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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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So I bit the bullet and got the stuff for the EC stack. I'd like to get my blood pressure checked but I'm not sure where to do it, but I don't think I've got high blood pressure. Nevertheless gonna increase fluids and lower sodium and hit the ground running on Monday.

It aint gonna hurt you. Ramp up slowly in case you are sensitive. Drink lots of water.


oh no, it's more like he joined the higher ranks of Fitgaf there but if you are curious well here's the top 5, lol, and it's not in any particular order.

Host Samurai
Either Jason's Ultimatum or BruceLeeRoy, I mix them up but I think both have great aesthetic bodies anyway so Top 6 I guess

that being said, Brolic has a way more badass and sexier chest than all of you, one that can only be achieved with certain genetics besides hard work, so no use trying to catch up to that lol so that's that.

Damnit, I'll be someones top 5 someday. If I ever do a proper cut......hmmmm probably not.


Bull on a Donut
Always have trouble hitting my carb macros, any suggestions? I try to avoid wheats and opt for veggies/fruits, but they seem pretty unavoidable lol...


Always have trouble hitting my carb macros, any suggestions? I try to avoid wheats and opt for veggies/fruits, but they seem pretty unavoidable lol...

What? we need more info. What are you doing? What are your goals?

Most veggie carbs don't even count as carbs (fiber). If you are lifting you need something more substantial. Fruit isn't a great choice either. You need some brown rice, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, ezekiel bread, etc.


Fitness GAF have any of you kept fit while being seriously injured? About 3 weeks ago I was hit by a car while cycling and suffered a fractured vertebrae at the base of my neck and torn labrum in my left shoulder. This means I'm in a neck brace for a few more weeks, shouldn't lift more than 10 lbs with my good arm, and have weeks of wearing a sling and months of PT on my left arm before I'm back to normal. I can't drive with the neck brace and sling so getting to a gym would be hard. I'm really worried about gaining weight and losing any strength and cardio fitness I have. Besides walking does anyone have any good workout ideas? For diet should I try something like Lean Gains or just watch calories?


the piano man
I want to be someone's top 5

I' don't think I've seen a shirtless pic of you

Damnit, I'll be someones top 5 someday. If I ever do a proper cut......hmmmm probably not.

Ok Ok, I'll edit my list

Host Samurai
Either Jason's Ultimatum or BruceLeeRoy
Brolic's chest, which pwns all of you anyway lolol.

so who else feels like I am being unfair and that there should be a recount?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of the carb related posts here are overflowing with it. It's the new hotness.

Related (but only vaguely because no-one here is as bad as the people he's referring to): http://anthonycolpo.com/a-special-message-to-low-carbers/

That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Paying attention to carbohydrates and their effect on the body is a pretty smart thing to do if you're concerned with fitness, health and wellbeing, and general body composition. Especially in a thread like this where many people are looking to maximize efficiency.


Noooo day 2 of not working out. It'll be too late by the time I get home to be jumping around, so I'm going to at least try to do a yoga routine and stretch out my muscles.
That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Paying attention to carbohydrates and their effect on the body is a pretty smart thing to do if you're concerned with fitness, health and wellbeing, and general body composition.
Sure, but avoiding them like the plague to the detriment of your workouts is a pretty dumb thing to do to. People treat low carb like it's a silver bullet, when it's far from that. It's one way of doing things, but it's far from the only way, or even necessarily the best way for everyone.

Seeing things like "Carbs from fruit aren't used by the muscles anyway" written makes me want to close the thread and never open it again.


No offense, but this sounds like bro science.


A lot of the carb related posts here are overflowing with it. It's the new hotness.

Related (but only vaguely because no-one here is as bad as the people he's referring to): http://anthonycolpo.com/a-special-message-to-low-carbers/


That's a pretty dumb thing to say. Paying attention to carbohydrates and their effect on the body is a pretty smart thing to do if you're concerned with fitness, health and wellbeing, and general body composition. Especially in a thread like this where many people are looking to maximize efficiency.

Exactly. There is a place for carbs, but they are for the most part not the best way to eat.


