500-3000 calories. I've gained 8lbs in half a year which I though was impossible for me.

I also lift heavy, chest twice a week, legs twice a week, arms twice, and back/shoulders/abs once a week. Zero cardio during this time.

Keep up the motivation and most importantly, do not give up... it'll come just with time! \m/
Certainly, low carb and cardio was a no-go for my body, I'm eating a good amount of carbs now :)
I'm glad to hear the video was helpful! :)

Maybe some of you will find this useful: ever since I got into fitness back in May '13, I watched a lot of YouTube videos, took notes, and made an Evernote note. I will continue to add stuff as time goes on.
The beginning section is more general stuff, middle section is lifting tutorials and tips, and the last section are a few stretches.

Wow, that is an impressive set of video links. Thanks for sharing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hip flexor pain like none other, feels like it's gonna just jump off the bone. Very upset. :( Goddamn Fit-GAF Ghost.


Okay, I think I'm back in depressed/panic mode now. D:

Up until recently, I was only familiar with 3 body types: ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs. I belonged to the ectomorph set, and as such I was fully focused on trying to gain mass/weight.

But today I learned there's another body type out there. Not sure what the scientific name is, but they're known as "skinny fat" types, and I think I've become one of those.

As some of you might remember, just the other day I was stoked about gaining 20 lbs. in around 4 months or so. I didn't really notice much change in my body aside from not being able to see my ribs anymore. Earlier today, I took a good long look in the mirror and it seemed like I developed a gut. Now it appears I've got the worst of both worlds. Skinny arms and legs with a slight pot belly.

My diet has been relatively healthy in the sense that I've got down dramatically on the junk food/fast food. I've been getting between 2,500 - 3,000 calories per day, and every so often even going from 3,500 - 4,000 (but it's mostly the former).

So my question now is, what the hell do I do? Should I continue trying to bulk up and burn this fat off later? Or should I start burning this fat now? Since there's no such thing as spot training, the latter will no doubt make me even skinnier than I already am.

Help me, fitness-gaf. You're my only hope. D:

Skinny fat is not a body type. It just describes someone who has so little muscle that they carry a high percentage of body fat even at a low body weight. Lifting will fix that. I used to be skinny fat until I got serious with training.

Don't try to bulk or cut. You are a novice. Just keep training, make sure to get enough protein, stay away from sugar and keep getting stronger. That's it.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You guys ever been around someone so big that you were intimidated?

I was on the train once and the biggest person I have ever seen in my life walks on. This dude was a behemoth. Had to be near 7 feet, just all muscle. He was so fucking big that I actually got anxiety from being next to him. Seriously. I don't know why, but I guess I thought, "This dude could fuck me and everyone else up on the train right now if he wanted and no one could do a goddamn thing."

I dunno why I thought of this. Might be because I've been reading A Song of Ice and Fire and they keep describing all these massive dudes who terrify everyone else upon sight, and I got to thinking, "Yeah, I can see how that's possible," after reflecting on my story.


the piano man
You guys ever been around someone so big that you were intimidated?

I was on the train once and the biggest person I have ever seen in my life walks on. This dude was a behemoth. Had to be near 7 feet, just all muscle. He was so fucking big that I actually got anxiety from being next to him. Seriously. I don't know why, but I guess I thought, "This dude could fuck me and everyone else up on the train right now if he wanted and no one could do a goddamn thing."

I dunno why I thought of this. Might be because I've been reading A Song of Ice and Fire and they keep describing all these massive dudes who terrify everyone else upon sight, and I got to thinking, "Yeah, I can see how that's possible," after reflecting on my story.

dude, you have some kinky fantasies, lol

Pete Rock

Love seeing huge dudes, they are inspirational. There's a semipro body builder trying to break into the scene that lifts in the same dungeon. First time I saw him I asked him how big his arms were and when the last time someone talked garbage to him - "22", never" was his response.

Bro warms up with 225x10 on squats and puts up a sixth rep of a 500 work set for the man upstairs.

I switched to GSLP recently and after racking 245x22 on squat amrap I passed out directly on the floor and hyperventilated, he looks down at me and says "man what the fuck, get up, that shit's a warmup set!" I was so proud, I just laughed hysterically! That was the second time we "talked" in six months. Srs bz

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Giant dudes make me feel some serious envy, considering I've always been a giant, whenever I see someone larger I feel like it takes away my identity.


struggling with BB row form and vids are showing different grips.

for mid-upper back focus, better to hold with a pull-up grip (palm outwards) or chin up grip?

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