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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I've been hearing that and thinking about increasing the intake, definitely. I'll work on it and see how it goes! I'll also monitor body fat % and muscle % on my scale.

Right, so, if what you're doing is working for you then you should stick with it. I think what most of us are worried about is that it is really very difficult to be eating 1,000 (or even 1,200) calories daily while also doing cardio/lifting 5+ days a week. Eventually, you're almost assuredly going to wear down and either lose motivation, become physically tired/ill, or just stop seeing progress no matter how hard you try. I don't want to speak for others here, but I think the idea is that we're just offering suggestions that should make your goals not only achievable, but also maintainable for the rest of your life.

Also, sometimes those scales aren't entirely accurate (in terms of muscle % and fat %). Does the gym you go to offer body fat % measurements? Or, my local grocery store has a blood pressure machine near the pharmacy that also can measure body fat %; maybe check if any local pharmacy/grocery store near you offers that and give it a shot. It's always best to measure body fat % by more than one method as they're not always the mos accurate... so averaging two results can give you a better estimate. I check my body fat from time-to-time by skin fold calipers (my fiancee measures me) and then also my local grocery store's bioelectrical impedance-based method (as mentioned above). They vary a bit, but it looks like I'm around 16-18% when I average the two.

EDIT: To clarify, it isn't that the scale you own is specifically inaccurate, but almost all forms of body fat % measurement have some error range which could make a 20% body fat person think they're only 16% or as high as 24%, depending on the type of measurement. So, to account for this variation/error range, I think it's ideal to find two or more methods to measure.


I'm in a rut right now and it's all down to me being fucking stupid and not sticking to the program in the OT. SS began around this time last year and I felt some really good gains, moved onto the full body program in the OT and up until around a month ago I was going through the motions and progression was great.

Then I think for some reason I could work out my own routine and up the days to 4 or even 5 pissing about splitting the heavy workouts with hypertrophy....but that wasn't the same so tried this and that....and it's all bullshit. I should max out the fullbody program as much as possible. Parallel to this I know a fucking huge guy at the gym who's been showing me a few other movements separate from what I was doing including dips, front squats...and he's been showing me proper form on the DL which boosted me a massive amount.

All of this messing about has cost me a lot. My DL is at 140kg which I'm really happy with but my squat at last visit to the gym was a disaster and to top it all off I got stuck under the bar on my BP at 80KG (I was hitting 90KG before all this bullshit).

Not sure what to do. 5/3/1 sounds OK but how do I know when to move on?


I've been injured before, not as badly as you though. In your situation I would do whatever lifting you can to maintain as much strength and muscle as possible. I would squat if you have a way to hold the bar on your back but with that neck brace I doubt it. I never use machines but if I couldn't squat I'd leg press and do whatever other exercises I could to maintain my strength. As far as cardio goes, I'd just walk 2 or 3 times a week to maintain some. You will lose some muscle and strength but this is better than nothing right?
Also when it comes to diet, I would NOT be in a deficit as that would just lead to your body getting rid of what it doesn't need and if you're not training certain parts of your body you'll lose more muscle from those areas. I would also not be in too large of a surplus because you don't wanna get fat. I'd shoot for slightly over maintenance. I mean like a 100 cal surplus a day which is easier said than done, try and gain weight, but as slowly as possible so you don't get fat but give your body the energy it needs to recover. I'm gonna assume you have a general diet down.
Good luck with the recovery man.

Hey FitGAF, I've been lurking since OT4, sometime in 2012 IIRC but I've only just been allowed to post. I'm in a weird situation where I know a fair bit about some of you but none of you know me yet haha. Anyways just saying hey :)

Thanks for replying. I think lifting is out of the question for another month at least as I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs with my good arm and have a very limited range of motion with the injured one. I can't get the injured arm into position to hold a barbell in a regular or front squat right now. I guess I'll stick to walking and body weight squats for now.


Right, so, if what you're doing is working for you then you should stick with it. I think what most of us are worried about is that it is really very difficult to be eating 1,000 (or even 1,200) calories daily while also doing cardio/lifting 5+ days a week. Eventually, you're almost assuredly going to wear down and either lose motivation, become physically tired/ill, or just stop seeing progress no matter how hard you try. I don't want to speak for others here, but I think the idea is that we're just offering suggestions that should make your goals not only achievable, but also maintainable for the rest of your life.

Also, sometimes those scales aren't entirely accurate (in terms of muscle % and fat %). Does the gym you go to offer body fat % measurements? Or, my local grocery store has a blood pressure machine near the pharmacy that also can measure body fat %; maybe check if any local pharmacy/grocery store near you offers that and give it a shot. It's always best to measure body fat % by more than one method as they're not always the mos accurate... so averaging two results can give you a better estimate. I check my body fat from time-to-time by skin fold calipers (my fiancee measures me) and then also my local grocery store's bioelectrical impedance-based method (as mentioned above). They vary a bit, but it looks like I'm around 16-18% when I average the two.

EDIT: To clarify, it isn't that the scale you own is specifically inaccurate, but almost all forms of body fat % measurement have some error range which could make a 20% body fat person think they're only 16% or as high as 24%, depending on the type of measurement. So, to account for this variation/error range, I think it's ideal to find two or more methods to measure.

