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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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It's engineering school. All my friends who have graduated say that real 9 to 5 jobs, even if the commutes are terrible, are less of a time commitment than this was.

I know that feel. I went to an engineering school too. I do basically what your friends outlined. However, I still had more free time in college.


Gold Member

Trying to fix my squat problems.

I have finally concluded after recording many videos of my 'squats' that the main problem is that I start the movement from my knees, my knees go way, way too forwards because I have never had a concept of what it feels to 'sit back', in fact doing so feels completely alien and when trying it I often lose my balance and tip backwards.

My knees coming front, as I have done all my life to reach places low, causes my weight come off my heels, rounds my back and gets the bar path off the whack - all my squat problems. This video really hit it home to me what I am doing wrong.

I have now started to practice this with wall squats, pictured. I guess I have to just do hundreds of these to rewire my system. Depth will be then the next focus once I get into balance.


Had my first really bad workout in a long time. I've been away on a business trip for a week, got a stomach flu the last two days, and spent 12 hours driving home yesterday. Had stiff joints today, but still felt good enough to go to the gym. But once I started working out the energy just evaporated, and I had nothing to give. Went home after half an hour, and have been dizzy and aching ever since. Dammit, I always get sick during those trips. Time to relax.


Shit I have to deal with at my gym. Think I might not renew my contract.

We no longer have any dumbbells from 100-120 that can be used because they've all been taken apart/removed.

It's been like this since January.


I know I talk down on Gold's, but I can usually count on them to fix their equipment in a very timely manner

my goodness I've hit curlbro mode, got Hugh Jackman legs. Lol i swear the angle and socks make it look even worse than it already is

gonna throw out my whole routine and start following one of the OP's plans this sunday


Ok this is gonna sound dumb, but file it under bigorexia or body dismorphia, but do you ever feel like one area of your body is way too small but it's probably being overshadowed by another part?

Like I feel like I have teeny tiny arms but I also have. A bigger chest and upper back in proportion to them

My legs man. My legs are bigger than most peoples but compared to my rather large wide upper body, they seem small.


So, I've gone from my cut to just saying screw it and going into full 70s big bulk mode. Post workout just ate a large pizza and 15 chicken poppers.....I may regret this.

Been eating between 4k and 4.5k calories a day for probably the last 2 weeks.

I know I talk down on Gold's, but I can usually count on them to fix their equipment in a very timely manner
I know right? It's the manager really. I talked to my buddy who works the night shift and he basically told me she's going crazy with having a kid so nothing gets done anymore.

Although funny thing is, one the cable machines broke last week and it was fixed in a day. Priorities I guess?

Fuck that.


So, I've gone from my cut to just saying screw it and going into full 70s big bulk mode. Post workout just ate a large pizza and 15 chicken poppers.....I may regret this.

Been eating between 4k and 4.5k calories a day for probably the last 2 weeks.

It is fall/winter.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

What the shit?

Edit: Ah, he choked himself out. I damn near did this last night actually.

"For those of you concerned, Martin stood up and walked away, he simply racked the bar too close to his wind pipe. Martins PB is 172.5kg, he dumps his front squats on the ground every session. He didnt "miss" this weight, he simply fainted. I'll post up a vid of him making 180kg next week."


Goddamn I suck at balancing college with lifting. Always wind up losing so much sleep to finish work, and then I either perform like shit next lifting day or just plain miss workouts cause I sleep through classes and make my subsequent work harder.

How have I survived this many years here....

It's engineering school. All my friends who have graduated say that real 9 to 5 jobs, even if the commutes are terrible, are less of a time commitment than this was.
I know that feel. It requires a lot of time management and you can't let shit snowball because it'll wreck you, as you are probably experiencing. My best friend in the same major managed to balance lifting, college, and tutoring for three years so far (we're on our fourth year). Another good friend, that I got to work with over the summer, balanced lifting, college, and running the AIChE chapter as VP for the last two to three years. Gotta work on it! :)

I'm a different case, I can balance college and lifting only because I'm taking 4 classes/semester now. The above are aiming for a Masters
I feel inferior

I'm curious, what kind of engineering are you majoring in?
I know that feel. It requires a lot of time management and you can't let shit snowball because it'll wreck you, as you are probably experiencing. My best friend in the same major managed to balance lifting, college, and tutoring for three years so far (we're on our fourth year). Another good friend, that I got to work with over the summer, balanced lifting, college, and running the AIChE chapter as VP for the last two to three years. Gotta work on it! :)

I'm a different case, I can balance college and lifting only because I'm taking 4 classes/semester now. The above are aiming for a Masters
I feel inferior

I'm curious, what kind of engineering are you majoring in?

