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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Barbell squats, when performed correctly and with proper programming will strengthen the tendons, ligaments and muscles around your knees and basically will help you have healthier knees. I had chronic knee pain all my life (from being fat and then from jogging with poor form) until I started squatting.

Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear ;-)

Two more things:
-What are some good, foolproof/simple back exercises?
-I'm utterly useless when it comes to pull ups. What's a good way to approach them when your body weight exceeds your strength?


-What are some good, foolproof/simple back exercises?

Squats and Deadlifts. I suggest you do Starting Strength. The program is laid out in the OP.

-I'm utterly useless when it comes to pull ups. What's a good way to approach them when your body weight exceeds your strength?

Do negatives (jump to hang your self from the top and then slowly descend)

As well as inverted rows and Lat pulldowns. Also, since pull-ups (palms facing away from you) are harder than chinups (palms facing you) you should attempt to do chinups first, which will lead to pullups.
-I'm utterly useless when it comes to pull ups. What's a good way to approach them when your body weight exceeds your strength?

First of all, I'd go with chin-ups (forearms supinated), they also use the biceps so are slightly easier than regular pull-ups.

My GF has recently worked towards completing her first dead-hang chin-up by using a combination of 3x8 lateral pulldowns (supinated as well) and negative chin-ups (jump to the handle, and lower yourself as slowly as possible).

Nelo Ice

Friends like this is why I generally don't talk about lifting with my friends. So many people have no interest in getting educated about the recommended starting routines and best practices.
I just have friends who either listen to me but still ignore me about compounds or form. Or they go man you need to go to the gym everyday. Also apparently even if they know about SS and why it's good apparently it's still not enough. Not to mention i'm told my workout isn't right unless I get DOMS or feel the pump. Basically I tend to trust you guys over anything my friends have said or ask here to see if they actually know what they're doing.


With regards to what is attainable natty. I think the question should be how much lean mass can you have at x height, naturally given you have good genetics(very arbitrary term but whatever), and that's where aesthetic genetics kick in, symmetry, muscle insertion and shape etc. Lean mass is the reason I don't believe Layne Norton is natural, though I would love to be wrong.
Interesting read, makes me want to be extra careful with my next bulk.

I really really doubt I'll get to 200 @ 10% natty. But I'll be happy if I even hit 192-5.
damn, why didn't i ever think of adding egg whites to my smoothies for an easy protein boost before. i wonder how many i can throw in before it starts to taste like shit. i've been putting vanilla powder in mine lately and its ok but the vanilla taste overwhelms the fruit, not a big fan of that

i really do wonder though lol. i'm gonna pump that amount every day to see how much i can add and it still be bearable. can never get enough eggs.

is this bad tho? i'm looking online and some people are saying eating raw egg whites isn't good because of biotin or something. what's the real bro science here?


Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear ;-)

Two more things:
-What are some good, foolproof/simple back exercises?
-I'm utterly useless when it comes to pull ups. What's a good way to approach them when your body weight exceeds your strength?

Have you tried starting with negative pullups?
Basically get a chair or something tall enough so you can start at the top position of a pullup, then let yourself hang down as slowly as possible. Do that for as many reps as you can. Eventually you'll be able to do a pullup. You'll be amazing how quickly your muscles adapt when you force them to do real work.


damn, why didn't i ever think of adding egg whites to my smoothies for an easy protein boost before. i wonder how many i can throw in before it starts to taste like shit. i've been putting vanilla powder in mine lately and its ok but the vanilla taste overwhelms the fruit, not a big fan of that

i really do wonder though lol. i'm gonna pump that amount every day to see how much i can add and it still be bearable. can never get enough eggs.

is this bad tho? i'm looking online and some people are saying eating raw egg whites isn't good because of biotin or something. what's the real bro science here?

You can get cartons of pasteurized egg whites if you want. A little safer I guess? That's what I use for the same purpose
So when is the best time to check in on your bulk progress?

After two weeks? After a month?

I'd just monitor it week-to-week (as someone else recommended), but don't panic after the first week if it seems a bit high. If you're two or three weeks in and feel like you're just getting super fat and are gaining weight way too rapidly, it shouldn't be too hard to cut back the calories a bit and reign that in.