Awesome good tips. I will check out my local stores (I think Target has a measure machine) and compare notes. Great idea!
My only problem I have with cutting is not being able to have any drinks while socializing with friends. It sucks. I'll eat leaves, chicken and protein all week and kill myself with cardio without issue, but not being able to have a few drinks just really sucks


Awesome good tips. I will check out my local stores (I think Target has a measure machine) and compare notes. Great idea!

Also be sure you're always using the machines at the same time of the day. My BF% measurements fluctuate throughout the day, but they're consistent when compared on a daily basis.


Also be sure you're always using the machines at the same time of the day. My BF% measurements fluctuate throughout the day, but they're consistent when compared on a daily basis.

Yep! One of the things I know about fitness is to always do things consistently. I do exercise around the same time of day every day I go.
Joint repair(or damage prevention) supplements. Anything good worth noting? I do quite a bit of impact on my joints and at 33, I don't want to destroy anything due to wear and tear if it can be helped.
That was my point when I called his "no particular order" comment out.
Stahp. I think you look better than me cut down. I just have crazy legs.

You guys are hilarious though. Legitimately makes my self-esteem soar when I see my name dropped.

All that shit aside though. Host , you look fucking phenomenal. Already one of my favorite physiques here, really incredible legs. Motivational stuff there. Keep us posted on your progress!
Get a good program. For the record i only lift 2-3 times a week. So some weeks I won't even hit one of the main lifts at all.

It's all about programming and knowing what works for you.

What is a good program?

My lifts (don't laugh) at a bodyweight of 155 lbs :

Squat: 125
OHP: 85
Bench : 215
Deadlift: 185

Those are at 6-8 reps, not 1RM

So maybe SS could be good? I just want to get to some reasonable numbers (1.5-2.0x of my weight) on those lifts and later work on aesthetics. I think I'm a point where that is the most effective path to my goal, rather than keep doing 8 reps with so little weight on the squats and stuff, I can go back to that strategy or even more reps later.

I really recommend you read the book. The kindle edition is only ten bucks and it'll answer almost all of your questions. If I remember correctly ss has you doing bench and press 1.5x a week, but they feed into each other You should be able to progress for some time on them.

I will, thanks man

Thanks, I will do that. The bench also needs to increase tho, but I will def give priority to the others.

When it's chest day, I have always started with bench so that it consumes the most energy. So for example I would do the OP routine starting with the bench AND THEN squats in a rush and then the last couple exercises would not be done because the gym is closing. Or if squats had their own leg day, I would skip that. This is the prime cause of all those imbalances, but I'm doing away with those bad habits once and for all.

As for other individual bodyparts, Rokkerkory and Mr.Oogie pre-bulk both have shown some very symmetric and solid abs areas, Backflag has nice Delts, Cooter has great arms, perfect peak on the bicep and awesome forearms and I think that if you wanted or decided to follow a bodybuilding path, I think chest would be to you what quads are for Darth or delts for Blackflag. Other than you, Sean could pull it off in a couple of years too.

And personality? Me!! We could make an awesome chimera with our best traits

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What is a good program?

My lifts (don't laugh) at a bodyweight of 155 lbs :

Squat: 125
OHP: 85
Bench : 215
Deadlift: 185

Those are at 6-8 reps, not 1RM

So maybe SS could be good? I just want to get to some reasonable numbers (1.5-2.0x of my weight) on those lifts and later work on aesthetics. I think I'm a point where that is the most effective path to my goal, rather than keep doing 8 reps with so little weight on the squats and stuff, I can go back to that strategy or even more reps later.

I will, thanks man

What is up with that bench. Are you doing the full range of motion? Do you have like short stubby arms or something? That's nuts. God Dayumm, indeed.
You look ridiculous.

What's your height/weight?

5'8 155-160

At the end of my bulk on Feb 2nd I weighted in at 178-180. Was eating 3000-3500 clean cals a day and didn't have cheat meals on my bulk. I added cheat meals once a week on my cut till April, where I stopped drinking and having cheats. Added cardio in May than stepped it up with a keto type diet the last 3 weeks.

I started going yolo because I became impatient as fuck. It got annoying going on a slow cut from Feb-April. If I do another bulk/cut cycle I'm doing it much quicker
Joint repair(or damage prevention) supplements. Anything good worth noting? I do quite a bit of impact on my joints and at 33, I don't want to destroy anything due to wear and tear if it can be helped.

I used glucosamine / chondroitin supplements when I was having problems with my knees. Seemed to help.


I'm having an issue with squats. My knees have a tendency to buckle inwards when I go up on my squats. The obvious solution is to lighten up the weight to where they don't do that, but is there any advice besides that?


Since squiddy, the original OP of this thread is on a 2 month vacation, he asked me to post this:

<Squiddy> Suggest the following OT title for me Ilovebish "Fitness |OT7| Banished Ghosts, Shredded Muscles, and Swellfies."

I like mine better.

Thanks guys. Y'all too kind lol.

