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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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My diet coach had me eating 2 cups cottage cheese, 2 cups plain (unsweetened) greek yogurt, 6oz steak, or 6oz 96% lean ground beef before bed.

I always chose cottage cheese or GY for ease of preparation and it seemed to work great

sounds like great intake for the night time... i just do cottage cheese and maybe a few boiled eggs.


Three McChickens for life, Brolic. Three dollars for 1,080 calories and 42 grams of protein. I don't go out of my way to get them, but when I'm in a pinch and need moderately tasty food for cheap, it gets the job done. And there just might be some recognizable quantity of chicken in there, too.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Do you have any progress pics to share? Would love to see it man. m/
I've posted probably too many already but I can post some more later if that would help people? After this bulk I should have some cool before and afters.


Oh my God, has this been posted yet?



Quest Bars are a scam!



the piano man
I've posted probably too many already but I can post some more later if that would help people? After this bulk I should have some cool before and afters.


you are making me feel bad, If you think you've posted too many pics, then I've abused the hell out of this thread with mine. Sorry everyone.
If anyone should be apologizing for pics, it is me. King of Pic Whoring.

Also, first day of doing the calves routine by Lyle McDonald. Simple, but they are on fire.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

you are making me feel bad, If you think you've posted too many pics, then I've abused the hell out of this thread with mine. Sorry everyone.

Oh stop it. You are changing while I'll post if I've gained a pound or two. That's all I meant. Keep em' coming! It's inspiring.

J. Bravo

Pulled 405x6!! Fuck yeah! Suck my dick heavy weights!!!
time for deficit deads at 225 :(

edit: also, someone at my gym just invited me to be part of a power lifting team. Might have to lose a few pounds to be viable but we'll see.


Let's be honest, there are multiple paths to strength and an aesthetically pleasing body. I hope my particular way of combining reps and weight amounts works for others like it has worked for me. There are bigger guys everywhere. I'm ok with this. My ultimate goal is not to be the biggest man in a room. In fact, it matters very little to me. My ultimate goal is to be one the strongest dudes in the room. The limit I have set on a livable, comfortable walking weight obviously caps my bodies true potential and I accept that. I also enjoy staying fairing mobile and flexible and a 5'10 guy at 220 has his limitations.

I set goals for body fat percentage, weight carried, weight lifted. Any excuse to set a goal is a good one! Next step is pushing hard to accomplish them. When you do this for 5 years it all adds up.

My body responds well to ample rest. This is why I only lift heavy once a week for most muscles. The full rest leaves me energized when the week begins and most aches and pains are gone. The exception is I deadlift twice a week along with pull ups. Other then that I do chest/bis on Monday and it's usually a pretty explosive workout. I believe the 7 day rest increases ones motivation to push. I've done chest every 5 days and it was too much for me. My workouts lacked intensity and my numbers reflected it.

This is not a routine heavy in volume. If that's what you're looking for then don't bother reading on. My entire focus for the day is usually on 4 sets. I'm looking to post the biggest numbers I can for those. They are the last 2 sets of each exercise and usually consist of 4-6 reps. The first 2 sets are almost a warm up of sorts. Sure they are heavy and you feel the weight but the 8-10 reps are fairly easy.

Here's my week and what it has been for 3 years. I'll post my numbers so you can get percentages. Most days consist of super setting 2 muscles.

Monday: Chest/bis-1RM Flat BB 370

There is a week rotation for Mondays. One week is flat BB/incline DB and the other is flat DB/incline BB.

Flat bench and BB curls: Sets of 10,8,6,4 for both

Flat BB: 255, 275, 300, 315-325. The finishing weight depends on how the first 3 sets felt.

BB curl: 85,100, 115, 135

DB incline and hammer curls: 10,8,6,4

DB incline: 85s, 105s, 120s, 140s.

Hammer curl: 35,40,45, 55

That's it. Knock it out and GTFO.

Tuesday: Deadlifts-1RM 525

No super set today. We are focusing on only one thing, being a badass mofo! 5x5 with a 135lb warmup.

275, 315, 385, 415, 475

Wednesday: Squat/muscle ups and pull ups.1RM Squat 450


Squat 10,8,6,4.
255, 285, 325, 385

5 muscle ups into 10 pull ups
4 and 10
3 and 10

I rest before my last set of squats. No pull ups.

