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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Either way that 3x a week for mass gains isn't necessary.
True. I think his point was to emphasize the importance of those 2 lifts and their role in gaining mass. I bet the majority of people who complain about not being able to put on size don't do heavy DLs and squats and don't nearly eat enough. That's what I took away from Pete's post.

Did you hit 3x DL yet?
Nope. Haven't even attempted it yet. Maybe Tuesday. You?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
True. I think his point was to emphasize the importance of those 2 lifts and their role in gaining mass. I bet the majority of people who complain about not being able to put on size don't do heavy DLs and squats and don't nearly eat enough. That's what I took away from Pete's post.

Nope. Haven't even attempted it yet. Maybe Tuesday. You?

Yeah, I'm just wary of suggesting such high volume at such high intensity as was suggested in his post for gains when it's not needed and can actually be detrimental.

But what if I only want upper body mass?? what then?

Rows, rows and more rows.


True. I think his point was to emphasize the importance of those 2 lifts and their role in gaining mass. I bet the majority of people who complain about not being able to put on size don't do heavy DLs and squats and don't nearly eat enough. That's what I took away from Pete's post.

Nope. Haven't even attempted it yet. Maybe Tuesday. You?

I am about 3 weeks away .
Currently at 475 and need to get to 495

J. Bravo

Man I miss this feeling of soreness in my legs. I might squat twice a week now lol. I was at 2x bodyweight squat and 2.5x bodyweight deadlift before I quit lifting heavy. Might consider starting that up again soon.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am about 3 weeks away .
Currently at 475 and need to get to 495
I haven't attempted a 1RM in almost a year so I have no clue where I stand. I'll need 565 and I got 525 last summer. I'm stronger now so who knows? I'll try mixed grip with chalk and if that doesn't go up I'll give it a shot with straps.

Thanks for bringing that up. I lost focus on the 3xbw deadlift. Now I have something to strive for. I'll report back Tuesday. Hopefully with a successful video.


Junior Member
Personally, if you're hitting parallel then I wouldn't sweat it.

What grip are you using for your deadlifts?

In general, when you find your grip failing on deadlifts, try the following options, starting with the first of the list:

1) Chalk
2) Mixed grip (one overhand, one underhand)
3) Straps

Maybe others would disagree, but I think straps should be the last option used when grip is an issue. Mixed grip is great, but should be used only when you need it (so, don't use it on your warm-up/lighter sets). Chalk is of course awesome and has no downsides besides possibly being messy... and if you forget it at home you're gonna be pissed because it's so damn awesome.

I use the double overhead grip.

I don't use a mixed grip because I don't wish to have bicep tears (yes, I'm probably being paranoid but I would rather maximise safety).
All about requiring cuts and maintaince. Talking longer cause of my love of food but I still be getting there brahs! Might not start up a true bulk till Oct. Just kinda taking it easy with everything.
Rows, rows and more rows.

Speaking about rows, is it better if they hit ground each rep? I remember you posted your video but did not notice that detail.

lots of curls and tricep kickbacks

You know your shit, bro

Then you should still be doing a full body routine because the human body is a system and is best stimulated as such.

I was half-joking but you are right. Legs have the largest muscles so working them brings benefits to the whole body. I wish I had stronger legs, I'm still too disproportionate and cannot break 125lb squats "_


I was half-joking but you are right. Legs have the largest muscles so working them brings benefits to the whole body. I wish I had stronger legs, I'm still too disproportionate and cannot break 125lb squats "_

If you can't squat over 125lbs, there's no way you're going to bet bigger up top. No wonder.

If you're benching 225 and can't squat 125 your body is going to stop progressing because it knows that's fucked.
There have been studies that have proven that to be false whereas there haven't been any studies that have proven that to be true.

Multiple small meals is more about portion/hunger control.

Yeah....I don't believe this to be true at all. Why would you store fat more so when fasting? This just sounds like old wives tales that you used to always hear at the the gym back in the day. I only eat at night. No consumption until after 5. Works out to be about 18 hours without food. My metabolism is fine and I don't store anymore fat than I did when I was eating small meals all day. Actually, I find it leans me out more by fasting. There are many ways to approach eating and they all work. When and how often you eat matters very little if at all.

