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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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When people say it's bad for the shoulders, it really sounds like a bullshit excuse to me, like they haven'y even tried it.

I don't know if it happens to everyone, but when I going for PRs, my first body part to complain is the lower back, not the shoulders. If someone told me "man, I wish I could but my lower back refuses to cooperate" it wouldn't roll my eyes at all, it's not an easy move,

OHP is in a certain way a "safe" exercise because the barbell will just stay there and refuse to go up, that's failure, nothing else. It's not like squat or bench in which your safety is at risk.

The Case Against Overhead Presses

There are lots of big dudes in my gym and with wide backs and nice physique. The squatting rack is usually free and I don't think I've ever seen any of them doing deadlifts.

Dunno why you're bickering over what kind of exercises someone does as long as they get good results. Considering all the injuries going on in this thread that almost even seems like a more reasonable route to take.
I love OHPs, and have yet to experience any discomfort from them.
I also never have any problems with my lower back, but it could be because I'm quite cautious when I lift and just drop the weight if I feel my form starts to fall apart.

Not like my buddy, he'd rather go to failure than try to lower the weight, even if it means dodging his head to the side to get it under the bar.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I love OHPs, and have yet to experience any discomfort from them.
I also never have any problems with my lower back, but it could be because I'm quite cautious when I lift and just drop the weight if I feel my form starts to fall apart.

Not like my buddy, he'd rather go to failure than try to lower the weight, even if it means dodging his head to the side to get it under the bar.

Watch out for injury ghosts. I've been pretty much completely injury free, but now I worry. I am "spooked"


I have tweaked my upper back several times doing OHP. I think they were all just aggravation of an injury from an upright row incident years ago, but it still happens occasionally, especially when struggling near my (pitiful) max
I have tweaked my upper back several times doing OHP. I think they were all just aggravation of an injury from an upright row incident years ago, but it still happens occasionally, especially when struggling near my (pitiful) max

I feel you man, similar problem here, if I don't give 100% focus on each rep I end up straining my neck too much instead of using the delts like I'm supposed to, pinch a nerve or whatever happens (something pops and a wave of bad non-muscle pain creeps in over the next minute) and I'm out of action for a week.

The same goddamned thing popped monday when I was doing dips (after OHP), I wish I knew what the fuck was going on. This happens once every 6 months or so and it sucks so much ass.

The whole upper left quadrant of my body is probably a huge mass of garbage and scar tissue.

Yeah, I gave up on upright row after one set.
I got the feeling that it was something that would most likely damage my shoulder joints.

I know that feel bro. Don't risk it.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Well, I've determined that 2750 calories is STILL too low for me, even during a lean bulk. Although I've filled out a lot more, I've barely gained weight (weighed myself this morning right after waking up). So I'm not sure if I should just go by my size or by my weight, but if it's by my weight, then I'll have to increase my daily food consumption even more. Will probably set the number to 3000 calories. Eating more food? Challenge fucking accepted, baby.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I've determined that 2750 calories is STILL too low for me, even during a lean bulk. Although I've filled out a lot more, I've barely gained weight (weighed myself this morning right after waking up). So I'm not sure if I should just go by my size or by my weight, but if it's by my weight, then I'll have to increase my daily food consumption even more. Will probably set the number to 3000 calories. Eating more food? Challenge fucking accepted, baby.

This is good news. EEEEEEATTTTT


I feel you man, similar problem here, if I don't give 100% focus on each rep I end up straining my neck too much instead of using the delts like I'm supposed to, pinch a nerve or whatever happens (something pops and a wave of bad non-muscle pain creeps in over the next minute) and I'm out of action for a week.

The same goddamned thing popped monday when I was doing dips (after OHP), I wish I knew what the fuck was going on. This happens once every 6 months or so and it sucks so much ass.

The whole upper left quadrant of my body is probably a huge mass of garbage and scar tissue.

This is my exact problem! Advil and heating pads is how I treat it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well, I've determined that 2750 calories is STILL too low for me, even during a lean bulk. Although I've filled out a lot more, I've barely gained weight (weighed myself this morning right after waking up). So I'm not sure if I should just go by my size or by my weight, but if it's by my weight, then I'll have to increase my daily food consumption even more. Will probably set the number to 3000 calories. Eating more food? Challenge fucking accepted, baby.

