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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Going through the OP again - for the 100th time :p - , I think I'm gonna begin the novice body split routine next week for the hypertrophy reps and simplicity... it seems similiar to SS but split based, and it fits perfectly considering I'm cutting now.

So yeah, body split routine starting next week (ABA - BAB), with continued IF, lower calorie intake and cardio. Sounds like it will be fun... also been shopping around for a local MMA club, to begin next year.

Still undecided whether it'll be Jiu Jiutsu or boxing though.

Also, I think some female clerk was mirin my quads when I was trying on some new running gear.
Today I learned one of the IT guys at my workplace that I see in the gym fairly often is a former USAPL competitor (I think that's the right federation...whichever one is the really strict drug-free one). I learned this while spotting him bench 315 like it was nuffin. Hope I'm that strong when I'm in my mid-40s!

I promptly had him form check my deadlift and he suggested getting even lower in the setup to bring in the hamstrings more. We'll see how his advice translates next week!

Also weighted swiss ball crunches are the devil but man, dat locker room lighting ab pump. Wish I'd had my phone and taken a broscience-style selfie for posterity.

Going through the OP again - for the 100th time :p - , I think I'm gonna begin the novice body split routine next week for the hypertrophy reps and simplicity... it seems similiar to SS but split based, and it fits perfectly considering I'm cutting now.

Just remember the best routine for cutting is the one that works best for you for bulking. Don't switch for the hell of it if you've been doing something that worked for you already, just drop the volume and try to maintain your strength.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
One huge turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce sandwich from a local deli thoroughly destroyed just now. I've gotta eat during the day to get up around 5,000 or 6,000 calories. It's just too much night after night when I stick to semi clean food.


Well, next week, I meet with my doctor for the final go-ahead to get back to full training.

Last night, I went to a gym that I was semi-regular for about a year. Some of the staff and regulars pointed out my absence.

However, most of them told me that I seemed the same. Granted, I'm bulkier because of all the food I've been downing ever since the surgery. It was encouraging.


One huge turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce sandwich from a local deli thoroughly destroyed just now. I've gotta eat during the day to get up around 5,000 or 6,000 calories. It's just too much night after night when I stick to semi clean food.

I almost missed the the fact that you said it was a sandwich. Though, I can easily believe that you could consume a whole turkey by yourself (minus skin and bones).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I almost missed the the fact that you said it was a sandwich. Though, I can easily believe that you could consume a whole turkey by yourself (minus skin and bones).
Haha. Maybe if I had a big bowl of gravy to go with it!

Glad you're just about back. You will appreciate your gym time even more because of this hiatus.


Dammit. Had a cold two weeks ago, so I skipped three workouts (one week) just to be safe. Worked out fine for one week, then BAM, a much worse cold with headaches and fever that feels like it will last for a while. And I can't stay home from work. So I guess no more working out for a couple of weeks, at least.


You're already there if you count your 1RM in all three. Well over actually I assume.

Thanks for the shot out. Put a smile on my face. :)

I was being serious bro. You only got around 20 pounds on me but are lifting over 100 pounds more than me on every lift if I recall correctly. That's goal territory.

I used to be on the skipping leg day train, but not it's my shoulders that I sometimes neglect. That will probably bite my ass when I'm benching in the near future.


Gear recommendation.

I bought a pair of Smartwool Ph.D. training gloves for running. My hands get cold very easily because I generally have low blood pressure. These are the first I've ever worn that kept my hands warm from start to finish during my run today, and it's like 28 degrees outside.


Good stuff. Highly recommend.


the piano man
Good stuff. Highly recommend.

I miss running outdoors, the weather in Germany doesn't allow it :-/

never used gloves for running though. whenever I ran wearing them, they were a mere accesoire.

nice you can keep your hands warm.

(but don't openly say you use them for strength training, or prepare for some funny pics of gardener gloves with pretty ties XD,)


Plowing through linear progression again after a huge break. Getting stronger at an insane pace. Nothing like regaining strength! Trying to fit in more cardio though, felt like a mastodon last time.

J. Bravo

Speaking of cardio, just used my free session today and asked the trainer to focus on conditioning.

