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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Good luck bronzewolf! I know juggling a pivotal school work and gym can be really overwhelming. My last semester of my undergrad I was taking 20 something credits and could barely make time for gym.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
~1.5 month bulk progress.





Gained 4-6 solid pounds.

170 pounds, here I come.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Jeeze Boogie!! Keep bulking. Great progress. Especially for 1.5 months!

It's really evident in your shoulders.


holy fuck these women competing in the olympia are franco columbo size. what in the fuck.

Their testosterone levels are probably higher than all of us combined.

It's funny how the Olympia has turned into a freaks show that is so far removed from reality that they had to create a Physique Olympia so that people who actually look like human beings could participate.


I don't know what weight class Dana Lynn Bailey is, but she seems really cool. Plus even with the drugs she's on, she doesn't look androgynous. I can admire just how fucking shredded she is, but It's not really something I find 'hot at all' really.

Their testosterone levels are probably higher than all of us combined.

It's funny how the Olympia has turned into a freaks show that is so far removed from reality that they had to create a Physique Olympia so that people who actually look like human beings could participate.

Noema with the real talk.


i'm not even exaggerating. if we could time travel with these mutants to the 70s, they'd dwarf the pumping iron crew at golds gym, venice beach CA. it's retarded. and im not even talking about the male competitors.


The power of HGH and insulin

Yeah, people always relate Steroids to bodybuilding and yes, they take steroids by the truckload.

But what really makes the freaks is the HGH.

I was watching the Jay Cutler mini documentaries in BB.com yesterday and I kept thinking "how could anyone ever relate to this guy? Why would anyone ever aspire to be like him? How could anyone ever find him inspirational?" I don't mean it in a disrespectful way, but it's truly mind boggling how bodybuilding has been twisted and distorted into this bizarro world of 5'7" 280lb 3% bodyfat abominations. It's pretty much the male version of this:


It's something that exists in a void of perceptions so twisted that it can only feed back onto itself, because no one would ever really want to look like that, yet it lies at the heart of an industry that preys upon the insecurities of thousands by selling something that's entirely fabricated.

Who'd ever think someone like Lou Ferrigno or Arnold could ever look small? And they were already on steroids! They already had physiques that are probably unattainable naturally, and if someone with that look stepped on the Olympia stage today, they'd be booed off the stage.


You'd think the point at which these guys thighs got so big that they stopped being able to walk correctly would have at least made them stop and think. How can the perfect body be one that doesn't even function right?

It really does look like these guys have muscles on their muscles. Those traps are redonkulous.


what exactly does this mean? what is "it" (that which demonstrates the limits pistol squats have was stressing leg muscles.
Your post is referencing an incomplete thought that I didn't not finish typing out, lol. Better late than never.

I meant to say that someone who can barbell back squat 225lbs will have the strength to pistol squat. If they can't they are generally hindered by a lack of mobility, not strength. Someone who only trains the pistol squat and other bodyweight squats, however, doesn't necessarily have the strength to back squat 225lbs. The barbell back squat has more carryover into the pistol squat than the inverse equation because the squat stresses the core musculature at a far greater level that you'll miss out on that without adding resistance above the waist to your squats.

and regarding the 225lbs comment, why is that weight a particular reference for pistol squats? I did complete PS for reps before I even started squatting...dunno :/
I use the weight as a rule of thumb rather than something set in stone. Personally I tried a pistol squat one day many years ago and failed miserably. I didn't try to squat on one leg for months after that. In the interim I trained my back squat, and when I tried the pistol squat again I succeeded on my first attempt. The only difference was that I built my strength up with the barbell squat. I'm sure this rule of thumb could be easily broken with, say, a 300lbs lifter who can squat 225lbs. Anecdotally I found that people who exclusively pistol squat had to build up their strength to back squat two plates and that most people who could squat two plates with a full ROM simply lacked the balance to hold a pistol in place. Still the 225lbs reference isn't a strict rule by any means.

In the topic of PS, I have been wanting to do some tutorial for it because all videos I've seen in youtube either are from guys with terrible form or can't really teach it (lack of preparatory exercise and such) or they have great form but are crossfit gym owners what massive legs who, again, can't teach it because they just do it casually..
Al Kavadlo almost exclusively trains in bodyweight movements, and has a decent tutorial here:
Good luck bronzewolf! I know juggling a pivotal school work and gym can be really overwhelming. My last semester of my undergrad I was taking 20 something credits and could barely make time for gym.
Thanks brah! Undergrad wasn't too hard for me. GradSchool is kicking my sore ass...

