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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
531 is progressing well so far. Got some wicked DOMS last week (first week of it) and it's finally worked itself out.

I keep wondering when I should stop on some of those nearly max rep movements - I get sore to the point of pain, say, in my shoulder doing military db press for instance, and it really hurts, but it's not an injury hurt and after about 30 mins, it'll feel fine. But at that point I'm done.

Just kind of tough to know if I'm being a wiener and stopping too early, or if I'm being foolish and injury prone and stopping too late.
The only time ur going near ur max rep is on ur third week. 5/3/1 tries avoid u going ur max so it doesnt shut down ur nervous system.

This happened to me during SS where i broke a new Max then tried to repeat it on the 2 days later only to fail
I am pretty damn sure I will be hitting 180 lb anytime in the following 2 weeks. And what shall I do after that?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The only time ur going near ur max rep is on ur third week. 5/3/1 tries avoid u going ur max so it doesnt shut down ur nervous system.

This happened to me during SS where i broke a new Max then tried to repeat it on the 2 days later only to fail

Heh, well goddamn. I need to settle down then.


Lacked any kind of appetite during friday and saturday and had a rather bad workout on friday. It sucks when real-life stuff sneaks in and starts impacting your workouts and training.

Wasn't going to just force feed myself though and took it easy over the weekend.
The only time ur going near ur max rep is on ur third week. 5/3/1 tries avoid u going ur max so it doesnt shut down ur nervous system.

This happened to me during SS where i broke a new Max then tried to repeat it on the 2 days later only to fail

I thought the last working set for each of the non-deload weeks of the cycle were going for reps, with a *minimum* of 5, 3, or 1 depending on which week it was.
I thought the last working set for each of the non-deload weeks of the cycle were going for reps, with a *minimum* of 5, 3, or 1 depending on which week it was.

This is how I understood 5/3/1 as well. The last set for each of your big lifts should be for as many reps as you can manage. Not necessarily to the point of failure, but you should be pushing yourself relatively hard. The exception being on week 4 (the "deload" week), where you should just do the prescribed 5 reps and stop.


You can pick your battles too. I don't like to go all out on week 1 because its easier and I tend to burn myself out for the whole week.

I like going all out on the 2nd and 3rd week.
I thought the last working set for each of the non-deload weeks of the cycle were going for reps, with a *minimum* of 5, 3, or 1 depending on which week it was.

5 reps on the first week and 3 on second week I think then 3rd week (where its 95%) is 5, 3, then 1 or more (if u can) on the weight near Max (95%)
Lacked any kind of appetite during friday and saturday and had a rather bad workout on friday. It sucks when real-life stuff sneaks in and starts impacting your workouts and training.

Wasn't going to just force feed myself though and took it easy over the weekend.

those are the days you should treat youself to cheat meals. when i get jaded on cooking all my food and having a sink full of dishes every day that's the perfect time to walk nextdoor for a huge gyro or whatever you enjoy but don't eat on the regular. easier to get past low appetite days if you let yourself indulge in whatever you want!


Well, it looks like I'll be starting my winter bulk early this year.

I got a second opinion about my left hand and the other doctor also recommended surgery.

I've already set the date in Oct. If everything works out, I should be able to return to light training by early Nov.



Just finished my deload week of 5/3/1 BBB, but it doesn't feel like I'm "recovered". I tweaked my shoulder during some accessory stuff last weekend and it's still feeling "off", my wrist continues to feel off during any type of barbell curl or "chin", but fine with dumbbell work, and my ankles feel beat to shit. My birthday is this weekend, and I'm debating just taking the week off to truly recover, but I feel guilty as shit doing so as this is only my first cycle back with 5/3/1 BBB, and these feel like little things I should be able to work through. Talk me off the ledge GAF!


Just finished my deload week of 5/3/1 BBB, but it doesn't feel like I'm "recovered". I tweaked my shoulder during some accessory stuff last weekend and it's still feeling "off", my wrist continues to feel off during any type of barbell curl or "chin", but fine with dumbbell work, and my ankles feel beat to shit. My birthday is this weekend, and I'm debating just taking the week off to truly recover, but I feel guilty as shit doing so as this is only my first cycle back with 5/3/1 BBB, and these feel like little things I should be able to work through. Talk me off the ledge GAF!

Take a week off, this shit isn't a race it's a marathon. Rest for a week, maybe try doing some very light shoulder rehab exercises, enjoy your life, come back in next Monday morning with passion.

