Lol someone needs to make some gifs from that vid ASAP
I was going to ask about straps last week.
I haven't used them since high school, but I remember them making a huge difference.
I know my grip is my weak point...I'm not sure it's the strength of the grip though, the skin of my hands just hurts when pulling high (for me) weight. I sometimes get the same feeling when doing high rep pullups.
I want to get some straps but I'm afraid I'll never deadlift without them. Would that be a huge issue?
I'm going to continue to work on my grip strength only because it's important to me. I will however use straps for my heavier sets. I have no problem with that. After today I can't justify not using them. Grip strength won't stand in the way of other more important muscles.
I'm looking to put on some weight and have been doing basic cardio with minor weight lifting since late last year. A friend said to try this GOMAD thing - a gallon of milk a day along with my normal meal plan. Anyone have any experience with it? Recommended or is it something to avoid? Don't know if it matters much, but I'm an ectomorph body type.
I'm looking to put on some weight and have been doing basic cardio with minor weight lifting since late last year. A friend said to try this GOMAD thing - a gallon of milk a day along with my normal meal plan. Anyone have any experience with it? Recommended or is it something to avoid? Don't know if it matters much, but I'm an ectomorph body type.
Well, if you're trying to gain weight I would switch your current routine. More weight lifting and less cardio.
I personally wouldn't do GOMAD. Try to eat a lot of meat and maybe get some whey protein and mix that with milk for a shake or two per day, depending on how much protein you got from your normal meals.
I limit my weight lifting right now due to shoulder injury - I have a torn tendon in my shoulder and only recently got it stitched. Cardio wise I'm only doing about 1mile a day alternating between the treadmill/bike. I can't lift anything heavy for several more months.
Any whey protein recommendations? Type of shakes?
I don't eat red meat - mostly do chicken or fish. Eat lot of rice, potato, yogurt, granola and nuts. Any info would be grand. For reference, I'm 6'1 and weigh about 150lbs. Want to get to 180-190lb range.
Thanks!No problem with not eating red meat, I mostly eat chicken...the fact that you like fish is a plus (I always wished I like fish...).
You can try quinoa instead of rice. I recently switched and I can see myself adjusting to it. Has more nutrients than rice.
Well, with you're injury I'm not sure what advice to give. However, gaining weight without gaining muscle isn't something I'd recommend. And gaining muscle is done by lifting things. Maybe you could concentrate on lower body workouts until you're healed?
I use Optimum Nutrition Natural Chocolate. Mix with Milk (2% or whole, depending on my mood when shopping). It's really good, and I've gone though probably 12 or more 5-pound tubs in the last year and have not grown tired of it.
Any whey should be fine, as long as it doesn't have extra junk in it. It really comes down to taste. I've just stuck with Optimum Nutrition since I know it tastes good.
I can do small sets of pullups and things like that, but I haven't lifted any type of weight for curling, squatting, etc...over 25lbs. This type of stitch can tear pretty easily and I don't want to deal with it again.
Yeah definitely don't push it if there's a chance of undoing any healing you've done so far!
Do you workout at a gym or at home? If at a gym, can you do leg press machine or something? Might get boring doing only that for a few months though, haha.
Darth is completely right. The only advice given in here for a beginner is do SS. There are many people who have got far without ever doing anything resembling SS.
The first program I actually got on was 5/3/1 and it was terrible, I would NOT recommend 5/3/1 for strength knowing what I know now. It's great for fitness, but absolute shit for strength. The main thing for me was reading programs and methodologies and learning myself what works.
Whoop! I benched a plate today BOOYAH!
Squat 235lb 3x5
Bench 135lb 3x5
Deadlift 275lb 3x5
It's nice to just plunk a 45 on each side and bench it. Next goal two plates!
This is a silly point. There are many people who lose weight through eating disorders, but we still encourage them to find a better alternatives. Same with smoking, it can in fact help you lose weight, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
Fitness is no different. Just because something can work doesn't mean it should be encouraged or promoted.
This is absolutely the case when it comes to a beginner using primarily machines, and even more so when a beginner comes in trying to create their own haphazard routine.
