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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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You're gonna plateau pretty badly with such low input and high output.

This will eventually kill your motivation with the minimal result you'll achieve. Besides the 1000 cal pr. Day is a shortcut to getting physically weakend and fatigued super quickly. Reevaluate your diet.

Also, read the OP.
Thanks for the advice, but this actually works for me, I have consistent loss every week, at least 2 lbs, and it was harder before with more calorie intake. I have energy and drive every day that makes each workout fantastic.


Fitness GAF have any of you kept fit while being seriously injured? About 3 weeks ago I was hit by a car while cycling and suffered a fractured vertebrae at the base of my neck and torn labrum in my left shoulder. This means I'm in a neck brace for a few more weeks, shouldn't lift more than 10 lbs with my good arm, and have weeks of wearing a sling and months of PT on my left arm before I'm back to normal. I can't drive with the neck brace and sling so getting to a gym would be hard. I'm really worried about gaining weight and losing any strength and cardio fitness I have. Besides walking does anyone have any good workout ideas? For diet should I try something like Lean Gains or just watch calories?

I've been injured before, not as badly as you though. In your situation I would do whatever lifting you can to maintain as much strength and muscle as possible. I would squat if you have a way to hold the bar on your back but with that neck brace I doubt it. I never use machines but if I couldn't squat I'd leg press and do whatever other exercises I could to maintain my strength. As far as cardio goes, I'd just walk 2 or 3 times a week to maintain some. You will lose some muscle and strength but this is better than nothing right?
Also when it comes to diet, I would NOT be in a deficit as that would just lead to your body getting rid of what it doesn't need and if you're not training certain parts of your body you'll lose more muscle from those areas. I would also not be in too large of a surplus because you don't wanna get fat. I'd shoot for slightly over maintenance. I mean like a 100 cal surplus a day which is easier said than done, try and gain weight, but as slowly as possible so you don't get fat but give your body the energy it needs to recover. I'm gonna assume you have a general diet down.
Good luck with the recovery man.

Hey FitGAF, I've been lurking since OT4, sometime in 2012 IIRC but I've only just been allowed to post. I'm in a weird situation where I know a fair bit about some of you but none of you know me yet haha. Anyways just saying hey :)


If your squats are more like a good morning, I've read that your quads are weak in comparison to everything else, so I would suggest you to build up your quad strength by doing front squats, high bar squats, and pause squats.

Tips for OHP: squeeze your glutes and brace your core. See if this video helps you fix a few kinks with form.

So would I do pause squats in lieu of my normal squats for a while? I've done some reading and apparently its like, I should lift like 70% of my 1RM (55kg with horrible form) so about 40kg's and build the driving force back up, but I'm not entirely sure if I should replace squats for a while or something.


So would I do pause squats in lieu of my normal squats for a while? I've done some reading and apparently its like, I should lift like 70% of my 1RM (55kg with horrible form) so about 40kg's and build the driving force back up, but I'm not entirely sure if I should replace squats for a while or something.

Honestly, I don't know how you should incorporate it into your program. I'm only giving out suggestions based on what I read and watch. I high bar squat so I never encountered the problem of my squats turning into a good morning.
The other here will be better at helping you alter your program to include front/high-bar/pause squats. You can maybe do pause high-bar squats after your normal squats, front squat instead of backsquat on another day. It will take a few weeks to see if it helps with your back squat.
Thanks for the advice, but this actually works for me, I have consistent loss every week, at least 2 lbs, and it was harder before with more calorie intake. I have energy and drive every day that makes each workout fantastic.

For now, sure. But you may experience some consequences in the near future. Your call anyway. Congrats on your progression btw.


I really need to up my squat, OHP and deadlifts numbers so I'm seriously planning to do a more strength-oriented routine like the one in the OP, which I believe is based on Starting Strength (and up my calories of course, that's why I asked previously). Without having read the book yet, other than a few articles from rippetoe, I have a couple questions and I want your own personal insight

1. I'm concerned about the exercises that are only once a week. I currently do OHP once a week and see little progress. I shoot for 8 reps, which may be a factor, but even if I decrease to 5 I'm not convinced it will help my numbers much. Have you ever felt the need to modify and perform an exercise at least twice a week when you started to stall? It's weird because squat on the other hand is put in every session, why can't that be once a week as well and alternate with deadlifts and cleans to target legs in different ways just like they alternate bench and OHP? Does the book explain that?

