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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Exactly. I've been trying to up the weights as often as I can, but I fall back to the previous weight all the time. I feel stuck. Guess I can consider that as progressive failures then, huh.
I'll try to stick to this routine til the end of the year then, trying to up the weights every workout, hopefully successfully this time...

Sounds like it's time to graduate to something more. Stay the course until.


The first steps should sound something like this.

Step 1. Make a List for your respective PR's.

Deadlift - 405
Squat - 315
Bench - 200
OHP - 145

Step 2. Adjust using Cooter's patented weight realignment calculations. Basically, move the categories up one notch.

Squat - 405
Bench - 315
OHP - 200

Step 3. Subtract 100 lbs from the last number and add it to your squat number to get your deadlift number.

Deadlift - 505
Squat - 405
Bench - 315
OHP - 200

Step 4. Take the remaining 45 lbs, strap it on your ass, and do muscle ups.

That's the Cooter system!!


There's my new routine. Perfection.


the piano man
in 30 minutes I am going to the new gym and set the deal for a month.

everybody, I need you to pray that the gym has a power rack and if not, at least a squat rack. if all there is is benches and fucking smiths, that will piss me off.

EDIT: and by the way, Darth, if you are reading this, I think we'd all want to try that secret sauce of yours and compare it to cooter's :-D


what did I say that was ridiculous exactly? I pretty much said what you said, except why I, personally, do not want to use it at this point in time.

Not so much the statement, moreso the position. But it's your choice I ain't mad bro - just don't think it makes much sense to not take something safe like that that is very helpful because you'll be a little bit bigger while taking it.


I'm currently the biggest I've ever been and I've been really bad at remembering to take creatine lately.

Guess I look bigger off the stuff ;)

It doesn't seem to make me any bigger either but it definitely helps me push more reps.

Edit: Brolic spitting truth as usual.


Not so much the statement, moreso the position. But it's your choice I ain't mad bro - just don't think it makes much sense to not take something safe like that that is very helpful because you'll be a little bit bigger while taking it.

It's all good man. All this has done has made me want to research creatine some more. I still have a container of creatine in my basement, I just haven't touched it in a long ass time.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of supplements, do you guys drink casein along with whey protein?

I've only been drinking whey isolate to supplement my protein intake, but a guy at work was lecturing me on the benefits of casein the other day and kept talking about how it's great to take right before bed because it's "slow-release protein."

Haven't really researched this myself, but is there any truth to it? Do any of you experienced folks see value in casein along with whey supplementation?


Switched from low bar to doing high bar, close to ATG squats. Only 20lbs behind where I was before I hurt myself! Though it seems I have another back injury in place of it. (pain on lower right side)


Speaking of supplements, do you guys drink casein along with whey protein?

I've only been drinking whey isolate to supplement my protein intake, but a guy at work was lecturing me on the benefits of casein the other day and kept talking about how it's great to take right before bed because it's "slow-release protein."

Haven't really researched this myself, but is there any truth to it? Do any of you experienced folks see value in casein along with whey supplementation?

Apparently your body absorbs casein more slowly than whey so it's good to use it before sleeping (so milk + whey instead of water). It could be broscience though, but since I'm all about dat bulk right now, I always drink my whey with milk.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Apparently your body absorbs casein more slowly than whey so it's good to use it before sleeping (so milk + whey instead of water). It could be broscience though, but since I'm all about dat bulk right now, I always drink my whey with milk.
Gigantic bowl of cottage cheese FTW!


Anyone tried ZMA supplement before bedtime? I got a bottle as a trial to see if it's doing anything for me. I am going back on Creatine as soon as I am done with my cut in two weeks as well.


Well ok then. Ha. I'll detail my routine to everyone who is interested. After work today when I get behind the laptop I will PM the interested parties. The overriding principal behind my philosophy on weight training is lift heavy with plenty of rest and proper nutrition. Shocker, I know.
Looking forward to the PM. If you can't get it today no worries! And thanks again.