How can you seriously compare using dumbbells are machines to eating disorders or smoking? Dumbbells can absolutely make you fit and strong, as can machines, and without the negatives associated with eating disorders and smoking.
The point that you should be making is that dumbbells become difficult to progress on after a certain strength level has been achieved (as a beginner this is nothing to worry about), and machines generally work in one plane and motion and do not strengthen stabilising muscles in comparison to barbell movements.
Is it as efficient as barbells? No. Is it comparable to smoking and eating disorders? No. Can you make good progress from a routine that only involves dumbbells and machines? Yes.
If someone is afraid of barbells and you resolutely tell them that everything else is a waste of time, then they may quit attempting to go to the gym entirely. Get them to build up confidence on the easier movements, and they will be more likely to want to try barbells later on.
This isn't the first time you've mentioned this. Could you specify what the problem with the program is?
Mainly interested because it's probably my next program I'll use. Though I'm mainly interested in increasing my strength as well as programming the assistance for hypertrophy. So strength + hypertrophy.
I'd agree with that. I consider myself a hybrid of sorts which allows me to relate to both sides.![]()
Szu, do you still practice yoga on occasion? I think you mentioned to me that you did sometime before, but I just got DDP Yoga and I'm considering doing those on the alternate days aside from strength training.
So Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will mostly be SS, but considering doing the yoga on Tue, Thur, and Sat with Sundays off.
Caught this on Reddit.
- Mully
That's like straight out of that vid that was posted on the previous page.
The more complicated the exercise...the better it is!!!
Caught this on Reddit.
- Mully
That does actually look kinda impressive even if it is dangerous as fuck lol.
They weigh 45lbs. I'd be shocked if you couldn't perform all the major compounds. Barbells are for everyone and not just for serious weight lifters like you claim. Just trust me on this.
Ah, and cartoon_soldier, I agree with Cooter. Don't let the idea of using a barbell freak you out. Give it a try without any extra weights added to it before you totally dismiss it. Get comfortable with an empty bar and you can go up from there.
For strength + hypertrophy I think 5/3/1 would serve you well. I like 5/3/1, especially while losing weight so I can maintain, but I'm definitely switching over when my goal is just strength. It's just not as efficient at building strength as other programs.
I dunno why Brolic doesn't like it, but to me it's a very slow burn. My bench went up on it but that's about it. When I ran Ed Coans peaking cycle all my lifts went up 15-30lbs.
There's a lot of strength programs there
I also want to check the iron sport method out.
A program which i've personally seen one of my friends get great progress from (he is an advanced lifter with a deadlift of 270kg and a squat of 240kg) and has gotten great testimonials on the internet is The Cube Method by Brandon Lilly.
If I was more focused on powerlifting, this is the program I would choose.
Yeah cube is a good one. My buddy did that. He said it's written terribly though![]()
Are you not doing sets to warm up?
This isn't the first time you've mentioned this. Could you specify what the problem with the program is?
Mainly interested because it's probably my next program I'll use. Though I'm mainly interested in increasing my strength as well as programming the assistance for hypertrophy. So strength + hypertrophy.
For strength + hypertrophy I think 5/3/1 would serve you well. I like 5/3/1, especially while losing weight so I can maintain, but I'm definitely switching over when my goal is just strength. It's just not as efficient at building strength as other programs.
I dunno why Brolic doesn't like it, but to me it's a very slow burn. My bench went up on it but that's about it. When I ran Ed Coans peaking cycle all my lifts went up 15-30lbs.
There's a lot of strength programs there
I also want to check the iron sport method out.
So, yesterday was the first work out day and I was not able to squat with the bar. There was no weight indication on it so I don't know if the naked barbell was 45lbs or something else, but I was not able to steady it on my shoulders. So, I had to go with dumbbell squats, I am going to see tomorrow if there is a lighter barbell that I could use tomorrow.
You simply don't have maximal weight in your hands enough to progress. My lifts did. Didn't go up for shit on 5/3/1 and remained about the same for an entire year on the program. It wasn't until I started doing 1rms and 90% work that I saw huge increases ith my new program.
That said, there's good info to incorporate from 5/3/1 such as balancing out muscle groups, but as a strength program it's poor.
