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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Cheers people. Will start her off on some squats and then move on to curls/extensions. Will see if she can OHP the 10kg barbell they have.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
DBs might also be a good way to go while building initial strength.
Reposting once - 1RM deadlift (340): http://youtu.be/A0sMjQmgycc

PLEASE FORM CHECK AND OFFER ADVICE ON IMPROVING...I think I know what's wrong (not enough driving forward of the hips, back rounding a bit) but getting multiple opinions would help.

This was totally raw (chalk only), should I start thinking about getting a belt? If so what do you belt-users recommend, all I know is you want something a uniform width all the way around and not the tapered ones like they have in the gym.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Dayum, same height as me (and 15 lbs heavier probably with half the fat). How many years did it take you to get to this point?
Difficult question to answer. I've been lifting since I was 13 and I'm 34 now. I started getting serious and studying proper nutrition and all that fun stuff about 5 years ago.

J. Bravo

Reposting once - 1RM deadlift (340): http://youtu.be/A0sMjQmgycc

PLEASE FORM CHECK AND OFFER ADVICE ON IMPROVING...I think I know what's wrong (not enough driving forward of the hips, back rounding a bit) but getting multiple opinions would help.

This was totally raw (chalk only), should I start thinking about getting a belt? If so what do you belt-users recommend, all I know is you want something a uniform width all the way around and not the tapered ones like they have in the gym.

There was a video where Elliott Hulse or w/e his name is was fixing someone's deadlift form. I can't find it now but if I do I will send it your way.

anyways you need to flex your lower back before ever starting the lift. get everything nice and tight and low before you move the weight.

and no you don't need a belt. I just watched a video of the aforementioned elliott hulse deadlifting 605 without one. I don't use one, and you and I are nearly the same weight (I'm 174) and I'm deadlifting 375+. All I use is chalk.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There was a video where Elliott Hulse or w/e his name is was fixing someone's deadlift form. I can't find it now but if I do I will send it your way.

anyways you need to flex your lower back before ever starting the lift. get everything nice and tight and low before you move the weight.

and no you don't need a belt. I just watched a video of the aforementioned elliott hulse deadlifting 605 without one. I don't use one, and you and I are nearly the same weight (I'm 174) and I'm deadlifting 375+. All I use is chalk.

You may not need one but boy do they help!
There was a video where Elliott Hulse or w/e his name is was fixing someone's deadlift form. I can't find it now but if I do I will send it your way.

anyways you need to flex your lower back before ever starting the lift. get everything nice and tight and low before you move the weight.

Should I start with my hips lower, you mean?

I'll search through the strengthcamp vids when I get home.

Also I get your point but Elliot Hulse I ain't ;) I was just thinking about it for using on the heaviest set, like right now I use double-overhand on everything but the final one which is always the heaviest.
What?! Tell me why, I've only seen positives. What's the downside? I never heard any of them.

hes joking

Thanks! Now I just need a 455lb squat and I will have hit all my short and long-term goals.

45lb muscle up
500lb deadlift
370lb bench
225lb OHP
455lb squat (you're next!)

All at a weight of 185.

pretty damn impressive

real fucking impressive

also i traded away gore in my fantasty league cause he is sucking it up. acquired trent richardson.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
pretty damn impressive

real fucking impressive

also i traded away gore in my fantasty league cause he is sucking it up. acquired trent richardson.


Thanks FE. And Trent ain't doing shit against a pissed off Niners D at home!!


There was a video where Elliott Hulse or w/e his name is was fixing someone's deadlift form. I can't find it now but if I do I will send it your way.

I assume you are referring to this video where Elliott Hulse is 'correcting' Omar Isuf's DL form?

EDIT: I recorded form check videos for DL and OHP.
I'm quite disappointed with my OHP form, I know I need to fix it.
For DL I might have to have my hips lower, is that correct? After rewatching Elliott's video, I have to keep the things he mentioned in mind. Sadly, the only person who watched the video and showed me how to DL using that video won't be able to help rebuild my DL;
he has costochondritis and knee pain and won't return to the gym for a good while :(
. Advice and tips would be great!


I assume you are referring to this video where Elliott Hulse is 'correcting' Omar Isuf's DL form?

EDIT: I recorded form check videos for DL and OHP.
I'm quite disappointed with my OHP form, I know I need to fix it.
For DL I might have to have my hips lower, is that correct? After rewatching Elliott's video, I have to keep the things he mentioned in mind. Sadly, the only person who watched the video and showed me how to DL using that video won't be able to help rebuild my DL;
he has costochondritis and knee pain and won't return to the gym for a good while :(
. Advice and tips would be great!

Is that polytech?