Everything I eat now is homemade. I simply eyeball it and take approximate portions of food.(ie I assume a scoop of rice is more or less equivalent to a cup)

My username there is Karsius if you want some gaf competition :p

I don't like creatine simply because your size you gain is mainly dictated by the creatine. Once you get off it, you lose most of your size you had while on it.
Hey Onemic, I'm still not sure about this one. There's too much stuff I really don't know how many calories, sugar, etc.. have, and if I keep eyeballing everything I fear I might results that aren't quite correct. Also keeping up with everything every time I eat something might get a bit annoying... I will try it once, if I continue I'll add you :p

I also wanna try that Fitocracy app. I checked it now and it seems to let you add weights and reps for all your exercises and then it gives you points. I don't care about the points, but seems like a nice way to keep up with the weights I can lift. I'd be nice if it gave you some charts showing your improvements. I will check through the whole app later on... (too bad it seems to be somewhat busted based off the comments above)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking forward to the PM. If you can't get it today no worries! And thanks again.
I'll probably just post it in here. I'm at my kids Christmas choir performance right now. Post it when I get home in an hour or so.
So went for 210 on bench today. First 2 sets went off with no problem, but the very last rep of the 3rd set I needed help from my spotter to finish it. Should I still consider this a success and try 215 next time or should I stick with 210 again?


So went for 210 on bench today. First 2 sets went off with no problem, but the very last rep of the 3rd set I needed help from my spotter to finish it. Should I still consider this a success and try 215 next time or should I stick with 210 again?

go for 215 if you can do 2 sets of 210... it's only 5 more lbs?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Let's be honest, there are multiple paths to strength and an aesthetically pleasing body. I hope my particular way of combining reps and weight amounts works for others like it has worked for me. There are bigger guys everywhere. I'm ok with this. My ultimate goal is not to be the biggest man in a room. In fact, it matters very little to me. My ultimate goal is to be one the strongest dudes in the room. The limit I have set on a livable, comfortable walking weight obviously caps my bodies true potential and I accept that. I also enjoy staying fairly mobile and flexible and a 5'10 guy at 220 has his limitations.

I set goals for body fat percentage, weight carried, weight lifted. Any excuse to set a goal is a good one! Next step is pushing hard to accomplish them. When you do this for 5 years it all adds up.

My body responds well to ample rest. This is why I only lift heavy once a week for most muscles. The full rest leaves me energized when the week begins and most aches and pains are gone. The exception is I deadlift twice a week along with pull ups. Other then that I do chest/bis on Monday and it's usually a pretty explosive workout. I believe the 7 day rest increases ones motivation to push. I've done chest every 5 days and it was too much for me. My workouts lacked intensity and my numbers reflected it.

This is not a routine heavy in volume. If that's what you're looking for then don't bother reading on. My entire focus for the day is usually on 4 sets. I'm looking to post the biggest numbers I can for those. They are the last 2 sets of each exercise and usually consist of 4-6 reps. The first 2 sets are almost a warm up of sorts. Sure they are heavy and you feel the weight but the 8-10 reps are fairly easy.

Here's my week and what it has been for 3 years. I'll post my numbers so you can get percentages. Most days consist of super setting 2 muscles.

Monday: Chest/bis-1RM Flat BB 370

There is a week rotation for Mondays. One week is flat BB/incline DB and the other is flat DB/incline BB.

Flat bench and BB curls: Sets of 10,8,6,4 for both

Flat BB: 255, 275, 300, 315-325. The finishing weight depends on how the first 3 sets felt.

BB curl: 85,100, 115, 135

DB incline and hammer curls: 10,8,6,4

DB incline: 85s, 105s, 120s, 140s.

Hammer curl: 35,40,45, 55

That's it. Knock it out and GTFO.

Tuesday: Deadlifts-1RM 525

No super set today. We are focusing on only one thing, being a badass mofo! 5x5 with a 135lb warmup.

275, 315, 385, 415, 475

Wednesday: Squat/muscle ups and pull ups.1RM Squat 450


Squat 10,8,6,4.
255, 285, 325, 385

5 muscle ups into 10 pull ups
4 and 10
3 and 10

I rest before my last set of squats. No pull ups.

Thursday: Shoulders/tris- 1RM OHP 225

OHP: No superset. 10,8,6,4
135, 160, 185, 200

The next 2 are supersetted.

Front DB raises/CGBP. Raises are 12,10,8,6. CGBP is 10,8,6,4.
I will rotate in weighted dips every now and then.