Thursday: Shoulders/tris- 1RM OHP 225

OHP: No superset. 10,8,6,4
135, 160, 185, 200

The next 2 are supersetted.

Front DB raises/CGBP. Raises are 12,10,8,6. CGBP is 10,8,6,4.
I will rotate in weighted dips every now and then.

Front raises: 25, 30, 35, 40

CGBP: 205, 225, 245, 275

Lateral raises/cable pull downs: Raises are 15,12,10,8. Pull downs 10,8,6,4

Lateral raises: 15, 20, 25, 30

Pull downs: 120, 140, 150, 175

I conclude the day by a light rear raise. 12,10,8,6

15, 15, 20, 25

Friday: High rep Deadlifts.

12, 12, 10, 8, 6

225, 275, 315, 345, 385

Saturday: Back/traps


Weighted pull ups/45lb shrugs. Weighted pull ups are 10,10,10, 8. Shrugs are all sets of 20

Weighted pull ups: 25lb, 35, 45, 70

Shrugs: 45, 45, 45, 45

Bent over rows/DB shrugs. Rows are 10,8,6,4. Shrugs are 15, 15, 12, 10

Bent over rows: 135, 165, 195, 235

DB Shrugs: 85, 90, 95, 100

Bam! Week done. I take Sunday off and do it again next week. It works when combined with proper nutrition. Keeps me rested. Keeps me looking forward to the next workout. Keeps me sane. I'd be thrilled if what I posted helps someone achieve their goals! If it doesn't, which I assume will be true for some, no loss. There are other combinations of reps and weight that may work better for you. My famous quote that now gets used to call out a lifter who doesn't push themselves to the brink; if you cheat yourself in the gym then you cheat yourself in life. No one wants to cheat life. Live it. Cherish it.

great stuff.

something I will consider in the future when I want to step it up.. for now 2 day on 1 day off 2 days on and then 2 days off works for my body.
Well, I don't think I need to apologize too much in this thread, but I've got a lot to answer for in the Post Pics of Yourself threads.

They love your pics though. You are actually doing something and have a variety of situations you are in. Mine are "here is me in my bathroom"


Looking forward to the PM. If you can't get it today no worries! And thanks again.

Hey Onemic, I'm still not sure about this one. There's too much stuff I really don't know how many calories, sugar, etc.. have, and if I keep eyeballing everything I fear I might results that aren't quite correct. Also keeping up with everything every time I eat something might get a bit annoying... I will try it once, if I continue I'll add you :p

I also wanna try that Fitocracy app. I checked it now and it seems to let you add weights and reps for all your exercises and then it gives you points. I don't care about the points, but seems like a nice way to keep up with the weights I can lift. I'd be nice if it gave you some charts showing your improvements. I will check through the whole app later on... (too bad it seems to be somewhat busted based off the comments above)

I use JEFit and really like it. Has web/Android/iOS support.


the piano man
my OHP yesterday was good I think.... I did 5x3 of 46.9 kgs which is 103.2 lbs... damn plates on lbs and those random numbers. not exactly a PR since I needed to lift 47.5 kgs for that... but I'll take it, next time I'll increment the weight and see what I manage to lift.

with yesterdays achievement, strstd.com puts my OHP almost on par with my Squat and above my Bench, it's nice to see I am progressing respectively on the compounds.

Seeing Cooter's pics make me miss the adonis belt I had when I was a pile of bones last year lol. I'll hopefully get it back sometime in 2014 whenever I get sick of feeling bloated all the time and show those fucking abs who's the boss.

Coot, your June 2013 pic is already a classic in Fitgaf's history, I can understand when you say there's little room for improvement. I wonder how you'll look after your bulk. Great pics all around.

Pete Rock

Big thanks to the recent mention of Liquid Grip, it is amazing. I decided to use it and switch to sumo stance today and blew it out of the water on DL, 270x15 without having to reset at all, just pausing for a breath down against the bar. I came to the conclusion that I should give this a try because my first two traditional stance warmup sets felt shifty, and because I had been setting up sumo for my rows, as I use a very narrow grip and was interfering with the travel of my legs in traditional stance. One plus one equals DL to the moooooon! Felt so much better on my hips and my back is way more locked out for the whole lift, feels as comfy as my squats feel, which I never thought I could say.