I tried my best petrie impression! lol

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, it looks like I'll be starting my winter bulk early this year.

I got a second opinion about my left hand and the other doctor also recommended surgery.

I've already set the date in Oct. If everything works out, I should be able to return to light training by early Nov.


Well, you have a plan. Enjoy the time out while you can! There's plenty of positives.


Take a week off, this shit isn't a race it's a marathon. Rest for a week, maybe try doing some very light shoulder rehab exercises, enjoy your life, come back in next Monday morning with passion.

I tried my best petrie impression! lol

Wouldn't life be easier if we could all follow what we know is best when is comes to ourselves?

That's exactly what I'd say to anyone who posted what I did.

Alright. True rest week it is. I'll hit the gym once or twice for some face pulls and such, but nothing taxing.

Back to it come October!

Hope I can stick to this plan and not be dumb!
Hello, Bro-GAF. I have a bit of an emergency request:

I did a modeling video a few years ago with as a concept for an ad agency. It was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it. That's when I was a competitive athlete and in pretty good shape.

Today, I'm a first-time father of a 9-month old and have the slight flab and small muscles that come with sitting around the house for a year, not getting much exercise.

I just got requested to do a similar video in about 7-8 days. I need to go on a crash diet and training regime to try to get the best look possible. I've never done anything like this because all my exercise came from my sports practice and not in any scientific way.

Since time is of the essence, it'd be very hard for me to go through the whole thread and do the requisite research. It would be a tremendous help and highly appreciated if one of you can put together a specific 7-day eating and training plan that will give me (at least the look) of the best body possible.

Right now, I think my biggest problem is the slight belly pudge and love handles, some thigh fat as well, and complete lack of pecs. Please help me out! Thanks.
Thank you all for the positive comments. Still doing my best to grind it out. Trying to get big. Big big. Michael Elgin big. Tanahashi big. Power baby.

On the actual lifting side of things, Magnusson-Ortmayer deadlift program is going great. The weights are heavy but not heavy to the point where I can't go on. I'm on Week 6 and I wish I started off a bit heavier but it is all good. I'm going to get that 500 lbs deadlift by the end of the year. I can feel it.

Sept - Nov: Finish deadlift program, test new 1RM
Nov - Dec: 2 cycles of Smolov Jr. for Bench

Gotta jump in the pic train, I think I haven't shown this yet.


Nice. Can see that you are slowly getting there.

Since everyone's throwing up half noodz, figured I'd share my 3 month progress of not cutting but just being more conscious of what I eat (although the past three weeks I've been slipping hard on weekends :-x)

Left I'm 205. Right I actually weighed in at a pound more at 206 this morning.

Overall I'm pretty happy for 3 months.

Still believe that you have a lot more mass than you weigh. I consider that a good thing.

I'll throw in with the body-shot crowd:

Progress indeed. Keep going.

Well, it looks like I'll be starting my winter bulk early this year.

I got a second opinion about my left hand and the other doctor also recommended surgery.

I've already set the date in Oct. If everything works out, I should be able to return to light training by early Nov.


Damn dood. Hope things work out just fine. Until then #bulking #acquiringmass
Well, it looks like I'll be starting my winter bulk early this year.

I got a second opinion about my left hand and the other doctor also recommended surgery.

I've already set the date in Oct. If everything works out, I should be able to return to light training by early Nov.


good luck brother

I'll probably start my winter bulk next week. Going to go for a hard cut this week and then get to work on Monday of next week.

Main issue is my wrists...hurt em on bench a few days ago due to shit form (started going palms to the ceiling ) so hopefully it sorts itself out in a week. That will give me time to get my macros together anyway.


Gold Member
Hello, Bro-GAF. I have a bit of an emergency request:

I did a modeling video a few years ago with as a concept for an ad agency. It was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it. That's when I was a competitive athlete and in pretty good shape.

Today, I'm a first-time father of a 9-month old and have the slight flab and small muscles that come with sitting around the house for a year, not getting much exercise.

I just got requested to do a similar video in about 7-8 days. I need to go on a crash diet and training regime to try to get the best look possible. I've never done anything like this because all my exercise came from my sports practice and not in any scientific way.

Since time is of the essence, it'd be very hard for me to go through the whole thread and do the requisite research. It would be a tremendous help and highly appreciated if one of you can put together a specific 7-day eating and training plan that will give me (at least the look) of the best body possible.