You really did a killer job, incredible work.


the piano man
Since squiddy, the original OP of this thread is on a 2 month vacation, he asked me to post this:

<Squiddy> Suggest the following OT title for me Ilovebish "Fitness |OT7| Banished Ghosts, Shredded Muscles, and Swellfies."

I like mine better.

sorry, I really wouldn't want to see titles of video games in the topic line, putting aside the fact that I don't care at all for dark souls.

I would find it equally annoying to read "OT7: Curling while waiting for Smash Bros" or "OT7: The bulk menu Order: 1886 "
sorry, I really wouldn't want to see titles of video games in the topic line, putting aside the fact that I don't care at all for dark souls.

I would find it equally annoying to read "OT7: Curling while waiting for Smash Bros" or "OT7: The bulk menu Order: 1886 "

I think in that regard "OT7: Project Beast" would fit even better.


Man, this 3s week was incredible. I got all 3 reps on squats today @ 350lbs and had plenty left in the tank. I did have a cheat day today with vietnamese marinated beef and rice noodles, so im sure that helped, although theres no way i ate over 2200 kcals today. Next week is 1s week and damn, i know im going to just kick ass.

sorry, I really wouldn't want to see titles of video games in the topic line, putting aside the fact that I don't care at all for dark souls.

I would find it equally annoying to read "OT7: Curling while waiting for Smash Bros" or "OT7: The bulk menu Order: 1886 "

Its just a play on the ubisoft rayman sale thread, the OT was changed to "the demon souls of 2d platformers" because someone posted that in the thread. I also like the project beast suggestion as well, works on many levels.


My only problem I have with cutting is not being able to have any drinks while socializing with friends. It sucks. I'll eat leaves, chicken and protein all week and kill myself with cardio without issue, but not being able to have a few drinks just really sucks

Well drink vodka waters or vodka sodas with a wedge of lemon or lime for a low calorie alcoholic drink. If used in moderation I don't think it'll kill your progress. I mean as a matter of perspective cutting, bulking and all this bodybuilding stuff isn't as important as having good social relationships, so I'm sure you can find a balance.
There's really nothing stopping you having a few... as long as it really is just a few. I'd be making sure I was super fucking clean on the days around that though, and obviously you need to track those calories just the same as you would (might) any other.


What is a good program?

My lifts (don't laugh) at a bodyweight of 155 lbs :

Squat: 125
OHP: 85
Bench : 215
Deadlift: 185

Those are at 6-8 reps, not 1RM

So maybe SS could be good? I just want to get to some reasonable numbers (1.5-2.0x of my weight) on those lifts and later work on aesthetics. I think I'm a point where that is the most effective path to my goal, rather than keep doing 8 reps with so little weight on the squats and stuff, I can go back to that strategy or even more reps later.

I will, thanks man

Your bench is super strong for your weight if they are full ROM reps.

Pete Rock

I'm having an issue with squats. My knees have a tendency to buckle inwards when I go up on my squats. The obvious solution is to lighten up the weight to where they don't do that, but is there any advice besides that?
I recently went through the Rumble Roller SMR DVD and on the hip adductor section the instructor made a point to mention that if they are weak, sore or otherwise under-developed relative to your quads that you will tend to exhibit inward knee travel or cave on the squat.

So maybe try to work in some sumo deadlifts which tend to focus on that area, or reset your squat weight and change from high bar to low bar, focusing on sitting back into it and making the motion more glute and hamstring oriented rather than quad focused. The latter is what really helped me in that area, when I was squatting high bar it was always just loose like a wet noodle all over the place, bad scene.

Ok I will give it a try and stay contemporary: "OT7 - one Samurai and a hundred Ronin" bro is like the highlander I mean daaaaaaamn

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fitness |OT7| Swole Ghosts, Trap Lords, and Cardio Acceptance

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What is a good program?

My lifts (don't laugh) at a bodyweight of 155 lbs :

Squat: 125
OHP: 85
Bench : 215
Deadlift: 185

Those are at 6-8 reps, not 1RM

So maybe SS could be good? I just want to get to some reasonable numbers (1.5-2.0x of my weight) on those lifts and later work on aesthetics. I think I'm a point where that is the most effective path to my goal, rather than keep doing 8 reps with so little weight on the squats and stuff, I can go back to that strategy or even more reps later.

I will, thanks man

SS, strong lifts, or a program like that would do fine. I honestly never did SS or a beginner program, but I styled my routine off of them. It's when I got modestly strong I moved on to stuff like 5/3/1 and then Iron sport.


I found 1.1 lb tubs of creatine powder on closeout for only $10.59 at my local grocer - that's a comparable price per pound online, but impossible to find at a brick and mortar store. I bought two and left three more for another gym rat to discover. If they are still there next week I'll buy whatever's left.
I found 1.1 lb tubs of creatine powder on closeout for only $10.59 at my local grocer - that's a comparable price per pound online, but impossible to find at a brick and mortar store. I bought two and left three more for another gym rat to discover. If they are still there next week I'll buy whatever's left.
You can get 2.2lbs for $18.96 from BulkSupplements on Amazon if you've got Prime.
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