Please don't post your anecdotal stuff as if it is fact then. It makes it hard to parse the real information from something somebody just heard from their bro.

Your body doesn't work that way.

Ok, I will concede all of your points and admit that my advice may have been anecdotal (awesome word btw, love it) Everyone is different, simple fact.Over the years I have deluded myself in thinking the way I have been doing things was the correct and obsolete. That is my fault, and I apologize for it. I didn't not intend to be dismissive of other diets or meal plans.

As I read past posts it seemed to me that Leeness (again my bad for assuming things) was like minded and thought along the same lines I did, and I agreed that she was in fact on the right course to weight loss.It's something that works for me as well. It was the same advice that was given to me by my nutritionist ,and based of the results of her clients(that swear by it) I think it works pretty well. My point being that there could be some truth behind eating more(small healthy meals) to lose weight but it might not work for everyone.


Ok, I will concede all of your points and admit that my advice may have been anecdotal (awesome word btw, love it) Everyone is different, simple fact.Over the years I have deluded myself in thinking the way I have been doing things was the correct and and obsolete. That is my fault, and I apologize for it. I didn't not intend to be dismissive of other diets or meal plans.

As I read past posts it seemed to me that Leeness (again my bad for assuming things) was like minded and thought along the same lines I did, and I agreed that she was in fact on the right course to weight loss.It's something that works for me as well. It was the same advice that was given to me by my nutritionist ,and based of the results of her clients(that swear by it) I think it works pretty well. My point being that there could be some truth behind eating more(small healthy meals) to lose weight but it might not work for everyone.

There is truth to it because it helps keep one satiated and not hungry throughout the day. The issue is you saying that is boosts your metabolism, which is false. There's no debate to be had and no "both ways make sense" when it comes to this.
If you can't squat over 125lbs, there's no way you're going to bet bigger up top. No wonder.

If you're benching 225 and can't squat 125 your body is going to stop progressing because it knows that's fucked.

It's actually just 215 bench, so you saying I still have 10 pounds leeway before my body is fucked up?
There is truth to it because it helps keep one satiated and not hungry throughout the day. The issue is you saying that is boosts your metabolism, which is false. There's no debate to be had and no "both ways make sense" when it comes to this.

From what I recall, it will/can boost your metabolism but it is at such an insignificant amount that it really makes no difference.


Sounds like you are on the right course to weight loss. Keep up the good work. If you keep it up you should start seeing results soon. Keep us updated and keep motivated :)

Your equipment is fine, I personally think bodyweight fitness trainings is the most fun and most rewarding .

Here's hoping. 20lbs in three months is a lot, but whatever, it's got to be done. If I don't, then I'm gonna be super mad at myself. :/
Here's hoping. 20lbs in three months is a lot, but whatever, it's got to be done. If I don't, then I'm gonna be super mad at myself. :/

Don't put yourself down already. Just think of success and danish those thoughts of failure. If you have a goal stick with it. All good things happen in due time :)


WRISTS! The number one enemy!

I've injured my left wrist in wrestling practice a couple of weeks ago (posted wrong during a take down) and then forgot about.
Went lifting the next day and it really hurt while benching.
Bought splints (with metal) and read a bit and it basically says that it could take 8 weeks to heal if it's a tear and forever if it's worse.

Since then, I've just focused on deadlifts and squats as those two are not giving me any issues with the hand (all while still wearing a splint) and I've not been back to MMA training.

Is anyone having wrist pain? Did using splints/braces help? With the bench or OHP?

I'm actually a bit afraid of going back to those two exercise.. I just dont want to risk anything..


the piano man
WRISTS! The number one enemy!

I've injured my left wrist in wrestling practice a couple of weeks ago (posted wrong during a take down) and then forgot about.
Went lifting the next day and it really hurt while benching.
Bought splints (with metal) and read a bit and it basically says that it could take 8 weeks to heal if it's a tear and forever if it's worse.