Mechanical. Last year unless I fuck up very badly.


Finally got my Inzer lever belt in! Thing is solid and sturdy, the only thing is that, around my lower belly, the thing lines up with the last holes in the belt. Meaning there is tons of room to go smaller/tighter, but I can't go bigger (I don't plan to get bigger). Wondering if I should return it for a size larger or just keep this one. It seems like it would fit nicely though on the holes it does line up with..


I really love and hate my gym, all these juiceheads at my gym are giving me a skewed idea of how I look. I think I look skinny because I keep seeing all these 270lbs monsters with their cro magnon brows, veins in their veins and HGH guts, but after I get out of the gym and I'm on line at Stop & Shop the lady working the register just stares at me and says "You are so buff". This isn't a stealth brag, but damn body dysmorphia is legit, the weights I'm putting up now would have me looked at like a DemiGod at my former gym, yet I'm pretty much middle class at this gym lol.

I tried to get a pic of the guy that benched 495lbs for reps since he looks like a Battletoad with a Gorillas head slapped on it, his brow ridge is crazy, the amount of roids he's on could probably kill an Elephant.
We'll get through it!

And I'm reminded that job searching will also cut into our time.

Yeah I've been thinking about that too.... doubt my phone's browser is compatible with half the career sites in the world or I'd be tempted to search for jobs in between sets at the gym. I guess that's fortunate that gym time (when i successfully make it there) can be one time that I don't beat myself up over my work).

Speaking of homework and gym time, I'm taking a class on measurement and instrumentation that, while the most boring thing to ever exist, allows us to design our own term project. The class's sensor collection includes EMG sensors for muscle activity so I'm going to turn lifting into my deluxe college-level science project over the next few months. Yay multitasking?

my goodness I've hit curlbro mode, got Hugh Jackman legs. Lol i swear the angle and socks make it look even worse than it already is

gonna throw out my whole routine and start following one of the OP's plans this sunday

upper body looking beastly

lower body.... I'm going to attribute to a bad angle. It's what I tell the ladies anyway.

I really love and hate my gym, all these juiceheads at my gym are giving me a skewed idea of how I look. I think I look skinny because I keep seeing all these 270lbs monsters with their cro magnon brows, veins in their veins and HGH guts, but after I get out of the gym and I'm on line at Stop & Shop the lady working the register just stares at me and says "You are so buff". This isn't a stealth brag, but damn body dysmorphia is legit, the weights I'm putting up now would have me looked at like a DemiGod at my former gym, yet I'm pretty much middle class at this gym lol.

I tried to get a pic of the guy that benched 495lbs for reps since he looks like a Battletoad with a Gorillas head slapped on it, his brow ridge is crazy, the amount of roids he's on could probably kill an Elephant.

It is like that here too. While I'm not on your level, I get comments from everyone that I'm a big dood. Huge and all that. In the gym? Hey, who is that skinny 250 lbs punk?


Yeah I've been thinking about that too.... doubt my phone's browser is compatible with half the career sites in the world or I'd be tempted to search for jobs in between sets at the gym. I guess that's fortunate that gym time (when i successfully make it there) can be one time that I don't beat myself up over my work).

Speaking of homework and gym time, I'm taking a class on measurement and instrumentation that, while the most boring thing to ever exist, allows us to design our own term project. The class's sensor collection includes EMG sensors for muscle activity so I'm going to turn lifting into my deluxe college-level science project over the next few months. Yay multitasking?

Using Internet on your phone at the gym? That's some crazy stuff at my university gym lol. They blocked all reception in the gym to prevent people talking and going on the Internet on their phones. And that assignment sounds pretty cool! I'd be interested in looking at that even though I'm a ChemE haha. Keep me posted.