Front raises: 25, 30, 35, 40

CGBP: 205, 225, 245, 275

Lateral raises/cable pull downs: Raises are 15,12,10,8. Pull downs 10,8,6,4

Lateral raises: 15, 20, 25, 30

Pull downs: 120, 140, 150, 175

I conclude the day by a light rear raise. 12,10,8,6

15, 15, 20, 25

Friday: High rep Deadlifts.

12, 12, 10, 8, 6

225, 275, 315, 345, 385

Saturday: Back/traps


Weighted pull ups/45lb shrugs. Weighted pull ups are 10,10,10, 8. Shrugs are all sets of 20

Weighted pull ups: 25lb, 35, 45, 70

Shrugs: 45, 45, 45, 45

Bent over rows/DB shrugs. Rows are 10,8,6,4. Shrugs are 15, 15, 12, 10

Bent over rows: 135, 165, 195, 235

DB Shrugs: 85, 90, 95, 100

Bam! Week done. I take Sunday off and do it again next week. It works when combined with proper nutrition. Keeps me rested. Keeps me looking forward to the next workout. Keeps me sane. I'd be thrilled if what I posted helps someone achieve their goals! If it doesn't, which I assume will be true for some, no loss. There are other combinations of reps and weight that may work better for you. My famous quote that now gets used to call out a lifter who doesn't push themselves to the brink; if you cheat yourself in the gym then you cheat yourself in life. No one wants to cheat life. Live it. Cherish it.
So Im guessing my form is the problem, but whenever I do squats my left arm starts to become paralyzed. It only started happening the last two weeks. I feel like Im resting the bar on a nerve or something.


Let's be honest, there are multiple paths to strength and an aesthetically pleasing body. I hope my particular way of combining reps and weight amounts works for others like it has worked for me. There are bigger guys everywhere. I'm ok with this. My ultimate goal is not to be the biggest man in a room. In fact, it matters very little to me. My ultimate goal is to be one the strongest dudes in the room. The limit I have set on a livable, comfortable walking weight obviously caps my bodies true potential and I accept that. I also enjoy staying fairing mobile and flexible and a 5'10 guy at 220 has his limitations.

I set goals for body fat percentage, weight carried, weight lifted. Any excuse to set a goal is a good one! Next step is pushing hard to accomplish them. When you do this for 5 years it all adds up.

My body responds well to ample rest. This is why I only lift heavy once a week for most muscles. The full rest leaves me energized when the week begins and most aches and pains are gone. The exception is I deadlift twice a week along with pull ups. Other then that I do chest/bis on Monday and it's usually a pretty explosive workout. I believe the 7 day rest increases ones motivation to push. I've done chest every 5 days and it was too much for me. My workouts lacked intensity and my numbers reflected it.

This is not a routine heavy in volume. If that's what you're looking for then don't bother reading on. My entire focus for the day is usually on 4 sets. I'm looking to post the biggest numbers I can for those. They are the last 2 sets of each exercise and usually consist of 4-6 reps. The first 2 sets are almost a warm up of sorts. Sure they are heavy and you feel the weight but the 8-10 reps are fairly easy.

Here's my week and what it has been for 3 years.
Damn!! thanks for the list. There's a bunch of terms I still don't understand (most of the gym knowledge I have is in Japanese because of where I live) so I'll have to google some stuff.

If I were to follow my old schedule, today it'd be shoulder day, so I'll try your Shoulder / Triceps day (Thursday for you). I don't even know what supersets are, so yeah... google!

Edit: Wait, am I missing something? Where is the leg stuff?
Edit 2: Ah, saw the squats. Is that enough for legs? I've been doing a bunch of things beside squats (leg raise, leg press, and some other stuff I forgot)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
in 30 minutes I am going to the new gym and set the deal for a month.

everybody, I need you to pray that the gym has a power rack and if not, at least a squat rack. if all there is is benches and fucking smiths, that will piss me off.

EDIT: and by the way, Darth, if you are reading this, I think we'd all want to try that secret sauce of yours and compare it to cooter's :-D

The only sauce I want/need is chocolate-ranch sauce. That and the shit beefaroni sits in.

Mmmmmm sauce.
Staying in a condo for vacation here in Philippines. There's a bench but no squat rack.... Uses bench rack as squat rack for front squat.

