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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Stop getting injured guys!

I had to push up my chest day to saturday due to stomach aches & cramps preventing me from sleeping :/
Think I'm lactose intolerant, so it's time to get tested for that and get myself a better protein powder.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
the Sixth iteration of the Sixth fitness OT and most workouts have six different lifts


guys we should have seen this coming


Is chipotle pretty much the only non garbage fast food out there? Don't feel like cooking. Might as well get a double chicken bowl.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is chipotle pretty much the only non garbage fast food out there? Don't feel like cooking. Might as well get a double chicken bowl.

There's a lot of options out there, many of them involve throwing away a significant amount of bullshit to get the good shit.
Is chipotle pretty much the only non garbage fast food out there? Don't feel like cooking. Might as well get a double chicken bowl.

Taco Bell

To be a bit more serious, Tokyo Joe or Firebowl Cafe. They are chains I don't know if there are any in your area.


Decided on chipotle and went all in for triple chicken. Every damn employee in line commented on it. Apparently I'm the first person to ever do this. Wtf! It's not THAT much chicken. I had 4 breasts (lol) for lunch

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So I want to become a cop. However I am not in the best shape. I'm not fat or anything but I want to get very fit. Where do I start? I read the OP but I feel that I need more then strength but cardio as well.

Look at the physical requirements for your police exam.

Do that, and do it a lot.
This may sound embarssing but I started doing Starting Strength today and I can't do more than 1 or 2 pullups. :( Are there any alternatives to that until I get strong enough to regularly do them?

Look at the physical requirements for your police exam.

Do that, and do it a lot.

Is it really that simple?


the piano man
This may sound embarssing but I started doing Starting Strength today and I can't do more than 1 or 2 pullups. :( Are there any alternatives to that until I get strong enough to regularly do them?

Don't you have access to a machine with the knee pad?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This may sound embarssing but I started doing Starting Strength today and I can't do more than 1 or 2 pullups. :( Are there any alternatives to that until I get strong enough to regularly do them?

Is it really that simple?

As a guy who did too many army apfts, several police exams and the FLETC exam, yes.

J. Bravo

Well, I'm not getting hurt. 215 for 3 on my bench day. Bench is my hardest and least favorite lift. Seriously, the last rep took probably 10 seconds to get it all the way up, and everything was on the verge of cramping at once haha.


Well, I'm not getting hurt. 215 for 3 on my bench day. Bench is my hardest and least favorite lift. Seriously, the last rep took probably 10 seconds to get it all the way up, and everything was on the verge of cramping at once haha.

Don't move. The ghost is lurking.

Any fitbros have diablo on Xbox?

J. Bravo

Haha, I'm squatting tomorrow. I might wear a belt so my intestines don't pop out. Damn ghost would probably stab me right in the gut without one.



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So you are/were a police officer?

If so could I ask you a few questions via PM?

I'm a federal correctional officer (I work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons), I work in a medium security level, male federal correctional institution with a satellite female camp. I have a BA in Criminal Justice, and interned with a police department before finally getting on at my current job. I may be able to answer your questions, I may not.

However, depending on what your department requires will drastically change on what you need to train. Train for exactly what you will be doing.

If you still want to PM me, go ahead, I'll get to the messages when I can.
Been on the road with Congresses and meetings. Haven't been able to lift or eat right.

I will set that up straight tomorrow! But now, it's pizza time!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Shittiest workout in a while. Just had no energy today for some reason. Form felt off. Strained my back during a deadlift PR.


So aggravating to have these kinds of workouts. They make you feel like all the progress you've made was for naught. And it doesn't make sense because you know you're eating right and well-rested, but... well, apparently not, I guess. :/

How often do you guys progress on your lifts week-by-week? I keep getting trapped in this mindset that if I don't move up each week then I'm doing something wrong. I dunno.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Shittiest workout in a while. Just had no energy today for some reason. Form felt off. Strained my back during a deadlift PR.


So aggravating to have these kinds of workouts. They make you feel like all the progress you've made was for naught. And it doesn't make sense because you know you're eating right and well-rested, but... well, apparently not, I guess. :/

How often do you guys progress on your lifts week-by-week? I keep getting trapped in this mindset that if I don't move up each week then I'm doing something wrong. I dunno.

Week by week?

Try month and a half by month and a half. I work out 3 times a week that puts me at about a 5-6 week mini cycle. Only after I've gone through 16 sessions do I go for another 1RM PR.

5/3/1 is also monthly.

What programming are you using?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Week by week?

Try month and a half by month and a half. I work out 3 times a week that puts me at about a 5-6 week mini cycle. Only after I've gone through 16 sessions do I go for another 1RM PR.

5/3/1 is also monthly.

What programming are you using?

Right now I'm on Tom Mutaffis' 3-day split (slightly customized). Although I'm thinking about going back to Starting Strength now that I'm actively bulking. I began Tom's 3-day split during my cut phase because cutting during SS is counter-intuitive and it didn't make sense for me then.