I'm going to get a meal plan sorted with an expert at my gym. I'm thinking a lot of it will be water weight. I tried doing the diet stuff by myself but it is proving too difficult since we don't eat a lot of the same foods.

Once you get that sorted, if you want to discuss it here, maybe myself and other people can give you a second opinion. Not to say we're more knowledgeable than the guy/gal that gives you a plan, but it can't hurt to get a second (or third or fourth) pair of eyes on your plan.

7.5 inch wrist , 10 inch ankles here.

no short tie-in bicep doe (._. )

My wrists aren't even 6.5" around and my ankles are 9"; I'm 5'9". Consider yourself lucky! My "bulked" weight at 10% bodyfat would barely break 200 lbs. I'm hoping to maintain around 13-17% body fat, so if I end up around 15% I could theoretically hit 210-220 lbs. I've never broken 185 lbs in my life, so I've got a waaays to go.
You can get cartons of pasteurized egg whites if you want. A little safer I guess? That's what I use for the same purpose

yeah that's what i'm using. i wouldn't waste any precious part of a regular egg. but i read it can cause your body to be low on biotin. which i guess you can supplement with. but i also read your body only activates like half the protein when the egg whites aren't cooked. this was all forum talk though so i'm unsure what the actual truth is.
yeah that's what i'm using. i wouldn't waste any precious part of a regular egg. but i read it can cause your body to be low on biotin. which i guess you can supplement with. but i also read your body only activates like half the protein when the egg whites aren't cooked. this was all forum talk though so i'm unsure what the actual truth is.

I have no idea what the deal is with the biotin absorption issue; I'll have to read into that as to whether it's true or not.

But, I am 99.9% sure that there is no difference between consuming raw or cooked eggs in regards to protein utilization. Proteins consist of a string of amino acids. When we consume protein, in any form, we have enzymes, acids, and mechanical digestion capabilities that break down the protein into the more usable amino acids. Cooking eggs, or any protein, will cause some denaturation of the protein, but there are four "levels" in a protein's structure. Cooking breaks down the fourth, third, and second level, leaving us at the final level, which is essentially just the amino acids. If you don't cook the egg, when you eat it, your body does the denaturation itself. Outside of rare medical disorders, I assure you, your body is more than capable of denaturing the living fuck out of proteins.

So, don't worry about eating raw eggs vs cooked eggs, either way, you'll get your protein.


is this bad tho? i'm looking online and some people are saying eating raw egg whites isn't good because of biotin or something. what's the real bro science here?

I eat eggs raw (whole eggs), about 12 every day and have been eating them like this for about 18 months now.

Apparently eating the whole egg as opposed to just the white averts biotin deficiency, because the problem is that the whites have a ton of avidin, which binds to the biotin and prevents the biotin from being assimilated. But there's seems to be a lot of contention on this fact. Some sources claim that the yolks have more than enough biotin to make up for the biotin lost due to the avidin assimilation; other sources claim otherwise. Ugh.

And I am now left wondering if I may have some symptoms of biotin deficiency: lately I've been experimenting some mild dermatitis (which to be fair is something I've always kind of suffered from) as well as some patchy rashes in my face here and there. I haven't experienced hair loss, but then again I had already lost all my hair some years ago, so that I blame on my genes, not biotin deficiency.

I don't want to play Dr. Pubmed but now I'm a bit worried, ha ha.


FitGAF, I'm starting back hitting the weights on Monday. I'm either going to do SS/ or All Pro's Beginner's Routine. My question is related to bulking. I'm currently 6'0" 200lbs. Probablly around 25%+ bodyfat. I'm currently looking at starting roughly around 3400 calories a day at roughly a 40/40/20 split. I am a little fearful that being already at 200lbs that the bulking may not be a good idea? I guess I'm afraid of gaining too much fat. Any thoughts on this plan? Thanks.


FitGAF, I'm starting back hitting the weights on Monday. I'm either going to do SS/ or All Pro's Beginner's Routine. My question is related to bulking. I'm currently 6'0" 200lbs. Probablly around 25%+ bodyfat. I'm currently looking at starting roughly around 3400 calories a day at roughly a 40/40/20 split. I am a little fearful that being already at 200lbs that the bulking may not be a good idea? I guess I'm afraid of gaining too much fat. Any thoughts on this plan? Thanks.

