I don't squat, bench, or deadlift anywhere near as much as most of the regulars in this thread. Yes I utilize free weights and compounds lifts, they are very important. As is strength training, but quite frankly you cannot expect to put everyone into this idea that heavy BB lifting is a requirement for them to get the results they want.
Quite frankly. I see little point in excessive strength training if your primary goal is aesthetics or you are not creating a body to be functional at... something. Whether it be worl, sports, or hobby. Same thing goes the other way around. Don't see the point of packing on size if you have other goals in mind or just want to be fit.
I don't know. This thread has been irking me for a while these past few months.
Straight up.
I think I have made amazing progress. I think I look phenomenal. Just knowing that I could go on stage is enough for me to know I've done a great job.
I have never squatted 405 for reps.
I have never deadlifted anything over 405 for reps.
I have never benched over 315 for reps.
I have never OHP'd over 145 for reps.
I have never done weighted dips/pullups.
I have never done a muscle-up.
I have next to zero interest in seeing any of these things increase. They would be nice yes, but I really don't care jack shit a bout strength other than what is necessary for me to make the goals I want to make. Yet, I look good and I feel good.
All that rambling aside.
If someone is only comfortable doing machines, then so be it. That's what they do. Do not belittle anyone for it. Give them the advice that free weight training is more efficient in the long run and suggest to them that working in free weight lifts is what they should do. If they can't get over that hump, then just let them be. Any progress is better than no progress and the last thing I would want to see is someone be completely discouraged because they feel they aren't doing the right thing.
TLDR You guys give great advice, but really the attitude that comes with it has always been an issue of mine. I've posted about it endlessly and it frustrates me that only I and a couple of other guys bother to humanize things.
I agree with you Darth. That being said, you still perform the lifts but you don't go heavy. To recommend someone stick to all machines without informing them of more effective ways of training would be a disservice to the person seeking advice. After you have informed them they are free to do as they please. I think what irks some is people asking for advice and then arguing with given advice. That's my two cents.
I prefer to be stronger than I look and you the opposite. To each their own. There is no right way to do anything when dealing with individuals preferences.