Must have leg day


Neo Member
I've been doing sit-ups and push-ups at home for the last few months, and I will say one of the best feelings is taking some clothes that used to be a little loose that u havent worn for a while, and putting them on and finding out they are alot more tighter and fit more. Feels good. I wanna take all the clothes off my cloths rack and try them all on to see if they are all tighter


in 30 minutes I am going to the new gym and set the deal for a month.

everybody, I need you to pray that the gym has a power rack and if not, at least a squat rack. if all there is is benches and fucking smiths, that will piss me off.

Why would you sign up for the gym before taking a look around? Just go look around in the gym and if it lacks what you need find another gym.
Holy shit Cooter, you go to the gym six times a week?

I go seven. I haven't taken off in probably a month or so(will be off for almost two weeks next week for vacation). By the time it's time to hit that muscle group again my body is ready for it. I don't listen to the whole your body needs xxxx amount of rest. I just started training this way about 4-5 months ago and I have seen drastic improvements everywhere, especially in my strength.
Bulk is starting to wear on me. Just have to hold on till February although I don't think I will hit my target goal of 270. Appetite is all over the place for me lately.


the piano man
my gym had a power rack so I signed.

I asked one of the coworkers (trainers?) if I had put the safety metal bars on the power rack properly cause they looked kind of weird and instead of saying "yes, that's how you place them", it starts

him: what exercise are you trying to do?
me: I have no idea what it's called in spanish, it's overhead press in english (I did one rep to show him, it looks like he has never seen such an exotic move before in his life)
him: here, use the smith machine it is safer (like, "god this guy is a moron, doesn't know the name of the exercise he is doing.")
me: no,no, no, no, no, I am just asking if I am placing the safety bars properly

sorry I live in Germany not in Mexico, I call it Schulterpresse in my gym in Germany or OHP when I post here,

and one thing that annoyed me was that the guy didn't seem to have any kind of expertise or knowledge (neither by his tone nor by his looks) and he gets to give me the awesome tip of using a smith instead of a rack....I rolled my eyes.


Gigantic bowl of cottage cheese FTW!

My diet coach had me eating 2 cups cottage cheese, 2 cups plain (unsweetened) greek yogurt, 6oz steak, or 6oz 96% lean ground beef before bed.

I always chose cottage cheese or GY for ease of preparation and it seemed to work great


Edit: Wait, am I missing something? Where is the leg stuff?
Edit 2: Ah, saw the squats. Is that enough for legs? I've been doing a bunch of things beside squats (leg raise, leg press, and some other stuff I forgot)

squats/deads are all you need.


So I've just got back from trying high pulls after the recommendation in this thread, although I only managed 60kgs. Apparently it can improve your physique in just a few workouts so it will be interesting to see if there is any noticeable difference in a few weeks time.

Here's the t-nation article if anyone's interested.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I've just got back from trying high pulls after the recommendation in this thread, although I only managed 60kgs. Apparently it can improve your physique in just a few workouts so it will be interesting to see if there is any noticeable difference in a few weeks time.

Here's the t-nation article if anyone's interested.


"Just a few workouts" is bullshit, like most tripe on t nation these days. But it's a fantastic movement.
"Just a few workouts" is bullshit, like most tripe on t nation these days. But it's a fantastic movement.

I want to rotate power cleans out of my routine since my gym doesn't have bumper plates and the weights are getting heavier. Are high pulls an acceptable replacement (I'm aware you can't truly replace the work and movements done with the power clean), or as good of a replacement as I'm gonna get? I usually do cleans on my lower body day.


Let's be honest, there are multiple paths to strength and an aesthetically pleasing body. I hope my particular way of combining reps and weight amounts works for others like it has worked for me. There are bigger guys everywhere. I'm ok with this. My ultimate goal is not to be the biggest man in a room. In fact, it matters very little to me. My ultimate goal is to be one the strongest dudes in the room. The limit I have set on a livable, comfortable walking weight obviously caps my bodies true potential and I accept that. I also enjoy staying fairing mobile and flexible and a 5'10 guy at 220 has his limitations.

