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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I loved it when I was on it, but I literally didn't progress for shit and it wasn't for a lack of trying. I was on the program for a year or more. A program like Iron sport which has you 1rming and doing 10 singles at 90% every month is superior for building strength for someone like me.

One big takeaway is that you actual gave the program a chance. You never have to doubt that that style of training doesn't work for your goals.

We await your post Cudder!

Man, all this debate and disagreement. I don't recognize this thread anymore but I like it!

For the record I have never done SS, 5/3/1, smolov, Wendler, or any other such program. I personally believe that as long as compounds are at the center of an increasing weight progression program then you will be just fine. If you are a hardcore BBer or PLer then I can understand the need for a specialized program but if you are a regular guy with no income derived from lifting weights I suggest you start with SS or a compound heavy program and then move on to whatever you like.

Personally I agree but the average guy's got no real access to proper coaching and could easily injure himself if he doesn't take the time to learn proper form. Granted if you're posting in a thread like this you're probably willing to put forth the effort but if you just say to a guy doing the low back pad "Hey man try deadlifts!" he's probably gonna die.

Anyone try carb nite?

It's a vaguely written CKD (cyclical Ketogenic diet). Look up doing CKD if you want to try it. If you just follow the diet as written (basically: "No carbs and all saturated fat, then pig out once a week from the afternoon till bedtime") you probably won't be happy with the results. Especially since no mention is made of altering your training to work with a low-carb cut.

Spend your money on this instead: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-ketogenic-diet
I'd have to disagree, simply based on personal experience. I squatted over 400 for the first time last year thanks to 5/3/1. Hit PRs on deadlift and bench, as well.

HOWEVER, that's not to say I couldn't have achieved this on any other program, of course. I was on 5/3/1 for over a year and made consistent progress.

I think your thoughts on 5/3/1 reflect a general philosophy in regards to strength building: near maximal vs sub maximal work. Some thoughts on this from Lift-Run-Bang dude Paul Carter:

More on base building type work for those that want to get strong as fuck:

What "works"? has lots of thoughts on what it means to get stronger/make progress, WSB, and what you find works for you. Good read.

Now, on the other hand, I am 99.99% sure that my deadlift has never been more than 30-40 lbs over my squat, largely because I do not work near-maximal enough with my dead and get my CNS "used" to that kind of weight.

I think both sub-maximal and near-maximal work have their benefits, but one may work better for others. My body, in general, responds well to lots of volume. Even on 5/3/1, I was doing BBB, because it made me bigger and stronger. I mean, maybe we should probably take into account "where" a lifter is in their career when determining whether sub or near-maximal work is best. I'm certainly no experienced powerlifter, comparatively.

Just my two cents.

Nice read. Thanks for the links. Found it to be very interesting.

Before I ever got on 5/3/1 I was benching 350. By the time I ended it was 355, squat? Stayed at 425 for the entire time, deadlift? Stuck at 535-545 and OHP never surpassed 245-250.

IMO it's good for general fitness and maintaining. If I were to take a break I'd do it again but it's not my go to for strength.

Also I train 2-3 days a week generally. Although lately it's been 3-4 days a week as my recovery has gotten a lot better for some reason.

And yeah, I'm not a big fan of wendler's direction (especially his recent "sellout" shit) Hell, I don't think he actually does 5/3/1 as it's written anyway.

Yeah, as it has been stated multiple times, you gotta do what works for you. If you things are working out, stick with it.


We await your post Cudder!

Man, all this debate and disagreement. I don't recognize this thread anymore but I like it!

For the record I have never done SS, 5/3/1, smolov, Wendler, or any other such program. I personally believe that as long as compounds are at the center of an increasing weight progression program then you will be just fine. If you are a hardcore BBer or PLer then I can understand the need for a specialized program but if you are a regular guy with no income derived from lifting weights I suggest you start with SS or a compound heavy program and then move on to whatever you like.