What in the fuck is the guy "squatting" in your deadlift vid doing?
No clue. There's a good number of people 1/2 to 3/4 squatting in my university it's not funny. Every session I go to, always at least one. I have the urge to point it out but I don't mention anything; not sure if I'm qualified to say anything when I'm not squatting at least my BW.
*I just noticed the guy pressed the weight over his head and had to crouch down to rack the weight lol. Christ.

Is that polytech?
Yes it is Polytech, I'm surprised someone noticed . Did you graduate from there?


Anyone else feel immense pain in their arm tendons when doing straight bar bicep curls or curls with supinated palms in general? Any workarounds that b/c the pain is killing me.
I just take a standard multi-vitamin, vitamin D. vitamin B complex and B12.

no fish oil? omega 3s are the shit my friend. i take fish oil, ginko biloba, arganine, glutamine, green tea extract, ginseng extract, melatonin, zinc, magnesium and selenium every day. i'm not saying take that shit that's just my personal mix, but i'll say my body feels 10x better when i take my stack (don't over pay for some stack in a pill either, best to learn what each individual part does and go from there, ends up being really cheap this way even tho it ends up being a mouthful). i know that sounds like a lot but all in all its not even a dollar a day. i'm not saying it's the answer to your question, but i will throw the recommendation out there to look into some other things, could possibly help with issues and if nothing else it sure as hell will help with recovery.

i recommend liquid fish oil, you'll get more of useful portion of it than in most capsules


They came!



no fish oil? omega 3s are the shit my friend. i take fish oil, ginko biloba, arganine, glutamine, green tea extract, ginseng extract, melatonin, zinc, magnesium and selenium every day. i'm not saying take that shit that's just my personal mix, but i'll say my body feels 10x better when i take my stack (don't over pay for some stack in a pill either, best to learn what each individual part does and go from there, ends up being really cheap this way even tho it ends up being a mouthful). i know that sounds like a lot but all in all its not even a dollar a day. i'm not saying it's the answer to your question, but i will throw the recommendation out there to look into some other things, could possibly help with issues and if nothing else it sure as hell will help with recovery.

i recommend liquid fish oil, you'll get more of useful portion of it than in most capsules

I'll try to get my hands on some fish oil and see if it helps my predicament. Thanks


Brian Burke punched my mom
Work was so fucking tiring this week, no need to lift, I lift all fucking week at work.

3-5" saw cups binding on framing nails in three layers of 2x6 is awesome on the wrists.


the piano man
today something strange happened at the gym,

I was meaning to do my pull-up sets, 4 x 10, unassisted, I normally do it in the machine with the knee pad but for some reason, today I decided to to them on the power rack, it was 23:30 on friday and it was nearly empty.

by the 4th rep, I realize " damn, this is fucking hard" and stopped at 6...and thought "what the fuck is happening? do I have sand in my pants/shoes or WHY do I fail at rep 6???"

I still can't answer!, maybe the grip is wider in the power rack?, maybe I have been neglecting triceps? my grip was toasted? maybe I was just tired? I decided to try once the machine with the knee pad and again, it didn't feel much better. I decided to go for 8 sets of 6.... which is pretty mediocre compared to what I was achieveing some weeks back.

everything else went as planned, deadlift, bent over rows...

on the positive side, I have found a new challenge, from now on I am doing pullups on the power rack and I WILL get my 10 reps back, and then some. what the fuck is that power rack thinking.


Yea, I still come by and use the gym every now and again because the three platforms and bumper plates are awesome.

Yeah, those are great; unfortunately the power rack on the right side has no mirror to look at. Also if I read correctly, gym membership is $150 a year for alumni? I think it's pretty cheap for this much value. Too bad most CBE graduates don't stay in NYC, so I doubt I'll be sticking around after I graduate.
Anyway, maybe you'll bump into me!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lord I have a love/hate relationship with hi rep DLs. I think they help my heavy 5x5 days otherwise I wouldn't do them but man are they difficult! Even doing 225x15 is a Fing chore!

J. Bravo

I assume you are referring to this video where Elliott Hulse is 'correcting' Omar Isuf's DL form?

EDIT: I recorded form check videos for DL and OHP.
I'm quite disappointed with my OHP form, I know I need to fix it.
For DL I might have to have my hips lower, is that correct? After rewatching Elliott's video, I have to keep the things he mentioned in mind. Sadly, the only person who watched the video and showed me how to DL using that video won't be able to help rebuild my DL;
he has costochondritis and knee pain and won't return to the gym for a good while :(
. Advice and tips would be great!
Yeah that's the one I was looking for. If you can get someone to stick a pvc pipe on your back it helps a lot, especially if you can't feel whether or not your lower back is flexed.

That's interesting, Elliot suggests bending the knees and then leaning forward to get the bar down, Noema suggests the opposite.

yeah do what noema said in that case. I only used the video to work on my start position.


