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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Went to the gym for the first time in three weeks. I've had a bad cough all that time, and it's still not gone away completely. Everything was twice as heavy as usual today :-( Oh, well. At least I got to grease the joints a little.
Your cruise destroy you too?

I put on like 9 lbs on my cruise but it all came off within a week. Worth it.

Done dieting for a while, gonna maintain until 12/29 then start UD2.0. 170 to 159 in 80 days. Probably 17% BF (guessing) to 14% (calipers).



Nothing like physical therapy to make you feel weak. Apparently my entire core is really weak, and I don't have the proper flexibility in my feet to really walk much less run.


Was supposed to hit 3x5 of 150lb OHP today and only got 3x3. Then I looked at the bar and realized I had 160lbs on there.


Was supposed to hit 3x5 of 150lb OHP today and only got 3x3. Then I looked at the bar and realized I had 160lbs on there.

Great job man! I can only do standing 115 OHP right now. Never really did this exercise before and always did seated press instead.


I put on like 9 lbs on my cruise but it all came off within a week. Worth it.

Done dieting for a while, gonna maintain until 12/29 then start UD2.0. 170 to 159 in 80 days. Probably 17% BF (guessing) to 14% (calipers).


Nice! I love when one progress pic starts a whole train of pictures. Funny how you look bigger at a lighter weight.

And I put 10 pounds on after the cruise and it never came off D:
Was supposed to hit 3x5 of 150lb OHP today and only got 3x3. Then I looked at the bar and realized I had 160lbs on there.

I've done that before on bench when I'm not paying attention while loading the bar. Sometimes I think more of my blocks are mental rather than physical (cue "this is what heavy feels like").


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Hey guys, could I get a deadlift form check, please?

Some facts to know before you watch the video:

1) This is my fourth set (ramping weights; the first three sets are basically warm-ups)
2) This is also my PR (a few weeks ago my PR was 240x1, now it's 245x5, but as you can see I could easily do more--or at least that's how I felt)
3) I don't feel any pain in my lower back when lifting, mostly in my hamstrings
4) This is the video I've always used as a reference for my deadlift; however, setting up like Rippetoe means that it is physically impossible for my shoulders to be behind the bar. I don't know how much that matters since it hasn't impeded my progress over 7 weeks of Madcow, but I hear various mutterings among lifters that suggest one's shoulders should be behind the bar. But as you can see in my video it just isn't possible for me with Rippetoe's setup.

So there you have it. Thoughts, please! Any glaring flaws or something I can work on?


Btw, weighed in at 160 lbs this morning! First time I've ever reached that in my life. About 18 pounds gained in 4.5 months. I'll post a comparison pic in a week or two because it's hard to tell from the video how much mass I've gained.


Not a deadlift expert, but I think you should bring your hips down more and "sit" in position a bit more. Also your shoulders are going past the bar which I believe shouldn't be happening.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Definitely sit back into it more. Right now it looks more like a straight leg dead.

Hmmm I can't seem to "sit back" in the deadlift comfortably. The guy in that Rippetoe video isn't really "sitting back" either, is he? Because if I place the bar over the middle of my feet like Rippetoe suggests, I have very little room until my shins make contact with the bar, so my butt doesn't really "sink" as you might imagine. I'd need to place the bar several inches away from me so my hips are lower when I break at the knees to make contact with the bar, but then it's not a Rippetoe lift anymore.

Am I making any sense here? lol

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hmmm I can't seem to "sit back" in the deadlift comfortably. The guy in that Rippetoe video isn't really "sitting back" either, is he? Because if I place the bar over the middle of my feet like Rippetoe suggests, I have very little room until my shins make contact with the bar, so my butt doesn't really "sink" as you might imagine. I'd need to place the bar several inches away from me so my hips are lower when I break at the knees to make contact with the bar, but then it's not a Rippetoe lift anymore.

Am I making any sense here? lol

I don't understand. Watching your video, it looks like your butt could go a lot lower.

What's stopping you from doing so?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Hmmm I can't seem to "sit back" in the deadlift comfortably. The guy in that Rippetoe video isn't really "sitting back" either, is he?
Your link is broken (not your video, the reference one). If you're trying to sit back from your current setup it's going to be almost impossible; as others have said, your hips are so high that your legs are pretty much straight and your torso is horizontal. For a conventional deadlift your knees should be more bent and your torso more upright. A basic setup is to brace, bend down and grab the bar, bending your kness enough to allow you to do so without compromising your back position, then push your chest up and out until you're looking straight ahead as opposed to down at your feet.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I don't understand. Watching your video, it looks like your butt could go a lot lower.

What's stopping you from doing so?

I really don't know. Guess I've been so comfortable doing it my way that it didn't even occur to me to work on getting my hips lower. I still feel like I get a good amount of leg drive.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Your link is broken (not your video, the reference one). If you're trying to sit back from your current setup it's going to be almost impossible; as others have said, your hips are so high that your legs are pretty much straight and your torso is horizontal. For a conventional deadlift your knees should be more bent and your torso more upright. A basic setup is to brace, bend down and grab the bar, bending your kness enough to allow you to do so without compromising your back position, then push your chest up and out until you're looking straight ahead as opposed to down at your feet.