Treadmill part was pretty funny. I'm surprised he used a smith machine without going eww.
Using Internet on your phone at the gym? That's some crazy stuff at my university gym lol. They blocked all reception in the gym to prevent people talking and going on the Internet on their phones. And that assignment sounds pretty cool! I'd be interested in looking at that even though I'm a ChemE haha. Keep me posted.

Yeah we've got signs all over asking you not to talk on em but there's no rule about pulling it out between sets as far as I can tell.


I keep getting this sharp pain in my left shoulder during my low bar squats. I feel like maybe it's a shoulder flexibility problem. Doesn't affect my lifts, just... really uncomfortable. Pain goes away about an hour after working out. Anyone with a similar experience?


the piano man
Sorta hopping on the pic train - BF% estimations anyone? I'm thinking like 17%. 5'10" 170lbs

those are nice progress pics, the "tear" above your knees in the leg pics is pretty visible and upper body looks nicely trained. Regarding BF, that's exactly what I'd say, I think I look the same as you from my back... how do you deal with that little extra fat on your sides and lower back? I hate it :/

A tip regarding leg pics, try pointing your feet completely to the outside (like that ballet position). That exposes your quads a lot more than front position.

by the way epic beard, fits nicely with your smooth upper body.

Chittagong said:
all my squat problems. This video really hit it home to me what I am doing wrong.

are the good reps in that video really that good? he seems to round his back and have some butt wink in reps 1 and specially 3, it's just a little bit, but for someone claiming "this is good" in the internet, I expected a textbook representation..... is that o.k in a low bar squat or am I imagining things?

people have got to understand once and for all that in order to squat ass to grass you have to feel like you are twerking, you offer your ass to the ground like a whore, don't hide it, don't curve it, just put it out there. Don't fear, there are no hidden dildos or anything on the floor, lol

my goodness I've hit curlbro mode, got Hugh Jackman legs. Lol i swear the angle and socks make it look even worse than it already is

gonna throw out my whole routine and start following one of the OP's plans this sunday

nice upper body here! nice arms :) and the leg thing is maybe due to the socks and long shorts, the socks wrap your calves making them look smaller.


Decided to start UD2.0 on tuesday. For those doing it/who have done it, could you post your routines? Did you do it exactly like Lyle laid out or did you use different exercises etc?

Any other tips I should know?
Man I'd be mad as hell if I was at the mercy of the gym playlist, took my earphones off to say hi to a friend and what the hell they lettin justin beiber contaminate the whole establishement FOH


people have got to understand once and for all that in order to squat ass to grass you have to feel like you are twerking, you offer your ass to the ground like a whore, don't hide it, don't curve it, just put it out there. Don't fear, there are no hidden dildos or anything on the floor, lol

Unless your Frank Yang, because he does indeed put a dildo, sometimes a 2L soda bottle on the floor.


. how do you deal with that little extra fat on your sides and lower back? I hate it :/

Wondering the same thing as well. I'm happy with the BF around the rest of my body, but that section is a bother. Running doesn't seem to help. I just added swimming into the routine yesterday. Maybe that will help? I don't know.


So yesterday was DL day, and I reached my old DL max I had a year ago, 5x132.5. I've been working up to this all summer. Grip was so solid, I chose to pull the subsequent 5x120 work set with a straight grip and that also went fine. (And then I was pumped enough that I randomly did a couple of turkish getups with a 24kg kettlebell, haha.) From here on out, everything I put on the deadlift bar makes a new PR!

It's starting to look like I might hit my goal of double bodyweight 1RM (about 160) before Christmas.

I'll try to remember to get some video of my squats to make sure the form is OK before the weights get heavier. I'm now up to 5x92.5, goal is 1.5 bodyweight 1RM (about 120).

Still haven't used belts, and I should probably get on that. I was originally sold the general idea that not using equipment = more usable power, but I have read the arguments for belts specifically and have become convinced that they are an exception. It's more important for the squat than for the DL, right?


Wondering the same thing as well. I'm happy with the BF around the rest of my body, but that section is a bother. Running doesn't seem to help. I just added swimming into the routine yesterday. Maybe that will help? I don't know.

You just need to get leaner since you can't spot reduce. That is just one of the last places you will lose fat.


You just need to get leaner since you can't spot reduce. That is just one of the last places you will lose fat.