40/40/20 is that Protein Carbs Fat? I'd go for 40/30/30 personally. Don't be afraid of the fat.

3400kcal also sounds a bit extreme for someone who is 6 feet tall at 200lb with (presumably) not a lot of muscle on. I mean, I was eating 4000kcal per day when I started SS, but I was 165lb at 6'2".

I'd keep it between 2500kcal/ 3000kcal making sure I ate mostly high quality foods: tons of eggs, beef, chicken, fish, potatoes, nuts and cheese, plus whey. For someone with over 25% BF you might want to stay away from milk.


40/40/20 is that Protein Carbs Fat? I'd go for 40/30/30 personally. Don't be afraid of the fat.

3400kcal also sounds a bit extreme for someone who is 6 feet tall at 200lb with (presumably) not a lot of muscle on. I mean, I was eating 4000kcal per day when I started SS, but I was 165lb at 6'2".

I'd keep it between 2500kcal/ 3000kcal making sure I ate mostly high quality foods: tons of eggs, beef, chicken, fish, potatoes, nuts and cheese, plus whey. For someone with over 25% BF you might want to stay away from milk.

I can tone it back some and make some tweaks. I'm not afraid of the fat, I'm just having a hard time finding other fatty foods. I already have eggs, cheese, nuts, coconut oil and salmon in the diet. I'll trim back on the carbs to boost the ratios. Thanks man. I'll do some tweaking and bring it back down to 3k.


I can tone it back some and make some tweaks. I'm not afraid of the fat, I'm just having a hard time finding other fatty foods. I already have eggs, cheese, nuts, coconut oil and salmon in the diet. I'll trim back on the carbs to boost the ratios. Thanks man. I'll do some tweaking and bring it back down to 3k.


Just eat more bacon ;)
I eat eggs raw (whole eggs), about 12 every day and have been eating them like this for about 18 months now.

how do you personally eat yours raw? i want to start eating as many eggs as i can, usually i have half a dozen in my breakfast, but i need to cram some more in throughout the day, and it'd be cool if they didn't have to be boiled/cooked for simplicities sake.

i'm gonna start throwing them (or whites) in smoothies/protein shakes whenever i make them. i've heard some people whisk them up and down them with a little water. i'm gonna try that, but i'm skeptical if i'll be down for doing that daily, we'll see how it goes. gonna try blending them up with oats too.


FitGAF, I'm starting back hitting the weights on Monday. I'm either going to do SS/ or All Pro's Beginner's Routine. My question is related to bulking. I'm currently 6'0" 200lbs. Probablly around 25%+ bodyfat. I'm currently looking at starting roughly around 3400 calories a day at roughly a 40/40/20 split. I am a little fearful that being already at 200lbs that the bulking may not be a good idea? I guess I'm afraid of gaining too much fat. Any thoughts on this plan? Thanks.

If you are earnestly hitting the weights and busting your butt when you are in the gym you will find it hard to gain huge amounts of fat. And you won't just lard up overnight so you will see it coming if you are and have time to adjust. Don't sweat it



Just eat more bacon ;)

I do love me some bacon. I have a fancy scale I got recently for free through a health program my company offers. It says I am around 21% body fat. That may be closer to the truth. Who knows.

If you are earnestly hitting the weights and busting your butt when you are in the gym you will find it hard to gain huge amounts of fat. And you won't just lard up overnight so you will see it coming if you are and have time to adjust. Don't sweat it

Thank bro.


how do you personally eat yours raw? i want to start eating as many eggs as i can, usually i have half a dozen in my breakfast, but i need to cram some more in throughout the day, and it'd be cool if they didn't have to be boiled/cooked for simplicities sake.

i'm gonna start throwing them (or whites) in smoothies/protein shakes whenever i make them. i've heard some people whisk them up and down them with a little water. i'm gonna try that, but i'm skeptical if i'll be down for doing that daily, we'll see how it goes. gonna try blending them up with oats too.

Well honestly I just started eating them raw out of lazyness / convenience. When you eat 12 eggs a day cooking / eating and cleaning up becomes an absolute chore, and I was at that point disgusted by eggs. So that's why I started drinking them raw.