Good enough Workout

Front Squat 230 3x3 OK!
OHP 137.5 5/4/4 Almost there!
DL 375 3/2 I tried to do 5RM but couldn't lift the 4th so I just did 2 other sets. I am so close to nailing it.

Anyway, anyone cares to gauge my bf%, I got bottom page'd



Yeah, people always relate Steroids to bodybuilding and yes, they take steroids by the truckload.

But what really makes the freaks is the HGH.

I was watching the Jay Cutler mini documentaries in BB.com yesterday and I kept thinking "how could anyone ever relate to this guy? Why would anyone ever aspire to be like him? How could anyone ever find him inspirational?" I don't mean it in a disrespectful way, but it's truly mind boggling how bodybuilding has been twisted and distorted into this bizarro world of 5'7" 280lb 3% bodyfat abominations. It's pretty much the male version of this:


It's something that exists in a void of perceptions so twisted that it can only feed back onto itself, because no one would ever really want to look like that, yet it lies at the heart of an industry that preys upon the insecurities of thousands by selling something that's entirely fabricated.

Who'd ever think someone like Lou Ferrigno or Arnold could ever look small? And they were already on steroids! They already had physiques that are probably unattainable naturally, and if someone with that look stepped on the Olympia stage today, they'd be booed off the stage.

Yeah, I look at these pro bodybuilders, hell some of the people in my gym and say to myself "Why would anyone want to be built like that?".

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Deadlifts 185 1x5 Successful
Squats 125 3x5 Successful
Bench Press 95 3x5 Successful....these are really hard for me for some reason.

I'm glad I was able to get that behind me so I can study for exams this weekend. 200lb Deads here I come.
Deadlifts 185 1x5 Successful
Squats 125 3x5 Successful
Bench Press 95 3x5 Successful....these are really hard for me for some reason.

I'm glad I was able to get that behind me so I can study for exams this weekend. 200lb Deads here I come.

Nice, keep it up. 200 lbs in now time.

As for me, I am totally swamped this weekend so I did something I've never done before in preparation; yesterday, I did my bench day of 5/3/1 around 10 AM, then did my squat day of 5/3/1 around 6 PM. I actually feel really good this morning and was able to get through my complete routine for both lifting sessions. It probably helped that I ate a bit more the day before, day of, and I'll eat a bit extra today to make sure I'm no where near being nutrient deprived.
Really impressed Oogie, nice work.

Man guys. I need to stop lifting at 2-3AM. What the fuck is wrong with me? It's not like they're bad workouts, they're great, just I feel like a weirdo.
Really impressed Oogie, nice work.

Man guys. I need to stop lifting at 2-3AM. What the fuck is wrong with me? It's not like they're bad workouts, they're great, just I feel like a weirdo.

I often lift between 11pm and 1am. You get the gym all to yourself and everything is nice and quiet. Plus i seem to have good workouts at night.

Just think about it like this, it's only weird if there is someone else around to see it :p.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Really impressed Oogie, nice work.

Man guys. I need to stop lifting at 2-3AM. What the fuck is wrong with me? It's not like they're bad workouts, they're great, just I feel like a weirdo.

Get outta that MMO schedule and you'll change!


So i've been away for a while, but i finally got things sorted out. On carb nite, i was weak at the gym, and the diet didn't work well for me at all. So i read up on real ketosis, and started doing that, and since then i've been doing very well. I started at 293.5, and im down to 264 as of this morning, and i switched to 5/3/1 at the gym, and that has been going very well also. I do TKD where i have 20-30g of Dextrose 30 min before i hit the gym, and by the time i am out and finish my shower, im back on keto. Its been working out very well, and i now dont go nuts on my accessories, just do 2-3 a day and thats it.

So thanks everyone for the help. Now that im keto adapted, i really love it, i dont know if i'd ever leave this diet at this point, its so easy and i eat so well. Also i just got 4 boxes of quest bars, they really help.

Oh CT scan results were clear, no brain aneurysm yet, had to call them and ask, they don't usually notify you unless there is something wrong...

Great news, was pulling for you.

~1.5 month bulk progress.



Gained 4-6 solid pounds.

170 pounds, here I come.

Look amazing man, keep it up.
So, I want your guy's view on this. My gym just recently dropped their personal trainer prices, and are now offering sessions once a week for $35. Each session is an hour long, once a week, and involves both weight lifting and cardio. Thing is that if you sign up for it, it has to be a year-long commitment.