Nothing two scoops of peanut butter can't fix!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
This is good news. EEEEEEATTTTT

Believe me, I'm eating. Just had a 900-calorie breakfast, enough to add 2.5 pounds to the scale just like that. lol

Nothing two scoops of peanut butter can't fix!

Peanut butter. So goddamn good. I must already eat like 6 scoops/day.

I've cut out OHP in my current routine and am doing other movements for shoulder work. Just wanted to give them a bit of a rest.

And yeah man, eat up. I myself am at 3.5K and I'm pretty sure that isn't enough either. I know it has only been two weeks but I feel bigger already. I swear that some of my shirts are fitting tighter. That or I shrunk them in the wash.

Well, I just wasn't sure. You're a much bigger guy than I, so it would stand to reason you'd need to eat a lot more. However, it seems as if I've underestimated my activity level as nearly every online macros calculator has set my daily caloric intake to below 3000.
I've cut out OHP in my current routine and am doing other movements for shoulder work. Just wanted to give them a bit of a rest.

And yeah man, eat up. I myself am at 3.5K and I'm pretty sure that isn't enough either. I know it has only been two weeks but I feel bigger already. I swear that some of my shirts are fitting tighter. That or I shrunk them in the wash.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've cut out OHP in my current routine and am doing other movements for shoulder work. Just wanted to give them a bit of a rest.

I do one a week, that's enough for me to ruin myself. By the time a week has passed, I'm ready for more.

Trying to catch up to Blackflag.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The day I cut OHP out of my routine will be the day I'll go to the Dr for Zoloft. I don't even want to think such a thought!
Man I fell off the cutting bandwagon yesterday. There was a buffalo wings buffet and I ate about 21-25 of them. Easily 2000 cals. My totals were about 2800calories. I was trying to hit 2000 lol! Good thing is, I ate about 10 grams of carbs, so still in keto, but no weight loss...

On the other hand today I am still stuffed so I just had some milk for breakfast. I thinki I'll just compensate it because today I don't feel hungry at all. Jesus, there were so many buffalo wings!


Hm, I'm a bit worried.
My left should makes some "cracking" sounds all the time, since... a week now.
And a feel a very very small pain in my shoulder when I do nothing at all :(
No I'm worried that I've damaged my shoulder (cartilage/joint) somehow during my shoulder training.
What do you say? :/
Hm, I'm a bit worried.
My left should makes some "cracking" sounds all the time, since... a week now.
And a feel a very very small pain in my shoulder when I do nothing at all :(
No I'm worried that I've damaged my shoulder (cartilage/joint) somehow during my shoulder training.
What do you say? :/

Foam roll that shit, see if it improves. Does it hurt while you press?

ACE 1991

Well, I've determined that 2750 calories is STILL too low for me, even during a lean bulk. Although I've filled out a lot more, I've barely gained weight (weighed myself this morning right after waking up). So I'm not sure if I should just go by my size or by my weight, but if it's by my weight, then I'll have to increase my daily food consumption even more. Will probably set the number to 3000 calories. Eating more food? Challenge fucking accepted, baby.

What's your height and weight?


I kept reading this thinking he was referring to behind-the-neck presses. Nope.

Despite his warnings of possible shoulder impingement and rotator cuff tearing, I'm not quite convinced. Rip's line of thought is that the press keeps your anterior and posterior shoulder strength in balance. The OHP is definitely better at this than the bench press, and few people are going to pass on benching despite the myriad of shoulder injuries connected to that movement.

Much of his argument short of injury is that the movement doesn't isolate the shoulders, so instead he recommends dumbbell side raises. With that he goes into strength v. bodybuilding territory, and I'll leave that aside as the benefits of compound movements have been espoused to great extent already. He plays a decent devil's advocate, and for that I thank him. As for the OHP I'll keep going at it until my monkey arms fight back and put a stop to my curiosity of pressing heavy things over my head.

Yeah, I gave up on upright row after one set.
I got the feeling that it was something that would most likely damage my shoulder joints.
The upright row is another shoulder exercise I've never felt the need to do. To test for shoulder impingement doctors intentionally rotate the shoulders in and raise your arms to check for impingement and pain at the top. It's a movement used to intentionally cause shoulder impingement. It's not a possibility, as the author of the previous article noted, but the goal of the movement! Given the risks I feel I'm better off without it.