What I do is I just pour them into a glass, whisk them up as if I were going to make scrambled eggs (since I hate the sensation of the yolks going down my throat) and just drink them. I don't love the taste but I don't even think about it anymore. I hold my breath, think of a medow with rainbows or someting and chug them down as my housemate stares at me in horror and disbelief. I just have glass of water ready to wash it down and I'm good to go.


Was on the verge of buying some Chuck Taylor's today. I felt the inside sole and was surprised at how cushiony and soft they were. I thought they worked great as lifting shoes because they were flat and were supposed to have incompressible soles?


I'm exhausted, had a busy day that threw off my diet, meaning I haven't eaten anything since 6am and I now have a tension workout staring me in the face. I'm still going to give it a shot though, can't let it stop me plus I'm going to eat like my life depended on it after.

I think I may be better off using the hammer strength chest machines today, considering how I'm running on E.
Well honestly I just started eating them raw out of lazyness / convenience. When you eat 12 eggs a day cooking / eating and cleaning up becomes an absolute chore, and I was at that point disgusted by eggs. So that's why I started drinking them raw.

What I do is I just pour them into a glass, whisk them up as if I were going to make scrambled eggs (since I hate the sensation of the yolks going down my throat) and just drink them. I don't love the taste but I don't even think about it anymore. I hold my breath, think of a medow with rainbows or someting and chug them down as my housemate stares at me in horror and disbelief. I just have glass of water ready to wash it down and I'm good to go.

lol @ the rainbows and housemate. i tried them whisked up with a dash of water, wasn't too bad. i'm definitely gonna start doing that to up my egg intake. agreed, way too lazy to cook eggs more than once a day. hard boiled ones are ok but damn i cook so much as it is, this is one easy ass way to save a little time


I Squatted 295 today like it was nothing.... for three sets then notsomuch. I am doing StrongLifts so it's 5x5.. but next week I should be over 300 pounds- wow. Four pounds lost this week to boot!

I know it's not on the program and kind of vain of me, but can anybody recommend something for arms I could add to the end of my workout that does not take forever?
lol @ the rainbows and housemate. i tried them whisked up with a dash of water, wasn't too bad. i'm definitely gonna start doing that to up my egg intake. agreed, way too lazy to cook eggs more than once a day. hard boiled ones are ok but damn i cook so much as it is, this is one easy ass way to save a little time

Wait, is eating raw eggs safe? Have I been lied to all my life about salmonella poisoning?


Wait, is eating raw eggs safe? Have I been lied to all my life about salmonella poisoning?

Not 100%, safe but the probability of getting salmonella from raw eggs is not much greater than getting food poisoning from a random restaurant. I mean, do it at your own risk, but it's generally okay as long as you stick to fresh eggs.

I know it's not on the program and kind of vain of me, but can anybody recommend something for arms I could add to the end of my workout that does not take forever?

Straight bar curls super set with triceps pulldowns. 4 sets of 8-12 reps should do it. Go for a pump.
7.5 inch wrist , 10 inch ankles here.

no short tie-in bicep doe (._. )

Interesting read, makes me want to be extra careful with my next bulk.

I really really doubt I'll get to 200 @ 10% natty. But I'll be happy if I even hit 192-5.

My wrists aren't even 6.5" around and my ankles are 9"; I'm 5'9". Consider yourself lucky! My "bulked" weight at 10% bodyfat would barely break 200 lbs. I'm hoping to maintain around 13-17% body fat, so if I end up around 15% I could theoretically hit 210-220 lbs. I've never broken 185 lbs in my life, so I've got a waaays to go.

Height: 75 in
Wrist: 7 in
Ankle: 9.5 in

Your estimated maximum muscular bodyweight at ~13% bodyfat is: 235.3 lbs
Your estimated maximum bulked bodyweight at ~13% bodyfat is: 244.7 lbs

244 lbs? I can dig it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
70 inches
7.5 wrists
9.5 ankles

203lbs at 10%

I guess I have another 20lbs if I want it. Screw it! Team maintain!!


8" wrists
11" ankles (and some change)

Your estimated maximum muscular bodyweight at ~10% bodyfat is: 233.1 lbs

Your estimated maximum bulked bodyweight at ~10% bodyfat is: 242.4 lbs

LOL, not in this lifetime.