Since then, I've just focused on deadlifts and squats as those two are not giving me any issues with the hand (all while still wearing a splint) and I've not been back to MMA training.

Is anyone having wrist pain? Did using splints/braces help? With the bench or OHP?

I'm actually a bit afraid of going back to those two exercise.. I just dont want to risk anything..

Me, right here. I've been complaning for several pages already and while I am doing better, it's been an awful setback.

Splints don't help me for lifting, the splint help because it prevents me from using the thumb in a way that causes pain and that's it. You have to give it rest.


do some pull-ups and dips and lateral dumbbell raises, those are o.k but other than that is legs and core for the next months. enjoy it.


Me, right here. I've been complaning for several pages already and while I am doing better, it's been an awful setback.

Splints don't help me for lifting, the splint help because it prevents me from using the thumb in a way that causes pain and that's it. You have to give it rest.


do some pull-ups and dips and lateral dumbbell raises, those are o.k but other than that is legs and core for the next months. enjoy it.

Got it. I actually like the new focus on just deadlifts and squats. I'm doing chin ups and push ips as well but I'm using those push up handles to make sure my wrists are straight.

Do you wear the splint at night? Or did you get one of those half open casts?


Okay boys and girls. I need y'all to motivate me! I've got three months to drop 15-20 lbs and stop being such a cow.


Starting weight, about 170lbs, I want to get into the 150s again.

I'm not really going to be using a scale, just going by how I look and feel
also I don't have a scale

I am eating around 1200cals a day, give or take a couple hundred depending. Trying to keep carbs low and protein/fat higher.

I am going to be doing cardio 4-5 days a week for 35/40 minutes, and a 55 minute strength circuit workout on the weekends.

Can anyone add anything else?

Motivate me, tell me I'm a fatty, and if by September 1 I'm not smaller, hold me accountable.

Thanks :)
First of all honey, I would more or less kill to look like you.
But since according to my understanding killing doesn't really help with my looks, so I have actually been working out, no worries there.

I still do understand that you want to get healthier and what not.

What I have read your diet sounds like a spot on to me. Quite much the same what I am doing at the moment.

My working out consist two times at the gym (Tuesday and Friday), pilates (Monday) and jogging twice a week usually on Wednesday/Thursday and once during weekend. I don't really count my calories since I am not in any kind of a rush, but I do keep them under control. I have lost around 15 pounds during the last 2,5 months and I feel sooooo much better. I can't say I would notice the difference that well in looks, but the better feeling overall is what I am for.

It is good that you have planned a programme that you think you can stick to. I don't myself even think I would be in a short diet or thight schedules, I have just changed my normal routines to healthier ones. I must admit I don't really have any short term goals but I am just looking this as a long term thing. Out of curiosity do you have something huge coming event that you have decided to be on your best like big parties, weddings or something similar?

I also recommend you to take measurements of your hips and waist now so you have something to compare along the photos. Those are motivational. :p

All the best with it and keep us updated!


I know there's nothing wrong with being pale, but I do live in Texas so I'm always the odd one out. It's better than being orange like some people I've seen.
Yep. You do look insanely good so if I were you, I'd stop worrying. If people are staring at you, they are most likely only checking you out.
At least I would...


Hey guys. I've been consistently working out and enjoying it. I'm up to 120 bench and 190 squat (yeah, you all probably are laughing!). I am following the Starting Strength Practical Programming method.

However, I am not sure what to do about the deadlift. I do it once a week and for the past 3 weeks or so, ever since I got to 140, my lower back was sore the next day (like an ache) and running a couple miles the next day and even 2 days after made it ache a lot and I had to stop and stretch to try and get it to feel better.

So, I skipped a week and everything went back to normal. I try 140 again. Lower back ache right after doing it (when I say lower back, right above the butt basically). Although I stopped early and was fine running the next day and stuff.

Now I did the deadlift at 140 AGAIN yesterday (3rd week) and same thing and running today ached and I had to stop and stretch and it's still kinda bothering me right now.