2. I remember you guys posting diagrams from some site where you input your lifts and it tells you if you are noob, intermediate or advanced. I just want to set some goals to be considered strong in the main lifts and then move to a more aesthetics routine with a solid base.

I really recommend you read the book. The kindle edition is only ten bucks and it'll answer almost all of your questions. If I remember correctly ss has you doing bench and press 1.5x a week, but they feed into each other. You should be able to progress for some time on them.


the piano man
I carry too much fat to have the best chest here, although I appreciate the sentiment. I know what you're referring to by "genetics" though, and yeah, I have a barrel chest. I'm built like a bowling ball. Short and wide. Especially in the upper body area.

If I had to pick "best parts" I'd say Darth for quads, MTP for traps, immortal for chest and arms and Bruce Leroy for overall aesthetics.

Now if you want pudgy strong dude. I'm your man, but aesthetically IMO I'm easily beat in all areas.

Now should I ever decide to actually do a decent cut at my current mass......

hehe, you put it exactly tthe way I see it.

I still have to see a chest here in FitGAF that looks as impressive as, say, Darth's quads, You know,a pair of big cannon balls that want to explode and destroy shirts, I don't think I remember anyone's pics that look like that.

As for other individual bodyparts, Rokkerkory and Mr.Oogie pre-bulk both have shown some very symmetric and solid abs areas, Backflag has nice Delts, Cooter has great arms, perfect peak on the bicep and awesome forearms and I think that if you wanted or decided to follow a bodybuilding path, I think chest would be to you what quads are for Darth or delts for Blackflag. Other than you, Sean could pull it off in a couple of years too.

(I hope you guys don't mind me talking about you, I am currently in "flowers for everyone" mode hahaha)
Had an incident at the gym just now.

Was on my fifth set of 5x10 deadlifts. I hear someone shout, "Hey, bring it down slowly!" on my 7th rep, which as you might imagine can be incredibly distracting. I finish my 10th rep thankfully, exhausted as I just did 50 deadlifts after heavy squats, and this big dude (about 235lbs) goes, "You wanna bring it down slowly, that's half the workout."

I say, "You sure? That's a pretty different exercise, no?"

He says, "No, man, you're not doing most of the workout."

I say, "I dunno, this is a lot of weight for me, I'd injure myself going slowly on the negative, especially during 50 reps."

He has the fucking nerve to go, "Really? I mean, 185? That's not a lot of weight."

I say, "Dude, look at you and look at me. For you, this is probably warm-up weight. For me, it's just right."

He had no argument for that. Saw it in his face. All he said was, "...Yeah, I just, that *clink* *clink* *clink* is so, you know..."

I said, "Yeah, well, I love that sound at the gym. I like to know that people are actually working out, lifting heavy and shit, and not fucking around on their phones."

He finally goes, "Yeah, I guess..." and walks away, and that was that. Two guys afterwards came up to me and basically said, "Was that fucking guy serious?"

I'm incredibly surprised I kept my cool, actually. Nothing is worse than when someone interrupts you DURING an exercise. I mean, what the fuck? Have some courtesy.

Had a similiar anecdote recently. First time ever even. The dude insisted pretty much the same as the guy in your story which really didn't make any sense. This guy was pretty big too... then I noticed his non-existant legs to huge arms ratio and did the math.


Thanks for the advice, but this actually works for me, I have consistent loss every week, at least 2 lbs, and it was harder before with more calorie intake. I have energy and drive every day that makes each workout fantastic.

You've only been going at this for a month. Of course anyone would lose weight in the beginning when they're starving themselves.

If your numbers are correct, you're operating on a net calories of 200-300 a day. The average guy needs a net of at least 1200 to function normally. Such a deficit is not sustainable, and your body will start to fight against you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the advice, but this actually works for me, I have consistent loss every week, at least 2 lbs, and it was harder before with more calorie intake. I have energy and drive every day that makes each workout fantastic.

Keep doing what you're doing and come back to the OP once your body rebels against you. We'll be here for help.

Pete Rock

I really recommend you read the book. The kindle edition is only ten bucks and it'll answer almost all of your questions. If I remember correctly ss has you doing bench and press 1.5x a week, but they feed into each other. You should be able to progress for some time on them.
Yup God Dayum like grumble says you alternate A/B workouts so some weeks you will OHP twice and some weeks you will bench twice, it's just the way of the programming. Similarly it alternates deadlifts and power cleans. I have fond memories of wanting to die on Friday sessions that were started with heavy bench and finished with heavy dead lifts when Monday was very similar.

