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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Very possible. Maybe I should be doing sumo deadlifts?

Even if you do it's probably not that. I have short arms, hell I have damn near short everything. You probably have mobility issues.

That's interesting, Elliot suggests bending the knees and then leaning forward to get the bar down, Noema suggests the opposite.

I cannot STAND Elliot, or that dude that biscuit always post. Absolutely cannot stomach their shit.

I stand at the bar bend at the waist grab the bar, then bring my shins to the bar.

I'm about to add THIS to my setup though which I haven't been doing and will probably give me a bit more to the weight.


This is how you should be setting up. IMO. I was doing everything JL says except for "pulling myself down."

I wast thinking about starting doing GHR's but apparently I can't even do a single one. How should I start training them if I want to start incorporating them after DL's? Negatives etc?

Yes, lower yourself as slow as possible until failure then throw yourself up and go again.
Squated 275 yesterday. Feels good man. Haven't checked the scale in months, but I should be around 170lbs. Also, I did 155 for a couple reps on standing push presses.

My bench still sucks. Only at 225 for 1, 2 reps if I'm feeling good. Oh well. I'm nowhere eating the amount of protein to my body weight, so if I was eating another 30g of protein, I'm sure I'd see that increase. My incline chest presses are good, though. Can put the 90s for 6 reps.

It's funny how I do around 6 (including warm up) sets of squats and 5 sets of standing push presses, I'm outta the gym in an hour. Legs and Shoulders go by the quickest.

Also, I saw a short trainer doing deadlifts in a squat position? I thought that was wrong? I almost felt like saying why he was doing that.


Watching that video Brolic posted really helped. I pulled myself into the start position and it's amazing how much tighter I was. only at 195 3x5 but my lower back is feeling great!


I never understood why most people set up this way: they round their back to grab the bar and then they set their arch, is there a reason for that?

And thanks for your input as always, Gaoler. I'll keep doing regular deadlifts for now and try to work on my form and hopefully post a video soon.


I never understood why most people set up this way: they round their back to grab the bar and then they set their arch, is there a reason for that?

And thanks for your input as always, Gaoler. I'll keep doing regular deadlifts for now and try to work on my form and hopefully post a video soon.

Watched the eliteFTS video. I always rounded, got in position and immediately tightened then pulled. Now from rounding, I'm pulling my body in, tightening as I go into the position. Feels totally different but very solid.

You don't start in ready position, because then it's easy to squat too low into position. A common mistake I see from guys at my gym. It's like they're doing a reverse squat.


Here is one set for today.


Still feel like my knees are unlocking a little too early.


Watched the eliteFTS video. I always rounded, got in position and immediately tightened then pulled. Now from rounding, I'm pulling my body in, tightening as I go into the position. Feels totally different but very solid.

You don't start in ready position, because then it's easy to squat too low into position. A common mistake I see from guys at my gym. It'slike they're doing a reverse squat.

I feel like that's what I'm doing. It feels like my arms aren't long enough to grab the bar without a little rounding, otherwise I have to get my ass lower to reach the bar. Need to watch the video Gaoler posted when I get home.
Just ran a Marine Corps Fitness Challenge here on my campus. It's an 880 yard run. a 2-minute stretch of lifting a 30-pound ammo can over head (basically, it's like push-pressing a 30-lbs box as many times as you can in 2 minutes), and finally an obstacle drill course. The obstacle drill course was a series of orange cones and you'd perform various tasks as you weaved between then; sprint, crawl, belly-crawl, carry 2 of the 30-lbs ammo cans, drag another person, carry that person on your back, etc. Ended up getting 3rd out of maybe a dozen guys that were participating, which I'm happy with since I haven't jogged in a year or more, let alone tried to sprint. It reminds me that I need to really, really work on conditioning beyond just stationary bike HIIT.

Total blast though. It's beautiful outside today too, made it even better.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Costco had 2kg tubs of Kaizen Whey Iso at $10 discount so I picked up four. I typically pay ~$130CDN for 10lbs of ON GS but needed some Whey this week and since I ran out I went with the cheaper option, an extra 3.2lbs per $130!

J. Bravo

My atmospheric rise on OHP might be slowing down, finally. After two cycles of 5/3/1, I was able to do 150 for 3 reps on the 5/3/1 week. Today, 145 for 5 was pretty tough. We'll see how it goes next week, because today I am fucking tired and haven't eaten enough. Starting a new sleep pattern and diet is challenging.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Yesterday I did 170lb deadlifts successfully. I'm pretty goddamn happy about that. Squats are at a steady rise and currently at 117.5. Bench presses are fucking hard, though. 92.5 and somewhat struggling, I want to get it up to 100lb and then I won't worry about it as much.

Starting Strength is the shit, my legs are becoming beastly and with the addition of some barbell curls I am starting to notice differences in my arms.