Interesting. Thanks for the advice.

Here's the video, btw. This is how I setup almost exactly.

This video as well.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Thanks for the pics. Yeah, I see it now.

Interesting. Okay, well what I think I'll have to do for next time is set up with the bar closer to my toes than right down the middle of my foot so that I'll have more wiggle room to get my hips lower.

This is why I come to you guys for advice. :)


Thanks for the pics. Yeah, I see it now.

Interesting. Okay, well what I think I'll have to do for next time is set up with the bar closer to my toes than right down the middle of my foot so that I'll have more wiggle room to get my hips lower.

This is why I come to you guys for advice. :)

I think this is going to make the lift a LOT easier for you. Considering the weight shot right up in your video, I'll be curious to see what you lift with better form!

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
So I have attempted about 4 times over the last 10 years to seriously improve my physique, all the times met with the same core issue, food. I have tremendous issues with food, though ironically I am neither under or over weight. This is mostly due to the anti depressants I am on, before them i was 8 stone 6, now im 12 exact, and have been for a decent while. Now I am not eating more, and what I am eating is garbage, mostly because I am not hungry at any point and at least garbage is nice to taste. Its been an issue for a very long time and I dont know how to fix it, which has proven the biggest hurdle in my gym activities, I will go for a prolonged period, do ok for a short spell then struggle because I am not eating at the right times, the right food or enough of it.

This seems a statement without a question, the question is, has anyone else had this? Or could offer some advice?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I think this is going to make the lift a LOT easier for you. Considering the weight shot right up in your video, I'll be curious to see what you lift with better form!

Yeah, I'm eager to get back in the gym right now even though I just returned from it!

Here's one more diagram that basically summarizes my setup:


I think my problem is somewhere around Steps 3 and 4. I think I need to push my chest up higher and that'll bring my hips down lower.

So I have attempted about 4 times over the last 10 years to seriously improve my physique, all the times met with the same core issue, food. I have tremendous issues with food, though ironically I am neither under or over weight. This is mostly due to the anti depressants I am on, before them i was 8 stone 6, now im 12 exact, and have been for a decent while. Now I am not eating more, and what I am eating is garbage, mostly because I am not hungry at any point and at least garbage is nice to taste. Its been an issue for a very long time and I dont know how to fix it, which has proven the biggest hurdle in my gym activities, I will go for a prolonged period, do ok for a short spell then struggle because I am not eating at the right times, the right food or enough of it.

This seems a statement without a question, the question is, has anyone else had this? Or could offer some advice?

Food was also my biggest hurdle for a long time. I couldn't successfully lose or cut weight until I installed http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ onto my phone.

Seriously, start tracking your food for a day or two. And I mean really track it (get a kitchen scale, trust me). It's important to see numbers (at least for me), and I soon realized I wasn't eating NEARLY enough as I should be or getting NEARLY as much protein as I thought I did.

Sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't after a week. It becomes part of your overall lifting routine, like the gym, and you'll quickly learn what foods you should and shouldn't be eating.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
To push your chest up, pretend there's something on your chest you want to read.

That's a really good visual. Just tried it and saw a marked difference in my position. Yeah, so I think I can continue to setup the way I have been, although I will certainly bring my chest up even more next time.

Should I also squeeze my shoulder blades back (although sticking my chest out seems to do that anyway)?
I'm looking to augment SS a bit to yield more chest growth. Here's my problem:

I weigh something between 170 and 180, and I'm currently benching between 210-215 (3x5). Now, I've plateaued at this point for longer than I'd like, but I can't think of anything to change this (all of my other lifts are steadily increasing). Eliot Hulse recently posted a video in response to a similar problem to which he recommended drop sets following the 3x5. Is this a good idea? The idea of doing some supplemental bodybuilding is appealing to me, as I kinda hate the way my chest looks.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Best intake for night time? Two mcdoubles and a mcchicken with a bottle of ski to wash it down.

Mmmmmm mmmmmm dem gains.

Had 4 double cheese burgers with extra pickles for lunch and some chocolate milk.

Quadruple bypass inbound.

Shoulders felt good for fist time in a long time, 110sx8 on shoulder press, but I took over a week off so all the energy was put into that lol.

Still around 185lbs but bf% is a bit lower again, veins and major striations in the traps. I'd like to be 200lbs at this bf, would be ideal.


the piano man
today for the first time, I realized I'd love to have a coach/trainer, a good one.

one that would be wise and grand, with strict discipline. Someone that would tell me straight to my face "I've you don't eat, sleep and train the way we've arranged your program, then fuck off, I don't want to waste my time with you"

I got that kind of school on the piano, i wished I could find something similar on weightlifting.

I am on my own, like most of us here I assume. Imagine how much farther we'd go with someone correcting us on all fronts: diet, weight, rest, form

one can dream *sigh

J. Bravo

My power lifter friend thinks I can pull 500 within two months based on how easily I pulled 405 yesterday. That would be insane.


My power lifter friend thinks I can pull 500 within two months based on how easily I pulled 405 yesterday. That would be insane.