Right now, I think my biggest problem is the slight belly pudge and love handles, some thigh fat as well, and complete lack of pecs. Please help me out! Thanks.

You won't build any muscle in 8 days but by combining fat loss and dehydration you can definitely look leaner. Google up No 1 Boot Camp and look at their training program and 1500kcal menu, I have shed 6kg of water and fat in a week at their camp, it's pretty much all day training though. But if you are really dedicated yeah you can do a lot for a quick cosmetic fix. Just be honest to yourself that it is not sustainable so you will regain after the week some of it. Also, lighting and oil makes a difference.

After the emergency, better start lifting bro!
Hello, Bro-GAF. I have a bit of an emergency request:

I did a modeling video a few years ago with as a concept for an ad agency. It was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it. That's when I was a competitive athlete and in pretty good shape.

Today, I'm a first-time father of a 9-month old and have the slight flab and small muscles that come with sitting around the house for a year, not getting much exercise.

I just got requested to do a similar video in about 7-8 days. I need to go on a crash diet and training regime to try to get the best look possible. I've never done anything like this because all my exercise came from my sports practice and not in any scientific way.

Since time is of the essence, it'd be very hard for me to go through the whole thread and do the requisite research. It would be a tremendous help and highly appreciated if one of you can put together a specific 7-day eating and training plan that will give me (at least the look) of the best body possible.

Right now, I think my biggest problem is the slight belly pudge and love handles, some thigh fat as well, and complete lack of pecs. Please help me out! Thanks.

You have any current pics? Pics from your modeling video? We need to see what you are tying to achieve. To be honest, I have no idea what you can do significantly in 7 days. Might just be a lost cause considering your current state. Post em up if you can though.
Hello, Bro-GAF. I have a bit of an emergency request:

I did a modeling video a few years ago with as a concept for an ad agency. It was pretty sweet and I enjoyed it. That's when I was a competitive athlete and in pretty good shape.

Today, I'm a first-time father of a 9-month old and have the slight flab and small muscles that come with sitting around the house for a year, not getting much exercise.

I just got requested to do a similar video in about 7-8 days. I need to go on a crash diet and training regime to try to get the best look possible. I've never done anything like this because all my exercise came from my sports practice and not in any scientific way.

Since time is of the essence, it'd be very hard for me to go through the whole thread and do the requisite research. It would be a tremendous help and highly appreciated if one of you can put together a specific 7-day eating and training plan that will give me (at least the look) of the best body possible.

Right now, I think my biggest problem is the slight belly pudge and love handles, some thigh fat as well, and complete lack of pecs. Please help me out! Thanks.

You are a prime candidate for Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook - http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-rapid-fat-loss-handbook. It is the most scientifically sound crash diet in existence; I did a run of it myself a couple months ago. With only a week you won't get much but you'll be carb-depleted and probably down at least a pound of fat; it'll be the most you can hope to achieve outside of outright starving yourself and the muscle loss that goes along with that.

Essentially it is a Protein-Sparing Modified Fast wherein you are ONLY eating ~1.25 g/lb of lean body mass in protein, ~10g fish oil a day for essential fatty acids, fibrous green veggies for nutrients, and whatever tagalong carbs and fats come with your lean meats.

Training is reduced significantly - your goals are to keep the same weight on the bar you normally use but to do far fewer sets and possibly fewer days a week. Spend the money, buy the book, read the whole thing, and start today. Good luck! I'm going to do another round of it myself starting tomorrow so if you need advice/want to commiserate you can PM me :)

And as for the pecs, yeah lighting, oil, and lots of push-ups right before the shoot.
Thanks for the tips. I know it's a tough job, but I won't be clothes-less for the shoot. It's more of a sports/performance video. I will be wearing skin-tight stuff thought, probably.

Here are some pics I just snapped. They made me really sad so please don't laugh ;(

I probably need to do some bench press and different kind of push ups just to get whatever kind of definition in the chest I can pick up in 7 days.
Thanks for the tips. I know it's a tough job, but I won't be clothes-less for the shoot. It's more of a sports/performance video. I will be wearing skin-tight stuff thought, probably.

Here are some pics I just snapped. They made me really sad so please don't laugh ;(

I probably need to do some bench press and different kind of push ups just to get whatever kind of definition in the chest I can pick up in 7 days.