Honestly if I had numbers like you I would pull bench way way back, in-line with the rest of your numbers and start from there. So instead of starting out benching 215 and squatting 95, cut your bench down to 95 and only move it up by 5 lbs as you move your squats and deads up by 10s. In my opinion this will help balance you out more, particularly as SS produces "bottom heavy" results as you always squat first every session. So 8 sessions later, by the time you are benching 135, you should be squatting 175. You should be hitting all your 3x5s moderately well for a long time this way and make really solid progress, being able to focus on your form for a while before things transition into feeling very heavy all the time.

I don't think your upper body will evaporate or anything, particularly if your press numbers are very low and you push that hard as well. Bench seems to be all in your boobs anyways and OHP gives you definition all around those areas rather than focused in the pecs.

I hope you guys don't mind me talking about you, I am currently in "flowers for everyone" mode hahaha
I feel this is really the only way to operate, a healthy and supportive perspective for all who have made gains and shared their results. Go go gadget FitGAF!


Thanks for the advice, but this actually works for me, I have consistent loss every week, at least 2 lbs, and it was harder before with more calorie intake. I have energy and drive every day that makes each workout fantastic.

You're essentially doing a PSMF calorie-wise but your activity is way too high. With that kind of caloric intake you should limit your activity to two full body workouts (=lifting weights) a week at maximum. And no cardio. If you continue like that you're gonna burn out sooner or later.

If you really are set on doing what you are, then at least buy Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Diet ebook so you can do it safely. You need to have your protein intake extremely high and activity low if you wanna lose fat on that kind of caloric intake and not wreck your body.

For example:
Again, don’t go crazy with it. Twenty minutes of low intensity cardio after you lift is
plenty. Another couple of days of perhaps thirty to forty minutes (only if you have very
good recovery) would be more than sufficient. More isn’t better unless you want to overtrain,
lose LBM and actually slow down your fat loss results.

The average guy needs a net of at least 1200 to function normally.

Not really. You can get by with much less and still not lose muscle but you need to know what you're doing. Very high protein and two workouts a week max like I wrote above. Then and only then it's doable.


I have a very high protein intake everyday, it's like 72g or more. Oh and I've been working out since January (and some before last year too). Last month was when I really started calorie counting.


I have a very high protein intake everyday, it's like 72g or more. Oh and I've been working out since January (and some before last year too). Last month was when I really started calorie counting.

How much do you weigh? Are you male or female? Because 72g of protein a day is ridiculously low. It's like old lady in a nursing home low. You'd probably need to eat at least double that. Probably more.


Oh wait, you were 170lbs. You should eat around 170g of protein at least (depending on your bodyfat percent). 72g a day is way too little.


How much do you weigh? Are you male or female? Because 72g of protein a day is ridiculously low. It's like old lady in a nursing home low. You'd probably need to eat at least double that. Probably more.


Oh wait, you were 170lbs. You should eat around 170g of protein at least (depending on your bodyfat percent). 72g a day is way too little.

It is 1 gram per 1 lbs of lean mass, isn't it? Which makes it closer to 150 I suppose?


How much do you weigh? Are you male or female? Because 72g of protein a day is ridiculously low. It's like old lady in a nursing home low. You'd probably need to eat at least double that. Probably more.


Oh wait, you were 170lbs. You should eat around 170g of protein at least (depending on your bodyfat percent). 72g a day is way too little.
Male, body fat from my scale estimates 17.2%, and the protein thing is an estimate. I don't have the full number offhand atm. You really think I need that much protein to lose weight? I'm basically just trying to gain some muscle to assist weight loss.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
How much do you weigh? Are you male or female? Because 72g of protein a day is ridiculously low. It's like old lady in a nursing home low. You'd probably need to eat at least double that. Probably more.


Oh wait, you were 170lbs. You should eat around 170g of protein at least (depending on your bodyfat percent). 72g a day is way too little.

No he doesn't. It all depends on many things. Is he on gear? Carb intake? Body fat/lean mass percentage Etc. I'm 240lbs and only take in 150-180 grams of protein a day. Sometimes only 200+ on days where I go nuts.