In all seriousness, I get pretty happy when I find more and more anecdotal evidence that supports paths that I find myself going down. This just happens to be one of them, and I've had many in my training life.we don’t really need to focus on the percentages of 85% of 1RM and above; second, the sticking point is not, usually, due to muscular imbalances, as we used to think and therefore address the matter, rather it is a lack of intermuscular coordination.
So, if you want to be really strong in your squat, bench and deadlift, stop going to failure as some gurus suggest or using percentages of 90% and above like some others do (if you are able to do 6×3@90%, you either have very low neuromuscular efficiency, or your strength and recovery are artificially enhanced), rather always use strict technique, lift explosively, and avoid the loads that make the sticking point appear.
It’s been proven by eastern European powerlifters (the strongest in the IPF federation, the largest and not so geared federation in the world) that mostly explosively lifting loads between 70 and 80% of 1RM (what’s called “Zone 3” in Soviet literature or “Zone 4” in Sheiko’s own scale) with perfect technique and no sticking point gives the highest transfer for 1RM loads improvement, especially in the medium and long term.
I think that to get good results with that system in powerlifting you really have to focus on technique and sticking point avoidance, which means sacrificing the loads, especially at the beginning. That is not something Americans are usually inclined to do.
By all means, if you think that maxing out and grinding reps and weight is required then do so. I just don't think it is anymore. It's not me being dogmatic, it's me pointing to evidence for guys who are frustrated and want to get better. I will continue to be "douchey" in that kind of way.
So begins the forearm pic sharing page!
I'd have to disagree, simply based on personal experience. I squatted over 400 for the first time last year thanks to 5/3/1. Hit PRs on deadlift and bench, as well.
HOWEVER, that's not to say I couldn't have achieved this on any other program, of course. I was on 5/3/1 for over a year and made consistent progress.
I think your thoughts on 5/3/1 reflect a general philosophy in regards to strength building: near maximal vs sub maximal work. Some thoughts on this from Lift-Run-Bang dude Paul Carter:
More on base building type work for those that want to get strong as fuck:
What "works"? has lots of thoughts on what it means to get stronger/make progress, WSB, and what you find works for you. Good read.
Now, on the other hand, I am 99.99% sure that my deadlift has never been more than 30-40 lbs over my squat, largely because I do not work near-maximal enough with my dead and get my CNS "used" to that kind of weight.
I think both sub-maximal and near-maximal work have their benefits, but one may work better for others. My body, in general, responds well to lots of volume. Even on 5/3/1, I was doing BBB, because it made me bigger and stronger. I mean, maybe we should probably take into account "where" a lifter is in their career when determining whether sub or near-maximal work is best. I'm certainly no experienced powerlifter, comparatively.
Just my two cents.
Wendler needed to whittle down the 5/3/1 variations to the best and most effective. Having three dozen variants of your program doesn't mean that it's flexible, it means it's hardly a coherent program at all. From what I saw, Boring But Big and the Simplest Strength Template were his best offerings, but instead of focusing or expanding on those he kept adding shit he didn't need to - which is completely contrary to his own philosophy.
He started out with a bodyweight accessory template that I doubt he'd ever do - 75 pistol squats? Really? A later book had a template for squatting five days a week that he admitted that he never even tried. Why bother publishing that shit?
I won't argue with Brolic, but it does make me wonder if 2x-3x/week training is as effective as a 4x/week 5/3/1 plan. I don't know how often you are training now, though. I know your deadlift plateaued for a year, but I recall your other lifts growing steadily most of the time.
Alternatively, your new strength program is undoubtedly working better. After all, you're posting proof positive beast mode shit every other week!
I am still pretty sore and don't feel completely recovered from my Monday workout (on the OP routine). Should I go again today as scheduled?
I see you're trying to make it easy for the rest of FitGAF to distinguish our aliases.
Dragging down the average of Team C---er!
Anyone have any 4 day split type programs? Its become very hard for me to do smolov now that school has started and I'm working 40 hours a week. The easiest days for me to workout are thurs-sun so a 4 day split that would be easy to implement in my schedule. Mostly looking to maintain my strength and add some definition and size for summer. If I stay the same from now until semester is over id be fine though.