Yeah, I keep trying to keep that in mind; I'm just impatient. Well, it came off the stomach for the most part, so I guess it's only a matter of time :)
A tip regarding leg pics, try pointing your feet completely to the outside (like that ballet position). That exposes your quads a lot more than front position.

by the way epic beard, fits nicely with your smooth upper body.

TY sir for the beard compliments and the posing advice, when the journey is over I will post a full range of pics.

those are nice progress pics, the "tear" above your knees in the leg pics is pretty visible and upper body looks nicely trained. Regarding BF, that's exactly what I'd say, I think I look the same as you from my back... how do you deal with that little extra fat on your sides and lower back? I hate it :/

I squeeze the fuck out of it whenever I get hungry or feel the urge to bulk and say "Abs by Christmas you fat fuck!" XD

Seriously though that's the "stubborn fat" area on most men and I'm sure I will be no different. It's probably compounded by the fact that it's the "old" fat from when I was a whale in middle school and eating mostly cheese, cookies 'n cream, and chicken mcnuggets as a kid. It's nothing but grease and trans-fats in there and I expect it's gonna take something above and beyond to shed it, like UD2 or the Stubborn Fat Solution.

BUT, I'm not lean enough to be considering that just yet, the body takes fat from wherever it can get it easiest, and I've still got plenty available. We'll see how I look when I get around 12%.


thinking about going to the olympia, but I dont think I wanna go for both days. I might just go tomorrow only as I'm sure the booths will wanna get rid of all their stuff before the con ends. I don't care about the actual show, I'll probably stream it if I have nothing to do.

Just finished my push workout. Looking at a recording of my bench, I see how slow the bar speed is after passing the usual sticking point. I might need to start doing heavy pin presses. Not sure what other accessory workouts I can do.
Man I'd be mad as hell if I was at the mercy of the gym playlist, took my earphones off to say hi to a friend and what the hell they lettin justin beiber contaminate the whole establishement FOH

The free weight area of my gym has a separate radio station than the rest of the gym. It's always on the local rock station. Headphones every day for me though.

Any good protein powder deals of 5lb tubs? Almost out of ON.

Vitamin Shoppe has Bodytech BOGOHO on 5lb tubs. It's not the greatest protein ever but at that price it was worth it for me



Last couple months I've been doing strictly body weight excersises. My arms look great, I have an almost visible 6 pack. 4 pack is def there.

But, my legs feel small. I used to have a lot of fat on them and I feel like some of the fat is still on my butt and upper legs. My calfs look tiny.
Do I have to join a gym to get my legs in good shape, or are body weight squats and high jumps good enough?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Last couple months I've been doing strictly body weight excersises. My arms look great, I have an almost visible 6 pack. 4 pack is def there.

But, my legs feel small. I used to have a lot of fat on them and I feel like some of the fat is still on my butt and upper legs. My calfs look tiny.
Do I have to join a gym to get my legs in good shape, or are body weight squats and high jumps good enough?

Legs are strong motherfuckers. To get them to pop you need to squat heavier weight than what you're carrying around. You don't NEED a gym for it, but you need some serious weight.


Legs are strong motherfuckers. To get them to pop you need to squat heavier weight than what you're carrying around. You don't NEED a gym for it, but you need some serious weight.
Damn I don't have space/money for a set of weights.
But I guess I'm gonna have to go back to the gym.


Legs are strong motherfuckers. To get them to pop you need to squat heavier weight than what you're carrying around. You don't NEED a gym for it, but you need some serious weight.
Legs are strong motherfuckers - I like that.

I've read and mostly agree that anyone who can squat 225lbs has the strength to pistol squat (though perhaps not the mobility). They are still different enough movements that they are not truly interchangeable but it demonstrates the limits pistol squats have on stressing the leg muscles.

So Mr. Swag, if you are just doing body weight squats and high jumps for legs - might I suggest pistol squats if you are looking for something new for your legs? Or if that's what you are doing already, maybe hill sprints or stadium step sprints? None of these suggestions are quite like the barbell back squat, but they require very little equipment (though a squat rack is probably cheaper than a stadium).


Legs are strong motherfuckers. To get them to pop you need to squat heavier weight than what you're carrying around. You don't NEED a gym for it, but you need some serious weight.