If he's 17% body fat he would be fine around 110-130 grams of protein a day potentially even less. Assuming he's not on gear.
Male, body fat from my scale estimates 17.2%, and the protein thing is an estimate. I don't have the full number offhand atm. You really think I need that much protein to lose weight? I'm basically just trying to gain some muscle to assist weight loss.

If youre trying to gain muscle whilst losing fat you'll most likely need to increase your protein intake significantly. Also, I suggest changing to a compound free weights routine. Instead of the current self custom, bodyweight programme you're running atm. This is all my own personal opinion ofc.


If youre trying to gain muscle whilst losing fat you'll most likely need to increase your protein intake significantly. Also, I suggest changing to a compound free weights routine. Instead of the current self custom, bodyweighy programme you're running atm.
I'm limited in my choices because my fiance has the car most days, and my apartment complex has it's own gym. I'll look into the compound weights thing, and perhaps increase my intake of protein somehow. Unsure.gif
How much do you weigh? Are you male or female? Because 72g of protein a day is ridiculously low. It's like old lady in a nursing home low. You'd probably need to eat at least double that. Probably more.


Oh wait, you were 170lbs. You should eat around 170g of protein at least (depending on your bodyfat percent). 72g a day is way too little.

I'm on mobile so it's a pain in the ass to find sources, but unless you're on steroids there is no need to be consuming 1 g protein per lb of body weight and certainly no reason for that to be the minimum.


Honestly, I don't know how you should incorporate it into your program. I'm only giving out suggestions based on what I read and watch. I high bar squat so I never encountered the problem of my squats turning into a good morning.
The other here will be better at helping you alter your program to include front/high-bar/pause squats. You can maybe do pause high-bar squats after your normal squats, front squat instead of backsquat on another day. It will take a few weeks to see if it helps with your back squat.

Alright, well cheers mate.


I'm on mobile so it's a pain in the ass to find sources, but unless you're on steroids there is no need to be consuming 1 g protein per lb of body weight and certainly no reason for that to be the minimum.

Yeah I'm not on steroids or anything, so it's just all natural. I just do pre-workout (Jack3d) before I go, and get moving.


This is me at the gym yesterday.


No he doesn't. It all depends on many things. Is he on gear? Carb intake? Body fat/lean mass percentage Etc. I'm 240lbs and only take in 150-180 grams of protein a day. Sometimes only 200+ on days where I go nuts.

If he's 17% body fat he would be fine around 110-130 grams of protein a day potentially even less. Assuming he's not on gear.

Yes if you're maintaining or bulking. But we are talking about someone who eats 1000 calories a day. The less you eat the more protein you need. I'm just giving a quick general guideline according to his calorie levels. Fact is that 72g a day is too little with his activity level and calorie intake.

I'm on mobile so it's a pain in the ass to find sources, but unless you're on steroids there is no need to be consuming 1 g protein per lb of body weight and certainly no reason for that to be the minimum.

See above.

For maintenance/bulking it's 1.6 - 1.8 x kg of LBM of protein a day according to latest research.
Yay for the effects of stress and lack of sleep on the body. Averaged out about an 800kcal a day deficit last week, hit all my targets. Net weight loss.... zero.

Bollocks. :(


Yes if you're maintaining or bulking. But we are talking about someone who eats 1000 calories a day. The less you eat the more protein you need. I'm just giving a quick general guideline according to his calorie levels. Fact is that 72g a day is too little with his activity level and calorie intake.

See above.

For maintenance/bulking it's 1.6 - 1.8 x kg of LBM of protein a day according to latest research.

And it's not exactly 1000, I shoot for it, but I sometimes do 1200.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
A guy at the gym called me He-Man today. I said thank you but I was 188 lbs this morning. I'm far from big. Pound for pound you're the strongest guy in here though. Thought that was nice. I've gotten similar compliments before and they are usually all on back day during weighted pull ups. Haha. It's cool having a "thing" that people associate you with. Pull ups are that for me.


the piano man
A guy at the gym called me He-Man today. I said thank you but I was 188 lbs this morning. I'm far from big. Pound for pound you're the strongest guy in here though. Thought that was nice. I've gotten similar compliments before and they are usually all on back day during weighted pull ups. Haha. It's cool having a "thing" that people associate you with. Pull ups are that for me.

I think I am the "guy that does pistol squats" for a couple of people in my gym.

I have been approached several times and people ask how I do it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I think I am the "guy that does pistol squats" for a couple of people in my gym.