I set goals for body fat percentage, weight carried, weight lifted. Any excuse to set a goal is a good one! Next step is pushing hard to accomplish them. When you do this for 5 years it all adds up.

My body responds well to ample rest. This is why I only lift heavy once a week for most muscles. The full rest leaves me energized when the week begins and most aches and pains are gone. The exception is I deadlift twice a week along with pull ups. Other then that I do chest/bis on Monday and it's usually a pretty explosive workout. I believe the 7 day rest increases ones motivation to push. I've done chest every 5 days and it was too much for me. My workouts lacked intensity and my numbers reflected it.

This is not a routine heavy in volume. If that's what you're looking for then don't bother reading on. My entire focus for the day is usually on 4 sets. I'm looking to post the biggest numbers I can for those. They are the last 2 sets of each exercise and usually consist of 4-6 reps. The first 2 sets are almost a warm up of sorts. Sure they are heavy and you feel the weight but the 8-10 reps are fairly easy.

Here's my week and what it has been for 3 years. I'll post my numbers so you can get percentages. Most days consist of super setting 2 muscles.

Monday: Chest/bis-1RM Flat BB 370

There is a week rotation for Mondays. One week is flat BB/incline DB and the other is flat DB/incline BB.

Flat bench and BB curls: Sets of 10,8,6,4 for both

Flat BB: 255, 275, 300, 315-325. The finishing weight depends on how the first 3 sets felt.

BB curl: 85,100, 115, 135

DB incline and hammer curls: 10,8,6,4

DB incline: 85s, 105s, 120s, 140s.

Hammer curl: 35,40,45, 55

That's it. Knock it out and GTFO.

Tuesday: Deadlifts-1RM 525

No super set today. We are focusing on only one thing, being a badass mofo! 5x5 with a 135lb warmup.

275, 315, 385, 415, 475

Wednesday: Squat/muscle ups and pull ups.1RM Squat 450


Squat 10,8,6,4.
255, 285, 325, 385

5 muscle ups into 10 pull ups
4 and 10
3 and 10

I rest before my last set of squats. No pull ups.

Thursday: Shoulders/tris- 1RM OHP 225

OHP: No superset. 10,8,6,4
135, 160, 185, 200

The next 2 are supersetted.

Front DB raises/CGBP. Raises are 12,10,8,6. CGBP is 10,8,6,4.
I will rotate in weighted dips every now and then.

Front raises: 25, 30, 35, 40

CGBP: 205, 225, 245, 275

Lateral raises/cable pull downs: Raises are 15,12,10,8. Pull downs 10,8,6,4

Lateral raises: 15, 20, 25, 30

Pull downs: 120, 140, 150, 175

I conclude the day by a light rear raise. 12,10,8,6

15, 15, 20, 25

Friday: High rep Deadlifts.

12, 12, 10, 8, 6

225, 275, 315, 345, 385

Saturday: Back/traps


Weighted pull ups/45lb shrugs. Weighted pull ups are 10,10,10, 8. Shrugs are all sets of 20

Weighted pull ups: 25lb, 35, 45, 70

Shrugs: 45, 45, 45, 45

Bent over rows/DB shrugs. Rows are 10,8,6,4. Shrugs are 15, 15, 12, 10

Bent over rows: 135, 165, 195, 235

DB Shrugs: 85, 90, 95, 100

Bam! Week done. I take Sunday off and do it again next week. It works when combined with proper nutrition. Keeps me rested. Keeps me looking forward to the next workout. Keeps me sane. I'd be thrilled if what I posted helps someone achieve their goals! If it doesn't, which I assume will be true for some, no loss. There are other combinations of reps and weight that may work better for you. My famous quote that now gets used to call out a lifter who doesn't push themselves to the brink; if you cheat yourself in the gym then you cheat yourself in life. No one wants to cheat life. Live it. Cherish it.


Do you have any progress pics to share? Would love to see it man. \m/

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I want to rotate power cleans out of my routine since my gym doesn't have bumper plates and the weights are getting heavier. Are high pulls an acceptable replacement (I'm aware you can't truly replace the work and movements done with the power clean), or as good of a replacement as I'm gonna get? I usually do cleans on my lower body day.

I would say it's better than nothing, yes.

I would do highpulls on "shoulder day" but I'm also training for strength not aesthetics.
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