Which would matter more except that most fruits are about 50% glucose, 50% fructose.

So why would you use them, when better carbs are available for muscle growth? Unless you are eating them for pleasure, which is fine, but some of us like going to the limit and treat food as energy instead of a treat. Plz understand.
So why would you use them, when better carbs are available for muscle growth? Unless you are eating them for pleasure, which is fine, but some of us like going to the limit and treat food as energy instead of a treat. Plz understand.

My statement was in response to carbs from fruit not being used by muscles, which is factually wrong in all but one of two fruits (and even those technically do contain glucose, just a lower percentage of it).

That aside, there are plenty of other benefits associated with eating fruits, not specific to their energy content... but that's another discussion. More power to you for "going to the limit", but please don't make out that low carb is the only way to achieve results (for a start you're ignoring the thousands of bodybuilders who did it before low carb was even a popular concept).
So why would you use them, when better carbs are available for muscle growth? Unless you are eating them for pleasure, which is fine, but some of us like going to the limit and treat food as energy instead of a treat. Plz understand.

First, thanks for the link. That's interesting and I'm going to see if I can find some newer science related to it; there's gotta be a lot more newer info since the publication of that article in 1987. Not that it is incorrect, just that we probably have a better understanding now than we did back then.

Anyway, there are other benefits to eating fruit besides just for their macronutrients, but I understand your overall point.


My statement was in response to carbs from fruit not being used by muscles, which is factually wrong in all but one of two fruits (and even those technically do contain glucose, just a lower percentage of it).

That aside, there are plenty of other benefits associated with eating fruits, not specific to their energy content... but that's another discussion. More power to you for "going to the limit", but please don't make out that low carb is the only way to achieve results (for a start you're ignoring the thousands of bodybuilders who did it before low carb was even a popular concept).

I never said low carb is the only way. Please quote me saying that.

First, thanks for the link. That's interesting and I'm going to see if I can find some newer science related to it; there's gotta be a lot more newer info since the publication of that article in 1987. Not that it is incorrect, just that we probably have a better understanding now than we did back then.

Anyway, there are other benefits to eating fruit besides just for their macronutrients, but I understand your overall point.

I understand completely that fruit can be beneficial, but i personally just want to get bigger muscles and lose more fat, so fruit isnt something that is going to help my resolve. Thanks for understanding.
Ahhh, so many things to say, but first:

fav 5 gods

1) adonis
2) your arm is too short to box with god
3) god hand
4) iddqd
5) gdlk

better luck next year brah

Fuck you breh, I was going to say FE with a shirt pwns everyone else but now you are demoted to to petit-GAF category

I' don't think I've seen a shirtless pic of you

I hope

Which would matter more except that most fruits are about 50% glucose, 50% fructose.

There is something I don't understand here. It says fructose has a lower rate of repletion and is not effective for rapid glycogen restoration, but that does not mean it is not used by the muscles, does it? It just takes longer. How is it different to foods with low glycemic index that need a few hours to be converted to glucose?

Or is it that after a certain amount of hours (after exercise or fasting) the muscles will not take glycogen, so it goes to fat cells instead, and thus fructose is not useful.
There is something I don't understand here. It says fructose has a lower rate of repletion and is not effective for rapid glycogen restoration, but that does not mean it is not used by the muscles, does it? It just takes longer. How is it different to foods with low glycemic index that need a few hours to be converted to glucose?

Or is it that after a certain amount of hours (after exercise or fasting) the muscles will not take glycogen, so it goes to fat cells instead, and thus fructose is not useful.
In short...

Fructose can only be processed by your liver. After absorbing fructose from fruits or a food sweetened with sugar, agave syrup or high-fructose corn syrup, fructose enters your bloodstream to be transported right to your liver. Part of this fructose can be converted into glucose by the liver to be stored as glycogen, and the remaining portion is converted into triglycerides, a type of fat, by your liver.