Not necessarily. Dancers, for example, can have large, well-defined legs, and many don't cross train with weights. Or, at least, I don't. I mainly do Pilates. And while I'd never say I had monster legs, I can't fit into skinny or even "slim" jeans.

I couldn't tell you the science of it all, but I do know what I've done. Hundreds of different movements from plié variations to arabesques to simple leg raises forward and back to sauté jumps to etc. Challenging myself not with added weight, but with new or different forms and difficult positions.

Oh, and yoga. Especially from this guy (Mark Gonzales) or this guy (DuncanYoga) or this guy. Been doing yoga like that since I was 10, and they used to have a daily yoga program on the Oxygen channel. I figure those guys I linked be doing something right, because you'll feel it in your legs after they're finished with you.


I'm gonna attempt that one leg squat excersise.

Lately I've been running less, is that a good decision? Does running twice a week kill leg muscle growth


I'm gonna attempt that one leg squat excersise.

Lately I've been running less, is that a good decision? Does running twice a week kill leg muscle growth

Not necessarily. It can effect your recovery which can effect muscle growth. But with you running only twice a week, that probably wouldn't be an issue. And the type of running that you do (endurance vs. sprints) will effect how the muscles develop.

For muscle growth, though, I'd worry more about my calorie count.
Not necessarily. Dancers, for example, can have large, well-defined legs, and many don't cross train with weights. Or, at least, I don't. I mainly do Pilates. And while I'd never say I had monster legs, I can't fit into skinny or even "slim" jeans.

I couldn't tell you the science of it all, but I do know what I've done. Hundreds of different movements from plié variations to arabesques to simple leg raises forward and back to sauté jumps to etc. Challenging myself not with added weight, but with new or different forms and difficult positions.

Oh, and yoga. Especially from this guy (Mark Gonzales) or this guy (DuncanYoga) or this guy. Been doing yoga like that since I was 10, and they used to have a daily yoga program on the Oxygen channel. I figure those guys I linked be doing something right, because you'll feel it in your legs after they're finished with you.

I've heard, and I cannot really defend this as truth, lies, or broscience, but that calves and other muscles tend to respond well to high rep/low weight lifts, such as 10-minutes of bodyweight calf raises (slow and controlled; 2 seconds up, hold 2 seconds, 2 seconds down) every day. This approach is supposedly capable of growing very large calves, much larger than you'd get with heavily weighted 3x5 calf raises. That's the conventional wisdom I have heard from sources (which, I suddenly cannot remember where exactly). So, it wouldn't surprise me if there are other muscle groups around the body, even other parts of the legs, that can see good results from body weight exercises as well.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not necessarily. Dancers, for example, can have large, well-defined legs, and many don't cross train with weights. Or, at least, I don't. I mainly do Pilates. And while I'd never say I had monster legs, I can't fit into skinny or even "slim" jeans.

What kind of dancing are you doing brah?

lol some guy is going HAM in this crossfit thread about kipping, and is challenging people to a max muscle-up contest

Yeah that dude is kind of like what happens to the crazy Ninthings on gaming-side if they have a workout program.


So Layne Norton is still pursuing legal action against Jason Blaha. His research is not above criticism so I'm not sure why that is in the legal documents, it's antithetical to scientific protocol, so much for the 'data'. I can understand going after him for jason slandering Layne by saying he doesn't believe Layne is natural, but it's an opinion. I think Layne should just explain via youtube video how he's gotten to where he is, but explaining 198 lbs and shredded at 5'10" is beyond suspect, so he's choosing to bully Jason into submission. Youtube drama.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So Layne Norton is still pursuing legal action against Jason Blaha. His research is not above criticism so I'm not sure why that is in the legal documents, it's antithetical to scientific protocol, so much for the 'data'. I can understand going after him for jason slandering Layne by saying he doesn't believe Layne is natural, but it's an opinion. I think Layne should just explain via youtube video how he's gotten to where he is, but explaining 198 lbs and shredded at 5'10" is beyond suspect, so he's choosing to bully Jason into submission. Youtube drama.

Stupid shit. I hope Jason never stops making videos. His words keep me grounded and realistic and puts a lot of shit in perspective. He's one of the most influential people, to me, that made me cut through all the bullshit and separate nutritional fact from the shit other people are selling you. He's not perfect but he's important.
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