So, on the one hand it's $140 a month for twelve months, and if I needed to back out for whatever reason I would need to pay an early termination fee. On the other hand I kinda feel like I would benefit a lot from having a trainer that can gauge where I am, and while the fee is pricey, I probably spend more than that on fast food every month, so I would just need to be more careful with my expenses.

What do you guys think?


the piano man
So, I want your guy's view on this. My gym just recently dropped their personal trainer prices, and are now offering sessions once a week for $35. Each session is an hour long, once a week, and involves both weight lifting and cardio. Thing is that if you sign up for it, it has to be a year-long commitment.

So, on the one hand it's $140 a month for twelve months, and if I needed to back out for whatever reason I would need to pay an early termination fee. On the other hand I kinda feel like I would benefit a lot from having a trainer that can gauge where I am, and while the fee is pricey, I probably spend more than that on fast food every month, so I would just need to be more careful with my expenses.

What do you guys think?

a bad trainer would be disastrous in this scenario. paying for poor guidance? that's terrible

can you tell a bad trainer from a good one?? if yes, then go for it. If not, avoid like the plague.


So, I want your guy's view on this. My gym just recently dropped their personal trainer prices, and are now offering sessions once a week for $35. Each session is an hour long, once a week, and involves both weight lifting and cardio. Thing is that if you sign up for it, it has to be a year-long commitment.

So, on the one hand it's $140 a month for twelve months, and if I needed to back out for whatever reason I would need to pay an early termination fee. On the other hand I kinda feel like I would benefit a lot from having a trainer that can gauge where I am, and while the fee is pricey, I probably spend more than that on fast food every month, so I would just need to be more careful with my expenses.

What do you guys think?

Not worth it IMO. You don't need a trainer to guage where you're at.

What are your goals?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So, I want your guy's view on this. My gym just recently dropped their personal trainer prices, and are now offering sessions once a week for $35. Each session is an hour long, once a week, and involves both weight lifting and cardio. Thing is that if you sign up for it, it has to be a year-long commitment.

So, on the one hand it's $140 a month for twelve months, and if I needed to back out for whatever reason I would need to pay an early termination fee. On the other hand I kinda feel like I would benefit a lot from having a trainer that can gauge where I am, and while the fee is pricey, I probably spend more than that on fast food every month, so I would just need to be more careful with my expenses.

What do you guys think?

No way, not for a whole year. That's exorbitant.
I'm going to stop comparing myself to people at my roid factory of a gym, will make life easier.

I've been trying to do as well. Was at a WWE house show last night and the only thing I kept on doing was compare myself to the wrestlers. I got a long way to go. Kinda depressing lol

~1.5 month bulk progress.





Gained 4-6 solid pounds.

170 pounds, here I come.

You look great man. Can definitely see a difference.

Impressive work - actually, at 185, that's more than impressive. I'm 270 and I Crossfit (uh-oh), but thankfully I'm at a gym that pulls from all sources, not just Crossfit. We use Starting Strength, we have an Olympic weightlifting club, a Barbell Club and a Rowing Club. We actually had an Olympian who won a bronze medal in the 2012 games come and give us some training as well for a bit (Christine Girard). She was fantastic.

Here are my numbers:

Muscle up - still working on this, but I think I need to shed some weight to get multiples
565lb Deadlift (working on getting to 600 by next summer)
345lb Bench (injured my elbow, so next time I test, this will hopefully be a little closer to your 370 !!)
245lb OHP
515lb x 3 Squat

Any tips for maintaining (preferably increasing) strength while shedding pounds would be greatly appreciated. 225 bodyweight is my goal. I don't supplement, used to do the paleo thing and saw good results, just haven't been disciplined enough to stick to it for the past little while.

Edit: Thought I should add - bodyfat is at 20.3%. And Christine did a clean and jerk at about 300lbs to get the bronze. At 140lbs. Her quads are out of this world.

God damn. 270 @ 20% is fantastic. The numbers are impressive as well. Keep it up man!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Most of my weight gain has actually been in my legs, which you can't see. My hamstrings in particular have taken on decent size.


So, I want your guy's view on this. My gym just recently dropped their personal trainer prices, and are now offering sessions once a week for $35. Each session is an hour long, once a week, and involves both weight lifting and cardio. Thing is that if you sign up for it, it has to be a year-long commitment.

So, on the one hand it's $140 a month for twelve months, and if I needed to back out for whatever reason I would need to pay an early termination fee. On the other hand I y like I would benefit a lot from having a trainer that can gauge where I am, and while the fee is pricey, I probably spend more than that on fast food every month, so I would just need to be more careful with my expenses.