Basically it's no-where near as effective as only a limited amount can be converted to glucose. As already mentioned though, most fruits tend to be about half glucose anyway, though some fruits (like bananas and apricots) actually contain considerably more glucose than fructose...and others (like pears and apples) work the other way around.
Damn, and I was planning to add fruits and honey to my diet since I already eat pasta and potatoes to fulfill my target carb intake on lifting days. Now I need to consider more carefully which fruits I will eat if at all "/

On another note, thanks Petrie, Cooter and Pete for your comments on IF. I do 2600 cals on lifting days and 1800 when not. My maintenance intake should be around 2050 so I was going for a body recomp and actually made some muscle and lost fat in the last couple months. I'm now standing at 154 lbs (from 163). It's probably almost time to decide whether I reduce calories across the board and get rid of the remaining flab or increase them to see if I can get more muscle without gaining much fat. It depends on one concern I need to talk about later.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There is something I don't understand here. It says fructose has a lower rate of repletion and is not effective for rapid glycogen restoration, but that does not mean it is not used by the muscles, does it? It just takes longer. How is it different to foods with low glycemic index that need a few hours to be converted to glucose?

Or is it that after a certain amount of hours (after exercise or fasting) the muscles will not take glycogen, so it goes to fat cells instead, and thus fructose is not useful.

Already been covered, but fructose is going to be turned into triglycerides unless your liver is pretty much fully glycogen depleted, and even then, it can only hold so much. Also, the insulin spike you want to stimulate growth after weight training is quite weak from most fruits. A very ripe banana might be a good idea, but not much else.
Already been covered, but fructose is going to be turned into triglycerides unless your liver is pretty much fully glycogen depleted, and even then, it can only hold so much. Also, the insulin spike you want to stimulate growth after weight training is quite weak from most fruits. A very ripe banana might be a good idea, but not much else.

So what other foods are better than fruits to stimulate glycogen repletion in the muscles?


Hey guys, been following this thread, and wanted to say that after about a month of gym and exercise + calorie counting, I'm down nearly 10 lbs. Lots of great information in heer


Hey guys, been following this thread, and wanted to say that after about a month of gym and exercise + calorie counting, I'm down nearly 10 lbs. Lots of great information in heer
Absolutely splendid my dear!

Keep up the good work!

Oh and I love this place as well. ^_^

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So what other foods are better than fruits to stimulate glycogen repletion in the muscles?

Potatoes and white rice are always good staples.

Highly-refined flour products like pastries and such can be good, too.


Had an incident at the gym just now.

Was on my fifth set of 5x10 deadlifts. I hear someone shout, "Hey, bring it down slowly!" on my 7th rep, which as you might imagine can be incredibly distracting. I finish my 10th rep thankfully, exhausted as I just did 50 deadlifts after heavy squats, and this big dude (about 235lbs) goes, "You wanna bring it down slowly, that's half the workout."

I say, "You sure? That's a pretty different exercise, no?"

He says, "No, man, you're not doing most of the workout."

I say, "I dunno, this is a lot of weight for me, I'd injure myself going slowly on the negative, especially during 50 reps."

He has the fucking nerve to go, "Really? I mean, 185? That's not a lot of weight."

I say, "Dude, look at you and look at me. For you, this is probably warm-up weight. For me, it's just right."

He had no argument for that. Saw it in his face. All he said was, "...Yeah, I just, that *clink* *clink* *clink* is so, you know..."

I said, "Yeah, well, I love that sound at the gym. I like to know that people are actually working out, lifting heavy and shit, and not fucking around on their phones."

He finally goes, "Yeah, I guess..." and walks away, and that was that. Two guys afterwards came up to me and basically said, "Was that fucking guy serious?"

I'm incredibly surprised I kept my cool, actually. Nothing is worse than when someone interrupts you DURING an exercise. I mean, what the fuck? Have some courtesy.
But 185 is not a lot of weight though.



No One Remembers
Ugh! trying to slim down for my trip to Mexico in July, went out drinking tonight. Going out next weekend for a party... gonna be tough!