What do I do? I don't want to push it, and not sure if that's a normal place it should hurt. My deadlift progress obviously has been quite stalled and I'm starting to wonder about alternatives for awhile. Any ideas? Thanks!


WRISTS! The number one enemy!

I've injured my left wrist in wrestling practice a couple of weeks ago (posted wrong during a take down) and then forgot about.
Went lifting the next day and it really hurt while benching.
Bought splints (with metal) and read a bit and it basically says that it could take 8 weeks to heal if it's a tear and forever if it's worse.

Since then, I've just focused on deadlifts and squats as those two are not giving me any issues with the hand (all while still wearing a splint) and I've not been back to MMA training.

Is anyone having wrist pain? Did using splints/braces help? With the bench or OHP?

I'm actually a bit afraid of going back to those two exercise.. I just dont want to risk anything..

I don't have any answers for you but I'm going through something similar ATM. I posted earlier in the thread, sprained my left wrist as well. I won't share how as it's nowhere near as cool as MMA practice lol. I'm about 3 and a half weeks into it now - most of the pain is gone for day to day tasks though occasionally something gives me pause.

I decided to test the waters with a few things last night. At 85 lbs bench I started to have some issues near the base of my thumb where it meets the wrist in the back, mainly at the top of the range of motion, and especially when reracking the bar. Didn't bother trying OHP and definitely no clean and jerk yet.

I'm going to order a pair of strength wraps for my wrists and keep trying bench presses with light weights about once a week. I don't want to push things but I don't want to waste time either.


Really considering doing an EC stack. Any of you guys have experience with it?

Love ECA, i will use it again in a few weeks or so. Pop one of those suckers in a half hour before hitting the gym and i have the best pre-workout possible.


Don't put yourself down already. Just think of success and danish those thoughts of failure. If you have a goal stick with it. All good things happen in due time :)

I must by September!

First of all honey, I would more or less kill to look like you.
But since according to my understanding killing doesn't really help with my looks, so I have actually been working out, no worries there.

I still do understand that you want to get healthier and what not.

What I have read your diet sounds like a spot on to me. Quite much the same what I am doing at the moment.

My working out consist two times at the gym (Tuesday and Friday), pilates (Monday) and jogging twice a week usually on Wednesday/Thursday and once during weekend. I don't really count my calories since I am not in any kind of a rush, but I do keep them under control. I have lost around 15 pounds during the last 2,5 months and I feel sooooo much better. I can't say I would notice the difference that well in looks, but the better feeling overall is what I am for.

It is good that you have planned a programme that you think you can stick to. I don't myself even think I would be in a short diet or thight schedules, I have just changed my normal routines to healthier ones. I must admit I don't really have any short term goals but I am just looking this as a long term thing. Out of curiosity do you have something huge coming event that you have decided to be on your best like big parties, weddings or something similar?

I also recommend you to take measurements of your hips and waist now so you have something to compare along the photos. Those are motivational. :p

All the best with it and keep us updated

Congrats on the 15lbs so far! :)

I'm going on a trip in September to Europe so I want to A: be able to walk everywhere and not give a fuck and B: be able to take pictures of myself in Europe lol.

I'm glad you're doing somewhat similar to me and getting results :)

Once I find my tape measure, I will take measurements. I'm guessing, since I remember what they were last time I was this heavy, 40-31/32-40. Bust will never go down lol. That has been consistent no matter what.

Planned to work out tonight but I've come home with a headache that is making me a bit nauseous, so forced rest day it is. Haha.


Hey guys. I've been consistently working out and enjoying it. I'm up to 120 bench and 190 squat (yeah, you all probably are laughing!). I am following the Starting Strength Practical Programming method.

However, I am not sure what to do about the deadlift. I do it once a week and for the past 3 weeks or so, ever since I got to 140, my lower back was sore the next day (like an ache) and running a couple miles the next day and even 2 days after made it ache a lot and I had to stop and stretch to try and get it to feel better.

So, I skipped a week and everything went back to normal. I try 140 again. Lower back ache right after doing it (when I say lower back, right above the butt basically). Although I stopped early and was fine running the next day and stuff.

