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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Looking really good Cooter :)

How do you guys do the eccentric portion of the deadlift? Slow and controlled, fast and controlled, drop after lockout? My friends saw my form check video posted in the last page and they recommended just dropping the weight because controlling it down is a waste of energy, slows down recovery, and you can really injure your back. I also read a piece from T-Nation, "Never Deadlift Like This" and it's consistent with what my friends are saying. I am aware it really depends on your gym but my university gym has platforms and bumper plates that allows me to drop it after lockout. Secondary question is should I just drop the weight after lockout like my friends suggest?

I can't link the piece because Dolphin Mini is a pain in the ass when it comes to formatting.

EDIT: I forgot to add a fourth reasoning my friends gave-- no benefit, as far as they know, from doing the eccentric portion of the deadlift.


Pull ups are 10x harder than chin ups. Probably because my biceps are okay but my back has all the strength of wet paper.

Still fun though.


My lower back is sore and it doesn't look like I've lost any fat during this time, though, so that bums me out a little.

I've lost maybe two pounds of fat since starting lifting a year ago. It really takes more than just working out.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Cooter, you look fucking beast, and FallingEdge, you honestly look better than I've ever seen you. Goddamn you're a monster.

In other news, my weight gain progress is going well. I'm hovering around 146/147 pounds right now (been just over a month since the bulk). I'm gaining weight faster than what is normally suggested on a "clean bulk," but honestly I don't care right now.

But I will say I feel like I look much larger than my weight indicates. Can't wait to hit that 170 mark by next year. If I wasn't so strict about my calorie intake I'd hit it very quickly I think.


Tried GHR's today like Brolic suggested on the previous page. Managed something like 5-6 reps per set of these "practice GHR's". Still felt them good in my hamstrings. Never actually felt anything like this in my hams, they are dead. Even during the set I could feel that even with the assistance, I was working near the limits of the muscles. It felt like they were cramping because they were working so hard. So good.

Hopefully I can progress with these that some day I can move on to full unassisted GHR's.


the piano man
you know, regardless of whether it's maintain, bulk or cut, I really think it all comes down to the training, I mean, getting into the gym and getting things done. Of course nurtition and consideration of genetics are all relevant factors but it really is more a 1 + 1 = 2 formula. Proper training + consistency = Gains

Cooter maintains and looks great, FE claims he is bloated 24/7 but lol no, looks big and more powerful than before, also looks great. Same with MTP, Immortal, Darth, etc. everyone with different approaches and philosophies but one thing in common:

they go there and get things done.

Which is exactly what I am going to do today. Squat session incoming.

Gotta jump in the pic train, I think I haven't shown this yet.


EDIT: Despire, thanks for asnwering to my pull-up post,

what I think that happened is a mixture of two things:

1.- the handles in the power rack are positioned in such a way that I am forced to try harder with every rep to reach the same high point compared to the kneepad machine, I am pretty positive they are some centimeters further apart from each other, that's added difficulty.

2.- I clearly have been neglecting triceps, yesterday I had massive DOMS on my arms and I didn't work on triceps on isolation, it was just back, the pullups, bent over rows and that stuff. I has been a while since I felt doms on my triceps. Having less time for training does take its toll on the overall programming I guess


Girlfriend is going to buy lifting shoes and we picked Adidas Powerlift 2.0's. Reasonably priced, her size is available and she likes the color. The only other alternative available would be the Power Perfect II's.


She has been squatting with normal flat soled shoes which aren't really that good, but today we tried placing small plates under her heels so that her heels were slightly elevated and it immediately improved her squat form. She has been having trouble with proper form and I know that mobility is the issue but these should help also.
Switched from 531 to a linear progression a month ago (also reset my weights) and so far it's been going really well and have broken a few plateaus too.

Bench 5/5/5 x 237 lb - if I can hit 5 x 242,5 lb the next time it will be a PR.
Squat 5/5/7 x 265 lb - a month ago I did 6 x 265 with my only 3+ set
OHP 5/5/4 x 144 lb - a month ago I struggled with 5 x 132 lb for one set
Deadlift 5/5/5 x 330 lb - the best DL session this year even though I felt a bit lightheaded after each set.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Question about Kroc Rows

Wendler says to do 1-2 warmup sets followed by one all-out 25+ rep set. What should the warmup sets look like as far as weight and # of reps? Is it the usual SS-style warmup with like 50% of your work weight and the same # of reps for the 1st set and then bumping it up to like 75% of your work weight for the 2nd? Or something different entirely?

Also, how do I figure out a good starting weight for the main set?
The last few Saturdays I have been 185-186 which is up from the 182-183 I had been at for months. Between deadlifts, the new PRs, and the 2 huge sweet potatoes I've added to my nightly meal I think it's possibly I put on some muscle. It's so hard to know for sure though... Anyway, here's some progress pics.