I forgot how good it feels to do hi intensity stuff indoors.

although I did not realize how our of shape I am lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was being serious bro. You only got around 20 pounds on me but are lifting over 100 pounds more than me on every lift if I recall correctly. That's goal territory.

I used to be on the skipping leg day train, but not it's my shoulders that I sometimes neglect. That will probably bite my ass when I'm benching in the near future.
Thank you. I'm about 200 now but 3 weeks ago I was 185 and my 1RMs were:



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Can all you guys move to Reno and be my best friends? Jeeze! Thanks :)

Killed OHP tonight. 200x4. I am forever grateful almighty God of bulking!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Week 6, Day 2 of Madcow complete. New PR in deadlift! Man, the program is really starting to get tough. Been grinding out the last couple reps on all my major lifts this week, but fuck it, in the end I'm still getting them and breaking PRs every workout. I'm hoping I can make it through all 9 weeks without having to reset. That would be incredible. My strength has already shot up so much more than I expected.

I'm very close to an "Intermediate" level in all my lifts (already passed it with bench press) for my weight according to strsd.com, which I realize isn't the best or most accurate way to judge one's strength as we're all different, but hey, it's something. My goal is to hit Cooter in a few years, which is one tier above Elite. (I actually plugged your PRs into strsd, Coot, just for curiosity's sake, and you're above the Elite level for bench press and OHP, and very close to Elite on deadlift and squat. Basically, you're a badass, but you already know that.)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
225lbs overhead press? good lordie!
It was a great day. I've got more in me since I've put on weight. I shall test it out in a few weeks. You should watch Brolic's OHP videos for some inspiration. I'm pretty sure he lifted a Mini Cooper over his head on his last PR attempt!


Since I've been biking over the past 3ish months, I haven't done any upper body work. My torso looks like shit now. It never looked good, but now it looks awful even though my legs look great. I really don't enjoy lifting. I have two 25lb and one 35lb kettle bells, but I haven't used them in a long time. I wish I liked lifting.


Thank you. I'm about 200 now but 3 weeks ago I was 185 and my 1RMs were:


Damn... your OHP is slightly above my Bench 1RM...

Then again I barely try 1RM stuff, kinda worried I might hurt myself if I go too overboard :/

Also, today is leg day!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It was a great day. I've got more in me since I've put on weight. I shall test it out in a few weeks. You should watch Brolic's OHP videos for some inspiration. I'm pretty sure he lifted a Mini Cooper over his head on his last PR attempt!

Not quite. And I'm nowhere near as light/lean as you.

That would explain why I noticed it was parked in a slightly different place.

This literally made me laugh out loud.

Here's the vid he's talking about. While it's not a car it is 270.

At the moment I'm toning everything down a bit. Body is starting to get beat up and still trying to hit 400 bench before New Years.



I can't catch a damn break with my shoulders, I think it's related to the weather now too, the colder it is the worse off they feel. What the fuck bros! They were running so smooth during the summer, it's been downhill ever since August.

The only positive is that I have a lot of size to them already and just need to maintain it, but still sucks that I wake up in the morning and they are both aching.


I can't catch a damn break with my shoulders, I think it's related to the weather now too, the colder it is the worse off they feel. What the fuck bros! They were running so smooth during the summer, it's been downhill ever since August.

The only positive is that I have a lot of size to them already and just need to maintain it, but still sucks that I wake up in the morning and they are both aching.

Damn weather. My left shoulder has been acting up a bit too. And I haven't even gone back to the gym full time yet.
I can't catch a damn break with my shoulders, I think it's related to the weather now too, the colder it is the worse off they feel. What the fuck bros! They were running so smooth during the summer, it's been downhill ever since August.

The only positive is that I have a lot of size to them already and just need to maintain it, but still sucks that I wake up in the morning and they are both aching.

Damn weather. My left shoulder has been acting up a bit too. And I haven't even gone back to the gym full time yet.

You sons of bitches, just reading that I felt a throb in my left shoulder. Now I gotta do twice the rotator cuff warmups and shoulder dislocations today just because you made me paranoid
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