I don't feel confident I can come up with a better program than some of the pros/more expierenced guys. Maybe in the future.
Looked in the mirror this morning and saw greenish/blue veins when I flexed my biceps. Not sure if awesome or should I be worried? Sorry for the stupid question


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't feel confident I can come up with a better program than some of the pros/more expierenced guys. Maybe in the future.
I totally understand that. I just stumbled on something that works well for me. I approach training with a set weight and bf% goal which naturally caps size and most gains. At my age and preferred size it's unrealistic to expect a 400 bench and 550 squat and I'm ok with that. I'm sure I can squeeze out a little more but recovery is getting more difficult by the week. At some point my body just can't take anymore stress. Especially when I put a priority on maintaining a low bf% which means calorie limitations.

Power lifters impressive me way more than bodybuilders. Both require tremendous dedication but putting that much stress on your body year after year and continuing to gain strength is awesome.


Incredibly Naive
Never thought to ask this here, but when my quads are tired, I can feel something sliding/snapping/catching towards the middle/top of my quads when moving or rotating in a certain way.


I don't know if I want to cut starting in April or not, the more I think about how I want to cut, the more I think I don't have enough muscle mass to look good at lower BF% levels. My mind is stuck in this looped train of thought. I might just say fuck cutting and continue what I've been doing.


the piano man
I don't know if I want to cut starting in April or not, the more I think about how I want to cut, the more I think I don't have enough muscle mass to look good at lower BF% levels. My mind is stuck in this looped train of thought. I might just say fuck cutting and continue what I've been doing.

exactly, word by word, what I am going through and haven't made up my mind about what I want to do...

I think we'd look good with low BF, the question is: Do we want to look like that?

quite frankly I don't give a shit about abs and yesterday one new guy came into free weights and he was HUGE, a real He-man, everybody had to turn their heads and admire and I was all hyped, dreaming of looking like that one day.

not sure if/why I should cut,

a part of me wants to see the results right there in the mirror and wear tight pants and see where is everything but then, if I did, after a month I'll want to get bigger and go back to bulking.

weeks of sacrifice for a month of succesful selfies? I am not sold on that.

guys like cooter and darth can maintain because they are that far into this but guys like me?... my advice would be, just keep training and growing..

dunno, I am confused.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I don't know if I want to cut starting in April or not, the more I think about how I want to cut, the more I think I don't have enough muscle mass to look good at lower BF% levels. My mind is stuck in this looped train of thought. I might just say fuck cutting and continue what I've been doing.
I'm kind of in the same camp. Sometimes I wonder if I should just keep bulking until next spring and then be super ripped for next summer, lol. Bulking is much more fun.
How do any of you poor inflexible bastards like me handle your hips wanting to rotate forward when your squatting heavy? I swear I can't for the life of me do a low squat with heavy weight without my stupid hips rolling. It's because my hamstrings have always been so tight.

Please don't tell me I have to stretch a lot....


I have to start stretching huh?
Wow, 198lbs high school football player totals 1,805

420 bench, 660 squat, 725 deadlift




Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're done bulking when you can't stand to look at yourself in the mirror anymore.

I have always picked a weight and bf% I want to be at and then estimated how many pounds of fat I have to drop to get there. Keep in mind you can also stop a cut anytime you want.


I don't know if I want to cut starting in April or not, the more I think about how I want to cut, the more I think I don't have enough muscle mass to look good at lower BF% levels. My mind is stuck in this looped train of thought. I might just say fuck cutting and continue what I've been doing.

Even though I am losing weight I hope this is the last time I "cut". I only am doing this because I got pretty fucking fat. I'm hoping by never doing a "see food" diet again and just getting like a healthy person (but adding in more oatmeal and Peanutbutter) I'll gain strength with minimal fat.

So basically I want this to be the last big cut cycle I ever really have to do. Maybe lose a little every once and a while, but I really want to focus on strength gains these next 2 years.