(On the plus side, doing volleyball on Tuesday nights and soccer on Wednesday nights)


Got a few questions guys, my squat form is frankly a bag of crap at the moment, hips rise too fast, it goes a bit squat morning.

So this morning I tried box squats.


Like so I have very little hamstring drive, though the box may have been a bit too low (around 11/12 inches high). Had to cut back from 50 to 20kg's. Which is telling me I've spent the past few weeks doing a glorified back and quads exercise - not the end of the world (at least..something gained, right?)

I'm on some 3x5 progression at the moment and would really like to fix these squats and box squats seems a good way to do it, build back up to 50kg's with some hip drive- but what would you guys advise?

Also, any tips for OHP? My overhead press increases really slowly and I really struggle at the bottom from a dead stop; how do I get better at that bit. Also after a few reps locking out at the top is kind of tricky so if there's any accessory work I could use to fix that too - would pullups help at all? I'm trying arnold presses but I've just started.

If your squats are more like a good morning, I've read that your quads are weak in comparison to everything else, so I would suggest you to build up your quad strength by doing front squats, high bar squats, and pause squats.

Tips for OHP: squeeze your glutes and brace your core. See if this video helps you fix a few kinks with form.
Ahhh, so many things to say, but first:

Fuck you breh, I was going to say FE with a shirt pwns everyone else but now you are demoted to to petit-GAF category



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I carry too much fat to have the best chest here, although I appreciate the sentiment. I know what you're referring to by "genetics" though, and yeah, I have a barrel chest. I'm built like a bowling ball. Short and wide. Especially in the upper body area.

If I had to pick "best parts" I'd say Darth for quads, MTP for traps, immortal for chest and arms and Bruce Leroy for overall aesthetics.

Now if you want pudgy strong dude. I'm your man, but aesthetically IMO I'm easily beat in all areas.

Now should I ever decide to actually do a decent cut at my current mass......


Potatoes and white rice are always good staples.

Highly-refined flour products like pastries and such can be good, too.

I've been having steak fries after the gym, small amount but enough for a insulin spike, and been feeling good about it. By the time i wake up, my stomach is starving again and I'm still in keto.
I really need to up my squat, OHP and deadlifts numbers so I'm seriously planning to do a more strength-oriented routine like the one in the OP, which I believe is based on Starting Strength (and up my calories of course, that's why I asked previously). Without having read the book yet, other than a few articles from rippetoe, I have a couple questions and I want your own personal insight

1. I'm concerned about the exercises that are only once a week. I currently do OHP once a week and see little progress. I shoot for 8 reps, which may be a factor, but even if I decrease to 5 I'm not convinced it will help my numbers much. Have you ever felt the need to modify and perform an exercise at least twice a week when you started to stall? It's weird because squat on the other hand is put in every session, why can't that be once a week as well and alternate with deadlifts and cleans to target legs in different ways just like they alternate bench and OHP? Does the book explain that?

2. I remember you guys posting diagrams from some site where you input your lifts and it tells you if you are noob, intermediate or advanced. I just want to set some goals to be considered strong in the main lifts and then move to a more aesthetics routine with a solid base.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I really need to up my squat, OHP and deadlifts numbers so I'm seriously planning to do a more strength-oriented routine like the one in the OP, which I believe is based on Starting Strength (and up my calories of course, that's why I asked previously). Without having read the book yet, other than a few articles from rippetoe, I have a couple questions and I want your own personal insight

1. I'm concerned about the exercises that are only once a week. I currently do OHP once a week and see little progress. I shoot for 8 reps, which may be a factor, but even if I decrease to 5 I'm not convinced it will help my numbers much. Have you ever felt the need to modify and perform an exercise at least twice a week when you started to stall? It's weird because squat on the other hand is put in every session, why can't that be once a week as well and alternate with deadlifts and cleans to target legs in different ways just like they alternate bench and OHP? Does the book explain that?

2. I remember you guys posting diagrams from some site where you input your lifts and it tells you if you are noob, intermediate or advanced. I just want to set some goals to be considered strong in the main lifts and then move to a more aesthetics routine with a solid base.