Oh so you are wearing a shirt? Okay then. Pushups, bench, flys, etc. Anything to give your chest a pump. To be honest though, it really won't make a difference in the 7 days. What you can do is eat up on some carbs and get a nice pump before the shoot. Hell, even during the shoot as well. Stand tall, get your posture on point, and flex your chest out.


Gold Member
Thanks for the tips. I know it's a tough job, but I won't be clothes-less for the shoot. It's more of a sports/performance video. I will be wearing skin-tight stuff thought, probably.

Here are some pics I just snapped. They made me really sad so please don't laugh ;(

I probably need to do some bench press and different kind of push ups just to get whatever kind of definition in the chest I can pick up in 7 days.

You don't look bad at all. An 8 day crash diet or boot camp will give you probably quite nice definition, and like FE suggests do tons of push ups / pull ups right before shooting to give you the upper body pump for the pics with muscles filled with blood. Cut all salt and carbs to dehydrate, and no alcohol except hard liquor to help you dehydrate more. Hit the sunbed for a tan and get some oil.

During the 8 days I would not bother with trying to build muscle, just do tons of cardio and a really strict diet will do the trick.

Post before / afters!

And after this start to hit the weights, you have a nice lean frame to build on.


Guys, a girl I'm interested in just posted on Facebook about Crossfit and how the only way to know if she had a good workout is if she threw up afterward.

I do not want to see her ever again.


Does anyone practice any sort of visualization of their workouts? I tried it last night - went through my workout in my head, playing out each work set, and this morning I blew through them with no problem. It was pretty cool


531 is progressing well so far. Got some wicked DOMS last week (first week of it) and it's finally worked itself out.

I keep wondering when I should stop on some of those nearly max rep movements - I get sore to the point of pain, say, in my shoulder doing military db press for instance, and it really hurts, but it's not an injury hurt and after about 30 mins, it'll feel fine. But at that point I'm done.

Just kind of tough to know if I'm being a wiener and stopping too early, or if I'm being foolish and injury prone and stopping too late.

Like Soka said, the AMRAP sets are not failure sets. You should always leave a rep or two in the tank. The way I usually do it is that I try to do 2 extra reps over the minimum: so my final work set in the 5s week is 7 reps, 5 reps on the 3s week and 3 reps on the 531 week.

As for the accessory work, it should always be light enough that you should be able to do all the reps without issue. Challenging, yes, but not to the point of grinding. Your focus is on the 531 lift. Everything else is secondary.

Does anyone practice any sort of visualization of their workouts? I tried it last night - went through my workout in my head, playing out each work set, and this morning I blew through them with no problem. It was pretty cool

I always do that! Ever since I read this article I always visualize the lifts I'm going to do the next day when I go to bed. I try to get a feel for the weight, how it feels to grind it out a heavy weight, specially when it's a weight I've never lifted before.

The other day Brolic was talking about how heavy weights feel "different", and I think he's absolutely right. I always try to explore how that "different" feels. I think it helps me because I'm not as intimidated by the heavy weights when I do actually get under the bar for real. Sometimes when lifting heavy your body sort of has a "HOLY SHIT HEAVY" kind of response that can block you even if you are strong enough to move the weight. I find that mentally preparing myself can aid in tipping the balance towards "fight" in the fight-or-flight mechanisms encountered in these situations because you are not caught by surprise by the weight. You know it's gonna feel heavy because you've already lifted it in your mind, so to speak.


Does anyone practice any sort of visualization of their workouts? I tried it last night - went through my workout in my head, playing out each work set, and this morning I blew through them with no problem. It was pretty cool

I believe at least Wendler advocates this.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Like Soka said, the AMRAP sets are not failure sets. You should always leave a rep or two in the tank. The way I usually do it is that I try to do 2 extra reps over the minimum: so my final work set in the 5s week is 7 reps, 5 reps on the 3s week and 3 reps on the 531 week.

As for the accessory work, it should always be light enough that you should be able to do all the reps without issue. Challenging, yes, but not to the point of grinding. Your focus is on the 531 lift. Everything else is secondary.

Good thoughts. If anything it appears I am busting too much ass on the accessory work. I'm not having considerable trouble hitting approx 7 reps on the 531 (this is week 1 after all) on the final set, but the accessory work of 5 sets of 10-20 reps is getting a little brutal depending on which exercise it is.
Ok I got terrible news. Apparently I can't do shit right because of my body limitations

I can't do real squats- only on smith machine is it possible
Bench pressing is a problem because I can't have the perfect form
Deadlift, same form problem

I got problems with the form with pretty much everything. Machines are my best friend here

So my question is:

Will I be able to build solid muscle with not so heavy weight?
Guys, a girl I'm interested in just posted on Facebook about Crossfit and how the only way to know if she had a good workout is if she threw up afterward.