Every time I look at my before I say ugh. I'm excited to show you guys my final results in 7 weeks.


the piano man

I don't have a forearm pic and I don't have a username like Coosphinxer or like that :D but I think this thread has taken the pic thing way too seriously and I miss the days when it was o.k to put pics for the hell of it.

I welcome these pics and the last batch by FE and Szu too, people have to be able to post pics just because they feel like it, not because they feel they owe the community some kind progress or anything. ,

So this is me during a deadlift, just because I like it and feel like sharing.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't have a forearm pic and I don't have a username like Coosphinxer or like that :D but I think this thread has taken the pic thing way too seriously and I miss the days when it was o.k to put pics for the hell of it.

I welcome these pics and the last batch by FE and Szu too, people have to be able to post pics just because they feel like it, not because they feel they owe the community some kind progress or anything. ,

So this is me during a deadlift, just because I like it and feel like sharing.

Close enough. Plenty of forearm! Regarding your quandary about bulking or cutting, keep doing what you're doing because if that's you during a bulk you look pretty lean!


the piano man
Close enough. Plenty of forearm! Regarding your quandary about bulking or cutting, keep doing what you're doing because if that's you during a bulk you look pretty lean!


this is the thing, I don't look fat or anything but in certain parts, there's a considerable amount of fat, specially lower back and gut and depending on the day, it can look pretty shitty.

on the other hand, I am not big enough (fat or muscle) to require a long cut phase,

So my advice to myself would be, do some cardio some days if I feel too bloated, fix my diet, with a good macrosplit, stick to a workout plan with discipline. basically go straight ahead, not going back and forth with the bulk/cut thing until summer draws near.

In july, there will be more sun here in Germany and I will definitely do a lot more cardio because I have the river here that I enjoy and a month later I go again to Mexico where it's so fucking damn hot that I better have a decent body to show :p there are plenty of opportunities to show skin, lol
Hello there fit gods of Gaf!

First, I would like to thank Cooter and Brolic; Cooter for linking me to his kickass routine and Brolic for suggesting I pm Cooter. Thanks a bunch guys!

So I'm on my fourth week of the Cooter routine (which can be found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=93957574&postcount=8175) and man is it amazing! Every set is intense and even though the routine is not heavy in volume, I leave the gym exhausted every day.

I have a few questions though: When is the best time to attempt 1RMs? At the end of every month? Would it be smart to do some cardio and ab work on Sundays?

By the end of my fourth set of deadlifts on Tuesdays (I do 5x5) my back is pretty fried; would it make sense to do 3x5 instead of 5x5? Or should I suck it up and drop the weight in order to do 5x5?


How do any of you poor inflexible bastards like me handle your hips wanting to rotate forward when your squatting heavy? I swear I can't for the life of me do a low squat with heavy weight without my stupid hips rolling. It's because my hamstrings have always been so tight.

Please don't tell me I have to stretch a lot....


I have to start stretching huh?

I've got pretty tight hamstrings and could definitely stretch them. I can barely touch my toes and I've got long arms. I've found that widening my squat stance and keeping my knees out helps me get to parallel, and I remember rippetoe saying that squatting will stretch you out over time.

You might find that a deep tissue massage and a bit of foam rolling will help too. I know a couple of guys who've gotten big flexibility improvements from just one hard massage on the hamstrings. Stretching can't hurt though!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hello there fit gods of Gaf!

First, I would like to thank Cooter and Brolic; Cooter for linking me to his kickass routine and Brolic for suggesting I pm Cooter. Thanks a bunch guys!

So I'm on my fourth week of the Cooter routine (which can be found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=93957574&postcount=8175) and man is it amazing! Every set is intense and even though the routine is not heavy in volume, I leave the gym exhausted every day.

I have a few questions though: When is the best time to attempt 1RMs? At the end of every month? Would it be smart to do some cardio and ab work on Sundays?