Get a good program. For the record i only lift 2-3 times a week. So some weeks I won't even hit one of the main lifts at all.

It's all about programming and knowing what works for you.


Oh, my workout schedule is:

Five days a week, run on the elliptical about 430 cal, then 10~ reps of arm curls at 80 to 90 lbs, 10~ reps of lifting from laying on my back of 100 lbs, 40 reps now of crunches at 110 lbs, 50 reps of leg crunches (curls? Lifts?) at 120 lbs, 10~ reps of lat bar pulls at 100. Give or take other machines. 700 to 800 cal+ workout.

I eat about 1000 cal a day or thereabouts, getting my protein from breakfast, protein shake at lunch, and then protein at dinner. Weekends are no gym, but minimal eating (one or two meals that equal 1300~ cal)

Currently 171 or lower in the mornings, but want to achieve 150 then bulk up a bit.


So I popped my first dose - just doing the trial dose of 12.5mg ephedrine and 200mg of caffeine. The only caffeine pills I could find were part of a green tea extract thing as well, and it has 160mg caffeine and 400mg EGCG per pill so that's cool. I just drink an extra cup of coffee on top of that to get to 200mg caffeine. I'm definitely feeling a little more up and at 'em than I usually do at 7:30 in the morning lol.


Oh, my workout schedule is:

Five days a week, run on the elliptical about 430 cal, then 10~ reps of arm curls at 80 to 90 lbs, 10~ reps of lifting from laying on my back of 100 lbs, 40 reps now of crunches at 110 lbs, 50 reps of leg crunches (curls? Lifts?) at 120 lbs, 10~ reps of lat bar pulls at 100. Give or take other machines. 700 to 800 cal+ workout.

I eat about 1000 cal a day or thereabouts, getting my protein from breakfast, protein shake at lunch, and then protein at dinner. Weekends are no gym, but minimal eating (one or two meals that equal 1300~ cal)

Currently 171 or lower in the mornings, but want to achieve 150 then bulk up a bit.

You're gonna plateau pretty badly with such low input and high output.


At the doctors. I'm sure he'll be ordering some tests. I'll keep you guys posted :'/

I hope it's not a parasite, sucking out all my gainz!


**Ok so side note, my township and the surrounding townships were on a boiling water advisory last week. You couldn't drink any water and had to boil it before using it**

The doctor said I'm about the 5th person to come in with very similar symptoms, the key being the constant cramping. He's questioning if it's the water. Said for his other patents it's taken a week to get better. He said rest this weekend but by Wednesday I should be back to my old routine. If not, blood and stool sample time.
Goddamnit, I hate cutting. Someone took a photo of me today and I look like I'm dying of something. All the weight drains from my face first and makes me look skeletal. =/
**Ok so side note, my township and the surrounding townships were on a boiling water advisory last week. You couldn't drink any water and had to boil it before using it**

The doctor said I'm about the 5th person to come in with very similar symptoms, the key being the constant cramping. He's questioning if it's the water. Said for his other patents it's taken a week to get better. He said rest this weekend but by Wednesday I should be back to my old routine. If not, blood and stool sample time.

dang that sucks
Oh, my workout schedule is:

Five days a week, run on the elliptical about 430 cal, then 10~ reps of arm curls at 80 to 90 lbs, 10~ reps of lifting from laying on my back of 100 lbs, 40 reps now of crunches at 110 lbs, 50 reps of leg crunches (curls? Lifts?) at 120 lbs, 10~ reps of lat bar pulls at 100. Give or take other machines. 700 to 800 cal+ workout.

I eat about 1000 cal a day or thereabouts, getting my protein from breakfast, protein shake at lunch, and then protein at dinner. Weekends are no gym, but minimal eating (one or two meals that equal 1300~ cal)

Currently 171 or lower in the mornings, but want to achieve 150 then bulk up a bit.

This will eventually kill your motivation with the minimal result you'll achieve. Besides the 1000 cal pr. Day is a shortcut to getting physically weakend and fatigued super quickly. Reevaluate your diet.

Also, read the OP.
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