Cooter, are you honestly in your mid 30's?

You look quite younger than that dude.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Question about Kroc Rows

Wendler says to do 1-2 warmup sets followed by one all-out 25+ rep set. What should the warmup sets look like as far as weight and # of reps? Is it the usual SS-style warmup with like 50% of your work weight and the same # of reps for the 1st set and then bumping it up to like 75% of your work weight for the 2nd? Or something different entirely?

Also, how do I figure out a good starting weight for the main set?

Regular DB rows. 10 reps lower weight.

I typically do 160lb kroc rows for 15-20 reps. I warm up with 120 and 130 for regular db rows at 10 reps.

Everyone looking swole.

Wax it off, bro.

Pain for that gain.

No, not only no but FUCK NO.

"How womanly it is for one who is a man to comb himself and shave himself with a razor, for the sake of fine effect, and to arrange his hair at the mirror, shave his cheeks, pluck hairs out of them, and smooth them! For God wished women to be smooth and to rejoice in their locks alone growing spontaneously, as a horse in his mane. But He adorned man like the lions, with a beard, and endowed him as an attribute of manhood, with a hairy chest - a sign of strength and rule."

"This, then, is the mark of the man, the beard. By this, he is seen to be a man. It is older than Eve. It is the token of the superior nature. It is therefore unholy to desecrate the symbol of manhood - hairiness."



Since everyone's throwing up half noodz, figured I'd share my 3 month progress of not cutting but just being more conscious of what I eat (although the past three weeks I've been slipping hard on weekends :-x)

Left I'm 205. Right I actually weighed in at a pound more at 206 this morning.

Overall I'm pretty happy for 3 months.

No, not only no but FUCK NO.

"How womanly it is for one who is a man to comb himself and shave himself with a razor, for the sake of fine effect, and to arrange his hair at the mirror, shave his cheeks, pluck hairs out of them, and smooth them! For God wished women to be smooth and to rejoice in their locks alone growing spontaneously, as a horse in his mane. But He adorned man like the lions, with a beard, and endowed him as an attribute of manhood, with a hairy chest - a sign of strength and rule."

"This, then, is the mark of the man, the beard. By this, he is seen to be a man. It is older than Eve. It is the token of the superior nature. It is therefore unholy to desecrate the symbol of manhood - hairiness."


I am willing to die for my right to remove hair from certain areas of m body.
My facial hair might have a veto right, but that does not apply for bodily hair.


Everything about Kroc rows seems to go against what I thought I knew about weight/frequency ratios.
If lower reps/higher weight promotes strength, why go with 25reps?
I'll throw in with the body-shot crowd:

First one is me when I was 16 and that's pretty much how I looked until I was 19 and started lifting/training. That white T-shirt is a medium, and you can tell it's baggy as hell on me. I was skin and bones back in high school. I wish I had a shot of my legs from back then hahaha. I'm 24 now, and those last two pictures are from about a month ago. Still have a ways to go before I'll be happy with my body, but progress is progress. Need to get a damn better camera and lighting also.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, are you honestly in your mid 30's?

You look quite younger than that dude.
Haha! You got me! I'm actually 27 but I thought if people here thought I was older I'd get more respect! ;)

That's nice to hear but I honestly turned 34 last month. :)

FE, sphix, Sean, and Soka... Way to join the pic train! All of you are looking great. FE, you are Fing huge! Damn. Soka, amazing transformation! Sphinx, hold on a minute, I see, yup, I see abs!



Everything about Kroc rows seems to go against what I thought I knew about weight/frequency ratios.
If lower reps/higher weight promotes strength, why go with 25reps?

Kroc rows aren't so much about fitting into the box of "smartness" with what normally works (I really can't find a better way to put it). There more about being a certain movement that you punch into a certain type of work out program for a specific reason.

That reason is either:

A. Deadlift grip strength
B. Dat swoleness of the back

They way Matt Kroczaleski states to do his rows is with, admittedly, not too good form, little extra pull, leaned up at a slight angle, and with always ball to the walls sets. They are not dumbbell rows. You should feel like you're going to vomit when your done. From what I've read of his, he recommends going back and forth between chalk and straps.

So, it's not that you HAVE to do 25 reps. It's that it should be all out for as much weight as you can do. And then throw a few extra in there.
Haha! You got me! I'm actually 27 but I thought if people here thought I was older I'd get more respect! ;)

That's nice to hear but I honestly turned 34 last month. :)

It was a retorical question, you're holding up pretty good man ;-)

you know, regardless of whether it's maintain, bulk or cut, I really think it all comes down to the training, I mean, getting into the gym and getting things done. Of course nurtition and consideration of genetics are all relevant factors but it really is more a 1 + 1 = 2 formula. Proper training + consistency = Gains

Cooter maintains and looks great, FE claims he is bloated 24/7 but lol no, looks big and more powerful than before, also looks great. Same with MTP, Immortal, Darth, etc. everyone with different approaches and philosophies but one thing in common:

they go there and get things done.