By the end of my fourth set of deadlifts on Tuesdays (I do 5x5) my back is pretty fried; would it make sense to do 3x5 instead of 5x5? Or should I suck it up and drop the weight in order to do 5x5?

Wow! That just absolutely made my day! So glad you're enjoying it. Between you and Jimmy doing my routine and being happy with it I couldn't be more satisfied!

You can attempt a 1RM anytime you'd like. Very important to eat well the night before and get ample rest though.

On Sunday you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't interfere with chest on Monday. Abs and cardio is a great idea.

I would personally drop the weight on your sets ramping up to your last couple sets of 5 if you are too fatigued. Those last two sets are the most important ones so if you aren't getting the most out of them adjust accordingly.

Also, feel free to pm with questions or updates. I love that stuff!


Junior Member
I seem to have hit a major plateau...

I'm stuck on the bench press. I can't go beyond 80kg (5x5) for some reason.

I've already deloaded once. Maybe it's because I'm such a lightweight at 68-70kg but I dunno.

What should I do? Will taking creatine do anything? I would really love to hit my goal of benching 100kg 5x5 by the end of the year at my weight.


How much did you lose overall? I was thinking of doing a round.

I've been doing them on and off. I started 280 lbs and got down to 220 in under a year or so. I took some time and tried some IF stuff but got a little too zealous with the refeed portions. I went from 240 down to 220 on RFL, but this cycle, I've been stuck at 230 for weeks.


I figured Fitness-GAF would be the best place to put this.

If anyone has a spare minute to answer this quick 3 question survey I'm doing on exercise and self-image for my college stats class I would greatly appreciate it.


If this isn't cool let me know and I'll remove it. I checked the TOS and didn't see anything specifically against it.


I figured Fitness-GAF would be the best place to put this.

If anyone has a spare minute to answer this quick 3 question survey I'm doing on exercise and self-image for my college stats class I would greatly appreciate it.


If this isn't cool let me know and I'll remove it. I checked the TOS and didn't see anything specifically against it.

Your last question is really confusing and isn't clear enough. Is it too late to re-word it?


Seems pretty clear to me. It's basically asking you to rate your body out of ten based on an ideal perception of yourself.


I tried to word it the best that I could. I'm looking for how you would rate yourself based on your personal ideal on a scale of 1 to 10.

What's the best? 1 or 10? It shouldn't be assumed. Is this in comparison to your ideal body you could probably achieve or in comparison to someone else's body you'd like to achieve?

I'm sorry to nitpick, but it's just not clear to me. In the big picture it's not a big deal.


Junior Member
What's the best? 1 or 10? It shouldn't be assumed. Is this in comparison to your ideal body you could probably achieve or in comparison to someone else's body you'd like to achieve?

I'm sorry to nitpick, but it's just not clear to me. In the big picture it's not a big deal.

I guess a better way to put it would be 'how close are you to achieving your personal/fitness goals?'


What's the best? 1 or 10? It shouldn't be assumed. Is this in comparison to your ideal body you could probably achieve or in comparison to someone else's body you'd like to achieve?

I'm sorry to nitpick, but it's just not clear to me. In the big picture it's not a big deal.

The scale goes from 1 (farthest from your ideal) to 10 (achieved your ideal). I've edited the question for clarity.

And the nitpicking is fine, the more clear I can make it the better others will be able to answer :D

And yes, it is for an undergrad stats project ;)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I seem to have hit a major plateau...

I'm stuck on the bench press. I can't go beyond 80kg (5x5) for some reason.

I've already deloaded once. Maybe it's because I'm such a lightweight at 68-70kg but I dunno.

What should I do? Will taking creatine do anything? I would really love to hit my goal of benching 100kg 5x5 by the end of the year at my weight.

What I always tell people who are on a fixed weight routine of 5x5 is start lifting heavier for lower reps. Even if you only change it up for a week or two I think it is a good idea to get your body accustomed to lifting heavier weight than what you are capable of doing for 5 sets of five.
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