What do you guys think?
your body would probably benefit more from cutting out all of that fast food and saving money than spending that same amount on a PT


I wanted to say something, but everything is in Pound here and i feel so out of place :(

Hello everyone, been lifting for 9 years, but i've stopped actively trying to gain weight, too much hassle to follow diets and shit. I gain 3-4 Kilos (9-10 pounds) through autumn-winter-spring, then lose them in august when i stop going to the gym for 3-4 weeks (yeah 27 years old and still that fast of a metabolism fml).
I'm happy with my figure right now and i still go to gym very regularly (3 times a week, sometimes 4), so can't complain . Been changing routines every 2 months so that i still get to try different things and not get too fixated on a single kind of movement for each muscle.

I think i'll upload a photo just to show how i look right now to compare to how i'll look when i'll get to my usual body weight (still 6-7 pounds to go). Keep in mind i have very thin bones (T-value of -4.2, heavy hosteoporosis, basically my bones are half as thick as normal ones, and this make my ideal body weight 20 pounds or so under the average for my height), so i look extremely thin even if i'm pretty strong (bench over 160% of my body weight for example). I have to be very wary of excercises that involve my back because of that too, so squat very little weight and do long repetitions.

Will post whenever i get something of notice going on! Have changed gym lately and i've noticed apparently everyone is homosexual in this one, which make me a bit uncomfortable as i've been asked already to go to the sauna lol


Stopped at my old college today which is now a university. They completely re-did the gym. 3 really nice power racks, a DL stage and bumper plates. Plus the bars were awesome.
I wanted to say something, but everything is in Pound here and i feel so out of place :(

Hello everyone, been lifting for 9 years, but i've stopped actively trying to gain weight, too much hassle to follow diets and shit. I gain 3-4 Kilos (9-10 pounds) through autumn-winter-spring, then lose them in august when i stop going to the gym for 3-4 weeks (yeah 27 years old and still that fast of a metabolism fml).
I'm happy with my figure right now and i still go to gym very regularly (3 times a week, sometimes 4), so can't complain . Been changing routines every 2 months so that i still get to try different things and not get too fixated on a single kind of movement for each muscle.

I think i'll upload a photo just to show how i look right now to compare to how i'll look when i'll get to my usual body weight (still 6-7 pounds to go). Keep in mind i have very thin bones (T-value of -4.2, heavy hosteoporosis, basically my bones are half as thick as normal ones, and this make my ideal body weight 20 pounds or so under the average for my height), so i look extremely thin even if i'm pretty strong (bench over 160% of my body weight for example). I have to be very wary of excercises that involve my back because of that too, so squat very little weight and do long repetitions.

Will post whenever i get something of notice going on! Have changed gym lately and i've noticed apparently everyone is homosexual in this one, which make me a bit uncomfortable as i've been asked already to go to the sauna lol

Hi Fit-gaf,

I started going to my school gym and have been having a good time. I normally do 20 min of cardio to warm up and then use random weight machines for 40-50 minutes.

My question is this: is there any disadvantage to using weight machines versus free weights/barbells?

I use the machines because they're convenient and I don't have to worry about a spotter. Am I hampering myself this way? Should I change my routine or not worry about it?
I am fairly nooblike to the whole thing, only been 3 times now. Thanks.


You and I seem to have a similar frame, man. How much do you weigh?

60 Kilos for 1.72 m

That's hmm 132.277357 pounds for 5 feet 7 inches.

I get to 62-63 Kilos (140 pounds) in the spring (from January to early June, then i start lose some during the summer since i tend to eat less and lift less for the heat, and get to 58-59 Kilos in early september).


Hi Fit-gaf,

I started going to my school gym and have been having a good time. I normally do 20 min of cardio to warm up and then use random weight machines for 40-50 minutes.

My question is this: is there any disadvantage to using weight machines versus free weights/barbells?

I use the machines because they're convenient and I don't have to worry about a spotter. Am I hampering myself this way? Should I change my routine or not worry about it?
I am fairly nooblike to the whole thing, only been 3 times now. Thanks.

20 mins of cardio are a lot, most people i know (me included) do 10 at most, and then train for cardio on a separate day. Those are people who all lift to gain weight though.

About machines vs weights. It isn't a big difference, i suppose if you don't use machines you'll learn about form too, and you tend to train more muscles. This can be important if you suffer from bad postures and all, since machines tend to be very muscle-specific while you can train your body to have a better posture too with free weights/barbells excercises.
An example is doing shoulders while you stand up with weights, compared to doing it while sitting on a machine, if you do it while standing with a correct form you'll train your lower back muscles and strain less your back in general. The same is true for many other excercises.