Its funny how fast DL can fly up. My buddy always focused his bench and squat more but he started paying attention to his DL and it went from 425 to 505 in about a month.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
One thing none of those videos is emphasizing is pulling the slack out of the bar. This is a huge thing and something I'm just now getting down.

That clap you're hearing as the pull begins is indicative pulling against a loose bar.
Its funny how fast DL can fly up. My buddy always focused his bench and squat more but he started paying attention to his DL and it went from 425 to 505 in about a month.

Yeah until you realize tiny dudes can DL 600lbs. This was my motivation when I went on my run.

Now I'm dialing in form and I'm back down.


Alright, finally after 2 days of overtime (gotta love Christmas season on a game company in Japan... they surely love overtime) I got back to the gym and started Cooter's routine.

Got one question though...

I did the Thursday routine:

Thursday: Shoulders/tris- 1RM OHP 225

OHP: No superset. 10,8,6,4
135, 160, 185, 200

The next 2 are supersetted.

Front DB raises/CGBP. Raises are 12,10,8,6. CGBP is 10,8,6,4.
I will rotate in weighted dips every now and then.

Front raises: 25, 30, 35, 40

CGBP: 205, 225, 245, 275

Lateral raises/cable pull downs: Raises are 15,12,10,8. Pull downs 10,8,6,4

Lateral raises: 15, 20, 25, 30

Pull downs: 120, 140, 150, 175

I conclude the day by a light rear raise. 12,10,8,6

15, 15, 20, 25

I did everything except for the pull downs. Now.. I don't know many of the movements in English (even though in Japan most are in English as well) so I wasn't sure about the "Pull Downs" one. As far as I know, pull downs is mainly back and just some triceps?

Would this mean you do pull downs trying to focus on the triceps, or it's just another different training? The one I know by that name is for the back... and just now at home searching some I found this one:


Is it this one? Actually, this is the one I did instead of the pull downs on the list because I wasn't sure. Also I still had some energy left (I went kinda light on OHP because it was my first time and I wanted to be sure on the form rather than weight) so I added some dips at the end :p

Anyway, other than that I can see this routine being quite nice if going for the heaviest I can lift for 4reps on the last set. I will try this routine for a month and if I like it, I'll just stick to it.

Edit: Oh and the fitocracy app.. fuck it :/ I added a bunch of routines at the end and when I told it to give me points, it gave me an error saying it couldn't find the exercises. Ughh...


Alright, finally after 2 days of overtime (gotta love Christmas season on a game company in Japan... they surely love overtime) I got back to the gym and started Cooter's routine.

Got one question though...

I did the Thursday routine:

I did everything except for the pull downs. Now.. I don't know many of the movements in English (even though in Japan most are in English as well) so I wasn't sure about the "Pull Downs" one. As far as I know, pull downs is mainly back and just some triceps?

Would this mean you do pull downs trying to focus on the triceps, or it's just another different training? The one I know by that name is for the back... and just now at home searching some I found this one:


Is it this one? Actually, this is the one I did instead of the pull downs on the list because I wasn't sure. Also I still had some energy left (I went kinda light on OHP because it was my first time and I wanted to be sure on the form rather than weight) so I added some dips at the end :p

Anyway, other than that I can see this routine being quite nice if going for the heaviest I can lift for 4reps on the last set. I will try this routine for a month and if I like it, I'll just stick to it.

Edit: Oh and the fitocracy app.. fuck it :/ I added a bunch of routines at the end and when I told it to give me points, it gave me an error saying it couldn't find the exercises. Ughh...

That's a pushdown.

This is a pulldown:


Uhm... then, isn't that mainly back? It does some triceps, but afaik that's for back, yet Cooter has it on his Shoulder / Triceps day. Cooter, you're just hitting both back and triceps there, or you're somewhat concentrating on the triceps and trying to pull down with the triceps rather than using the back?

It's possible that Cooter meant the exercise you showed.

But the pulldown I linked hits also your rear shoulders so there's that. Also you don't pull down with your triceps.
Decided to get back to "normal" exercises on my chest minus flyes and it went well. Going back today to do another squat/press lunch and see what's what.

Progress hampered, but not eliminated.


It's possible that Cooter meant the exercise you showed.

But the pulldown I linked hits also your rear shoulders so there's that. Also you don't pull down with your triceps.
Errrr... sorry. Never mind what I said.

Uhmm... I guess it also affects part of the rear shoulder, so it's not so bad, but with the next day having dead lifts, I wonder if it doesn't affect that. I'd like to see what Cooter meant.


Errrr... sorry. Never mind what I said.

Uhmm... I guess it also affects part of the rear shoulder, so it's not so bad, but with the next day having dead lifts, I wonder if it doesn't affect that. I'd like to see what Cooter meant.

Based on the weight that Cooter listed, the diagram that you linked would be correct. I can't picture Cooter using a pulldown machine unless you replace the weights with a small car.
Uni gym is closed down until the 2nd of January :(
Ah well, two weeks of inactivity. I guess I'll stick to pushups, pullups, and squatting while holding heavy stuff to maintain some sort of physical activity so that my body won't get rid of my muscles.
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