Which is exactly what I am going to do today. Squat session incoming.

Gotta jump in the pic train, I think I haven't shown this yet.


Lookin' good dude!

I'll throw in with the body-shot crowd:

First one is me when I was 16 and that's pretty much how I looked until I was 19 and started lifting/training. That white T-shirt is a medium, and you can tell it's baggy as hell on me. I was skin and bones back in high school. I wish I had a shot of my legs from back then hahaha. I'm 24 now, and those last two pictures are from about a month ago. Still have a ways to go before I'll be happy with my body, but progress is progress. Need to get a damn better camera and lighting also.

Congrats yo! that's an awesome shift!
Congrats yo! that's an awesome shift!

Thanks! I hate looking at older photos of myself. I just look bone thin (especially in my hands), ghostly pale, swimming in a medium T-shirt (as shown in the above pic), and even my posture was horrid. I thank squats/deadlifts for improving my posture so much to be honest.

No body shots but I will ask FitGAF for another form check -

1RM Squat, got 335 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YncpQzBGD8

I feel like other than the depth, which felt right but is clearly a bit shy of parallel, I did all right. The last time I did 1RM I got 350 but my knees were wobbling all over the place and it was probably even more shallow of a depth.

I agree about not hitting parallel; I'd say you were 3/4ths of the way there though. I'm always a proponent of recommending going lighter to hit parallel, but for a 1RM it's hard to complain. Also, it sort of looked like you were shifting your weight forward and lifting up your heels a bit, especially at the beginning of your descent, but it's hard to tell.


the piano man
Sphinx, hold on a minute, I see, yup, I see abs!

that's right buddy, lol,

that pic is taken at the time I'd been trying to eat everything I could, whenever I could, every day,

I really am looking forward to my first true cut phase, I am expecting some serious core definition there.

I guess is different for everybody but rather than caring about the BF% with an obsession, compounds and dedicated (very varied) core exercises have proven to bring the gains for me (coupled with a shitton of patience),

People focus a little too much on that BF% factor but I think that the less trained your core is, the lower your BF has to be to actually show any definition.

I am 16.5% in that pic, now, that's not a six pack, and it's not the most awesome core ever, but for a 16.5% BF it's pretty telling. I was 12.8% BF last year and there was nothing there, of course we are talking about a time I didn't lift weights, just did crunches and pushups...

that's why my advice is train like a pro, eat well, treat your core like the rest of the body, cut later, voila.

Lookin' good dude!

Thanks! :)

everybody looking swole as usual.

Soka, I think I've never seen your pics before, that's great progress and you've been very consistent! those are many years.

nice quads! specially your right leg, I love it when the quads pop out to the side.

Legs for me determine a lot more authority at the gym than arms. whenever I see a guy at my gym who is big but also packs a huge pair of legs, I consider him the most alpha of the bunch.

don't skip leg days people.
Soka, I think I've never seen your pics before, that's great progress and you've been very consistent! those are many years.

Thanks! Yeah, my right quad looks larger than my left in the pic, but it's more to do with the angle of my feet. I look more symmetrical in person, I swear!

Anyone ever see workout routines like this on their friend's FB/Twitter/Instagram feeds?

Shit is maddeningly silly to me.


No body shots but I will ask FitGAF for another form check -

1RM Squat, got 335 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YncpQzBGD8

I feel like other than the depth, which felt right but is clearly a bit shy of parallel, I did all right. The last time I did 1RM I got 350 but my knees were wobbling all over the place and it was probably even more shallow of a depth.

If you want a form check, I wouldn't post a 1RM video. There is always some form compromises on a 1RM, even if they are minute.

Also, to the bolded, no you didn't imo. If you didn't hit parallel then you didn't get that weight. I'd hazard a guess that if you went ATG you wouldn't be able to get that 335 up. Not trying to be a dick here, just saying, parallel or below or it doesn't count.
Thanks! Yeah, my right quad looks larger than my left in the pic, but it's more to do with the angle of my feet. I look more symmetrical in person, I swear!

Anyone ever see workout routines like this on their friend's FB/Twitter/Instagram feeds?

Shit is maddeningly silly to me.

no, you have some friends to delete


Thanks! Yeah, my right quad looks larger than my left in the pic, but it's more to do with the angle of my feet. I look more symmetrical in person, I swear!