It's not something you should worry too much imho. Also, if there's an instructor (a competent one i hope), ask him about what muscles you should train more, as often people have unbalanced muscles for example they have 0 lower back from sitting all day. A nice looking body comes a lot from having balanced muscles between front and back.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hi Fit-gaf,

I started going to my school gym and have been having a good time. I normally do 20 min of cardio to warm up and then use random weight machines for 40-50 minutes.

My question is this: is there any disadvantage to using weight machines versus free weights/barbells?

I use the machines because they're convenient and I don't have to worry about a spotter. Am I hampering myself this way? Should I change my routine or not worry about it?
I am fairly nooblike to the whole thing, only been 3 times now. Thanks.

Machines mostly work independent muscles, barbell works the whole movement and is far more comprehensive.

Put someone on a machine bench for a year, and he can put up some big numbers - alright. Put that same dude under a barbell and SURPRISE! some of his muscles that weren't getting worked due to the movement end up putting that guy in some serious injury.

There are disadvantages but there's good spots to them too. However starting out I recommend a couple things:

Get under a barbell if you can
Knock off the 'random' stuff and get a program, get something where you can measure your progress. The OP has what you need brother!

Be efficient!


Hello fitness GAF, very new to this whole fitness thing. Never been fat, but I have never been fit either.

Age: 24
Height: 178cm / 5.10
Weight: approx 64kg / 140 lbs
Goal: I don't have a weight goal, just want to get stronger and as a bonus, confident

I've been going at this whole being fit thing since July. Gradually stepped up from working out once a week to five times a week. Started feeling worse a month or so in, and realised it must've been my diet so I looked on here and actually read up on everything. I've been calorie counting and supplementing with extra carbs and protein to keep it up. Taking the weight gain gently I think as I've always been skinny, and doing a big calorie hike might eb a bit too much.

My current regime is basically what I feel like on the day. I have martial arts on Fridays but the rest of the week I am just doing squats, push ups, sit ups and pull ups at home. I have a bar and dumbells, but only weights up to 20KG. I've not got the strength to go past those yet (I bicep curl 10KG 10 times max at the moment) but I will have to get some more soon.

One thing I am struggling with is the 40:30:30 thing. I have very significantly cut out fat from my diet (it was around 60-70%) but I'm finding it difficult to consume more protein than carbs. My diet currently is now generally 60% carbs, with a 20/20 split. Most foods that are good for protein have as much or more carbs. As a result I'm regularly below my protein goal, because my carb goal is through the roof quickly.

Below is current photo (tensing though), I didn't think to take a before photo because I never expected to be doing as well as I have but I've found one from a year back which shows roughly how I was like.

I gotta tell ya I love what weightlifting is doing for my posture.

Standing and sitting straight is becoming a second nature these days. I used to wake up every morning and feel my bones creak. These days that issue is a thing of the past.


One thing I am struggling with is the 40:30:30 thing. I have very significantly cut out fat from my diet (it was around 60-70%) but I'm finding it difficult to consume more protein than carbs. My diet currently is now generally 60% carbs, with a 20/20 split. Most foods that are good for protein have as much or more carbs. As a result I'm regularly below my protein goal, because my carb goal is through the roof quickly.

At your weight you'd do fine with 115g protein / day, which should be pretty easy to get. If your goal is gaining muscle / strength and not cutting bodyfat, I wouldn't stress the 40:30:30 ratio if you find it difficult to find carb-free protein sources (I assume you're a vegetarian?)
or do wacky stuff that would qualify for a spot in a "Ackward gym moments" video, XD
Haha, I have to admit. When I'm alone in the gym, that's when I tend to do those crazy Oogie style bodyweight things. No one to laugh every time I fail!

Get outta that MMO schedule and you'll change!
Ugh this is the truth. FFXIV has been killing my social life.

Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Most of my weight gain has actually been in my legs, which you can't see. My hamstrings in particular have taken on decent size.
No joke read this as "between my legs". I think I need get something out of my system.

J. Bravo

today sucked, only got 190 for 5 on bench. good thing I decided to check the 90% box when getting my numbers today because I was lifting on 5.5 hours of sleep right after a 3 hour shift taking care of 50 screaming children while only having eaten a bowl of golden grahams, a piece of cold pizza, and my preworkout.

I'm gonna sleep well tonight.
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