I have been approached several times and people ask how I do it.
Cool! Those things look tough! I don't even attempt them because of my torn ACL.


The funny part is, I think I'm at that point where I want to start eating more cal because I'm noticing my body is devouring the food I eat during the day. I monitor my weight and I'm losing the food I'm basically eating haha

Edit: I'll probably double my shake intake after my workout.


Not really. You can get by with much less and still not lose muscle but you need to know what you're doing. Very high protein and two workouts a week max like I wrote above. Then and only then it's doable.

I'm speaking simply from a BMR perspective, which general consensus says you shouldn't go under on such a consistent basis.

170lbs with 17.1% BF gives a BMR of 1752 using the Katch-McArdle formula.


I'm speaking simply from a BMR perspective, which general consensus says you shouldn't go under on such a consistent basis.

170lbs with 17.1% BF gives a BMR of 1752 using the Katch-McArdle formula.

Yeah, not for longer periods most likely. Shorter periods should be okay.



That is what I'm working with.

I've worked out before, but this is the first time I've been seriously calorie counting and doing all the gym machines. My main goal is to lose enough weight/gain enough muscle to reduce body fat in general, and eventually remove the "tire" around my waist.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

That is what I'm working with.

I've worked out before, but this is the first time I've been seriously calorie counting and doing all the gym machines. My main goal is to lose enough weight/gain enough muscle to reduce body fat in general, and eventually remove the "tire" around my waist.

I really don't agree with your approach, both in diet and exercise, but if you feel it's working for you then there's not much else to say.


I really don't agree with your approach, both in diet and exercise, but if you feel it's working for you then there's not much else to say.

I have so much drive every day because I feel the fat sticking over my shorts/pants and it makes me mad, which makes me want to workout more. It's a cycle of workout -> evaluate, get angry and hyped to workout more -> workout.


I have so much drive every day because I feel the fat sticking over my shorts/pants and it makes me mad, which makes me want to workout more. It's a cycle of workout -> evaluate, get angry and hyped to workout more -> workout.

Sorry but you just seem to be winging it instead of having a solid program to go with. There is a lot of information you have wrong diet wise also. I suggest listening to the people who have been at it for years instead of thinking you know the answer.


Sorry but you just seem to be winging it instead of having a solid program to go with. There is a lot of information you have wrong diet wise also. I suggest listening to the people who have been at it for years instead of thinking you know the answer.

I have never said I know the answer, haha. I'm willing learn anything and everything I can!
I have never said I know the answer, haha. I'm willing learn anything and everything I can!
1000 is definitely too low. you have good experienced people telling you so. You might be able to do it for a while but it will catch up with you and you'll get burned out at best and sick or injured most likely. Think long term.


1000 is definitely too low. you have good experienced people telling you so. You might be able to do it for a while but it will catch up with you and you'll get burned out at best and sick or injured most likely. Think long term.

I've been hearing that and thinking about increasing the intake, definitely. I'll work on it and see how it goes! I'll also monitor body fat % and muscle % on my scale.


the piano man
whoever does OT7 PLEASE put some words that would scare that fucking ghost away.

please put something like "Forever strong and healthy" or "light souls" or something cool and that is all good vibes.

That is what I'm working with.

I've worked out before, but this is the first time I've been seriously calorie counting and doing all the gym machines. My main goal is to lose enough weight/gain enough muscle to reduce body fat in general, and eventually remove the "tire" around my waist.

With all due respect and honesty this seems to be above the 17% BF you speak of. I'd say minimum 20+%.

I used to have a tire around my waist when my bulk went too far - (I was borderline obese). Im fairly certain I was above 25% BF.

Edit: typos due to mobile


With all due respect and honesty this seems to be above the 17% BF you speak of. I'd say minimum 20+%.

I used to have a tire around my waist when my bulk went too far - (I was borderline obese). Im fairly certain I was above 25% BF.

Edit: typos due to mobile

Honesty is welcome! It only makes the determination I have to lose weight get even more crazy :)

Well I'm only going by what my scale is estimating (I have one of those EatSmart ones with the electrical pulse). Most of my body fat is centered around my waist (as I sit down often during work). As I've been working out, I've been noticing all the areas around my legs/arms/else getting smaller as well as the waistline. I went from a 36 inch waist to a 32!

Oh and to be clear to the other people in the thread giving advice, I'm cutting/losing weight. Not bulking.
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