What are some of the best additional exercises for the stomach that you guys know of? I know that deadlifts and squats are considered great for working the abs but I was wondering if you guys know of/do any that are primarily for them outside of the main lifts?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The last few Saturdays I have been 185-186 which is up from the 182-183 I had been at for months. Between deadlifts, the new PRs, and the 2 huge sweet potatoes I've added to my nightly meal I think it's possibly I put on some muscle. It's so hard to know for sure though... Anyway, here's some progress pics.





Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking good Cooter. When do you test your squat 1RM or did I miss that post already?
I'm planning on it this upcoming Wednesday. I'm going to dial back DLs the day before in preparation for it.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Coots you're looking thin, better put on some mass and join the #foreverbulk club.
not srs looking great but come join the dark side

cgbp, bb row, DLs, weighted pull ups... Was a terrible idea to do rows before high rep DL followed by pull ups, only managed ~83x5

Clavicle/shoulders feel fucked so BS instead of FS tomorrow, progress halted



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Coots you're looking thin, better put on some mass and join the #foreverbulk club.
not srs looking great but come join the dark side

cgbp, bb row, DLs, weighted pull ups... Was a terrible idea to do rows before high rep DL followed by pull ups, only managed ~83x5

Clavicle/shoulders feel fucked so BS instead of FS tomorrow, progress haltedd


Oohhh!!! Tempting but I'll stay on team maintain. ;) Thanks brotha!


Hi I'm new.

I don't know if there is a format for introductions here but I'm trying to put on weight.

I'm 5'11 140 pounds.

I'm looking for any advice. What kind of exercises and what to eat.

Should I post pictures?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hi I'm new.

I don't know if there is a format for introductions here but I'm trying to put on weight.

I'm 5'11 140 pounds.

I'm looking for any advice. What kind of exercises and what to eat.

Should I post pictures?
You should read the op, that's what you should do.


Mixed results today, but I think overall, progress was made.

Thanks for all the comments on my OHP. I really focused on tightness and form. I had my best performance at my current weight, managing 4/4/3 at 55 pounds. Previously I got 3/3/2 and 2/2/2. So I'll deload next time and keep thinking about form. I did feel much better during today's sets.

I also had my first missed squats today, making 5/5/3 at 135 pounds, just above my body weight of 130. I think in a way the missed reps were good for me. Now I can stop wondering when I'll hit a snag and just think about going forward again.

DL'd 185 today, using mixed grip for the first time. That bar's feeling heeeeeaaavy. It's impressive to think that's just a warm-up weight for seemingly everyone here but me. :p

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck it, I'll do it on my own.
Maybe I fucked up by not following a "template" but I sure as hell didn't come here for snark.
WTF. The OP is literally pages worth of the most important information a beginner needs to know, compiled by members of this community as a public service. No-one particularly cares about the "template", if you'd followed it you'd be told to read the OP anyway, because it's there to help people in your situation.

Honestly, "READ THE OP" should be in the title of this thread.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fuck it, I'll do it on my own.
Maybe I fucked up by not following a "template" but I sure as hell didn't come here for snark.

You know it's policy to read the op right? Lol if you're gonna be sensitive you're gonna have a hard time. Do you son.

Cooter you look great! I'm so jelly of your delts and biceps insertions lol

Also you should post in NFL gaf more!! :p

Yeah I'm so proud man! Keep up the good work my friend :)

Thanks bud!

So how do you guys get rid of belly/chest hair?

Why the fuck would I wanna do that. #foreverpelt #messinwithsasquach


I add about 5lb per cycle for compound assistance.

Thanks. But now I'm wondering if Jim Wendler's BB template has too much volume for me. I've been checking online and some people are saying the the BBB template is the best for size. What do you guys think?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Looking lean, mean and heeeeeeeoooooooooogggggggeeeee Cooter.

Thanks Sean! I'm a nice guy though. Rarely mean. ;)

Cooter you look great! I'm so jelly of your delts and biceps insertions lol

Thanks rando. Although I a feel a little dumb admitting I'm not exactly sure what that means. Haha!

some real inspirational pics Cooter

Appreciate it! Amazing what you can achieve with hard work and listening to the peeps on FitGaf!


Thanks rando. Although I a feel a little dumb admitting I'm not exactly sure what that means. Haha!

Hah biceps insertions are just your genetics in terms of how your biceps lay on your arm. You have short inserts, which means when they contract you get an awesome peak!
Soo you guys are serious when you say chuck taylors are good weight lifting shoes right? because I just bought some but I feel like I look like a goober in them. The only other shoes I had though were Reebok Reeflex but those things have a shit ton of padding


Soo you guys are serious when you say chuck taylors are good weight lifting shoes right? because I just bought some but I feel like I look like a goober in them. The only other shoes I had though were Reebok Reeflex but those things have a shit ton of padding

yep you want flat soles, assuming by lifting you mean squats and DLs

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
It's unfortunate that it's taken me two months to work up the confidence to use the real weights
on Saturdays and Sundays when virtually no one is in the gym
but at least I can now say I no longer use any of the smith machines and do legit bench, DL, and squats, along with other stuff. No OHP yet because I feel like I might die doing that. :eek:

My lower back is sore and it doesn't look like I've lost any fat during this time, though, so that bums me out a little.
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