Did my tension day and it went really well considering how little I ate leading up to it and how tired I was. Got 345x6 on decline bench, which was surprising to say the least.
how do you personally eat yours raw? i want to start eating as many eggs as i can, usually i have half a dozen in my breakfast, but i need to cram some more in throughout the day, and it'd be cool if they didn't have to be boiled/cooked for simplicities sake.

i'm gonna start throwing them (or whites) in smoothies/protein shakes whenever i make them. i've heard some people whisk them up and down them with a little water. i'm gonna try that, but i'm skeptical if i'll be down for doing that daily, we'll see how it goes. gonna try blending them up with oats too.

I have been eating raw eggs now for about 6 months everyday. At first I was concerned with the bioton thing and salmonella but the problem with the internet is you will get conflicting views on EVERYTHING. I haven't had any negative effects as far as I know. Arnie did it so that's good enough for me lol.

Noema is hardcore doing them straight up raw, I tried and just couldn't do it. I put them in a blender with a glass of milk with my whey protein and can't even taste them. Usually 3 or 4 at a time.


Today I overhead one of the trainers at my university gym (which right now is basically a tent with rusty equipment since the old one was torn down) saying that the new gym will be ready by January.

He said they'll have legit weightlifting - deadlifting platforms, tons of racks and even bumper plates.

I almost swooned with joy, but this guy is also sort of renowned for being full of shit, so I will remain cautiously optimistic.

Thanks, lemme plug in my numbers:

Height: 70 in Wrist: 6.5 in
Ankle: 9 in

Your estimated maximum muscular bodyweight at ~10% bodyfat is: 196.3 lbs

Your estimated maximum bulked bodyweight at ~10% bodyfat is: 204.2 lbs

Your estimated maximum muscular measurements (@ ~8%-10% bodyfat) are:

Chest: 46.5 in Biceps: 16.5 in
Forearms: 13.2 in Neck: 16.1 in
Thighs: 25.1 in Calves: 16.8 in

Puny estimated max. muscular measurements, but 190-200lbs sounds like a good target.


Why would you soak yourself in cologne before you go to the gym? Especially at 5AM. Ugh! Please don't tell me my fellow Fit-GAFers do this.
Why would you soak yourself in cologne before you go to the gym? Especially at 5AM. Ugh! Please don't tell me my fellow Fit-GAFers do this.
Hah, I don't mind it if it's nice cologne, but yeah I don't get it either.

I'm on the other end. I swear like a pig and walk to the gym. Even if I shower beforehand I still walk in covered in sweat and smelling not so great.


the piano man
second time I hear from friends they avoid OHP because it's too hard and don't want to hurt their shoulders... I respect and limit my answer to "oh, o.k, that's fine" but...wth.


second time I hear from friends they avoid OHP because it's too hard and don't want to hurt their shoulders... I respect and limit my answer to "oh, o.k, that's fine" but...wth.

Yeah brah that's why I just do seated behind the neck presses in the smith machine. It's safer.


Yeah brah that's why I just do seated behind the neck presses in the smith machine. It's safer.

An man when I see this it just looks uncomfortable.

I never see big OHPes at my gym. The big guys always do seated smith presses.

I'd say it goes like this...

Big bench: frequent

Big deadlift rarely

Big squat: very rarely

Big OHP: never. Literally. Unless you count my lifting buddy and he switched to a different retro when he moved anyway


Down to 183lbs and my numbers are still going up. This is Mully BTW.

Numbers after my most recent 5/3/1 Cycle:

Bench: 4X215
Squat: 5X280
DL: 2X315
OHP: 5X135


the piano man
Yeah brah that's why I just do seated behind the neck presses in the smith machine. It's safer.

When people say it's bad for the shoulders, it really sounds like a bullshit excuse to me, like they haven'y even tried it.

I don't know if it happens to everyone, but when I going for PRs, my first body part to complain is the lower back, not the shoulders. If someone told me "man, I wish I could but my lower back refuses to cooperate" it wouldn't roll my eyes at all, it's not an easy move,

OHP is in a certain way a "safe" exercise because the barbell will just stay there and refuse to go up, that's failure, nothing else. It's not like squat or bench in which your safety is at risk.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The ghost of Fit-GAF OT6 struck me last night, but only mildly. Was doing OHP and my shoulder CLICKED and shit felt...wrong. So I stopped.

Hit a new PR though, aw yeah. I ain't fraid of no ghost.
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