That's interesting, Elliot suggests bending the knees and then leaning forward to get the bar down, Noema suggests the opposite.

Well, it's not so much my suggestion as it is Rippetoe's, for whom the eccentric part should be the opposite of the concentric: unlock your hips, then unlock your knees after the bar has traveled past them. It's simple common sense to avoid your knees getting in the way of the bar.

I like Elliot and I subscribe to his channel, but I like his videos more because of his attitude and his approach to training, not so much because I think he's good as a strength coach. He has had to work his butt off to be able to achieve his dream of having his own gym and making a living out of that, and I respect that.

The problem with Elliot is that he's an incredibly gifted athlete. He's the type of guy who walks to a gym age 17 for the first time and he can already squat 315lb and bench 225lb. He'd be stronger than most people who do train even if he had never touched a weight in his life.

The thing with such genetically gifted individuals is that, many times, they tend to be bad coaches because they are often unable to understand what being "normal" is. And since they are so freakishly strong naturally often they can get away with less-than-optimal technique or mechanics and they are never forced to question what they are doing (for example Klokov, who is a genetic freak, has often been criticized for his sub-optimal jerk technique, but he can get away with it because he's a goddamn freakishly strong motherfucker who can push press 450lb for a double), and I feel that sometimes that's the case with Elliot. Some of his videos have really really wacky explanations of how some of the lifts work, or show some poor understanding of anatomy or mechanics. Again, he can get away with it; normal people can't.

It's like getting dating advice from a really good looking guy. I have a cousin who looks like a Mexican Tom Cruise, and when we were in our late teens / early twenties he'd always go out with incredibly hot girls, and I was a forever-alone fat nerd with dandruff who played video games all day long. And he simply couldn't get why I wasn't dating and banging hot chicks like he was. He'd say "It's so easy! You just walk up to them and ask them out. They never say no!" /facepalm

I assume you are referring to this video where Elliott Hulse is 'correcting' Omar Isuf's DL form?

EDIT: I recorded form check videos for DL and OHP.
I'm quite disappointed with my OHP form, I know I need to fix it.

You have to keep your hips a bit lower on the deadlift but without letting your hamstrings slacken. That takes a bit of practice, but the idea is that when you squeeze your chest and raise it to enter lumbar extension, it will also pull your hips in, and we don't want that because we want the hamstrings (which greatly aid in hip extension) to be as tense as possible at the bottom. So it's like a tug of war between the chest and the spinal erectors and the hamstrings, and neither of them should win. .

And also, don't bend your knees until the bar has traveled past them. Otherwise the bar will run into your knees on the way down.

As for OHP: don't let your wrist travel past your elbow. In other words, if watching from the side, your elbows should always be ahead of your wrists. This is to reduce the moment arm as much as possible. And for the same reason, the bar should travel as close as possible to your face. Also, don't be afraid to bounce at the bottom, using the stretch reflex. Descend in a controlled fashion; explode at the bottom to drive the bar up.

Reposting once - 1RM deadlift (340): http://youtu.be/A0sMjQmgycc

PLEASE FORM CHECK AND OFFER ADVICE ON IMPROVING...I think I know what's wrong (not enough driving forward of the hips, back rounding a bit) but getting multiple opinions would help.

This was totally raw (chalk only), should I start thinking about getting a belt? If so what do you belt-users recommend, all I know is you want something a uniform width all the way around and not the tapered ones like they have in the gym.

Similar to Choccobro: lower your hips a bit but keep the hamstrings tight. Squeeze your chest and imagine you are pointing your nipples at the wall, deep breath and pull. It seemed like you hadn't setup properly before the pull.

And again, unlock the hips and then the knees. The bar is running into your legs on the way down. This should not be happening.

And get a belt.

Get a belt

Get a belt

Get a belt


Noema, I feel like I can't get proper lumbar extension unless I drop my butt way way down to the point that I'm almost doing a squat. Is this a mobility issue?


You have to keep your hips a bit lower on the deadlift but without letting your hamstrings slacken. That takes a bit of practice, but the idea is that when you squeeze your chest and raise it to enter lumbar extension, it will also pull your hips in, and we don't want that because we want the hamstrings (which greatly aid in hip extension) to be as tense as possible at the bottom. So it's like a tug of war between the chest and the spinal erectors and the hamstrings, and neither of them should win. .

And also, don't bend your knees until the bar has traveled past them. Otherwise the bar will run into your knees on the way down.

As for OHP: don't let your wrist travel past your elbow. In other words, if watching from the side, your elbows should always be ahead of your wrists. This is to reduce the moment arm as much as possible. And for the same reason, the bar should travel as close as possible to your face. Also, don't be afraid to bounce at the bottom, using the stretch reflex. Descend in a controlled fashion; explode at the bottom to drive the bar up.