But if I do go back to SS, do I do a reset or what? I've been stuck in the SS mindset of "progressing each week," but of course that won't work on a 3-day split thanks to all the isolation movements.

J. Bravo

Right now I'm on Tom Mutaffis' 3-day split (slightly customized). Although I'm thinking about going back to Starting Strength now that I'm actively bulking. I began Tom's 3-day split during my cut phase because cutting during SS is counter-intuitive and it didn't make sense for me then.

But if I do go back to SS, do I do a reset or what? I've been stuck in the SS mindset of "progressing each week," but of course that won't work on a 3-day split thanks to all the isolation movements.

why dont you find a 3-5rm (or 1rm) and then use those to start 5/3/1? Assuming you've been lifting a while, that is. Maybe do a few weeks of SS to get your body used to lifting heavy again.


My 24 hour carb up -

Dinner last night
Lasagna / salad / garlic bread (12")

Box of frosted mini wheats
2 garlic bagels
half a pound of chicken salad on whole wheat wrap
6 chocolate frosted donuts from D&D
9 Cups of spaghetti with meatsauce + salad

2 shakes, and 2 quest bars.

Estimated total according to myfitness, 8000cals, 1300g of carbs.

Last week I ate an entire pizza pie by myself, less than 2 hours after I had 2 burgers and some hot dogs. The inner fat person in me finds carb ups to be delightful.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
why dont you find a 3-5rm (or 1rm) and then use those to start 5/3/1? Assuming you've been lifting a while, that is. Maybe do a few weeks of SS to get your body used to lifting heavy again.

Hmmm, I might just do that.

Is there an app that'll allow me to log my 5/3/1 progress? Seems like a rather involved workout program (calculations wise).

J. Bravo

Hmmm, I might just do that.

Is there an app that'll allow me to log my 5/3/1 progress? Seems like a rather involved workout program (calculations wise).

It's not a website that works well on my phone, but www.strstd.com is what I use. Calculates each 5/3/1 cycle, and you can log your progress each day. I log my AMRAP set and my body weight each day.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
It's not a website that works well on my phone, but www.strstd.com is what I use. Calculates each 5/3/1 cycle, and you can log your progress each day. I log my AMRAP set and my body weight each day.

That's a great site. Love that it calculates your 1RM for you. How accurate is it? Should I go off of that as a decent estimate?

Big But Boring seems like the best one for me. Rest 3-5 minutes between main lift sets, right? And then rest only 1-2 mins between sets of isolation exercises?
Last week I ate an entire pizza pie by myself, less than 2 hours after I had 2 burgers and some hot dogs. The inner fat person in me finds carb ups to be delightful.

some dude in my gym admitted he's aten pizza every single day for over a month straight currently. stuffed crust, large pizza hut pizza all to himself for lunch every goddamn day. motherfucker benches over 300. he's not even super young either, he doesn't have a fat look or anything, just looks like a big gym rat, it's ridiculous. yet oddly inspiring. might be the strongest upper body dude at the rec i work out at and his secret is slamming pizza hut.

absolutely do not rely on the 1rm estimates from that site. ever. maybe you'll hit it but quite likely you won't, very hit or miss, do not rely on it by any means

J. Bravo

That's a great site. Love that it calculates your 1RM for you. How accurate is it? Should I go off of that as a decent estimate?

Big But Boring seems like the best one for me. Rest 3-5 minutes between main lift sets, right? And then rest only 1-2 mins between sets of isolation exercises?

It's what I use to calculate the program, and I hit my numbers, but don't try and hit the 1rm lol. It's probably wrong, even though the calculations are pretty conservative.

I'm doing Big But Boring at the moment. During bench today, I rested maybe 4 minutes on average between each set, but during deadlifts, I rested probably 8 minutes on average lol. It depends on the lift and how you're feeling that day, for sure. Now for the 5x10 of the main lift, and the other exercise you do, I rest about 2 minutes. Once again, just depends on you. Don't worry about taking longer rest periods.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
some dude in my gym admitted he's aten pizza every single day for over a month straight currently. stuffed crust, large pizza hut pizza all to himself for lunch every goddamn day. motherfucker benches over 300. he's not even super young either, he doesn't have a fat look or anything, just looks like a big gym rat, it's ridiculous. yet oddly inspiring. might be the strongest upper body dude at the rec i work out at and his secret is slamming pizza hut.

absolutely do not rely on the 1rm estimates from that site. ever. maybe you'll hit it but quite likely you won't, very hit or miss, do not rely on it by any means

Benching isn't the metric by which you should judge someone's strength, especially just a +300 bench. Nor what you should eat.

That said, I eat like shit on workout days and I do ok.


210 Squats x5
135 Bench and Pendlay Rows 3x5

So that's 65 more pounds before I am benching my body weight (not including whatever weight I gain between now and then)

Let's see, adding 5lbs each workout it's 6 workouts a month....yadayada....I should be there in a little over two months? Sweet...of course if I don't stall of course.
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