Anyone ever see workout routines like this on their friend's FB/Twitter/Instagram feeds?

Shit is maddeningly silly to me.

I always wonder who comes up with these things. Seems like they have a bunch of numbers in one basket, and a bunch of exercises in another and people blindly pull out from both and match them all.
no, you have some friends to delete

This particular friend works at a Gold's Gym and 90% of her status updates are about sales/deals at said gym. The other 10% are random ass routines like this. I have a tendency to get some sort of twisted enjoyment out of having friends that post dumb shit on their social media though, so I guess I won't hide her feed. I'm a glutton for punishment.

My thoughts as well, Cudder. Totally randomly generated.


Anyone ever see workout routines like this on their friend's FB/Twitter/Instagram feeds?

Shit is maddeningly silly to me.

I don't see anything wrong with that if your goal is only cardio as it is for most people working out.


Having some really shitty tendinitis in my knees, might have to cut back on some of the volume. And it's not the fitness ghost, I've had chronic knee problems since I was in 8th grade, bad knees are just in the family line.


Gold Member
Got dam everyone is looking huge - FE, Cooter, Sean, Sphinx, good work guys. did I forget someone?

I will save myself for a year end pic I think. Although now I have a huge urge to hit the gym right now after reading through the last two pages. Since it's late I think I will settle for a Quest bar.


I have odd schedules and had a question about sleeping.
We have a stationary bike, and since I play hockey I would like to ride it more.
Because my sleep schedule is awkward I would like to ride before sleep, hoping to potentially exhaust myself.
Or will this get me amped up like playing hockey?
I agree about not hitting parallel; I'd say you were 3/4ths of the way there though. I'm always a proponent of recommending going lighter to hit parallel, but for a 1RM it's hard to complain. Also, it sort of looked like you were shifting your weight forward and lifting up your heels a bit, especially at the beginning of your descent, but it's hard to tell.

If you want a form check, I wouldn't post a 1RM video. There is always some form compromises on a 1RM, even if they are minute.

Also, to the bolded, no you didn't imo. If you didn't hit parallel then you didn't get that weight. I'd hazard a guess that if you went ATG you wouldn't be able to get that 335 up. Not trying to be a dick here, just saying, parallel or below or it doesn't count.

Good points, I guess I shouldn't expect perfect form on a 1RM. Cudder: Probably not but it being low bar I'm not shooting for ATG in the first place. Guess I need to focus even more on how things feel on the warmup/lighter sets.


Good points, I guess I shouldn't expect perfect form on a 1RM. Cudder: Probably not but it being low bar I'm not shooting for ATG in the first place. Guess I need to focus even more on how things feel on the warmup/lighter sets.

Sure, you shouldn't go ATG on low bar, since that will result in losing hamstring tension at the bottom and will possibly a rounded low back.

But your femurs should be at least parallel and the crease of your hips should go below your knees. You didn't even come close.


I suggest a 1RM test with 315lb and post that, or even better, working sets with about 85%. If that looks good, I'd use 315lb*0.9=285lb as your Training Max. Better to go a little bit lower making sure you are hitting depth on every rep.

Soka said:



If you want a form check, I wouldn't post a 1RM video. There is always some form compromises on a 1RM, even if they are minute.

Also, to the bolded, no you didn't imo. If you didn't hit parallel then you didn't get that weight. I'd hazard a guess that if you went ATG you wouldn't be able to get that 335 up. Not trying to be a dick here, just saying, parallel or below or it doesn't count.

I agree. Form breakdown is pretty much inevitable. I'd post a vid of working sets.


Numbers after 8 months of 5/3/1:
OHP: 155X5
DL: 330X4
Bench: 230X2
Squat: 305X2

My numbers stalled during the summer due to work and family issues, although, I was able to increase my lower lifts after a few members of Fit-GAF encouraged me to. The program is simple enough for me to follow along with. It also keeps me ego in check. Sure, I could probably DL 360 for 1 or 2 reps, but that'll happen in a few months and I have to stay focused on my goal this month.

This guy made things awkward today. Someone called him asking for help. He started flipping out on the phone; dropping F-bombs and C-bombs. After a few minutes he left, but not before he got on his sick bike that he had to rev up for what seemed like fifteen minutes right outside the door.

I'm debating if I hate all people now.


Those are in the ballpark of my numbers, and I've been lifting for 2 years. Good job. Also, your OHP is really impressive compared to your other lifts, imo.

Thanks. The OHP are what they are because I used to lift 55 of these (below) at least twice a week for an hour each time. That job is over now, so my OHP has been more difficult.


...So much yellow. Geez

It's a little overbearing the first time you go, but when the weather is really depressing the colors perk you right up.
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