Now I did the deadlift at 140 AGAIN yesterday (3rd week) and same thing and running today ached and I had to stop and stretch and it's still kinda bothering me right now.

What do I do? I don't want to push it, and not sure if that's a normal place it should hurt. My deadlift progress obviously has been quite stalled and I'm starting to wonder about alternatives for awhile. Any ideas? Thanks!

I'd set up your phone and record the lift. Could be a form issue.


Hey guys. I've been consistently working out and enjoying it. I'm up to 120 bench and 190 squat (yeah, you all probably are laughing!). I am following the Starting Strength Practical Programming method.

However, I am not sure what to do about the deadlift. I do it once a week and for the past 3 weeks or so, ever since I got to 140, my lower back was sore the next day (like an ache) and running a couple miles the next day and even 2 days after made it ache a lot and I had to stop and stretch to try and get it to feel better.

So, I skipped a week and everything went back to normal. I try 140 again. Lower back ache right after doing it (when I say lower back, right above the butt basically). Although I stopped early and was fine running the next day and stuff.

Now I did the deadlift at 140 AGAIN yesterday (3rd week) and same thing and running today ached and I had to stop and stretch and it's still kinda bothering me right now.

What do I do? I don't want to push it, and not sure if that's a normal place it should hurt. My deadlift progress obviously has been quite stalled and I'm starting to wonder about alternatives for awhile. Any ideas? Thanks!

Not sure. 140 seems like a little light for spinal issues, but check your form. If your back is rounding during te lift it could cause pain, or if the bar is going away from your feet. But your lower back will probably be a bit stuff after your deadlifts especially if you do them once a week.
Really considering doing an EC stack. Any of you guys have experience with it?

Ran one of those a few years ago (fall 2010). Worked very well. Most cut up I'd ever gotten honestly. Considering picking it up again for my upcoming cut, but I'll start the cut for a bit to see how it goes.

Monitor your blood pressure before and after just to be safe. It's a minimal risk, but it's seriously a bad idea to not at least check on it once in a while. Even if you just use the free blood pressure monitors that they have at grocery stores or whatever, that's better than nothing and can be good for comparing before taking EC and while taking EC.
Not sure. 140 seems like a little light for spinal issues, but check your form. If your back is rounding during te lift it could cause pain

I had this issue with my back rounding (tall with long arms) and had to make some adjustments with hand placement and the initial movements. Since then it has pretty much cleared up.


Really considering doing an EC stack. Any of you guys have experience with it?

I used to take EC while cutting when I was younger and had good results with it. It's one of the only fat-burning supplements that I found actually helped, although it's a small difference that's not going to do the work for you. Just be aware that it was taken off the [supplement] market about a decade ago because of use-related deaths, eg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Bechler#Death, and that you can't just go YOLO and take a bunch of it without acclimation, not stay hydrated, and then workout like a crazy person for hours. You will die. In the US you can still get it in many pharmacies if you ask for it behind the counter, they'll ask for your ID so they can track purchases and make sure you're not Jesse Pinkman or something. I personally don't take it anymore because as I got older it started interfering with my ability to sleep, even at low dosages, and sleeping well is far more important / more ergogenic than the small benefit the EC stack might provide.
Really considering doing an EC stack. Any of you guys have experience with it?

Depends on how well you handle stims, I personally will use it every time I cut from now on. Great energy boosts/appetite suppression early on before you get used to it and the evidence is there for the (small) metabolism boost. Go for it.

Also Steve Belcher used the herbal ephedrA, not the pharmaceutical ephedrINE. And apparently hadn't eaten for two days too?

Just don't take it within 4-5 hours of bedtime and it shouldn't mess with your sleep. And use caffeine pills instead of coffee so you know exactly how much you're getting.

Yeah sounds like a form issue like the guys are saying. Try to pay attention to where the pressure on your feet is as you come off the floor, it should NOT just be on your toes. Usually when my back's sore the next day it's because I whiffed a rep and leaned too far forward and ended up levering it up with the lower back vs. using the posterior chain properly.
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