Cooter said:
The day I cut OHP out of my routine will be the day I'll go to the Dr for Zoloft. I don't even want to think such a thought!
I'm with you on that. I can't press for shit but every rep or pound added over time still impresses me more than every rep or even ten pounds I add to my deadlift.


I need to start doing mobility work on chest days. I don't want to injure myself, I don't think I've done weighted dips in 2 weeks, but I can do a shit ton of reps now.


Any advice on knee pain? My stupid GP immediately said you're too young (21) to have arthritis and a quick look to check if it (left knee) is swollen it isnt which meant he could rule out arthritis 100%. He didn't try to diagnose another problem all he offered was painkillers, as if there is no other cause for knee pain. The pain comes when I have to straighten my legs out while I'm sitting. This is bearable but it makes coming up during a squat very difficult as it hurts and loosens my legs. Even with a weightless squat I feel a certain amount of pain.


I am down 3 lbs since Sunday on my iifym.com calculations, wondering if I am moving a little too fast (was already down 3 pounds from the previous week back from my vacation so I don't think it's just water). I'll give it another week before I adjust, though, see if it stabilizes a little.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Do any of you eat eggs raw?

Thinking about mixing in raw eggs with my protein shakes. Good idea?


Decided to bump up the weight on lateral raises, been using 25-30s for ages and felt like I'd see some growth with 40s.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Umm...yeah, I can get into this!


Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
A question I never really thought about. On Wednesdays I do OHP's after my squats. Should I do them first? Will freshness help any?
Do you guys have any go to workouts for bulking up your abs?

Ate a box of Frosted mini wheats so far, I think that's around 400g of carbs, will get some raisin bran later. I have a few bagels set for destruction too & about 12 cups of spaghetti to plow through later.

What are you gaining from this?


The Case Against Overhead Presses

There are lots of big dudes in my gym and with wide backs and nice physique. The squatting rack is usually free and I don't think I've ever seen any of them doing deadlifts.

Dunno why you're bickering over what kind of exercises someone does as long as they get good results. Considering all the injuries going on in this thread that almost even seems like a more reasonable route to take.

Eh, you run risk doing any weightlifting or any sport for that matter. My soccer friends are way more beat up than I am.

I think a lot of us could just benefit from an honest week off. But a lot of us tend to keep pushing and pushing. It's tough taking a week off your hobby ;)


Believe me, I'm eating. Just had a 900-calorie breakfast, enough to add 2.5 pounds to the scale just like that. lol

Peanut butter. So goddamn good. I must already eat like 6 scoops/day.

Well, I just wasn't sure. You're a much bigger guy than I, so it would stand to reason you'd need to eat a lot more. However, it seems as if I've underestimated my activity level as nearly every online macros calculator has set my daily caloric intake to below 3000.

Hah so interesting to see different body types. I get everything perfect on paper (except sodium is a little high) and I go up a pound this week.

I still feel fantastic and my shirts and pants are fitting better than ever so ain't no thang. Not like I'm trying to make weight for competition.


the piano man
I just can't go on like this, I reaaaally need a week off.

I am always sleepy, I don't have the strength for anything and my mood is awful. I keep seeing progress in my workout sessions but damn, is it a hassle to push through everything.

all I want is my bed.

I just need to understand that I am not sending my gains to oblivion if don't go to the gym for 4 or 5 days....

(yeah, I know, I know...deload weeks are part of the plan, yadda yadda)


Eh, you run risk doing any weightlifting or any sport for that matter. My soccer friends are way more beat up than I am.

I think a lot of us could just benefit from an honest week off. But a lot of us tend to keep pushing and pushing. It's tough taking a week off your hobby ;)

Eh, I hadn't read this when I submitted this post, you read my mind.

so true.


Do you guys have any go to workouts for bulking up your abs?

What are you gaining from this?

bulking up your abs' implies you want more muscle, so you probably need to do a mass gaining phase aka bulk, but you'll need to cut to later for them to be visible. Big compound movements such as Squats and deadlifts can't be stressed enough. I also like doing cable crunches, front leg raises and decline crunches. Good mornings is another good one or so I hear, I haven't incorporated it into my routine.
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