So I said before that I broke my back and ankle in June this year and that my back injury (not my ankle, surprisingly) is what was holding me back from squatting or deadlifting.

Well, I got tired of trying the various ways of squatting with dumbbells; they worked, I just didn't think I'd go very far since I only have adjustable dumbbells that go to 50 lbs each.

Today I decided to try low weight deadlift, only 95 lbs, but to my surprise, no pain! Then I tried 115 lb squat...felt fucking good! I'm gonna just start my 3x5 at those weights and hope the slow increase will reduce the chance of pinching back pain down the road. I was doing somewhere around 250 lbs before the accident, so it should give me plenty of time to build my broken ankle leg back up.

Anyway...I'm stoked to have leg day back in my workout and hope the pain doesn't show up with higher weight.

Also, I'm giving in on my "each set increase weight" bench routine. I could only do 215x4 where the last two sessions of bench I did 215x5. I'm just gonna drop to 190 lbs and go with the recommended 3x5 at same weight and increase from there. Shoulda just did that from the start but I'm a stubborn ass.

Lookin good Cooter! You said you're 220 @ 5'10"? I might have to change my goals as I was shooting for 215 (I'm 6'1" and 193 right now)...maybe I need to be at 225; you're proportions are pretty much exactly where I want to be.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I said before that I broke my back and ankle in June this year and that my back injury (not my ankle, surprisingly) is what was holding me back from squatting or deadlifting.

Well, I got tired of trying the various ways of squatting with dumbbells; they worked, I just didn't think I'd go very far since I only have adjustable dumbbells that go to 50 lbs each.

Today I decided to try low weight deadlift, only 95 lbs, but to my surprise, no pain! Then I tried 115 lb squat...felt fucking good! I'm gonna just start my 3x5 at those weights and hope the slow increase will reduce the chance of pinching back pain down the road. I was doing somewhere around 250 lbs before the accident, so it should give me plenty of time to build my broken ankle leg back up.

Anyway...I'm stoked to have leg day back in my workout and hope the pain doesn't show up with higher weight.

Also, I'm giving in on my "each set increase weight" bench routine. I could only do 215x4 where the last two sessions of bench I did 215x5. I'm just gonna drop to 190 lbs and go with the recommended 3x5 at same weight and increase from there. Shoulda just did that from the start but I'm a stubborn ass.

Lookin good Cooter! You said you're 220 @ 5'10"? I might have to change my goals as I was shooting for 215 (I'm 6'1" and 193 right now)...maybe I need to be at 225; you're proportions are pretty much exactly where I want to be.

Oh no. I said 220 at 5'10 brings flexibility limitations. I was 185 in that last June pic.


Damn, now I know what I want my arms to end up looking like.

Also everyone needs to jump on that cottage cheese/ farmers cheese train. I down these little tubs that have 3-4 servings every other night or so.


Oh no. I said 220 at 5'10 brings flexibility limitations. I was 185 in that last June pic.

Whew...ok haha. My goal of 215 was pushing where I wanted to be already. If that's 185 then I might even be content at something like 200-205 (once I cut my ~15-17% estimated BF down).


Finally. First semester of senior year in college is done. The day got even better when I got 3x5x125lb squats and 5x125 DLs. I can now sleep more :3
Except I'll have to start job/internship/co-op hunting and learning how to drive. That's going to be dreadful.

EDIT: Fantastic pictures Cooter; making my day even better lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks guys. :)

I'm starting to resemble that February 2011 pic right now. Eating has lost it's appeal and now every calorie is getting harder to eat. We can do this FE! Keep eating and make sure you have lots of water to choke it down.

Coot, your June 2013 pic is already a classic in Fitgaf's history, I can understand when you say there's little room for improvement. I wonder how you'll look after your bulk. Great pics all around.

Hopefully a little larger. If not something went wrong.
Won't have access to the gym for the next two weeks and I'm worried that I'll lose mah gains.

I'm still a beginner (second/third month of Starting Strength) and don't want to drop my lifts this early into it. Any exercises I can do at home without equipment to help me throughout these gruelling squat-less weeks?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally was able to reliably do my overhead press sets at 95 lbs today. I had been stuck at 90 lbs for what seemed like forever! Really hoping I can get at least one full set at 100 lbs before the end of the year, but we'll see.


