Anyone try carb nite?
3 reps of 5 sets?What I always tell people who are on a fixed weight routine of 5x5 is start lifting heavier for lower reps. Even if you only change it up for a week or two I think it is a good idea to get your body accustomed to lifting heavier weight than what you are capable of doing for 5 sets of five.
What I always tell people who are on a fixed weight routine of 5x5 is start lifting heavier for lower reps. Even if you only change it up for a week or two I think it is a good idea to get your body accustomed to lifting heavier weight than what you are capable of doing for 5 sets of five.
Would it be okay if I was to post a pic of my body (upper and lower) and you guys harshly critique it please?
Let me explain myself. I've been working out for years but when I started, my workout regime was a mess. I basically only did chest (what can I say in high school people only cared about tits and arms) and it's only recently (2/3 years ago) that I started working out my other parts of my body. This January I started SS and I'm really loving the program but I'm more of an aesthetics man over pure strength so I'm not sure if I'm doing the right program.
I don't have a forearm pic and I don't have a username like Coosphinxer or like thatbut I think this thread has taken the pic thing way too seriously and I miss the days when it was o.k to put pics for the hell of it.
I welcome these pics and the last batch by FE and Szu too, people have to be able to post pics just because they feel like it, not because they feel they owe the community some kind progress or anything. ,
So this is me during a deadlift, just because I like it and feel like sharing.
if you decide to post a pic, why don't you first provide your own critique of your body and then let other people complement you're comments with their own?
Would it be okay if I was to post a pic of my body (upper and lower) and you guys harshly critique it please?
Let me explain myself. I've been working out for years but when I started, my workout regime was a mess. I basically only did chest (what can I say in high school people only cared about tits and arms) and it's only recently (2/3 years ago) that I started working out my other parts of my body. This January I started SS and I'm really loving the program but I'm more of an aesthetics man over pure strength so I'm not sure if I'm doing the right program.
Since I have seen you guys mention him on here a few times, I just did another interview with Alan Aragon. You can check it out here:
Why does it need to be harshly critiqued?
So this is me during a deadlift, just because I like it and feel like sharing.
Right, operation YOKE starts now! I'm going to tailor my assistance work around making my traps and upper back grow! Lots of snatch grip high pulls, heavy shrugs, pull ups ect.
Something like M_Night said will work also. You can also pyramid up so your first 2 sets are under 80 but higher reps and your last two are over 80 but lower reps. Up to you.3 reps of 5 sets?
because if I was to listen to my family and friends I would be a modern day he-man
maybe I'm just being hard on myself but I just want to make sure I'm on the right track and my years of chest only workouts haven't made me look lopsided or something.
I dunno I've been lurking this community for years and you guys seem to give harsh but fair criticisms when it comes to form checks and workout regimes and it's my turn to listen to more "pro" body builders
Can anyone recommended a good workout for me? I am trying to take my two cousins to the gym this weekend, and they want to lose weight. I am trying to put some workout exercises together but don't know if I should have them do 3x5 or 3x10? I'm still new and used to bulking routines so I don't know whats effective toward weight loss
Dammit, just post them so we can make fun of you.
Here, you can make fun of mine.
Right, operation YOKE starts now! I'm going to tailor my assistance work around making my traps and upper back grow! Lots of snatch grip high pulls, heavy shrugs, pull ups ect.
Well, you've picked the right exercises. Throw in some hardcore rear delt work too. They make your traps pop and shoulders look huge. Since I started doing destroyers my rear delts look awesome. (And this is still being a fatass)
I require more information on these destroyers.
Magical teal furred animals squeee! Loved this pic when you first shared it and forgot to mention as much then. Seeing people goofing off and having fun is the best!Here, you can make fun of mine.
I've got my own version. I get in the pec deck (and switch it for rear delt work) and work up till I can only get 8 or less (right now I end at 190lbs) then I hit every plate on the stack going all the way back up doing amrap with no rest until I can get 15 reps
Shit will fucking wreck you. It usually takes me till I get back up to 60-40 lb plate before I finish.
I've got my own version. I get in the pec deck (and switch it for rear delt work) and work up till I can only get 8 or less (right now I end at 190lbs) then I hit every plate on the stack going all the way back up doing amrap with no rest until I can get 15 reps
Shit will fucking wreck you. It usually takes me till I get back up to 60-40 lb plate before I finish.
Do you use a full rom?
When you're working up do you do amrap up to 8? It's my destroyer day I might try it this way.
Newbie question, is 385x3x5 three sets of five or five sets of three?
Fuckin' Northern Asian/Mongolian/Russian. He might be a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.
I thought so. Thanks. That's really strong btw! Nice work.Three sets of five, at least for me, haha.
Newbie question, is 385x3x5 three sets of five or five sets of three?
Man, you FitGafers mean business. I apologize for my laziness.Such a newb, it's 385 sets of 3 reps at 5 lbs. Next time, do your research before wasting our time.
I thought so. Thanks. That's really strong btw! Nice work.
Such a newb, it's 385 sets of 3 reps at 5 lbs. Next time, do your research before wasting our time.
Magical teal furred animals squeee! Loved this pic when you first shared it and forgot to mention as much then. Seeing people goofing off and having fun is the best!
SS is certainly bottom heavy development but if you've only been on it three months you've probably got a ways to go before you're balanced out from years of heavy upper body routines.
Now I really feel shitty about my 205 at 168.
How do folks feel about upright rows? (I've read dumbbell is safer than barbell for this) Reading about it online, some call it mainly a traps exercise but other places say it mainly works your delts. Which is accurate? And if you were going to do one supplementary shoulder lift in addition to OHP would it be a good one?