I do not want to see her ever again.

She likes to puke? Sounds kinky. Don't give up on her yet!

Does anyone practice any sort of visualization of their workouts? I tried it last night - went through my workout in my head, playing out each work set, and this morning I blew through them with no problem. It was pretty cool

I believe at least Wendler advocates this.

I find myself thinking about my day's training session quite often when I get a bit of a break around lunch time. despire is correct that Wendler does advocate this. Wendler goes as far as to say you should enter your session for that day with a clearly considered goal as to how many reps you'll achieve on your final set of your big lift.

Good thoughts. If anything it appears I am busting too much ass on the accessory work. I'm not having considerable trouble hitting approx 7 reps on the 531 (this is week 1 after all) on the final set, but the accessory work of 5 sets of 10-20 reps is getting a little brutal depending on which exercise it is.

I had/have this problem too. It's mostly a matter of just doing too high of a weight for that volume. Personally, this is the one place where I took some liberties with the 5/3/1 routine and am instead doing only 3 sets of 15 reps instead of 5 sets of 10-20. I found the volume was just too much and it was taking too long to get through my 2-3 small accessory lifts.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ok I got terrible news. Apparently I can't do shit right because of my body limitations

I can't do real squats- only on smith machine is it possible
Bench pressing is a problem because I can't have the perfect form
Deadlift, same form problem

I got problems with the form with pretty much everything. Machines are my best friend here

So my question is:

Will I be able to build solid muscle with not so heavy weight?

You'll have a lot of gaps in your strength and you won't build everything in unison, increasing the risk of injury as you go through heavier weights, your underdeveloped bits won't be able to handle it and you'll hurt yourself and be set back even more.

Why is it you can't do squats? Is it the physical bit?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I had/have this problem too. It's mostly a matter of just doing too high of a weight for that volume. Personally, this is the one place where I took some liberties with the 5/3/1 routine and am instead doing only 3 sets of 15 reps instead of 5 sets of 10-20. I found the volume was just too much and it was taking too long to get through my 2-3 small accessory lifts.

It is taking some time, especially my damn tricep extensions. Since I'm going 1 db at a time, it's the time of 10 sets. Waaaah~
Ok I got terrible news. Apparently I can't do shit right because of my body limitations

I can't do real squats- only on smith machine is it possible
Bench pressing is a problem because I can't have the perfect form
Deadlift, same form problem

I got problems with the form with pretty much everything. Machines are my best friend here

So my question is:

Will I be able to build solid muscle with not so heavy weight?

wait are you serious?

J. Bravo

Ok I got terrible news. Apparently I can't do shit right because of my body limitations

I can't do real squats- only on smith machine is it possible
Bench pressing is a problem because I can't have the perfect form
Deadlift, same form problem

I got problems with the form with pretty much everything. Machines are my best friend here

So my question is:

Will I be able to build solid muscle with not so heavy weight?

If your body is limiting you, maybe you should stretch. Because the way you say that makes me think that your mobility is too shit to do anything.

Or maybe you should just go and try the lifts at a light weight until you get them.
You'll have a lot of gaps in your strength and you won't build everything in unison, increasing the risk of injury as you go through heavier weights, your underdeveloped bits won't be able to handle it and you'll hurt yourself and be set back even more.

Why is it you can't do squats? Is it the physical bit?

My neck, left side of upper body and the right side of my pelvis are really stiff
If your body is limiting you, maybe you should stretch. Because the way you say that makes me think that your mobility is too shit to do anything.

Or maybe you should just go and try the lifts at a light weight until you get them.

I dont think I can improve my mobility all that much. Had a car accident, underwent major operations and spent 6 months in hospital

The right side of the pelvis area is made of metal....
Will be starting at roughly 215-220lbs, will eventually cut down to 235-240lbs.

This is my goal, minus the traps.

That's what 6'1" 240lbs looks like.

at like 10% ish. Nasty man, I hope you get there.

That would be so good to be at. I think I'm shooting for 240 @ 13% for this summer. Then another year of a slow bulk/cut and try to be 240 @ 10%.
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