Should I be doing exercises that specifically target my lower abs? I've been working pretty hard on them lately, and the uppers are getting more defined but the lowers are basically just belly. Or does the fat just take longer to get off in that area?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Good lord my squat is so weak. But at least it's finally getting to where it was. I really think a reason is how low into. People comment on it all the time. I may need to take another video. Also startin to realize volume has a huge effect on my squat progress. (In a good way).

Three McChickens for life, Brolic. Three dollars for 1,080 calories and 42 grams of protein. I don't go out of my way to get them, but when I'm in a pinch and need moderately tasty food for cheap, it gets the job done. And there just might be some recognizable quantity of chicken in there, too.

About to start doing this as I find them more better. Although 1 mc double has about 30-40g of protein if I remember correctly. But I might be mistaken. Maybe it's 25 per mcdoubles.

As for them costing more, Soka, it's only 25 cents or so, and I'm fucking baller like that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Should I be doing exercises that specifically target my lower abs? I've been working pretty hard on them lately, and the uppers are getting more defined but the lowers are basically just belly. Or does the fat just take longer to get off in that area?

If your abs aren't visible, it's because the fat is hiding them.

Good lord my squat is so weak. But at least it's finally getting to where it was. I really think a reason is how low into. People comment on it all the time. I may need to take another video. Also startin to realize volume has a huge effect on my squat progress. (In a good way).

Weak in what way? Form, or weight compared to your other lifts?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If your abs aren't visible, it's because the fat is hiding them.

Weak in what way? Form, or weight compared to your other lifts?

Weight compared to other lifts. I'm certain I go deeper than 99% of the population. I go well below parallel this may be why it's so slow to go up for me too. I also made the mistake of replacing back squats with front squats for about 2 months and it destroyed my back squat. I'm just now back to 405 for a 1rm and back to 315 for 10 reps.

For example my recent 1rm for bench, dead and OHP are 380, 600 and 270 respectively for reference.


Hats off to you guys that can do the mcdonalds way of bulking! I just can't stand the taste of fast food anymore. Smelling it makes me almost sick. =/

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Weight compared to other lifts. I'm certain I go deeper than 99% of the population. I go well below parallel this may be why it's so slow to go up for me too. I also made the mistake of replacing back squats with front squats for about 2 months and it destroyed my back squat. I'm just now back to 405 for a 1rm and back to 315 for 10 reps.

For example my recent 1rm for bench, dead and OHP are 380, 600 and 270 respectively for reference.

Yeah, that does sound crazy compared to your other numbers. Seems like you should be around 500 for your squat, but I don't know what I'm talking about.

Do you just not do them as often?







Again the only thing I do is group fitness classes and eat cleanly...I just use big weights too during Body Pump and I do some free weights for my arms and chest and a lot of push ups...but 85% of my work outs are Les Mills fitness.


Everyone is looking beastly. Good job guys.

I finished my 3's week and still lifting heavier then ever and no carbs at all. Using fat for energy is amazing and I love being keto adapted so much. I strongly recommend it.


Should I be doing exercises that specifically target my lower abs? I've been working pretty hard on them lately, and the uppers are getting more defined but the lowers are basically just belly. Or does the fat just take longer to get off in that area?
If your compounds aren't hitting them enough, yes you do. Leg lifts are good. You need to target your sides too.

Edit: I don't mean to comment on visibility, just on development of your abs as a whole.


Should I be doing exercises that specifically target my lower abs? I've been working pretty hard on them lately, and the uppers are getting more defined but the lowers are basically just belly. Or does the fat just take longer to get off in that area?

No amount of abdominal exercises will help you get visible lower abs at the stage you are in. You're probably just too fat and need to lose fat before your lower abs will become visible.

And since there is no such thing as spot reduction of fat via exercise, you just need to lose fat all over until enough come off from your belly as well.

So if you want visible abs, lose weight. You won't get there no matter how many crunches you do. Abs are made in the kitchen :)


the piano man
I used my before/after like a week ago so I'll just watch this time ^_^

Sean, your b/a is amazing, You got a huge, strong torso really fast! great.
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