Yeah, that's what I figured about the DL. Before, I had my hips lower but my hamstrings would get really tired at the starting position when I'm getting ready for set. I'll go lower in future DLs. Additionally, my friend said to just drop the weight instead of controlling it down. "drop the weight, lowering it slowly wastes energy. Usually deadlift is done for strength. You can do hypertrophy for the lumbar, but that isn't needed. Also when you get to heavy weights, lowering it slowly can be dangerous. I don't think it's doing anything but wasting energy." I was lowering it slowly mostly because Elliott Hulse was saying controlling eccentric portion would build muscle mass. Which would you recommend?

For the advice and tips on the OHP, I'll definitely keep that in mind. My friend sent me this video and I found it helpful.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
The problem with Elliot is that he's an incredibly gifted athlete. He's the type of guy who walks to a gym age 17 for the first time and he can already squat 315lb and bench 225lb. He'd be stronger than most people who do train even if he had never touched a weight in his life.

The thing with such genetically gifted individuals is that, many times, they tend to be bad coaches because they are often unable to understand what being "normal" is. And since they are so freakishly strong naturally often they can get away with less-than-optimal technique or mechanics and they are never forced to question what they are doing (for example Klokov, who is a genetic freak, has often been criticized for his sub-optimal jerk technique, but he can get away with it because he's a goddamn freakishly strong motherfucker who can push press 450lb for a double), and I feel that sometimes that's the case with Elliot. Some of his videos have really really wacky explanations of how some of the lifts work, or show some poor understanding of anatomy or mechanics. Again, he can get away with it; normal people can't.

This is an excellent point. I have a friend just like that. I've often gotten injured working out with him because I let him push me beyond my limits when to him I'm just "doing what he's doing." He hasn't hit the weight room in many years and his first day back a few weeks ago he squatted something like 245 10 times at 175 lbs. He has endurance like no one I've met; he runs about 7-10 miles a day, usually at a pace of 6.5 minutes/mile (his mile record is 4:52, and he's never done track in his life). He recently competed in an 8-mile Spartan Race and casually informed me that he placed 7th overall, out of something like 7,000 contestants.

It's frustrating actually, because I feel like I have to put in so much more effort than he does. Whereas 20 pull-ups is a milestone for me, he's busting out 30. Whereas benching more than my bodyweight has taken months to achieve, he was benching double his bodyweight his first day back in the gym.

I joke with him sometimes that he's not human, and it honestly does kinda annoy me that he doesn't really seem to grasp just how gifted he is. I've stopped working out with him because it's just not good for my self-esteem. :p
Anyone have a good mens multi-vitamin they recommend? Or are they all pretty much the same shit

Personally, I think you're wasting your money going beyond the basic store-brand men's multivitamin. Hell, we probably waste our money buying any multivitamin. For whatever reason, I still take them. I just buy the ~400 count bottle of whatever I can find in a "men's formula" at my local grocer or wherever is comparably cheap.
That's interesting, Elliot suggests bending the knees and then leaning forward to get the bar down, Noema suggests the opposite.

There is not one way to set up or do any lift. Just try multiple methods and stick to the one you like best and can do safely.

I prefer clean style deadlifts to hip hinge deadlifts, and while I use less weight than I used to, my legs feel more taxed and my back is in a much better position.


today something strange happened at the gym,

I was meaning to do my pull-up sets, 4 x 10, unassisted, I normally do it in the machine with the knee pad but for some reason, today I decided to to them on the power rack, it was 23:30 on friday and it was nearly empty.

by the 4th rep, I realize " damn, this is fucking hard" and stopped at 6...and thought "what the fuck is happening? do I have sand in my pants/shoes or WHY do I fail at rep 6???"

I still can't answer!, maybe the grip is wider in the power rack?, maybe I have been neglecting triceps? my grip was toasted? maybe I was just tired? I decided to try once the machine with the knee pad and again, it didn't feel much better. I decided to go for 8 sets of 6.... which is pretty mediocre compared to what I was achieveing some weeks back.

everything else went as planned, deadlift, bent over rows...

on the positive side, I have found a new challenge, from now on I am doing pullups on the power rack and I WILL get my 10 reps back, and then some. what the fuck is that power rack thinking.

Did you check your weight? It might just be that you had eaten more/hadn't taken a dump etc. BW stuff like chins can vary a bit depending on how much water you're carrying etc.

I might be that when you got that 4x10 you were not retaining that much water but today you were. If you're bodyweight were to go up a kilo or two because of water weight, it could have an effect on your chin ups.


I wast thinking about starting doing GHR's but apparently I can't even do a single one. How should I start training them if I want to start incorporating them after DL's? Negatives etc?
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